Lots of luck, parasite! Only 11 states have proposed tightening gun laws out of 50, and two have increased gun rights.
Interesting state gun-law graphic for the 50 states: http://tinyurl.com/agnt83q
NRA video on Obama, ELITIST HYPOCRITE whose kids are protected by federal gunmen
============views of website continue to soar
A New Hampshire man, father and husband wrote:
Just became aware of you from a brief view on the TV (JdN: the Discovery Channel show on “Hitler’s Mummies”]. Then looked you up on the internet.
I like your perspective. I do not see any prejudice or bias.
I also believe in separation of the races. That does not mean I dislike others. IO just don’t want to incorporate their culture/moral/life style/society into mine.
American society is deteriorating through Social Engineering.
My wife and I fear for our three children. All are over 20 and College educated. I have tried to explain to them what you are saying in on your website. Don’t dilute your heritage by marrying outside YOUR race. If you do, your children (and the family heritage) will be gone. The American education system (let’s call it “indoctrination”! system) has them confused. I have to explain the difference. They don’t learn the truth at college.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
I replied:
I appreciate your feedback and attempt to keep your kids from committing racial treason.
I realized years ago that all the early-childhood time I spent with my two kids had washed off not too long after their mother and I separated and divorced in 1989-90 — and that the schools had taken over their minds.
Ingrid and Erika in 1989
Ingrid, a smart and beautiful girl with nordic features, whom I adored, especially fell under the spell of a Stanley Rosenberg at the University of New Hampshire, who became her mentor and I believe knew exactly and precisely who HER FATHER WAS AND IS.
This is now my elder daughter’s blog, reflecting both brainwashing and — in its over-the-top insistence on multiculti — above all else a desire to protect her politically correct reputation while working in Washington DC at a cushy and lucrative job from all accusatory questions about her national-socialist father:
Basically, Nelson, the hundreds of hours I spent on her have all been forgotten. I am now just an evil Nazi whom she has totally, completely cut off. I do not even know my two granddaughters’ first names.
And I saw this coming.
The Jews have engineered a near-total takeover of the American mind from the cradle to the grave. Now they seek to grab our guns (see above on my blog) and then free speech goes as well. The end is the gulag for WNs and other NWO opponents, hard labor as prisoners, or death.
I left Dr. William Piece in 1984 realizing that we as a pro-white “cause” were doomed. It must become an ethnic religion. It must be cohesive and organized.
And it must really believe in the existence of God, the afterlife and judgment for our deeds and failures. I go into these things in the God videos at johndenugent.org, all made with the financial help of donors worldwide.
This is the next step for me, to create this actual religion. We HAVE the facts, but we do not as a group ACT on them. Religion in Latin means “to re-tie.” (It is related to the word “lig-ament” or the word “link.”) Religion relinks. Religion is what helps individuals form a group, stick together when attacked, raise their kids by good values and reproduce — THROUGH FINDING A GOOD MATE who shares sound values.
And it reduces the fear of death and increases the fear of dishonor.
This is the first of the God videos:
I recommend especially that people see the electron video (on that website and also found below, here), and then watch it a second time! Its implications are awe-inspiring!
This is a superb high-quality graphic cartoon video narrated by physicist Fred Alan Wolf (a Jew, but he does very good work and his cause is to fight atheism by showing that advanced physics all supports the belief in the existence of God).
It should be viewed, I emphasize, at least twice, if not three times, so it sinks in and begins to make sense. And since it is fun, just do it! Watch it three times!
(Btw, Founding Father Ben Franklin, also a great scientist, knew about this mystery – that suggests a god or some divine involvement – way back in 1750.)
The next step is to formalize this into a religion, just as the Mormons and Jews, the Sikhs and the various major churches in the old days, are powerful by being an ORGANIZED RELIGION.
==================LOVELY ANTI-WHITE EMAIL
(This was a comment attached to another blog: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-significance-of-the-solutreans-the-anasazi-build-a-civilization-for-non-whites-to-destroy#comment-96407)
Save White People?? Why on Earth would you want to do that?? White people are responsible for the death and destruction of hundreds of Millions of people in the last 500 years or so. The numbers look something like this….. 80 million or so black folks dead in the slave trade, another 100 million or so dead native aboriginal … another 100 million in wars during the last 200 years, and something over 50 million dead from the use and abuse of legal drugs, (that is Alcohol and Tobacco). So no thanks, Motherfucker. Ain’t gonna be saving your white ass today. Gonna agitate every day to raise a mob so when the time comes we can run your thin tin ass out of town, giving you the exact same ‘chance’ at survival you gave everyone else. You diabolical racist killing machine, that’s right. You Motherfucker
I replied to him:
So you basically approve of white genocide. OK, I got the message loud and clear. But to hate all whites is not racist, right?
If you did, maybe you might change your attitude. Your attacks on whites, all whites, are factually wrong, but after reading that link please get back to me if you are sincere.
And btw, we will not be run out of town from of our own country. Whites were here 10,000 years before the Indians, and Indians, invaders from Siberia, massacred US. After that white genocide, North America mostly vegetated until the next wave of whites came in 1492.
But all this was in the blog, which you ignored.
When you think of gun sales doubling, think of whitey not being run of out town.
More reason to never entrust the minds of our children to the Establishment. It is rife with satanism!!
Jimmy Savile raped a 12-year-old girl
Sunday January 13,2013
By James Fielding
JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.
Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47.
The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason.
Dr Sinason told the Sunday Express she first spoke to the victim in 1992. “She had been a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1975 when Savile was a regular visitor.
“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask.
“She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame.
“She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latinised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.”
[JdN: I have often blogged about how I was affected as a child by being abused. And 75% of the Jews who send me hate emails bring this up and exult that I was molested.
Be sure to see my powerful blog on the satanic , child-molesting, child-sacrificing US Army general Michael Aquino, a leading figure at the NSA [National Security Agency]! https://johndenugent.com/english/jew-senators-lead-in-screaming-for-gun-confiscation-mk-ultras-and-obviously-faking-it-actors-abound-in-newtown-massacre-government-op]
Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there.
Five years after the hospital attack, he abused a second victim during another black mass ceremony held at a house in a wealthy London street.
The woman was 21 at the time and was made to attend an orgy, which later took on a darker twist.
Dr Sinason, director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies in London, said: “A second victim approached me in 1993. She said she had been ‘lent out’ as a supposedly consenting prostituted woman at a party in a London house in 1980.
“The first part of the evening started off with an orgy but half-way through some of the participants left.
“Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia. Although the girl was a young adult, who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable.”
Both victims contacted Dr Sinason, who is president of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, while she was involved in a Department of Health-funded study into sexual abuse committed during rituals and religious ceremonies. She said: “Both these witnesses did speak to police at the time but were vulnerable witnesses and on encountering any surprise or shock did not dare to give all the details.”
The police took no action.
She had been a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1975 when Savile was a regular visitor
Dr Sinason |
The Jews have been reacting violently to the previous blog (https://johndenugent.com/english/many-comments-and-questions-regarding-the-blog-of-january-9-2013):
From:* Johan Bustmeister <johanbustmeister@yahoo.com> [totally fake “German” name]
*To:* “john_denugent@yahoo.com” <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
*Sent:* Tuesday, 15 January 2013, 11:13
*Subject:* Georgetown
Heil Mr. Hitler/de Nugent,
Could it be a coincidence that that whiny kid in Georgetown who gave a speech during his Jewish professor’s history lesson was you?
[etc., including the Jew finding a way to use the word “buttfucking” etc.]
I replied:
A devastating psychological attack. I was so hurt I shot myself. 😉
Fascinating how many loathsome Jews like you read me daily, though in each email they purport to dismiss me.
I did indeed stand up to my Jewish professor in his own class, and state that national socialism was indeed a full ideology, despite his claim, and not just a personality cult or a “call to violence” against Jews.
As for “whiny,” it is you Jews who have so many people named aptly Winer, you all being a nation of whiners, moaning for bucks for your Holocaust swindle and decrying an antisemitism you provoke and richly deserve.
Thank you for boosting my determination to do something final about you.
What is it like, Jew, to be part of the most hated people on the entire globe? The Russians, Chinese, Pakistanis and soon the Iranians will all be able to nuke your turd-shaped country into green glass. And more and more Americans too have had it with you, and gun sales are doubling.
Yes, the truth hurts you greatly. And the thought that this time the whole world will annihilate you hurts doubly, after you finally built your little monstrosity.
Even Obama hates you, as evidenced by nominating Chuck Hagel as head of the Pentagon. And a quarter of the Jews leave your fold in every generation, of whom the Kapners, Shahaks, Israel Shamirs, Jack Bernsteins, and Gilad Atzmons are just the loudest.
What you are is neanderthals, and as you know they lost in the end.
You are fossils, as Toynbee said, throwbacks, and early humans who no longer belong here.
John de Nugent
The Jew replied:
You poor kid… You hate the Jews and admire the man who was Jewish himself. Did your daddy kick your head?
My retort:
Hitler was jewish? You say “the world’s most evil tyrant” was a jew? Good, yet another reason to hate the Jews. 😉 …. Now you must pay in blood for giving us Hitler! 😉 .
Didn’t look very Jewish, though…
A German comrade created this, but what do Germans know about Hitler?
(with English subtitles for those afflicted with monolingualism ;-))
After obliterating the civilians of Germany, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer place.
01/16 @ 09:21 : Kragujevac, RS [SERBIA]
01/16 @ 09:20 : Steinheim, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/16 @ 09:20 : Baja, HU[NGARY]
01/16 @ 09:20 : Slidell, Louisiana, US
01/16 @ 09:19 : Florence, IT
01/16 @ 09:18 : Rapperswil, CH [SWITZERLAND]
01/16 @ 09:17 : Germany, DE
01/16 @ 09:16 : Bad Wörishofen, DE
01/16 @ 09:16 : Leksand, SE [SWEDEN]
Henrik Holappa the Finn lives here — in a picturesque part of Sweden.
01/16 @ 09:14 : Berlin, DE
01/16 @ 09:10 : Germany, DE
01/16 @ 09:10 : United Kingdom, GB
01/16 @ 09:09 : Camrose, CA
01/15 @ 08:57 : Auckland, NZ
01/15 @ 08:51 : Chicago, Illinois, US
01/15 @ 08:49 : Newton, New Hampshire, US
Invasion of the Body Searchers: The Loss of Bodily Integrity in an Emerging Police State
by John W. Whitehead
[source: http://lewrockwell.com/whitehead/whitehead68.1.html]
Recently by John W. Whitehead: The Magician’s Con: Renewing FISA and the NDAA Under Cover of the Fiscal Cliff Debates [John Whitehead is Brandon Raub’s attorney [the Richmond, Virginia Marine who got thrown into psych for his Facebook postings against the NWO].
His piece describes the peculiarly American form of police sadism that has been going on for a long time. The “courts” say it’s fine with them.
If you want a recipe for disaster, take police officers hyped up on their own authority and the power of the badge, throw in a few court rulings suggesting that security takes precedence over individual rights, set it against a backdrop of endless wars and militarized law enforcement, and then add to the mix a populace distracted by entertainment, out of touch with the workings of their government, and more inclined to let a few sorry souls suffer injustice than to challenge the status quo.
The resulting concoction, I can promise you, will be a messy, noxious stew unfit for consumption, miserable to digest and with after-effects that will leave you reeling and clutching your stomach in dismay. Such is the nature of life in the emerging police state that is America today, where roadside police stops have devolved into government-sanctioned exercises in humiliation and degradation with a complete disregard for privacy and human dignity.
Consider, for example, what happened to 38-year-old Angel Dobbs and her 24-year-old niece, Ashley, who were pulled over by a Texas state trooper on July 13, 2012, allegedly for flicking cigarette butts out of the car window. First, the trooper berated the women for littering on the highway. Then, insisting that he smelled marijuana, he proceeded to interrogate them and search the car. Despite the fact that both women denied smoking or possessing any marijuana, the police officer then called in a female trooper, who carried out a roadside cavity search, sticking her fingers into the older woman’s anus and vagina, then performing the same procedure on the younger woman, wearing the same pair of gloves. No marijuana was found.
Leila Tarantino was allegedly subjected to two roadside strip searches in plain view of passing traffic during a routine traffic stop, while her two children – ages 1 and 4 – waited inside her car. During the second strip search, presumably in an effort to ferret out drugs, a female officer “forcibly removed” a tampon from Tarantino’s body. No contraband or anything illegal was found.
Meanwhile, four Milwaukee police officers have been charged with carrying out rectal searches of suspects on the street and in police district stations over the course of several years. One of the officers is accused of conducting searches of men’s anal and scrotal areas, often inserting his fingers into their rectums and leaving some of his victims with bleeding rectums.
Half-way across the country, the city of Oakland, California, has agreed to pay $4.6 million to 39 men who had their pants pulled down by police on city streets between 2002 and 2009.
And then there’s the increasingly popular practice of doing blood draws at DUI checkpoints, where drivers who refuse a breathalyzer test find themselves subjected to forcible blood extractions to test for alcohol levels. Police in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, actually had a registered nurse and an assistant district attorney on hand “to help streamline the ‘blood draw’ warrants and collect blood samples from suspected impaired drivers” at one exercise in holiday drunk driving enforcement. A similar case, Missouri v. McNeely, which deals with a driver who failed a sobriety test, then refused a breathalyzer test and was subjected to a warrantless blood draw, is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court.
No matter which way the Supreme Court rules in Missouri v. McNeely, it will do little to rein in this runaway police state of ours. Indeed, as we have seen repeatedly, by the time a case arrives before the U.S. Supreme Court, it’s almost too late for any real change to take place, especially when it’s a matter of government abuse. More often than not, during the course of however many years it takes for a case to make its way through the courts, the particular violations being challenged have already been accepted by the citizenry as part of the government’s modus operandi.
Such was the case with Florence v. Bd. of Chosen Freeholders of County of Burlington, which attempted to challenge the practice of forcible strip searches by government officials, namely jail wardens. Albert Florence, an African-American man in his mid-thirties, was on his way to Sunday dinner in 2005 when his then-pregnant wife, who was driving, was pulled over by a New Jersey State Police trooper. Asked to show his ID, Florence soon found himself handcuffed, erroneously arrested for failing to pay a traffic fine, and forced to submit to two egregious strip and visual body-cavity searches at two different county jails. After spending six days in jail, Florence was finally able to prove his innocence. Outraged, Florence sued the jail officials who had needlessly degraded his bodily integrity.
It took seven years for Florence’s case to make it to the Supreme Court, and a year later, in April 2012, the Court handed down a 5-4 ruling which struck a blow to any long-standing protections against blanket strip searches, declaring that any person who is arrested and processed at a jail house, regardless of the severity of his or her offense (i.e., they can be guilty of nothing more than a minor traffic offense), can be subjected to a strip search by police or jail officials without reasonable suspicion that the arrestee is carrying a weapon or contraband.
It must be remembered that the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was intended to protect the citizenry from being subjected to “unreasonable searches and seizures” by government agents. While the literal purpose of the amendment is to protect our property and our bodies from unwarranted government intrusion, the moral intention behind it is to protect our human dignity. Unfortunately, the rights supposedly guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment have been steadily eroded over the past few decades. Court rulings justifying invasive strip searches as well as Americans’ continued deference to the dictates of achieving total security have left us literally stranded on the side of the road, grasping for dignity.
January 15, 2013
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead [send him mail] is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He is the author of The Change Manifesto (Sourcebooks).
From: JB Campbell
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:09 AM
Subject: Gettin’ bad and it’s legal
Every traffic stop must now be considered a death threat combined with rape/sodomy.
Cops are trained to fear us and hate us and subject us to Abu Ghraib treatment for no reason other than to show who’s boss. So that’s what we need to do, because we’re the boss. They have given us the choice of abject surrender or self-defense.
I’m an anti-terrorist – I think we all are. I fought terrorists in Africa. Now I’m going to fight terrorists in America, the home of state terror. Our attitudes towards cops must be changed from “Hey, I’m not a threat,” to “One false move and I’ll kill you.”
Audio interview with a North Carolina Police Lt. who says police departments are training with the federals for a marshal law scenario within the next 2-3 months. Looks like Bruce Campbell was right. They will be taking out the first ones on the list by going door-to-door or “wherever they can find them” including road checks. 6:30 minutes.
In the end, white people all will recognize what I knew way back in the 1970s. Certain whites were muttering to me something radical under their breath
–as the schools were forcibly integrated,
–drugs took over,
–shacking-up instead of marriage began to spread, along with women’s lib and the Pill, all destroying the white birth rate,
–“All in the Family” on TV began ridiculing the white working class,
–the steel and textile mills that created high-paying jobs for whites closed and went to China, South Korea and Taiwan,
–and we as a white nation “lost” (by NWO design) — in an agony of national humiliation (after 57,000 dead and a trillion dollars in expenses in today’s dollars) — the Vietnam War to a bunch of five-foot-four, rice-eating, protein-starved, slant-eyed mongoloids.
And what they were muttering to me (regular whites, mind you) was this:
“It’s gonna take another Hitler.”
Yes, in the end, his reputation for holocausting the Jews (though unfortunately erroneous) will be seen as the most positive thing about him. 😉
The other thing I heard back in the 1970s people mutter was:
“The only thing I didn’t like about Hitler was that he didn’t get them all.”😉
And so I stand 100% behind my previous blog and behind what I will be saying in the German video with English subtitles that soon will appear to the world.
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