Confessed “economic hit man” John Perkins on rape of Greece; people getting worse and crazier daily; Rebel of Oz on the new, jew-free Rebel Bank

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…..”Greece is being ˜hit,’ there’s no doubt about it.”



2157 Views July 03, 2015 9 Comments

“Greece is being ˜hit’, there’s no doubt about it,” exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that “[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy ¦ today we have a global empire, and it’s not an American empire. It’s not a national empire ¦ It’s a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule.

John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, discusses how Greece and other eurozone countries have become the new victims of “economic hit men.”

John Perkins is no stranger to making confessions. His well-known book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, revealed how international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, while publicly professing to “save” suffering countries and economies, instead pull a bait-and-switch on their governments: promising startling growth, gleaming new infrastructure projects and a future of economic prosperity “ all of which would occur if those countries borrow huge loans from those organizations. Far from achieving runaway economic growth and success, however, these countries instead fall victim to a crippling and unsustainable debt burden.

John            PerkinsJohn Perkins

That’s where the “economic hit men” come in: seemingly ordinary men, with ordinary backgrounds, who travel to tcountries and impose the harsh austerity policies prescribed by the IMF and World Bank as “solutions” to the economic hardship they are now experiencing. Men like Perkins were trained to squeeze every last drop of wealth and resources from these sputtering economies, and continue to do so to this day. In this interview, which aired on Dialogos Radio, Perkins talks about how Greece and the eurozone have become the new victims of such “economic hit men.”

Michael Nevradakis: In your book, you write about how you were, for many years, a so-called “economic hit man.” Who are these economic hit men, and what do they do?

John Perkins: Essentially, my job was to identify countries that had resources that our corporations want, and that could be things like oil “ or it could be markets “ it could be transportation systems. There’re so many different things. Once we identified these countries, we arranged huge loans to them, but the money would never actually go to the countries; instead it would go to our own corporations to build infrastructure projects in those countries, things like power plants and highways that benefitted a few wealthy people as well as our own corporations, but not the majority of people who couldn’t afford to buy into these things, and yet they were left holding a huge debt, very much like what Greece has today, a phenomenal debt.

“[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy ¦ today we have a global empire, and it’s not an American empire. It’s not a national empire ¦ It’s a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule.”

And once [they were] bound by that debt, we would go back, usually in the form of the IMF “ and in the case of Greece today, it’s the IMF and the EU [European Union] “ and make tremendous demands on the country: increase taxes, cut back on spending, sell public sector utilities to private companies, things like power companies and water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically become a slave to us, to the corporations, to the IMF, in your case to the EU, and basically, organizations like the World Bank, the IMF, the EU, are tools of the big corporations, what I call the “corporatocracy.”

And before turning specifically to the case of Greece, let’s talk a little bit more about the manner in which these economic hit men and these organizations like the IMF operate. You mentioned, of course, how they go in and they work to get these countries into massive debt, that money goes in and then goes straight back out. You also mentioned in your book these overly optimistic growth forecasts that are sold to the politicians of these countries but which really have no resemblance to reality.

Exactly, we’d show that if these investments were made in things like electric energy systems that the economy would grow at phenomenally high rates. The fact of the matter is, when you invest in these big infrastructure projects, you do see economic growth, however, most of that growth reflects the wealthy getting wealthier and wealthier; it doesn’t reflect the majority of the people, and we’re seeing that in the United States today.

“In the case of Greece, my reaction was that ˜Greece is being hit.’ There’s no question about it.”

For example, where we can show economic growth, growth in the GDP, but at the same time unemployment may be going up or staying level, and foreclosures on houses may be going up or staying stable. These numbers tend to reflect the very wealthy, since they have a huge percentage of the economy, statistically speaking. Nevertheless, we would show that when you invest in these infrastructure projects, your economy does grow, and yet, we would even show it growing much faster than it ever conceivably would, and that was only used to justify these horrendous, incredibly debilitating loans.

Is there a common theme with respect to the countries typically targeted? Are they, for instance, rich in resources or do they typically possess some other strategic importance to the powers that be?

Yes, all of those. Resources can take many different forms: One is the material resources like minerals or oil; another resource is strategic location; another resource is a big marketplace or cheap labor. So, different countries make different requirements. I think what we’re seeing in Europe today isn’t any different, and that includes Greece.

What happens once these countries that are targeted are indebted? How do these major powers, these economic hit men, these international organizations come back and get their “pound of flesh,” if you will, from the countries that are heavily in debt?

By insisting that the countries adopt policies that will allow us to build military bases on their soil. Many things can be done, but basically, they become servants to what I call the corporatocracy. You have to remember that today we have a global empire, and it’s not an American empire. It’s not a national empire. It doesn’t help the American people very much. It’s a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule. They control the politics of the United States, and to a large degree they control a great deal of the policies of countries like China, around the world.

[JdN: Come on, John, use the dreaded J-word. 😉 ]


Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, which cooked the books to get Greece into the euro zone



John, looking specifically now at the case of Greece, of course you mentioned your belief that the country has become the victim of economic hit men and these international organizations . . . what was your reaction when you first heard about the crisis in Greece and the measures that were to be implemented in the country?

I’ve been following Greece for a long time. I was on Greek television. A Greek film company did a documentary called “Apology of an Economic Hit Man,” and I also spent a lot of time in Iceland and in Ireland. I was invited to Iceland to help encourage the people there to vote on a referendum not to repay their debts, and I did that and encouraged them not to, and they did vote no, and as a result, Iceland is doing quite well now economically compared to the rest of Europe. Ireland, on the other hand: I tried to do the same thing there, but the Irish people apparently voted against the referendum, though there’s been many reports that there was a lot of corruption.

“That’s part of the game: convince people that they’re wrong, that they’re inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly good at that.”

In the case of Greece, my reaction was that “Greece is being hit.” There’s no question about it. Sure, Greece made mistakes, your leaders made some mistakes, but the people didn’t really make the mistakes, and now the people are being asked to pay for the mistakes made by their leaders, often in cahoots with the big banks. So, people make tremendous amounts of money off of these so-called “mistakes,” and now, the people who didn’t make the mistakes are being asked to pay the price. That’s consistent around the world: We’ve seen it in Latin America. We’ve seen it in Asia. We’ve seen it in so many places around the world.

This leads directly to the next question I had: From my observation, at least in Greece, the crisis has been accompanied by an increase in self-blame or self-loathing; there’s this sentiment in Greece that many people have that the country failed, that the people failed . . . there’s hardly even protest in Greece anymore, and of course there’s a huge “brain drain” “ there’s a lot of people that are leaving the country. Does this all seem familiar to you when comparing to other countries in which you’ve had personal experience?

Sure, that’s part of the game: convince people that they’re wrong, that they’re inferior.

The  corporatocracy is incredibly good at that, whether it is back during the Vietnam War, convincing the world that the North Vietnamese were evil; today it’s the Muslims. It’s a policy of them versus us: We are good. We are right. We do everything right. You’re wrong. And in this case, all of this energy has been directed at the Greek people to say “you’re lazy; you didn’t do the right thing; you didn’t follow the right policies,” when in actuality, an awful lot of the blame needs to be laid on the financial community that encouraged Greece to go down this route. And I would say that we have something very similar going on in the United States, where people here are being led to believe that because their house is being foreclosed that they were stupid, that they bought the wrong houses; they overspent community that encouraged Greece to go down this route. And I would say that we have something very similar going on in the United States, where people here are being led to believe that because their house is being foreclosed that they were stupid, that they bought the wrong houses; they overspent themselves.

“We know that austerity does not work in these situations.”

The fact of the matter is their bankers told them to do this, and around the world, we’ve come to trust bankers “ or we used to. In the United States, we never believed that a banker would tell us to buy a $500,000 house if in fact we could really only afford a $300,000 house. We thought it was in the bank’s interest not to foreclose. But that changed a few years ago, and bankers told people who they knew could only afford a $300,000 house to buy a $500,000 house.

“Tighten your belt, in a few years that house will be worth a million dollars; you’ll make a lot of money” . . . in fact, the value of the house went down; the market dropped out; the banks foreclosed on these houses, repackaged them, and sold them again. Double whammy. The people were told, “you were stupid; you were greedy; why did you buy such an expensive house?” But in actuality, the bankers told them to do this, and we’ve grown up to believe that we can trust our bankers. Something very similar on a larger scale happened in so many countries around the world, including Greece.

In Greece, the traditional major political parties are, of course, overwhelmingly in favor of the harsh austerity measures that have been imposed, but also we see that the major business and media interests are also overwhelmingly in support. Does this surprise you in the slightest?

No, it doesn’t surprise me and yet it’s ridiculous because austerity does not work. We’ve proven that time and time again, and perhaps the greatest proof was the opposite, in the United States during the Great Depression, when President Roosevelt initiated all these policies to put people back to work, to pump money into the economy. That’s what works. We know that austerity does not work in these situations.


[JdN: Perkins, who is playing to a liberal audience, is wrong here: FDR’s policies did not work; Hitler’s did. Every historian and every American who lived 1929-1940 can tell you that only WWII got the US economy going again. Hitler did successful Keynesianism in peacetime and the German economy took off; in shocking contrast, FDR flopped miserably in his New Deal, mainly because the Fed insanely and wickedly reduced the money supply. The US  economy even slid right back into Depression in 1936! Meanwhile, the German economy was booming. Look at this video I created to see a people bursting with gratitude and with tears of joy in their eyes toward Hitler.


My video on how Hitler freed up the hardworking Germans to be prosperous again!

….. The Friend of the White Worker

My 2010 video, shot near Brackenridge, Pa. shows why Hitler was loved by the Germans: He brought 1) JOBS, 2) made the streets safe again, 3) stopped drugs and alcoholism, 3) promoted strong families without divorce, abuse, homo marriage or molesting, 4) he demanded only good,m clean books, music and movies be circulated to the public, and 4) he promoted genuine national pride based on success and hard work.

(This video — repeatedly hacked by Jews — deals with the worries real working-class people have about economic and psychological survival TODAY.)


“What I didn’t realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe.”

We also have to understand that, in the United States for example, over the past 40 years, the middle class has been on the decline on a real dollar basis, while the economy has been increasing. In fact, that’s pretty much happened around the world. Globally, the middle class has been in decline. Big business needs to recognize “ it hasn’t yet, but it needs to recognize “ that that serves nobody’s long-term interest, that the middle class is the market. And if the middle class continues to be in decline, whether it’s in Greece or the United States or globally, ultimately businesses will pay the price; they won’t have customers. Henry Ford once said: “I want to pay all my workers enough money so they can go out and buy Ford cars.” That’s a very good policy. That’s wise. This austerity program moves in the opposite direction and it’s a foolish policy.

In your book, which was written in 2004, you expressed hope that the euro would serve as a counterweight to American global hegemony, to the hegemony of the US dollar. Did you ever expect that we would see in the European Union what we are seeing today, with austerity that is not just in Greece but also in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and also several other countries as well?

What I didn’t realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe. We need to understand this. They may be happy enough with the euro, with one currency “ they are happy to a certain degree by having it united enough that markets are open “ but they do not want standardized rules and regulations. Let’s face it, big corporations, the corporatocracy, take advantage of the fact that some countries in Europe have much more lenient tax laws, some have much more lenient environmental and social laws, and they can pit them against each other.

“[Rafael Correa] ¦ has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don’t get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup.”

What would it be like for big corporations if they didn’t have their tax havens in places like Malta or other places? I think we need to recognize that what the corporatocracy saw at first, the solid euro, a European union seemed like a very good thing, but as it moved forward, they could see that what was going to happen was that social and environmental laws and regulations were going to be standardized. They didn’t want that, so to a certain degree what’s been going on in Europe has been because the corporatocracy wants Europe to fail, at least on a certain level.

You wrote about the examples of Ecuador and other countries, which after the collapse of oil prices in the late ’80s found themselves with huge debts and this, of course, led to massive austerity measures . . . sounds all very similar to what we are now seeing in Greece. How did the people of Ecuador and other countries that found themselves in similar situations eventually resist?

Ecuador elected a pretty remarkable president, Rafael Correa, who has a PhD in economics from a United States university. He understands the system, and he understood that Ecuador took on these debts back when I was an economic hit man and the country was ruled by a military junta that was under the control of the CIA and the US. That junta took on these huge debts, put Ecuador in deep debt; the people didn’t agree to that. When Rafael Correa was democratically elected, he immediately said, “We’re not paying these debts; the people did not take on these debts; maybe the IMF should pay the debts and maybe the junta, which of course was long gone “ moved to Miami or someplace “ should pay the debts, maybe John Perkins and the other economic hit men should pay the debts, but the people shouldn’t.”

And since then, he’s been renegotiating and bringing the debts way down and saying, “We might be willing to pay some of them.” That was a very smart move; it reflected similar things that had been done at different times in places like Brazil and Argentina, and more recently, following that model, Iceland, with great success. I have to say that Correa has had some real setbacks since then . . . he, like so many presidents, has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don’t get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup. There was an attempted coup against him; there was a successful coup in a country not too far away from him, Honduras, because these presidents stood up.

We have to realize that these presidents are in very, very vulnerable positions, and ultimately we the people have to stand up, because leaders can only do a certain amount. Today, in many places, leaders are not just vulnerable; it doesn’t take a bullet to bring down a leader anymore. A scandal “ a sex scandal, a drug scandal “ can bring down a leader. We saw that happen to Bill Clinton, to Strauss-Kahn of the IMF; we’ve seen it happen a number of times. These leaders are very aware that they are in very vulnerable positions: If they stand up or go against the status quo too strongly, they’re going to be taken out, one way or another. They’re aware of that, and it behooves we the people to really stand up for our own rights.

You mentioned the recent example of Iceland . . . other than the referendum that was held, what other measures did the country adopt to get out of this spiral of austerity and to return to growth and to a much more positive outlook for the country?

It’s been investing money in programs that put people back to work and it’s also been putting on trial some of the bankers that caused the problems, which has been a big uplift in terms of morale for the people. So Iceland has launched some programs that say “No, we’re not going to go into austerity; we’re not going to pay back these loans; we’re going to put the money into putting people back to work,” and ultimately that’s what drives an economy, people working. If you’ve got high unemployment, like you do in Greece today, extremely high unemployment, the country’s always going to be in trouble. You’ve got to bring down that unemployment, you’ve got to hire people. It’s so important to put people back to work. Your unemployment is about 28 percent; it’s staggering, and disposable income has dropped 40 percent and it’s going to continue to drop if you have high unemployment. So, the important thing for an economy is to get the employment up and get disposable income back up, so that people will invest in their country and in goods and services.

In closing, what message would you like to share with the people of Greece, as they continue to experience and to live through the very harsh results of the austerity policies that have been implemented in the country for the past three years?

I want to draw upon Greece’s history. You’re a proud, strong country, a country of warriors. The mythology of the warrior to some degree comes out of Greece, and so does democracy! And to realize that the marketplace is a democracy today, and how we spend our money is casting our ballot. Most political democracies are corrupt, including that of the United States. Democracy is not really working on a governmental basis because the corporations are in charge. But it is working on a market basis. I would encourage the people of Greece to stand up: Don’t pay off those debts; have your own referendums; refuse to pay them off; go to the streets and strike.

And so, I would encourage the Greek people to continue to do this. Don’t accept this criticism that it’s your fault, you’re to blame, you’ve got to suffer austerity, austerity, austerity. That only works for the rich people; it does not work for the average person or the middle class. Build up that middle class; bring employment back; bring disposable income back to the average citizen of Greece. Fight for that; make it happen; stand up for your rights; respect your history as fighters and leaders in democracy, and show the world!


…..All this is why we need the new Rebel Bank….to START by re-empowering individuals and families until we can finally take the judeokleptocracy down!

The Rebel of Oz explains the concept to radio host Clay Douglas:

Confessed “economic hit man” John Perkins on rape of Greece; people getting worse and crazier daily; Rebel of Oz on the new, jew-free Rebel Bank

The basic idea is to create a new bank based on millions of individuals kicking in just ten bucks, then lending usually small amounts so individuals and families can start or grow businesses, work for themself, cut their utility bills by putting solar and other cheap energy on their houses, etc.

And of course those who no longer are broke and have money again can support antizionist activists  and movements and take our suffering, angry, disgusted but now defeatist nations back!

As Perkins says above, they want us to feel bad and inferior for being poor!  They MADE us poor, Now we take back our economic POWER!  Rebel Bank!

Write me for more information. Don’t you agree that people, once intrigued and convinced, will kick in ten bucks to start getting real change? They know that we must change the money situation to get any other kind of change, such as our media or politicians!

As Tom Goodrich of the video and book Hellstorm wrote me: “white nationalism would sweep the world if WNs were not perpetually broke!” We have the truth that sets men free and solves their problems! But we all lack MONEY! The Rebel Bank is how to get back on our feet!


…..Report on the demos 

A Wash DC-area comrade who worked as a WN writer for five years just went back to work as a home remodeler. He told me “John, people here are actually a lot crazier than even five years ago.”

I wrote him back:

“I did a pretty disgusted blog on the topic of narcissism recently… and of course narcissism is not about self-confidence, which is good to have and needed for any daring project. It is about contempt for others and their value. One can certainly say Hitler had huge self-confidence, and for that matter so do I, and people I or we know, such as Vincent Reynouard, Willis Carto, Robert Faurisson, the late Eustace Mullins, etc.

But Hitler was always very respectful of the gifts and contributions of others, which is why he succeeded amazingly 1925-1941, and was crushed only by the massive quantitative superiority of the jew-led planet.

Here was the essay, if interested: ¦/the-staggering-vanity-and-narcis ¦/

But of course Wash DC is full of narcissists (egotistical “users”) of all ages…. 😉

“I’m so brilliant and special!”
I knew one of my closest family members was a narcissist when she ripped Confessions of an Economic Hitman apart. (She is married to a Latin American banker.) The truth is not important to a narcissist; just what is good for them, and what is good for her is being on good terms with banksters and keeping her $500K house in a ritzy jewish suburb, far from the blacks she claims she loves so.
  • John D. Nugent A comrade told me his son just got two years in prison for illegal drugs. I replied:
    “Sheesh…. the way I know you, you are a loving and conscientious dad, and you have done all you humanly could. You are not a god, but a mortal. Your son has free will and this universe is about that, free will. And reincarnation means our choices go with us.All human dignity is based on free will: we are not programmable robots, which would enable a peaceful but utterly dead world… He may be your son in this life, but he has had many lives before this one, and will have many more after it., probably with totally different parents. One must learn to cut the umbilical cord (especially hard for Italians, I know, from growing up with them) and meanwhile we must build a new national socialism for now, because your son’s wrong path, and disastrous imprisonment, are just one more manifestation of the total jew conquest of our nation.”

    He then told me his father is set in his ways and has given up fighting the Jews.

    I replied:

    Well, reincarnation means turning over a new leaf… Many get very set in their ways, in a mental rut.. So death of a give body liberates them from the rut and they start out with new parents, friends and circumstances. the old friends and influences are gone. It is all part of the divine plan. My father disinherited me, and my kids disowned me. My family now is my true friends in the cause.


    He answered:

    Well, my dad experienced Much turmoil in his experiences with the Jews growing up in New York city in the 1950s/60s. He had gotten so angry that one of his favorite pass-times as a kid was filling squirt guns with bleach and firing them at the Hasidics. He would laugh because, he said, they were so cheap they were still wearing the same bleached coats weeks later. 😉

    His beloved mother had taken sides with them and this fueled his hatred. He had spoken out and became active in the cause during the 1980s and ’90s. He had correspondance with Tom Metzger and Dr. Ed Fields and was an avid reader of every white nationalist periodical.

    But somewhere along the way he just gave up. He claimed the Jews’ grip was far too tight for any few men to loosen.

    I actually hope I can bring back a bit of his enthusiasm and get him to realize it will not always be such an uphill battle, and that we are gaining ground, albeit an inch at a time. But even small progress is better than none at all.

    I replied:

We need 1) the Rebel Bank to work and get economic power, and we need 2) the new religion to shed our cowardice and stop ZOG by any means necessary from quashing it.

ZOG will illegally, brutally sabotage anything “under color of law”: that would liberate the goys. ZOGlings have to understand we know where they live. It is that brutally simple.



…..My new .40 caliber Hi-Point, $150, Made in Ohio, USA!


I could not believe how it shot straight through an unused telephone pole, with a chunk of wood (talk about “exit wound”) coming out the back!  Warning: very heavy, and ugly like a Glock.



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….Please donate so we can have the Rebel Bank and the new religion to make us fearless


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John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

Facebook: John D. Nugent

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Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


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Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.

If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.

(Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me  — and Andrew Anglin and others — BUT I have several friends with PP………….. 😉 )



Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account.  When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.

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Put cash money on it at the checkout counter, go home, set up your account online, thensend me money from your card to mine via email to

(Every Mexican in America and every poor White person with no bank account knows how this works. 😉 )

 Greendot is found in every RiteAid, CVS, dollar store, Kmart, Walmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, and Radioshack in America  60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000..
You just buy one for $4.95 and take it to the cashier with the cash you wish to PUT on that card. (The minimum to put on is $20.)
The cashier takes the cash, puts it electronically on the card (like a temporary debit card) and hands it back to you.
“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)
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I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?






–July 4, 2015 from GM in Canada

–July 1, 2015 from AL in Colorado

–June 27, 2015 from JL in Australia

–June 26, 2015 from B. in Massachusetts

–June 23, 2015 books from C in Germany

–June 17, 2015 from PR in Australia

–June 16, 2015 von K.B. in San Francisco

–June 7, 2015 from L.L in Australia

–June 6, 2015 from P.L. in Georgia

–June 3, 2015 from AF in Michigan and from ML in Germany
–June 1, 2015 from B. in Chicago, Illinois
–May 31, 2015 from J.K. in South Carolina; from J.S. in the UK;  from G.D. also in South Carolina, and from S.J. in Ohio; book from SH in Idaho

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