Covid, glaucoma, overwork, Stage IV cancer AND financial stress — something has gotta give

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Charles Goodwin MD is Margi’s oncologist. The entire UP is underserved with doctors. We get young new doctors, and some are first-rate and others second-rate doctors. Goodwin, by his name and appearance, might be jewish, or half-jewish, but even if so, I am not saying his work is bad or there was deliberate neglect.

I only note that there were strong suspicions of a renewed throat cancer in January, and yet no therapy was begun untl almost June. Keytruda immunotherapy, and then it was already Stage IV for my wife — terminal.

“Palliative care.”

“Make the patient comfortable.”

Then into the hospice, the death house.

I got almost irate in June and asked when the Keytruda therapy was going to finally start.

“We can start in two or three weeks after the insurance gets straightened out.” 

Were I another person, a Walt Kowalski (in a Clint Eastwood film), I might have flown off the handle:

But what I knew is that this young doctor has a career to protect, and the plain fact is that all medical records, which I have in hard copy, prove that it took almost six months for Margi to get ANY treatment for her growing cancer — and by then it had become Stage IV.

Not good for Margi. Not good for me. And not good for Doctor Goodwin.

But now he is super-cooperative…. _Whatever we want, we get right away.

Margi was in the ER four times in two months and Goodwin always hopped to it.

And, and I will repeat this, the radiation oncologist in Marquette Hospital, Richard Baer, told me, twice, that he

had not seen in ten years as a cancer doctor a squamous-cell cancer migrate to the liver as in Margi’s case.

He said it twice and looked directly at me.

What was he possibly saying sotto voce?

Yes, Dr, Baer, who was very nice, is of the Tribe.

Murder my wife, jews, and it will be the entire white folk of the United States avenging a new Mary Phagan.

For it is a fact, black-on-white on hospital records, that Margi had serious indicators of a returning cancer in January — and it took many months for Dr. Goodwin to start therapy on this lethal disease.



…..I’m 68, not 28

Skype conversation today with my paid, full-time website monitor (“LC”), who alerts my paid Russian webmaster day-and-night to jewish or government-hired hackers:

Rotating TEAMS of international hackers, who are basically website hitmen, attack my site.


JdN: 07:21

Margi is doing better, and also understanding my own health issues more.

LC: 07:22
Thanks. Cool I’ll be back in a bit. I recall u said she weighed more, from 87 to 94 pounds

That’s a very good sign. I don’t have Net at the house. Will be back shortly.

JdN: 07:23
M was being extremely demanding, but who can blame her, facing Stage IV cancer? Any slip-up or neglect and she dies. Her blood oxygen was at 72% once when she forgot to put on her canular (breathing device for both nostrils).

Amd then she saw me saw me fall sick
and this woke her up
and a mutual friend told her to ease up on me
no one can work three nurrsing shifts a day for weeks on end as i have done
without falling ill himself, and where is Margi if i die?

LC 07:25
I said the same thing to you. As you could have a heart attack

You’re not twenty.

JdN: yes

LC: 07:26
I said you looked like you’d aged a little too fast and stopped taking care of your form, didn’t exercise etc bc you have no time to breathe

JdN: i got a strong pressure in my.left eyeball too — glaucoma/possible blindness

LC: 07:26
I will write again when I’m back.tjats a high blood pressure sign

Not good. My dad had that

JdN: and an inflammation in my left heel,  plantar fasciitis
so i cannot go for walks


LC: 07:27
I’ll write as soon As I’m home. It’s not good. You cant afford to get ill it’s not good. You’re not twenty

It’s too much

I’ll be back asap. Gotta deal with this

JdN: i did redo the cracked tile kitchen floor, however. It was a hazard to walk with the tiles breaking. I couldn’t afford to have Margi fall.

Putty tube (Loctite, by Heinkel of Germany)  in a putty gun, a trowel, a large sponge and sandy gray grout.  A local friend and I did it in two hours and saved hundreds of dollars. (The line is Margi’s 75-foot oxygen line, which savesher life but is in itself also a tripping hazard.)

I got $261 in donations yesterday from an urgent appeal…

LC: 07:28
Good. But you need to tak care of yourself, John

JdN: okay, right. Ciao for niao 🙂

LC: 07:29
Ciao for niao fra

Ill write shortly

JdN: if i do not handle this well, margi could die and I become an invalid
vaya con Dios

LC: 11:10
Good afternoon, John. Am back now and done. Money issues right now.. I had to go out to fight for a bit I was owed. Was a disaster

But life goes on….

You have to take care of yourself. That’s one hundred percent most important. You go down, it all goes down.

You are Definitely not doing that. That’s obvious And it’s down to being overstretched. I recall only like two years ago you were lifting weights and in fine shape. Your health was near perfect. I’m sure you can get it back but you have to make a Little time for yourself. Ofc it’s not margis fault but still her situation is responsible for it.

It’s a terrible situation but you’re no good to her getting better if you have a heart attack. And you yourself can…. You know what cam happen.. My dad died only like two yrs older than you bc of heart issues.

I think you will be fine but you have to take care of yoursekf and demand Margi does exactly what you say with no arguments. She can’t demand, as scared as she is. You give what ou can and she has to accept that you are doing your best. Stress to her you fear you will have a heart attack if this continues, as the eye pressure is in fact am indicator of cardiovascular problems.

I am here all eve Iif you want to say hello. I can speak now for at least another three hours with the time difference.


…..To save our race, with enough now bestirred and ready to fully awaken, I need

— donations for both the website and for Margi’s cancer fighters. Chemo and radiation are now hopeless.

— liposomal Vitamin C ($34.19 a bottle on Amazon— you can order it for us and have it sent to 801 Michigan St., Ontonagon MI 49953 🙂 Each bottle lasts one week. Thiss is much cheaper than an IV (intravenous) and is considered to be as effective.)

Items recommended by Jane McLelland, who beat Stage IV cancer:

— niclosamide

— baby aspirin

— metformin (covered by our insurance)

— atorvastatin (covered by our insurance)

— dipyrmidamole (covered by our insurance)

— mebenzadole or fenbenzadole

— doxycycline (covered by our insurance)


And equally important is respite care. This means someone comes in during the day to relieve me.

So I can get some shut-eye and then introduce, proclaim and sacrifice for the new, Aryan, militant, fighting religion.

The book is written.

But I need time to preach and teach it, to evangelize, to go forth to our people, to deal with the tv reporters, take the phone calls and send and receive hundreds of emails, and to found a new world religion with all that this entails.

The colossus America is now at the point of racial and jew-wise awakening.

Now it can finally act to save itself and then go on to save the entire white world which it has ruined since 1945!

Please right-click on this audio to play the music in a new tab, and ponder as you listen these images of the bright future that is ahead, after hardships that 90% of earthlings richly deserve for many incarnations of dodging the burning, central Jewish Question.


…..They donated in August

Picturesque Brittany, France, keltic for millennia, and home of my top donor in 13 years of donations, received a new migration of Kelts hailing from Britain (hence the name), after the Anglo-Saxons, Germanic peoples, invaded Britain from Holland and Germany in the 400s AD.

Brittany is famous for seafood, prehistoric monuments, for nationalist political leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, and for keltic good looks, meaning often brown or black hair, blue eyes, and freckles, as in Ireland or parts of England.

My own ancestry is part-keltic: Irish and Scottish,  and my chin whiskers used to be red. 😉 Now they are, ahem, silver. 😉 Margi is half-keltic herself (Scotch-Irish). 


If you wish to donate using PayPal, pls write me for details at  or, better, after getting your own free, encrypted account, write me an an email to

Recent donations:

— 29 August 2022 200 euros (ca. $190) from M in France, the all-time top donor

— 28 August 2022 $100 cash from S, a local mechanic

— 27 August 2022 $200 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 27 August 2022 $50 (47 euros) from M in Texas

— 27 August 2022 $11 via CashApp from J in [unknown]

— 18 August 2022 $200 via PayPal from D in Texas

— 16 August 2022 $100 via CashApp from IR in unknown location

— 16 August 2022 $100 via CashApp from M in Arkansas

— 12 August 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 9 August 2022 $300 loan via Walmart-to-Walmart from P in Florida

— 6 August 2022 50 dollars via CashApp from R

— 6 August 2022 100 dollars cash and a wedding congratulation card from P in Florida


— 4 August 2022 $160 via PayPal from B in Georgia


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