Comrade has sinister EMP dream

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Night sky after the Starfish Prime EMP test

(A comrade with an excellent blog wrote me:) I had a dream the other night that Trump’s neocons staged a high-altitude nuclear EMP false flag. They blame it on North Korea

And all the data on the Internet was destroyed, but I saw it coming — and had backed up my data.

When the Internet is put back up it is now restricted for only the official narrative. All the alt media is banned….



Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley I had a dream about eight years ago of a nuclear attack on Leeds in the UK which is next to my city. The dream shook me because it felt more of a premonition than a dream.
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Layne Lawless
Layne Lawless It sounds likely. I shall place my data in EMP-safe Faraday cages.
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Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley I once had a dream of two rats talking to each other asking questions about me. One rat was a journalist. It was at that moment that a journalist had infiltrated the BNP (UK) in Bradford (UK). The dream was a premonition that came true and I certainly believe in them.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Interesting………..

Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley John de Nugent I’m a big fan of Carl Jung.
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Andrew Kelley
Andrew Kelley wow. I too had a dream of a ‘nuclear’ detonation of some kind, but I cannot figure out where, what, when and why. I still do not know what to think of it. I have told no one until this moment, but the dream was so intense it rattled me. At this point I will not be surprised at any desperate insane attempt for total control, and the erasing of the truths of History. ak
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Arthur Bentley
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John de Nugent
Arthur BentleyArthur Bentley I am convinced it is going to go nuclear between Russia and NATO. I can’t stop thinking about it. Like John, I believe in reincarnation and the thought of being reborn into a radioactive swamp gives me the shivers.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Only cowards and liberals would be sentenced to rebirth in such a nightmarish world.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent This article (which is also an advertisement…) says North Korea could launch a “satellite” which is actually a nuke, and detonate it over the US to do an EMP on the United States.…/expert-north-korea-has-emp-attack…/

Americans have become accustomed to a steady flow of ¦

Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley I wish they would drop it on Israel. Problem solved.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent “Today, if just one of these 500 kiloton bombs like the Mark 18 were detonated 300 miles above the central United States, the economy of the country would be essentially destroyed instantaneously. Very little of the country’s electrical or electronic infrastructure would still be functional. ….It would likely be months or years before most of the electrical grid could be repaired because of the destruction of large numbers of transformers in the electric power grid. “

John de Nugent

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John de Nugent
John de NugentThis was the first image that President Kennedy saw in 1962, and it warned him that the Soviets were likely building an ICBM system on the island of Cuba. It was the Soviet SA-2 anti-aircraft missile system, with six launchers and a command center in the middle.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent…/cuban-missile-crisis…/ This one image showed him the Soviets were protecting something else that was BIG, and it started the thirteen-day “Cuban Missile Crisis.” (The hexagram (Star of David) is obvious.)

Deenot Yeboem
Deenot Yeboem An EMP is fine with me as long as my credit card debt is erased.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent It might even take down Zuckerbook!
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