Contact from my dead wife? A strange meeting in the dark

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I was writing to an old German friend, who knew Margi, publishes poetry in English and is fluent in English.

I wrote him the sad news about Margi’s passing on September 12, and sent him the link to my blog yesterday about what would have been her 74th birthday.

Remembering my national-socialist girl, Margi Huffstickler (1948-2022) on this day, Nov. third, on what would have been her 74th birthday

I added:

I developed extremely dangerous high blood pressure caring for her the final two months and then grieving — BP of 218 over 130, or briefly even higher!!!! 231/115!

This was another, only slightly less horrible reading:

Suddenly I met a local woman, of German heritage, T [her name], who saw me while she was pumping gas. She called out “Hi” as I walked by, and so we began to talk.

She then got me on heart supplements (esp. the heart supplement CoQ10, Xtendovite, a Canadian supplement that many have heard of, black-seed oil, Ubiquinol, and cayenne pepper) that brought my BP down by 100 points to 127 over 67!


This means taking Cayenne pepper thrice daily, downed with water. I had looked “white as a sheet,” as a local told me, but this cayenne brought back my blood circulation and rosy complexion almost instantly.

T said that “the Ubiquinol drives the cayenne deep into your tissues.” And it is great for the eyes; my latest eye exam for glaucoma had the best result in eight years! My ophthalmologist was overjoyed!

And yesterday, on top of this health turn-around, I had an astounding experience on the day that would have been Margi’s birthday!

The truth is that I still feel grief after the sudden end of my 17-year relationship with my soul mate, though the feeling of extreme bereavement is now manageable…but I often go to bed at 7 or 8 pm, because the sleep ends my sadness and is healing. So, going to bed so early, I then wake up at “zero-dark-thirty,” as we used to say in the Marines. I often awaken at 2 or 3 am…. It is not all bad, of course. I get lots done in the very early morning. 🙂

Anyway, I went for my usual pre-dawn one-hour walk, where I listen to educational/news-related videos on my smartphone.

Then something startling happened. It was about 6:45 am, and pitch-dark still here in the far north country.

I was walking along Airport Road here in Ontonagon– a few houses on the west side, and woods on the right and the north end of a golf course. (The name “Airport Road” harkens back to the days when the current nine-hole golf course was then actually an airfield. The current Ontonagon airport is now located elsewhere.)


I was walking in the middle of the road, where you can see the words “Airport Road” printed below.

SOMETHING began WALKING to my left, as in the blue line, walking along the edge of the road, very much on the pavement, on the road bed, right next to me, five yards/4.5 meters away….


I turned on my phone’s flashlight and shone it.

A FOX had came out of the woods and began pacing alongside me! It proceeded to walk for a good hundred yards (90 meters) next to me!

The animal looked like this, quite pretty, actually — and somehow it felt as if it were female to me.

I could see his/her features pretty well when I turned my phone’s flashlight function on in the darkness.

(Photo from Google images) 


The light conditions were very low, so I saw the fox kind-of like this.

I turned on my smartphone’s flashlight function, and saw its eyes glowing….

I did get a bit concerned….. to see a wild animal and predator, though a small one, accompanying me, yard after yard, and constantly looking at me as well as straight ahead….

A rabid fox attacks a woman outside her New York home. Sherri Russo was in her front yard when a fox started to viciously attack her. As she tried to break free, the animal bit her legs and scratched her arms. Her neighbor eventually came to the rescue with a huge stick and stopped the fox from attacking the woman further. The fox was later caught and tested positive for rabies. Russo was treated immediately and is showing no signs that she contracted rabies.

A Texan wrote me:

The fox story was great. Foxes are neat, and sometimes friendly, inquisitive and intelligent, but always known as dangerous because of their speed and cunning. I have very rarely seen the red ones in my area of Texas, but sometimes gray ones that are closer to coyotes. Some people raise foxes as pets, but the pet foxes run the risk of being mistaken as wild and shot. I would put a reflective orange harness on it and trim its hair like a dog if I had one, and, John, also keep it away from fowl and small children.

I pulled out my .380 pistol in the event it had rabies. (I also carry — especially where guns are prohibited — a knife and a large, steel Cross pen for stabbing an attacker in the eye, temple or throat.)


But actually the red little fox seemed perfectly friendly….and looked at me in a sort of — ummm — affectionate way. It was not trying to attack me at all, nor was it/she wary of me, or resenting me as a trespasser on its hunting grounds. Fields and woods, or even around houses and backyards,  are where foxes hunt, not asphalt roads!

I thought: “Is this fox maybe just curious about me?” But that seemed far-fetched; it is a wild animal, furtive, and usually avoids humans. I have seen foxes before here in Ontonagon, always in a hurry to get away, and not hang out with, humans! (Many locals trap or shoot foxes, especially if they have chickens.)

Just to be safe, I did finally say to the fox in a stern voice “Go away” with my hand on my pistol on the far side of my body, not threatening it but ready for whatever might happen. After saying “Go away” twice, it plunged back into the woods. I actually felt (or was it just my imagination?) that I hurt its feelings. 🙁

I kept looking around, 360 degrees, flashlight shining and pistol at the ready…. — now where is that animal; is it still following me?  — and, yes, it did seem quite gone.

As I was completing my walk, now unaccompanied, along Airport Road, I approached the corner where this road “T’s” into Paul Bunyan Avenue. This is where I habitually take a left turn to walk toward Lake Superior and then proceed home.

A pickup truck pulling a trailer, its headlights on, turned from Paul Bunyan Avenue at the corner onto Airport Road, and there in its headlights was that same fox — this all happened  just 30 seconds after it had left me — and it was right ahead of me, right on the road, and all lit up from behind!

It had run ahead of me, and was waiting to rendezvous again with me!

When the vixen noticed the oncoming pickup truck, it walked (reluctantly?) into the high grass on the east side of Airport Road near the corner (where I placed a blue dot), and she was gone.


I thought it was soooo strange……as if the fox were some kind of “sign”…..

Anyway, the sun came up and I had a busy day….went to Houghton with a friend, did some needed errands, and also savoured the glorious fall foliage on the nearby Covered Road and in Freda

That evening, I was walking back from a friend’s house, and passed by a rowdy but picturesque bar called [], which I usually avoid…. but occasionally I have met some valuable people inside and something told me to enter.

A barmaid named [] was working last night. She and I have always had a good time chatting. She is the daughter of a Marine and is also married to one and has five kids with him. So we have that Marine thing in common. She told me about some troubles, and I listened sympathetically.

Then I fell silent and said: “You know,[], I had the weirdest experience this morning at around a quarter of six. I was out for my usual hour-long walk and was going along Airport Road, past the golf course and toward Paul Bunyan Avenue.”

[] said: “I know exactly where that is. So what happened?”

I replied: “A fox came out of the woods, and walked right up close to me and walked next to me for a good hundred yards!”

Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth partly as if she wanted to say something….

But I was continuing: “I got a bit nervous and turned on the flashlight on my smartphone and even pulled out my pistol just in case.”

She was smiling as I said this, especially the pistol part…. 😉

“….and after I shooed it away, as I got to the corner with Paul Bunyan Avenue, that same fox was waiting for me again! A pickup came around the corner and I could see it in the headlights. It took off when it saw the pickup.”

[] said: “John, there is a very common belief in the UP, and especially among the Ojibway Indians, that when a fox becomes friendly and approaches you, that is a deceased relative making contact with you! A fox means it was sent by a loved one who is on the other side — or maybe a cardinal is the sign — you know, the red bird!”


I was stunned and replied: “You know what? Today was my late wife Margi’s 74th birthday, and I did a whole big article on my website about missing her, and what a great gal she was!”

[] said: “I bet that was your wife Margi! She was communicating to you that she is okay, and she is reaching out to you.”

It was an amazing feeling.

And it encouraged me (Margi encouraged me) to continue in my quest to save our race from the oblivion the jews want for us.

So maybe this was indeed a sign.

Never before in my sixty-eight years of  life did a wild animal come out of the woods to walk next to me for a hundred yards, and then even run up ahead and wait to greet me at the end of the road!

Saving white mankind….. I agree with Disney:

And of course, this little fox had red hair…. just like someone I knew so well.

Hi again, Margi 🙂 🙂 🙂


  1. Sehr interessante Hinweise hinsichtlich des tödlichen Absturzes von Herrn Rainer Schaller nebst Angehörige und Bekannte auf der Seite ‚‘ – Herr Schaller war der Gründer von der Fitnesskette McFIT:

    Behörden von Costa Rica beenden Suche nach Flugzeugabsturz, bei dem Gold Gym-Besitzer Rainer Schaller und seine Familie ums Leben kamen; Flugdaten zeigen nahezu sicheres #Vaxxident

    Costa Rica authorities end search in plane crash that killed Gold Gym’s owner Rainer Schaller and his family; flight data reveals near-certain #Vaxxident


    Costa Rica hat am 23. Oktober, zwei Tage nach dem Absturz, zwei Leichen (ein Kind, ein Erwachsener), etwas Gepäck und einige Flugzeugteile geborgen. Es befand sich 28 Meilen vor der Küste von Limon. Die Leichen wurden noch immer nicht öffentlich identifiziert.

    Die Behörden von Costa Rica brachen am Dienstag, den 1. November, die elftägige Suche nach weiteren Trümmern und Leichen ab. Der kleine Privatjet beförderte sechs Personen, darunter den Piloten, als er am 21. Oktober in das Karibische Meer stürzte Internationaler Flughafen Palenque in Mexiko, auf dem Weg nach Limón, Costa Rica.

    Wir sind zu fast 90 % davon überzeugt, dass der hochkarätige Flugzeugabsturz vor der Küste von Costa Rica vor ein paar Wochen ein #vaxxident war.

    Herr Schaller war vor allem als Gründer der RSG Group bekannt, zu der McFit gehört, die größte Fitnesskette Deutschlands. McFit hat auch Standorte in vier weiteren E.U. Länder. Herr Schaller kaufte das in Texas ansässige Gold’s Gym für 100 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2020, nachdem das Unternehmen während der COVID-Sperren Insolvenz angemeldet hatte. Sein Nettovermögen betrug zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes Berichten zufolge 250 Millionen US-Dollar.

  2. Beobachter: Ganzheitliche Kommunikation

    “I often awaken at 2 or 3 am…. It is not all bad, of course. I get lots done in the very early morning.” […] “[..] Anyway, I went for my usual pre-dawn one-hour walk […]”

    “Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund”. Und es sind, lauth Seth, perfekte Zeitpunkte für die Kommunikation mit dem inneren Selbst (dem eigenen Schutzengel), die Stunden vor Sonnenaufgang. Niemand hindert einem daran, wenn man möchte, sich anschließend noch mal hinzulegen, kurze Nickerchen tagsüber sind ebenfalls optimal, laut Seth ist das wichtig, für ein flexibles Bewußtsein.

    Die Begleitung des Fuchses war in jedem Fall ein Geschenk und ein Kompliment. Tiere haben ein gutes Gespür und einige von ihnen haben standardmäßig innere Sinne entfaltet, es sind nicht nur die äußeren menschlichen Anhaltspunkte, nicht nur die riechbaren jeweiligen Stimmungen des Menschen, die sie mit ihren Supernasen riechen können. Sie nehmen die Aura des Menschen wahr, und wenn ein freundlich gesonnener Mensch daherkommt, dann ist das auch für den Fuchs eine hochinteressante Begegnung. Vielleicht gab Margi dem Fuchs Impulse, damit er Ihnen, John, begegnet. Vielleicht hatte sie auch Anteil an seiner physischen Wahrnehmung, also ähnlich wie bei einem Menschen, der als “Channel”-Medium fungiert und damit einem im Jenseits zentriertem Bewußtsein direkte physische Sinneswahrnehmung ermöglicht.

    Oder vielleicht war Margi ja begleitend auf dem Spaziergang dabei und wurde ebenfalls vom Fuchs wahrgenommen. Tiere haben zwar nicht die volle Ichbewußtseins-Entscheidungsfreiheit wie wir Menschen, aber in ihrem Rahmen haben sie weitreichende Entscheidungsfreiheiten, viele von ihnen stehen entwicklungsmäßig auch vor einem Gattungswechsel. Lauth Seth soll der Umgang mit ihnen freundlich gesonnenen Menschen ihre Entwicklung unermeßlich beschleunigen. Es sind nicht nur die Menschen, die Tiere in der Natur studieren, auch Tiere sind wissens- und erlebenshungrig. Daß der Fuchs so nah und direkt auf Sie zukam, ist jedoch schon außergewöhnlich.

    “I actually felt (or was it just my imagination?) that I hurt its feelings.” Ja, das wird genau so gewesen sein, aber das passiert halt so oft bei ungewohnten Erfahrungen, auch bei medialen Wahrnehmungen mit Verstorbenen, die oft abrupt von den “Lebenden”/Inkarnierten beendet werden.


    in German: Ganzheitliche Kommunikation

    “I often awaken at 2 or 3 am…. It is not all bad, of course. I get lots done in the very early morning.” […] “[..] Anyway, I went for my usual pre-dawn one-hour walk […]”

    “Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund”. Und es sind, lauth Seth, perfekte Zeitpunkte für die Kommunikation mit dem inneren Selbst (dem eigenen Schutzengel), die Stunden vor Sonnenaufgang. Niemand hindert einem daran, wenn man möchte, sich anschließend noch mal hinzulegen, kurze Nickerchen tagsüber sind ebenfalls optimal, laut Seth ist das wichtig, für ein flexibles Bewußtsein.

    Die Begleitung des Fuchses war in jedem Fall ein Geschenk und ein Kompliment. Tiere haben ein gutes Gespür und einige von ihnen haben standardmäßig innere Sinne entfaltet, es sind nicht nur die äußeren menschlichen Anhaltspunkte, nicht nur die riechbaren jeweiligen Stimmungen des Menschen, die sie mit ihren Supernasen riechen können. Sie nehmen die Aura des Menschen wahr, und wenn ein freundlich gesonnener Mensch daherkommt, dann ist das auch für den Fuchs eine hochinteressante Begegnung. Vielleicht gab Margi dem Fuchs Impulse, damit er Ihnen, John, begegnet. Vielleicht hatte sie auch Anteil an seiner physischen Wahrnehmung, also ähnlich wie bei einem Menschen, der als “Channel”-Medium fungiert und damit einem im Jenseits zentriertem Bewußtsein direkte physische Sinneswahrnehmung ermöglicht.

    Oder vielleicht war Margi ja begleitend auf dem Spaziergang dabei und wurde ebenfalls vom Fuchs wahrgenommen. Tiere haben zwar nicht die volle Ichbewußtseins-Entscheidungsfreiheit wie wir Menschen, aber in ihrem Rahmen haben sie weitreichende Entscheidungsfreiheiten, viele von ihnen stehen entwicklungsmäßig auch vor einem Gattungswechsel. Lauth Seth soll der Umgang mit ihnen freundlich gesonnenen Menschen ihre Entwicklung unermeßlich beschleunigen. Es sind nicht nur die Menschen, die Tiere in der Natur studieren, auch Tiere sind wissens- und erlebenshungrig. Daß der Fuchs so nah und direkt auf Sie zukam, ist jedoch schon außergewöhnlich.

    “I actually felt (or was it just my imagination?) that I hurt its feelings.” Ja, das wird genau so gewesen sein, aber das passiert halt so oft bei ungewohnten Erfahrungen, auch bei medialen Wahrnehmungen mit Verstorbenen, die oft abrupt von den “Lebenden”/Inkarnierten beendet werden.

  3. I traveled this past week to Ohio. My wife had a conference, so I accompanied her on the trip. These trips are yearly and I enjoying traveling with her. The routine is I escort her to the conference in the morning after breakfast, then I work out at a local gym and sight-see in the rental car for the day, and pick her up.

    This time I drove to Kentucky. Very different from where I’m from. Great trip. Went to Ashland, KY in the rental car and was amazed by the sights and people. Great time. She had a free day after the conference and I drove her back the same area. The sights are beautiful. We flew in this morning from Columbus, Ohio and unpacked etxc. A few hours later, I found out my brother-in-law passed. I’m doing chores and getting situated, and suddenly my wife walks out of the room wide-eyed.

    Mike was not a good person. He slandered me and my wife for years, and was a nasty individual. He passed at 57 years old from a heart attack. So the night immediately went into phone calls on speakerphone with my wife’s sister crying uncontrollably and other family members. Aye.

    Not sure how to call this. I did not like him; and many people were hurt by this guy. But I deeply feel for his son and wife, and I hope God will forgive him. As far as I’m concerned, he’s gone and I am not holding any grudges.

    • Thank you for your comment, Phil. 🙂

      I feel sad for the majority who, on this planet, typically waste an entire incarnation, in this case 57 years, without growing, changing or improving themselves.

      The movie “Defending Your Life” with Meryl Streep and the jew Albert Brooks is a light-hearted semi-comedy that actually reveals many accurate features about the interlife.

      Streep plays a model mother and wife who was a delightful person and died saving others. On the other side she gets a gratifying reception.- But the jewish actor Brooks’ character, a car salesman, is a typical, self-centered American semi-jerk, neither evil nor angel, just inbetween and mediocre — like most folks in America and in every other country on this world.

      He is pretty chagrined to see how his reception is quite different, since his life was really nothing special…..and he realizes that key scenes and turning points in his life, quite disappointing, were all recorded by the angels.

      The so-called life-review video is, for him, a huge letdown.

      Before his “trial” (as to whether he should be sent back to earth) he meet with his somewhat cynical public defender, played by actor Rip Torn:

      How true it all is…..

      I remember showing and explaining the back of the US one-dollar bill to a nice-enough guy in a bar in Apollo, Pennsylvania, redesigned in 1935 by executive order by the demonic, German-hating Franklin Delano Rosenfeld himself, with the weird Freemasonic pyramid and watching eyeball on the left, and the Star of David above the American eagle on the right….. He said at first:

      “I can’t believe I never noticed this!”

      Nope, buddy, you never did, and never would have — if I had not pointed these ultra-obvious features out which have been staring you right in the face for your entire life. 😉

      In Latin it says “Our plan having succeeded, a New World Order”

      Then he said: “So this means the jews and Freemasons control the government?”

      I replied: “Just look at it….it’s as plain as day. They run the country and the elections are just a choice between a Republican puppet and a Democrat puppet who both agree to do their bidding. Obama, Romney — nothing ever changes; it just gets gradually worse and worse until all our freedoms are gone.”

      “So what are you saying we should do?”

      “We need to get these people out of our government as soon as possible.”

      “Well, good luck, but don’t count on me. I ain’t no hero.”

      I said nothing but smiled, thinking to myself: Nope, brother, you sure ain’t. As long as you have your beer money, you will never revolt, no matter what they do to you, to your loved ones. and to your country. 😉

      And this ignorance, apathy, laziness and cowardice of the majority are exactly why Adolf Hitler, reluctantly, ruled and served the German people as a dictator — under legal emergency powers that had been granted him by the German parliament after he had democratically won the 1932 elections!

      On this planet, unlike others, sadly, the majority is always wrong. And the jew knows this. His rule and his agenda will always be safe under democracy…. under majority rule.

      Earthlings waste entire incarnations and present themselves at each death to God with yet again no visible progress. Their egoic mind has allowed them to rationalize and justify every sneaky, selfish, low-down thing they ever did — all their multitudinous sins of both commission and omission.

      Why were people happy under Hitler? Radiant idealism, and helping others, were the law and the spirit of the New Germany. People felt noble and good about themselves. Hitler brought out all the beauty that was latent in the German people. Though the Reich only lasted 12 years in Europe (it continues on in the Antarctic and in the Andes), our Reich proved forever, in the real, physical world, what a great race we are.. and again we can be!

      In German the singer says: “You showed me how valuable life is!” So make each one of your painful incarnations really count! Learn from your suffering – never justifying your stupidity — and grow up as God wants! 🙂

      • Dear John de Nugent,

        Thank you for your thoughts and analyses in this new comment.

        Only one quick note — you wrote: “The movie “Judging Your Life” with Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks is a semi-comedy with many accurate features about the interlife.” But you probably meant: “Defending Your Life (1991)”.

        I did not know about this movie but I am glad to find another promising US movie about the afterlife! 🙂

    • Thanks. I have only my honesty…. my honor. That is my good mojo… I dare not lose that. Every word from my mouth is what I truly believe. And if people come to also LOVE truth, including the truth about ourselves and regarding our mortal enemies, this love of truth will indeed set us free, as my old friend said, the nordic starseed Jesus of Galilee.

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