Michael Jackson a pedo?– Consider the source before you listen to a nation of SLANDERERS

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Until they slander YOU, you have no concept how awful it is to see people who, only yesterday, liked you, suddenly staring at you with hatred and loathing — because they read some unproven garbage online. While a scumbag has no reputation to lose, an honorable man can lose a reputation built up over decades of kindness, good deeds, and integrity.


…..George Washington was slandered as a British agent (of all things!) in the Philadelphia newspaper “The Aurora,” owned by a psychopathic grandson of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin Bache, who not only lied about Washington, got beaten up by several outraged people he had libeled:

Benjamin Franklin Bache – Wikipedia

It is said that Bache — and those who believed his garbage — was a big reason that George Washington did not run for a third term as president, which was a shame since his successor, John Adams, had a rough time as a leader, and was a one-termer.



…..Michael Jackson blasts the jews; next thing, they say he is a pedophile

I am back on Zuckerbook…. The jews had deleted my account with 2700 friends without warning in January 2020, just as the Cohenavirus mania was being launched.

The thread below by me has been on Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook which, since Elon Musk bought Twitter and restored free speech there, is now also allowing a very surprising list of taboo subjects:

among them the Covid “vaccine,”

“the jews,”

“down-with-drag-queen story hour” —  and even



Does Zuck believe in free speech now?


Priscilla Chan and her hubbie. She looks like she will poison his bagel some day.  


Naaah, it is all about Zuckerberg realizing that the world despises him, and is going antisemitic over Gaza… and he knows that his Facebook will lose hundreds of millions of disgusted goyim to Elon Musk (a white South African of German ancestry — OMG!)and his Twitter/X….. unless he loosens up the censorship.

Of  course, the usual garbage is still on Facebook too, the 10,000 cat videos, the libtards typing out their Trump Derangement Syndrome, but especially the “friend requests.”

Example: This is my lucky day….this hot young Faceberg babe is after me, LOL! Well, you gotta hand it to this Nigerian dude, it IS subtle! 

It is tough when everyone knows I am a billionaire and on my last legs. 😉

So anyway, I posted(https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02xacFAioDepBnMWUJAVoBFrVGwTdr1gXX3mHvtkYD9RrCBjg8Jy6ykjFBMSzsKyk9l&id=61555400282471&__cft__[0]=AZUCy0N8Yq1M3JGB7VJ-v5U0PShON7esKH7QFsG16MWF3wMV7MHznQl4_PdMqWB3HPHex_SBKi8BqjPfNZmLUXOSroUWFCn_n1UsJrr7zfcgE-qQpNajbObLhsaioScIuD0-FdanQXP1dSMHtIIbz9QSf5ihMExKe1JRhGnypV-jpUtxolyIpSYJotV0bTb-HG0&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R):

YouTube video: at 1:15, “kick me, kike me” and then “sue me, jew me” (1) Michael Jackson – They Don’t Care About Us (Uncensored)+lyrics – YouTube 

(other versions of this song by Jackson do not contain this)

I posted:

Elvis, David Bowie, John Lennon, and actor Robert Mitchum also said stuff that got them in serious hot water with the J-Team…also, famously, Mel Gibson.

IMO, this is why Michael Jackson got slandered as a pedophile (which Macaulay Culkin and other former child stars fiercely denied) and then he “died” at 50…. (His doctor, a negro, was a crook and… IMO atleast… may have taken a gigantic bribe to kill him by overdose. He did get four years in prison.)

Even after death, his music has earned $2.4 BILLION. The J-Team did not want the most famous singer on earth to speak out.

Btw, Jackson did apologize for the lyrics…. they ALL do backtrack, don’t they?


“They Don’t Care About Us” is a song by American singer and songwriter Michael Jackson, released in April 16, 1996, as the fifth single from his ninth album, HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (1995). It is a protest song and remains one of the most controversial pieces Jackson ever composed. In the US, media scrutiny surrounding allegations of antisemitic lyrics were the catalyst for Jackson issuing multiple clarifications, an apology, defense from director Spike Lee and re-releasing an edited version of the song. The singer countered allegations of antisemitism, arguing that reviews had misinterpreted the context of the song, either unintentionally or deliberately.

Thomas Cole
4d ·
Huh, interesting, I’d never expect this would be his top song on there. https://x.com/ianmalcolm84/status/1770859662792970738?

Leigh Davenport
REALLY?!? Robert Mitchum? I was just posting his history because a young photo of him popped up in my feed and he was very handsome and he wasn’t Jewish, but I don’t know that much about him.
18h18 hours ago

John De Nugent
Leigh Davenport He basically derided the Holyhoax in Esquire magazine in 1983. North Carolina-origin, like my late wife.

In the movie “The Winds of War” he also referred to the “New York Times” by changing the “N” in “New” to another letter. In the movie “The Winds of War” he also referred to the “New York Times” by changing the “N” in “New” to another letter.  But being a huge star, he got away with it.

18h18 hours ago

Leigh Davenport
John De Nugent Wow, that’s awesome. I’m going to look into him more now and his movies.
18h18 hours ago

Richard Meyer

John De Nugent wouldn’t get away with it now…
Richard Meyer

Leigh Davenport believe Mitchum lived to a very old age
Leigh Davenport

Richard Meyer This is the post that caught my eye the other day that made me look him up.
John De Nugent

Leigh Davenport Hey, someone pasted HIS head on MY body! 😉

Kathy Perratore
He WAS a Pedo!
13h13 hours ago

John De Nugent
Kathy Perratore I think he was framed by the worst J-Teamers out there.
11h11 hours ago

Kathy Perratore
John De Nugent He was a real pedo, that is why he disappeared to France to get the mole on his dick removed to try to discredit the accuser!
2h2 hours ago

John De Nugent
Kathy Perratore I appreciate your posts and concerns. That may be true, the tattoo thing; I just do not know, nor actually do you unless you actually somehow saw his wiener before and after ! LOL! …

(l was never into Michael Jackson and have not followed this overly. Frankly, I found his voice girly. Louis Farrakhan said this first, btw, and I heard him say it to a black audience. Farrakhan is actually a very fine singer himself, who started out in life as a calypso singer in Boston. I agree with Farrakhan on this, that a man should sound like a man.)…..

But, Kathy, we have seen so many elaborate campaigns by the Deep State to besmirch the innocent and to whitewash the guilty. (Remember Trump and “Russian collusion!? The Demoncrats spent $42 MILLION and the fmr FBI director, Robert Mueller, admitted in his testimony that they found nothing! It was one gigantic slander campaign!) …

Now, let us be frank.


To accuse any man of pedophilia, of child-molesting, is to mount the gravest possible accusation except for treason.

(Disclosure; I was abused, myself, as a boy; it happened to me, so I take this accusation very seriously. And this problem,as you know, is crippling the Catholic Church.) ….

I do recall someone named Jesus of Nazareth and all the GARBAGE the top jwsh leaders said against HIM……such as how dared He heal a blind man on the Sabbath! and how Jesus had a DEMON in Him…. In fact, if Jesus cast out demons, it was by arrangement with his good buddy, Satan…Jesus was in league with the Devil, was a sorcerer, and a blasphemer…(You well know all this.)

And we know how the top js framed Him –“The Passion” by Mel Gibson is a masterpiece — and they demanded and pressured Governor Pontius Pilate to execute Him…. and, being a typical politico, he caved in and he went along after “washing his hands.” The clincher was the js threatened Governor Pilate: “If you do not execute Him, we will tell Caesar (and we have plenty of our jwsh contacts in Rome) that this strange man, Jesus. seeks to become the king of the js [ = i.e. and boot out the Romans].”

Pilate knew that Jesus Himself had said clearly to him: “My kingdom is NOT of this world”.

“And so you, Pilate, are no friend of Caesar.”.In other words, “do as we say or we will cause you huge trouble. We will say that you are letting this crazy j set up his own kingdom!” (And this would be dereliction of duty by Pilate or even treason against Rome, to let a jewish king arise against the Roman Empire. Caesar then thinks to himself: Did Pilate take a bribe from Jesus???)…

In fact, Kathy, the very word “Devil” (“Diabolos” in Koiné Greek) means “Slanderer”!!!!!!! ……( I studied Greek at Georgetown and got A’s both semesters. ) …..

All I know, Kathy, going back to Michael Jackson, is this — he went up against the js ….and the next thing you know, he was called a pedophile!……

Think about that, please. — And we all know about a true pedo, Jeffrey Epstein, who was also doing little boys, not just teenage girls.

Btw, “independent fact checkers” (paid by George Soros!) claim this photo is fake.

He was a Mossad agent, like Ghislaine Maxwell! This is why they got away with it for decades. ….

Over and over, the New Testament contains the phrase: “for fear of the J—.” So now I ask you…. why should we assume that anything which their media or their puppets claim about an antisemitic entertainer is true, and not, in fact, the very opposite?….

Who funds the atheistic, and even satanistic forces, the pro-abortion crowd, the LGBTQ militants, the anti-white hatre, and pushes open borders, socialism, censorship, and radical feminism to break up the family?…

Oh, forgive me, George Soros “just happens” to be jwsh. Karl Marx just happened to be jwish. Harvey Weinstein just happens….Epstein just happens…Chuck Schumer just happens….and now suddenly, regarding the antisemitic Jackson, they are being honest? Now, they are telling the Gospel Truth about him? …..

Between bribes and threats, they run America. “Every man has his price.”

IMO, the js feared Jackson’s charisma, his popularity and his huge wealth, and that he could have turned both Blacks and Whites, and all races, against their power over America. Their outrageous might is shown right on the back of the one-dollar bill, at the top of the Great Seal of the United States — as redesigned in 1935 by an executive order from a certain Frank Rosenfeld, Ashkenazi via the father, and sephardic (Delano) via the mother!


…..Wikipedia admits NO proof he was a pedo

As an expert on the Leo Frank case, I can say that once the jews both hate and fear you, they pull out all the stops — and they have judges, governors, prosecutors and the media in their pocket.

They want your money, and they want to make an example of you to scare the other goyim.

To get you convicted in court, or the ruin you in public opinion, they are capable of gigantic bribes and serious death threats.

The jews can kill you with some poison — and they have their own mafia with their own hitmen, and THE MOSSAD. They control so many cops, judges, DAs, politicians, tv stations, tv networks…. especially in Los Angeles.

And all accusers of Jackson stood to gain MILLION$.


Michael Jackson – Wikipedia


From the late 1980s, Jackson became a figure of controversy and speculation due to his changing appearancerelationships, behavior, and lifestyle. In 1993, he was accused of sexually abusing the child of a family friend. The lawsuit was settled out of civil court; Jackson was not indicted due to lack of evidence. In 2005, he was tried and acquitted of further child sexual abuse allegations and several other charges. The FBI found no evidence of criminal conduct by Jackson.


First child sexual abuse accusations and first marriage (1993–1995)

In August 1993, Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse by a 13-year-old boy, Jordan Chandler, and his father, Evan Chandler.[193] Jordan said he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex.[194] While Jordan’s mother initially told police that she did not believe Jackson had molested him, her position wavered a few days later.[195][196] Evan was recorded discussing his intention to pursue charges, which Jackson used to argue that he was the victim of a jealous father trying to extort money.[196] Jackson’s older sister La Toya accused him of being a pedophile;[197] she later retracted this, saying she had been forced into it by her abusive husband.[198]

Police raided Jackson’s home in August and found two legal large-format art books featuring young boys playing, running and swimming in various states of undress.[199] Jackson denied knowing of the books’ content and claimed if they were there someone had to send them to him and he did not open them.[200] Jordan Chandler gave police a description of Jackson’s genitals. A strip search was made, and the jurors felt the description was not a match.[201][202][203] In January 1994, Jackson settled with the Chandlers out of court for a reported total sum of $23 million.[204] The police never pressed criminal charges.[205] Citing a lack of evidence without Jordan’s testimony, the state closed its investigation on September 22, 1994.[206]

Jackson had been taking painkillers for his reconstructive scalp surgeries, administered due to the Pepsi commercial accident in 1984, and became dependent on them to cope with the stress of the sexual abuse allegations.[207] On November 12, 1993, Jackson canceled the remainder of the Dangerous World Tour due to health problems, stress from the allegations and painkiller addiction. He thanked his close friend Elizabeth Taylor for support, encouragement and counsel. The end of the tour concluded his sponsorship deal with Pepsi.[208]

In late 1993, Jackson proposed to Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, over the phone.[209] They married in La Vega, Dominican Republic, in May 1994 by civil judge Hugo Francisco Álvarez Pérez.[210] The tabloid media speculated that the wedding was a publicity stunt to deflect away from Jackson’s sexual abuse allegations and jump-start Presley’s career as a singer.[211][210] Their marriage ended little more than a year later, and they separated in December 1995.[212] Presley cited “irreconcilable differences” when filing for divorce the next month and only sought to reclaim her maiden name as her settlement.[211][213] After the divorce, Judge Pérez said, “They lasted longer than I thought they would. I gave them a year. They lasted a year and a half.”[210] Presley later said she and Jackson had attempted to reconcile intermittently for four years following their divorce, and that she had traveled the world to be with him.[214]

Jackson composed music for the Sega Genesis video game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994), but left the project around the time the sexual abuse allegations surfaced and went uncredited.[215][216] The Sega Technical Institute director Roger Hector and the Sonic co-creator Naoto Ohshima said that Jackson’s involvement was terminated and his music reworked following the allegations.[217][218] However, Jackson’s musical director Brad Buxer and other members of Jackson’s team said Jackson went uncredited because he was unhappy with how the Genesis replicated his music.[219]


Posthumous child sexual abuse allegations

A smiling Jackson wears a blue baseball cap and a red shirt. On his left, a young boy smiles. He is dressed in a red shirt, too.
Jackson and Safechuck in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1988

In 2013, choreographer Wade Robson filed a lawsuit alleging that Jackson had sexually abused him for seven years, beginning when he was seven years old (1989–1996).[383] In 2014, a case was filed by James Safechuck, alleging sexual abuse over a four-year period from the age of ten (1988–1992).[384][385][386]

Both had testified in Jackson’s defense during the 1993 allegations; Robson did so again in 2005.[387][388] In 2015, Robson’s case against Jackson’s estate was dismissed as it had been filed too late. Safechuck’s claim was also time-barred.[389]

In 2017, it was ruled that Jackson’s corporations could not be held accountable for his alleged past actions.[390][391] The rulings were appealed. On October 20, 2020, Safechuck’s lawsuit against Jackson’s corporations was again dismissed. The judge ruled that there was no evidence that Safechuck had had a relationship with Jackson’s corporation, nor was it proven that there was a special relationship between the two.[392][393][394][395] On April 26, 2021, Robson’s case was dismissed because of a lack of supporting evidence that the defendants exercised control over Jackson.[396]

Robson and Safechuck described their allegations against Jackson in graphic detail in the documentary Leaving Neverland, released in March 2019.[397] Radio stations in New Zealand, Canada, the UK and the Netherlands removed Jackson’s music from their playlists.[398][399][400]

Jackson’s family condemned the film as a “public lynching”,[401] and the Jackson estate released a statement calling the film a “tabloid character assassination [Jackson] endured in life, and now in death”.[402]

Close associates of Jackson, such as Corey FeldmanAaron Carter, Brett Barnes, and Macaulay Culkin, said that Jackson had not molested them.[403][404][405]

Documentaries such as Square One: Michael JacksonNeverland Firsthand: Investigating the Michael Jackson Documentary and Michael Jackson: Chase the Truth, presented information countering the claims suggested by Leaving Neverland.[406][407][408] Jackson’s album sales increased following the documentary screenings.[409] Billboard senior editor Gail Mitchell said she and a colleague interviewed about thirty music executives who believed Jackson’s legacy could withstand the controversy.[410] In late 2019, some New Zealand and Canadian radio stations re-added Jackson’s music to their playlists, citing “positive listener survey results”.[411][412]

On February 21, 2019, the Jackson estate sued HBO for breaching a non-disparagement clause from a 1992 contract. The suit sought to compel HBO to participate in a non-confidential arbitration that could result in $100 million or more in damages awarded to the estate.[413] HBO said they did not breach a contract and filed an anti-SLAPP motion against the estate. In September 2019, Judge George H. Wu denied HBO’s motion to dismiss the case, allowing the Jackson estate to arbitrate.[414] HBO appealed, but in December 2020 the appeals court affirmed Wu’s ruling.[415]

In 2020, a state law passed in California which granted plaintiffs in child sex abuse cases an additional period to file lawsuits. In October 2020 and again in April 2021, the Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that MJJ Productions Inc. and MJJ Ventures Inc. employees were not legally obligated to protect the two men from Jackson. In August 2023, California’s Second District Court of Appeal overturned the ruling, and the case was approved to move forward to trial court.[416]


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