“Conservative” jew wants gun control — for you, not Israelis

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Cursed with the jewish gene for dwarfism, we see faux conservative Ben Shapiro at maybe 5’0″ in the middle with former SC governor (and Confederate flag-banner) and UN ambassador Niki Haley, who is 5’6″.

So Shapiro is the same size as was Saint Ruth of Ginsburg.

How goyim think….Boy, she was a hottie. She did so much for women, like getting them to kill their babies.

The jewier a jew looks, I have found over a 42-year period, the more likely he is to feel classic jewish resentment against Aryans.

And he HATES blond-and-blue-eyed. Over and over, Hollywood pushes blond villains.

Christopher Walken as a Bond villain, or as John de Nugent 😉

“Max Zorin” deals swiftly with objections:

Here is Andre Anglin’s good article on Shapiro pushing gun control for the goys.


But the poor Israelis need guns….


I experienced the-jewier-they-look-the-jewier-they-feel in encounters with Jewish Defense Organization types during my demonstration against the opening of the US Holocaust Museum in Wash DC in 1993.

The Park Police had a temporary fence up to keep them away from us, but man, it was like  a horror show: one plug-ugly, hook-nosed, Der Stürmer-type jew after another.

“The vaccination”by Dr Goldberg

If you wake up every morning as a jewish man and stare at your face in order to shave without cutting yourself, and see every frigging morning that same gigantic, semitic nose, the everted lower shovel-lip, and other features, it is a daily reminder to you that you are not an Aryan — and unless filthy rich, no hot white girl will have you.

The ultimate in neander-looking jews was, of course, the infamous founder of the violent JDL, Irv Rubin.

Look at Irv, dressed up all patriotic-like, a real conservative who luvs his Amurrikuh like Ben Shapiro.

For all who have seen this only semi-humorous graphic…. the chain of command as Reptile-Grey-Jew-Joe Sixpack… the jews hate me for this. 😉



Like most memes, it is impossible to determine who originally created it. In one instance, it was posted by a white supremacist named John de Nugent with the title “Illuminatus Jew Dumb American Burger” in its URL. 

In the original version of the meme, the first figure in the “food chain” is an obese walrus in an American flag T-shirt tempted by a hamburger dangled in front of him.

Behind the man is an Orthodox Jew motivated by money, controlled by the same Illuminati figure featured in the cartoon that Netanyahu posted, with the same giant lizard looming over them all.

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes de Nugent as 

“a prolific writer who has worked with numerous hate groups including the neo-Nazi National Alliance and the Holocaust-denying Barnes Review. De Nugent has run for elected office, and has even vowed to one day become president.

While maintaining racist views about numerous racial and ethnic groups, de Nugent is particularly anti-Semitic, believing that the Jews are, along with nefarious space aliens, intent on exterminating the Aryan race.”


…this footage will be a mind-blower. Watch the way Rubin eats, bolting his food whole like a reptile.

This is a video from jewish Holo revisionist David Cole with his comments. (Rubin threatened Cole, who disappeared and changed his name, and later was “outed.”)



….See also

Note that this Andrew Kaufman, MD does not look overly jewish — and he tells a ton of truth about the Cohenavirus.

(He opposes the whole virus theory, as do others, who see only exosomes, markers warning other cells of disease, and not viruses, which would be causers of disease.)

More proof the jews are the instruments, not the originators, of human genocide


  1. https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shutter_Island
    Non ricordo se hai menzionato questo film…ma,
    1:Una delle scene più inquietanti e intense del film è quando il personaggio di Leonardo Di Caprio scopre il vero motivo per cui si trova sull’isola: si tratta della sequenza in cui vengono inquadrati i corpi di tre bambini che galleggiano in un lago a testa in giù,annegati da sua moglie Dolores.

    2:Secondo quanto riportato dal Guardian, il coroner incaricato di condurre gli accertamenti di medicina legale sul caso, il West London Coroner, ha presentato in questi giorni alla Westminster Court i risultati relativi alle cause della morte di Dolores O’Riordan, l’indimenticabile voce dei Cranberries.
    Secondo quanto riportato dal professor Adam Combe e dai medici, Dolores O’Riordan è morta annegata nella vasca da bagno della camera 2005 dell’hotel Hilton a Park Lane di Londra, con la faccia rivolta verso il basso.

    Questa è la legge del contrappasso;morire come i tuoi figli!
    A parte tutta la pratica dell’Mk-Ultra.

    • Transl:


      I don’t remember if you ever mentioned this movie on your website … but,

      1: One of the most disturbing and intense scenes in the film is when Leonardo Di Caprio’s character discovers the real reason why he is on the island: it is the sequence in which the bodies of three children are framed floating in a lake, face-down, drowned by his wife Dolores.

      2: According to The Guardian, the coroner in charge of conducting the forensic investigations on the case, the West London Coroner, recently presented the results relating to the causes of the death of Dolores O’Riordan, the unforgettable voice of the Cranberries. According to reports from Professor Adam Combe and medical doctors, Dolores O’Riordan drowned in the bathtub of the Hilton hotel, room 2005, located in Park Lane in London, also face-down.

      This is the law of [jew] retaliation; die the same way we kill your children!

      This is not even getting into all the other horrid practices of Mk-Ultra.


      Horrid. I of course never saw this film; I know enough to “let sleeping dogs lie.”

      I saw the film “Mystic River” by Clint Eastwood, based on another novel by this author Dennis Lehane, of Irish parents.

      In the same way that my father never talked about the battle of Iwo Jima, there are things where I can say with profound conviction: “That was then, and this is now.”

      So, of course, I loved the book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.

      We cannot wallow in what was. Nor get overly nostalgic for the glory — or overly stricken by the fall — of our Reich.

      There is only right now.

  2. La Cantante dei mirtilli rossi?
    Certamente doveva passare come un’alcolizzata..
    In questo film si parla di gironi Danteschi…che strana coincidenza,di olocausto e nazisti criminali!
    Certo,certo….sono pratiche naziste!

  3. Non avevo mai visto questo film,solo ieri.Mi ha subito colpito il nome della moglie di Leonardo di Caprio..”Dolores”..e ho fatto questo collegamento.
    Usano spesso queste tattiche,farti morire come nei film o come nelle canzoni che canti.
    L’attore Paul Walker come nei suoi film di successo.
    Questa è la strategia dei “falsi” RosaCroce e non è facile intuire il loro pensiero demoniaco.
    Ma sono messaggi che si lanciano per capirsi tra di loro.
    Dolores aveva un “rosario” tra le mani nella sua bara.

  4. Present day horror: “The vaccination”by Dr Goldberg
    Again from Jim Stone’s site

    So why is posting this a stupid thing to do? Because sharks are where the squalene in the shot will come from. Squalene is what caused the gulf war syndrome and causes other vaccine related ailments like fybromyalgia and various nuerological disorders. Squalene was tested during the gulf war to see just how bad it was for perfectly healthy people – soldiers. And the answer is, it was very bad, which proved prior medical research into squalene was accurate. That’s the whole reason why they tested it on soldiers before putting it in the childhood shots – to give an excellent reference in a proven perfectly healthy population.
    Squalene is an oil that is a key component of the nervous system. It is put in vaccines under the false premise of being an adjuvant. While it will serve that purpose, it’s use for that amounts to purposeful sabotage, because once the immune system is tricked into believing squalene is an enemy of the body (which is the job of an adjuvant, that increases immune response) the immune system is, at the same time, tricked into attacking squalene in your nervous system. That will trigger all kinds of problems, from autism to weakness to numbness to – if it is neurological, just name it. This was known about all the way back in the 1930’s – that you NEVER USE SQUALENE OR ANY OTHER OIL AS AN ADJUVANT BECAUSE YOU’LL END UP MAIMING PEOPLE. The use of squalene by the current medical system as an adjuvant, which was known for most of a century to be extremely harmful, is solid proof nations have been subverted and that a certain tribe has seized the medical system world wide – only to subsequently use it as a weapon against the “lesser tribes”.

    • Just found this article which tends to back up this information on squalene.

      Millions of Sharks Are Murdered Every Year to Harvest Squalene for Poisonous Vaccinations
      September 28, 2020
      “Sharks are magnificent creatures. Sure, I would be a little wary of swimming with them, but they play an important role in ocean ecosystems and I do not want to see them killed, especially when it is just to harvest squalene, an ingredient in toxic vaccinations that causes the body to produce an immune response. Some conservatives estimate that “around three million sharks are killed every year for squalene, which is also used in cosmetics and machine oil.”

      GlaxoSmithKline, massive pharmaceutical company, uses shark squalene in their vaccines, and the company is committed to making a billion doses of squalene for COVID-19 vaccines in May.”


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