Comment on my “America in the Fifties” article

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A German comrade read this article and commented:

How we were, a white, proud and innocent country

The photos are expressive and appealing. Before and during this period, as well as in the subsequent fading decades of ” functioning America” (1960s, 1970s), the U.S. was in its heyday. Photos, feature films, and documentaries from that time still give a sense of the power and dynamism and vitality of that time, as well as the all-encompassing beauty that was evident everywhere, in the architecture, in the parks, in the everyday objects, in the mental attitude and confidence of the people of that time, etc.


San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge

Palace of Fine Arts in SF

1935: the nearly completed Hoover Dam


Empire State Building

The USA of that time was a great synthesis or marriage of the folk souls of the white European peoples until the 1950s.

Illustrating this, a few translated excerpts from a central article of the year 2016, which takes apart the fighting term “racism” as well as contains future prognoses and refers especially also to the USA of the 1950s as well as to Rhodesia and Europe, (since everywhere the same effects): Michael Winkler, “Rassismus (14.9.2016)” [“Racism”] , still available here[*], among other places. The article shows, on the basis of today’s USA (2016), that the implementation of the Coudenhove-Kalergi [race-mixing]  plan has failed. One should actually translate the whole article and republish it, but I don’t know whether that would be legally permissible. It should be noted that in the rest of Germany (FRG) live about 50% foreigners (about 40 million, now probably more), the situation is in every respect comparable with the U.S., the official figures and statistics and the issuance of FRG identity cards, of course, try to conceal this.


“[…] Worldwide racism is directed against whites. In the U.S., if a black person doesn’t make it through high school, it’s not because he’s stupid or lazy, it’s because of white racism. If another black person just makes it through college, with all the exceptions and preferential rules, that is white racism. If blacks are given preferential hiring, that’s white racism. If blacks have low incomes, it’s not because of Jewish Wall Street banks, it’s white racism.

When Germany takes in masses of “refugees,” whites accuse other whites of racism because these “refugees” have not yet gotten housing and jobs. When Muslims bash each other’s heads in and a few come to Germany to live here at the expense of Germans, the Germans are racists. If Africa produces surplus masses of people that it cannot provide for, the racist Europeans are supposed to take in these masses of people.

To see what “race” means, let’s just look at Rhodesia. This was a country where the blacks were oh so terribly oppressed. Blacks had to work on white people’s farms, and Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa because agriculture produced multiple surpluses. Today, Southern Rhodesia is called Zimbabwe. A black man named Robert Mugabe took power there. He came up with the brilliant idea of taking away the white farmers’ land and giving it to the blacks. If the blacks had just continued to work as before, everything would have been fine. Instead, they let the farms fall into disrepair, and hardship and scarcity broke out in the country. Probably because of the white racists who, after the black land grabbers had beaten them to death, no longer wanted to work on their expropriated farms. On the Internet you can find pictures of the villa of this Mr. Mugabe, in the style of Versailles.

At the end of the colonial era, there was a functioning administration in Africa, there were railroads and infrastructure. When the evil white racists left the countries, the administration fell into disrepair and the infrastructure crumbled. Money was available, the white supremacists paid for it in the form of development aid. […]

After the Africans have ruined their own countries, they are now pushing to Europe. However, not to work there in subordinate positions, because that would be racist. They demand equality, but not in work, but in wealth. The evil white racists should pay for them, should simply give away what they and their ancestors have worked for. But since prosperity only comes into being if it is continuously maintained and increased by work, it can be foreseen that the mere squanderers cannot maintain this prosperity.


Cecil Rhodes; Rhodesia; what Jim Baker told my dad


Consider the richest, most powerful, and most productive country of the 20th century, today’s Impoverished States of America. Around 1950, the U.S. was unchallenged and number one in the world by a wide margin. The U.S. was then a white country, with a white majority population. And yes, there were racial barriers then, toilets for non-whites, separate bus seats for non-whites, the Ku Klux Klan, and all the other phenomena that white racists still hold against us today. The domination of the U.S. even then was exercised by the predominantly Jewish banking and media corporations. In the fight against racism was implemented what honorable Jewish friends and Zionists proposed for Germany and Europe: The thinning out of the white population. Coudenhove-Kalergi wanted to create the Eurasian-Negroid mixed race, Hooton to flood the country with cultural aliens in order to breed away the ‘warrior genes’.

The U.S. has regressed since then. Walk through your home today and you’ll discover great evidence of technological progress. But nothing that wouldn’t have been around in 1950. The great new flat screen with ultra-HD may have been a clunky box with a flickering picture tube back then, but it had already been invented. Your cell phone at the time hung on the wall, had wires and a dial, but the telephone had already been invented. Your PC may be infinitely more powerful, but the computer also existed in 1950. Washing machine, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner – at that time they were luxury appliances, but already invented. We are no longer experiencing a new creation, only a refinement.

Between 1850 and 1900, between 1900 and 1950, many things changed, technical development was rapid. That was the time of European supremacy, the time of the white race. In the USA, we see the effects of the Kalergi Plan: Whites have become a minority, and Blacks and Latinos form a majority. Only the Jewish banking and media houses still exist, and the government is made up mostly of Jewish officials. The mixed race has already emerged, and the Jewish aristocratic race, which is to rule over the mixed race, we also see.

What we still see are decaying industrial cities, poverty and misery. 50 million Americans are living on welfare, no longer contributing to their own livelihood. The national debt keeps reaching new records, 17 trillion dollars […] have already been officially exceeded. Future government liabilities are estimated at up to 200 trillion. Accordingly, there is much to be done for the Jewish aristocracy that has run the country down. The USA is still a military colossus, but as an economic power it is rather negligible. China has long since outstripped them. Europe is stagnating only because here, too, the plans of the honorable gentlemen Hooton, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Kaufmann, Morgenthau and Ehrenburg are being pushed forward.

[…] The racism of the whole world seeks to live like whites, but not to work or think like whites. […] Kalergi’s Eurasian-Negroid mixed race cannot maintain our present technical civilization, and the Jewish noble race has proved in the USA that it cannot do it either. If the plans are implemented, mankind will be set back by thousands of years. And in a thousand generations the races form again anew, because Europe remains Europe, as well as Africa and Asia, as North and South America.

So what is this nonsense about? The only race that will actually perish are the Jews. Not the Semites, they will remain in their ancestral habitat, but those Jews who believe they rule the world as a noble race will necessarily die out. The mixed race becomes ungovernable when the misery spreads. The mixed race is not adapted, consequently it will pay a high blood toll when the civilization of the Whites has collapsed. Those who expected the land of milk and honey in Europe will not be able to pull the plow when the white peasants have died out. What happened in Rhodesia, what we are witnessing in the USA, is the projected future for Europe, when the hatred of the Whites, the racism of the other races, will be allowed to live out.

This lesson will have to be learned by all racists, all those who despise the Whites. Oh yes, the Whites have made mistakes, they have not understood to let the other races live according to their peculiarities. The blessings of white medicine have caused overpopulation in Africa, the blessings of white technology have caused wars to become more extensive and destructive. The attempt to teach blacks in the colonies how to farm has failed. The attempt by blacks to gain all the advantages of whites, without work, effort and learning, will also fail. Europe can feed 600 million Whites, but not 200 million Blacks and Muslims, no matter whether these are “immigrant” invaders or the new inhabitants of the continent. To try is to invite famine and pestilence.

One component I have left out so far: the mental, the spiritual component […]

Mankind has reached the end of the line. Maybe not today, but the end is nevertheless foreseeable. Billions of people are superfluous, are too numerous in the world. Nature will correct this, by epidemics and famines. The whites, who alone can find a solution, because Europe has consulted them in this respect, are in the minority, and they are attacked everywhere as racists. If whites wanted to introduce massive birth control, it would have to happen in India, in Africa, in the Islamic countries. But whites are accused of that being racism. The white population of Europe has long since stopped reproducing without restraint; they are showing reason. But this reason is one-sided, it is seen as racism.

[Note from the commentator “Beobachter”, 2021: Tragically, under the guise of health care, the background powers have meanwhile managed that the remaining Whites now mass-suicide themselves worldwide [via the Covid vaccine] in the hundreds of millions, while the more pristine non-Whites still hear their warning inner voice (guardian angel) and refuse to take part in this “spectacle”.]

We can’t let the nice little negro children with the big googly eyes starve to death… Yes, we can and we will.

*** JdN


Either now, or they die in the civil war, in the fight for global survival. A grasshopper is a graceful animal, which we can definitely attest aesthetics. A billion locusts, hjowever, are a swarm, a biblical plague that eats everything bare and threatens our lives. Four wives and two soccer teams of offspring may have been necessary in Mohammed’s time to compensate for the losses of Islam’s constant wars, but in today’s world this is a method of committing suicide. The “immigration” to Europe shows that the Islamic countries can no longer cope with this increase. The outflow to Europe delays the end, lets it become all the more extensive for it. If Europe cannot help because it itself is suffering from the collapse, no one in the world will help. Poor little Negro children with the big googly eyes – you will die, with or without our help.

Apart from the fact that the charitable-donation organizations, which show us little negro children with big googly eyes, first of all are filling their own pockets, the development looks like this: In twenty years, nice little Moorish children will become specialists for civil war and rape, intruders in Europe. Or in 20 years they will give birth to more little Moor children with big googly eyes, then five or eight pairs of eyes will look at us.

After all, the multiplication rate is not solved with donations; they only make sure that these children bring even more children into the world – although this happens much faster, because the parents of these children already continue the production uninhibitedly when the children are supplied from the outside. Dear Greens [Green Party, “Die Grünen”], if you like to prohibit so much, then please there, where the problems arise, not with us!

Yes, racism is a major, worldwide problem. But not with us, but with those races that misbehave, that become a greater and greater burden on the planet. The Whites have had the planet in order, they have shown other peoples of the earth how a life in prosperity would be possible. For this they have reaped the hatred of the other races, those racists who do not begrudge the Whites for having adapted more successfully than others. When Jewish “philanthropists” like George Soros incite people to hate Whites, it is not only sedition, but mass murder, because the non-Whites cannot survive without the Whites. Not in Africa, not in Muslim countries, not in India. Japan and China should make it, South America perhaps, but the USA will go down with the Whites. Canada, Russia and Australia as white bastions can build up the world again after the Eurasian-Negroid mixed race and the Jewish noble race a Coudenhove-Kalergi have been carried off.


The extremely readable article goes even further, with most sections omitted here.


  1. America (USA) lived well off the swag they took from Germany after 1945. However, the destruction they caused to Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria has now caught up with them. Look at it this way, they brought it on themselves

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