Consoling a dying woman, 52

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She looked so much like my mom (née Constance Colwell), I had to go into the dearest bar in Rochester, which I cannot afford, to talk to her. Then I found out she was dying.

Or like Julie Andrews in “Mary Poppins”….

Last night in Mayo Clinic-dominated Rochester, Minnesota, I talked consolingly (at the bar at the Kahler Grand Hotel, which I can’t afford, but some angel made me go in there….)

….with a dying lady, who was wiping back her tears with a kleenex.
She had just gotten the grim verdict, the death sentence, from her doctor — “Game Over.” 🙁

She is a very pretty woman, divorced, with grown kids, about 52, maybe, and looks a whole lot like my own beautiful mom (photo above), who died unfairly and suddenly (from an infection at just 62, being allergic to penicillin).

The woman thanked me for my words about the reality of life after death, and promised me she would rent (on YouTube) the absolutely true, inspiring, consoling NDE (Near-Death Experience) film entitled “Miracles from Heaven.”

People THANK me so much — AFTER seeing it — for having nagged them six or ten times to just make the time to go and finally watch it! 😉

This was actually my first time, as a person now founding a new religion, to actually counsel an actual dying person, and one who is still in her prime, with lots to live for, not an 85-year-old in a rest home at the natural end of a fulfilled life.

She looked me in the eyes and was really grateful.

Having seen Margi close to death in January and again in July, I grieve for all those who, partly due to the inadequacies of modern Christianity, lack the true certainty that our life does continue after death, and all the good we did was SEEN by a powerful, Loving Being (Jesus, an angel, God — someone like that).

Most people who have a long NDE — are dead for 30-40 minutes — do see a video of their life and how they impacted the lives of others, AND MANY TALK WITH DECEASED RELATIVES. THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR IF YOU TRIED HARD TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE! 🙂

On the other side, your angels will help you to keep learning and growing!

And as for our race, we can yet win if we make a clear decision to sacrifice our life — so future generations can live.

There is no way that politics, some new political party, or a blog or video can smash the Jewish juggernaut. Hitler tried that route, even Trump in his own flawed and self-centered way, and we saw what happened. The System brings you down.

So we need to smash the system.

First thing is to overcome the fear of death, and gain the fear of dishonor, the fear to live as a craven coward who did nothing as his race went down.

Here is my experience in 1989 with my British grandfather, 15 years after the grandparents’ deaths in 1974. It strengthened me for the divorce hell I was just about to undergo (just as I feared), and gave me a sense that a higher and loving power was watching over me, but also not “babying” me, to ready me for my subsequent career. The seer, Ann Gehman, the subject of two HBO documentaries (, described my deceased grandfather to a “t” and said he was right in the room with me. That was scary — but in a good way — to realize I was being watched….by a very strict but loving ancestor, whom I had revered during his life, and who had tried to talk to me about [censored] despite my liberal Republican/country club upbringing from my elitist, centrist parents.

John Thomas Colwell (1896-1974)

“Grampy” had planted seeds in the boy that would sprout in the man!

Part 1

Part 2




1 Comment

  1. perhaps adhering to the diet of Dr.Leonard Coldwell in his book/website “the only answer to cancer” would be valuable? This is what I would advise: high alkalizing diet

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