Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has gifted her husband’s PR firm a staggering $3million since last year – including $1.1million during lockdown. Meanwhile the people of this nation are locked down and living on crumbs .

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by contributing writer, François Arouet
These are truly the end of times.
Where villains like Ilhan Omar are canonized by society and heroes like Donald Trump and John de Nugent are maligned.
Where Islamist terrorists can emigrate to our land, be encouraged to hate us, then get elected into government where they can harm us with impunity.
And make no mistake, the woman the Left laud as some sort of heroic figure, not only HATES our country and is doing her best to destroy her, but is getting FILTHY rich off us in the process.
How rich?
Since 2019 Ilhan Omar, the Islamist Somali Congresswoman from Minnesota, has paid her husband’s political consultancy firm $2.8million, her campaign finance records show.
The Demoncrat from Minneapolis, by way of the stunningly beautiful $hithole Mogadishu, literally GIFTED her third husband, Tim Mynett’s eStreet Group, $1.6million between 2019 and July 22 of this year as well as another $1.1million between July 22 and the end of September.
All the while we are locked in our houses by an out-of-control State and forced to survive on crumbs and government scraps.


And how was this money spent?
According to Omar’s campaign finance returns, the vast majority of expenditure to Mynett was used on digital advertising. Yes, digital advertising to win a constituency that is nearly 80% Somalian, that a dog named Mohammed could win without spending a penny on ads. That kind of cash can buy a whole lot of Facebook advertising! Just how much was actually spent on actual advertising is still unknown, as elected officials don’t need to reveal precisely how their expense money is spent.
During my investigation into Ms. Omar’s thievery, I stumbled across a video she gave MSNBC in the days following the November 3rd National Election.
During the on-air chat, Omar was asked how she felt after seeing the President “lose”. She gleefully boasted how wonderful it was to know she played a role in his defeat in Minnesota (what, by rigging the vote in your constituency, Ms. Omar?).
She continued by saying that she hopes that

“Trump now knows that you don’t pick a fight with a Somali woman.”

And here I thought she was grateful for us letting her filthy family into this country and she represented Americans.
Later in the interview, the illiterate moron who apparently has a degree from North Dakota University (woooo)  showed how thick she truly is by stating, and I am NOT kidding, “President Trump has lost because he attacked black women who have mobilized to rid him of our country.” Yes, “rid him of our country.”
I think the illiterate Third-World savage meant, “rid our country of him.”


Not so fast, kebab-for-brains.
Making matters worse is the fact that the benighted terrorist apparently graduated from North Dakota State University in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Studies, and was later named a Policy Fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
What in heaven’s name is happening to this country?


AOC has a degree in Economics from Boston University and this creature’s apparently a fellow at a major American university?
Not only did I feel the need to wash after watching the hijab-clad piece of excrement stumble her way through the 5-minute interview, my IQ dropped at least 10 points. 😉
And did the “journalist” ask the filthily corrupt Omar about the $2.8million she paid her equally corrupt husband?
You already know the answer to that….
In fact, I could not find one solitary American paper or major news network to have even broached this story.
About the only paper that touched it was the Daily Mail, a British center-right paper, which broke down Omar’s corruption for their audience and had this to say,
“Omar paid Mynett’s eStreet Group $1.1million between July 22 and the end of September, including $86,500 in consultancy fees and $2,700 on travel (pictured left together in March and right announcing their marriage on Instagram)
The two largest payments in recent months were $404,338.75, paid on July 7 for digital advertising, and another $289,759.58 on July 24 for cable advertising.
Between the start of July and mid-October – the latest date that records are available – Omar has paid eStreet Group a total of $86,500 for ‘digital consulting’ and ‘fundraising consulting’.
Other expenses include video production and editing and website production.
Mynett began working for Omar during the 2018 election – which she won by a landslide, running in a safe seat. The two began an affair during this time.
It is not known when Omar and Mynett, who were both married at the time, began their relationship.
However, a divorce filing by Mynett’s wife revealed the couple separated in April 2019 when he declared his love for Omar.
Mynett and his wife, who had been together since 2006 and have a 13-year-old son, got divorced in December last year after seven years of marriage.
Ilhan and Mynett divorced their respective partners late last year after an affair that had been ongoing since at least April, his wife claims (pictured together in May 2019)
Meanwhile Omar’s husband Ahmed Hirsi – whom she married in 2002 in an Islamic ceremony before remarrying him in a legally binding union in 2018 – divorced her in November last year.
The marriage is Omar’s third. After wedding Hirsi in 2002, she then married Ahmed Elmi in a civil ceremony in 2009.
The pair split in 2011 and officially divorced in 2017 when she remarried Hirsi.
There is speculation that Elmi is actually Omar’s brother and that the marriage was part of an immigration scam that saw him gain funding to attend North Dakota State University. The issue is currently being probed by the FBI.
Payments from Omar to Mynett’s company have also been the subject of at least one ethics complaint, but appear to be above-board.
Omar released a lengthy Twitter statement on the issue back in March, saying the couple had discussed their relationship with an FEC attorney, who told them it was permitted under the law.
Sixties-era federal anti-nepotism laws prohibit politicians from giving government jobs to family members, but do not block relatives from doing paid campaign work.
Richard Painter, chief ethics lawyer to George W. Bush, said back in July: ‘It should not be allowed.

I think it’s a horrible idea to allow it, given the amount of money that goes into these campaigns from special interests.’


End F.M. Arouet article



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