This photo I found on was originally much more graphic — so I cloaked part of these girls’s bodies. (Alexander Platz is a major square in downtown Berlin.)
As a cheeky power demonstration, Muslims in Berlin occupy an open street to hear a guttural sermon about Allah
This was the original photo, of human trafficking of white sex slaves, which bothered me a lot:
I wrote underneath these comments:
Shocking — at first I thought “What is this porno photo doing here?” — but the fact is that this is the truth about the future white women face.
But the faces of the woman in the center and left should not be neutral. That still makes it soft porn.
But realistically, now that I think about it, these white women actually would be beaten by the slave auctioneer if they did not act neutral or even smile.
If they cried or seemed miserable, the owner would be furious, because he wants to sell them as something fun and tempting to his camel-nosed male clients.
It has struck me in reading a kind of online novel by the German female comrade Charlotte Stein on vk (the almost censorship-free Russian answer to Facebook that I use daily) her dread that even if Trump does not start World War Three,
the other realistic doomsday scenario that the German people now dread is a race war by muslims against white Germans, where the muslims have all the weapons — and the judaic Merkel state helps them to literally conquer, enslave or exterminate the whites.
(As for England, Nick Griffin and Jack Sen have pointed out that the British Army is just 100,000 men and there are five MILLION muslims in Britain, many of them with knives and worse weapons — and Sen has said that Polish criminals have been smuggling actual firearms to the British muslims.
And remember that both the mayor of London (Saddiq Khan)
and the Home Secretary [interior minister/Homeland Security Secretary] (Sajid Javid) are Pakistani muslims!)
There can be no doubt at all that Jewry is using Islam for raw, brutal street power to crush the whites physically in their towns and cities.
For hundreds of years, Jews and Muslims have worked together to run sex-slave markets. This is not a fantasy but bitter reality.
I was talking this morning to a Ukrainian comrade.
In the religion I am creating people will finally clearly see their own folly and insanity. Margi and I watched a webinar last night with Eckhart Tolle, who is my great mentor in spiritual things. (This is his paid course, which we are not taking, but I would recommend it:
There just would be no war or hate at all if people were not literally insane! Esp. when I see the Jews getting kindred peoples like the Slavic brothers, Ukrainians and Russians, or the Poles and the Russians, to hate and kill each other.
It is not hyperbole but literal, medical, clinical insanity to see a mortal danger approaching and still do nothing.
And no one actually should hate Islam (and its secret backer, Jewry, and their George Soros-ian open-borders policy) more than educated, feminist white women!
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