FRANCOIS AROUET This COVID has doubled suicide rates in some age-groups in low-population Japan and inflicted cancer on White America, too. Were these part of China’s goals?  

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by the indomitable François M Arouet


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Unlike the Chinese Coronavirus which largely impacts the elderly and already infirm, cancer, alcoholism, suicide –and the debilitating mental health issues that are the DIRECT result of the current lockdown conditions — do not discriminate.
In fact, due to the ILLEGAL restrictions put in place by our overlords, data now shows that millions more (I believe it may be well into the tens of millions when this madness is said and done) of our young people will die because of illnesses and suicide —  neglected during periods of government-imposed restrictions (oftentimes exacerbated by said current restrictions) — than would have, if we had done nothing.
First, let’s look at Cancer and COVID’s DIRECT impact. 

Cancer rates for the young across the United States and Europe are in fact increasing at a faster rate than those impacting the elderly.

And don’t allow them to trick you – it’s our nation’s Coronavirus restrictions that are largely responsible for this drastic rise.
A recent study by the United Kingdom-based MacMillan Cancer Support Research Foundation reported that

cancer is “going undiagnosed for up to 2,000 people a week due to Covid-19 concerns (paranoia) in hospitals and GP surgeries”,

….with the charity warning the UK now faces a “ticking time bomb” that could kill tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands.
MacMillan Cancer Support – one of Britain’s largest Cancer charities – who too are certainly looking to exploit the crisis, added that “Cancer risks becoming the forgotten C of the coronavirus pandemic, with evidence of patients having appointments cancelled or postponed, while others awaiting possible diagnosis say they are put off attending hospitals due to concerns about contracting the virus.”
It followed a study from the Institute of Cancer Research, London that suggested putting off cancer surgeries for three months could lead to almost 5,000 excess deaths in England alone just for the period in question. Another 2020 survey of several hundred cancer patients who support Macmillan’s campaigning work showed almost half (45%) had seen their cancer treatment delayed, cancelled or changed as a result of the coronavirus.
Disruptions to GP/Doctor referrals and COVID delays suggests that “as many as 1,900 cases of cancer a week are currently going undiagnosed.”
1900 incidents of Cancer each week equates to 100,000 missed diagnoses annually.
And they are not old, the already infirm, or people with conditions that make them susceptible to COVID.
These are ordinarily healthy people except for the fact they have an alien intruder invading their bodies, one that can be beaten back if caught in time.
And the 1,900 weekly figure is not based on some moronic statistical model AOC created in her head, it is based on evidence given to Parliament last month by Dame Cally Palmer, National Cancer Director for NHS [National Health Service] England who said that two-week referrals – where GPs send patients with suspected cancer to specialists for further investigation – were down by almost two-thirds.
Yes, two thirds.
If one translates these numbers to the US, where there are about five times more people and far less access to medical care for the masses, it is fair to say that millions, YES MILLONS of Western, mostly able-bodied white people, often of child bearing age that could have caught the cancers early, will now only find the dreaded disease when it is too late.
When the pandemic first hit the U.S. Federal health officials and cancer societies urged patients to stay home, even postpone routine medical care, which included mammograms, colonoscopies and other tests that might have detected cancer. Health systems overwhelmed by Covid-19 patients or preparing for a surge in cases — or both — asked those whose care could wait to delay what they could.
Yes, people who are at risk for cancer, who had been told for decades that screening saves millions of lives, were now being told NOT to be screened.
According to Statnews, Cancer Research Network found “a significant decrease in all cancer-related patient encounters as a result of the pandemic, defining an encounter as screening, an initial diagnosis, a second opinion, or the start of treatment.
Twenty leading American healthcare provider institutions with nearly 30 million patients reported to the Journal of Clinical Oncology that they saw an overall drop of 74% in new cases of breast, prostate, lung colorectal, blood/hematologic cancers and melanoma, compared to the previous year.
This is not due to cancer rates dropping — it has exploded as a cause of death in the USA from 1 in 8 to 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women — but from SCREENINGS and EARLY DETECTION going down!
That report was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology last July. In the network 43% of patients are seen at institutions in the South, 22% in the Midwest, 18% in the Northeast, and 17% in the West.”
Skipping cancer screenings also sparked alarm at the US National Cancer Institute.
They warned in a June editorial published in Science Magazine “that delayed cancer diagnosis because of government imposed restrictions could lead to tens of thousands of extra deaths over the next ten years in breast and colorectal cancer alone… effect trading one public health crisis for another.”
In the spring, the US National Cancer Institute reported that screening appointments for cervical, colon, and breast cancer literally plummeted between 85% and 95% in March.
9 out of 10 people who would have been tested for these cancers SKIPPED the test entirely.
If one actually looks at the data we are talking about hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths. If one looks at expanded data that take into account other factors, incorporate lifestyle choice and a subsequent adjustment in future screening patterns and behaviors, we are talking about millions of impacted people.
Deaths of people in the prime of their lives
If one factors in even whiter Western and Eastern Europe, where another half billon people live, we are talking about tens of millions of additional deaths from cancer.
And again we are not talking about people in their 70s and 80s but children, adolescents, the middle-aged and otherwise healthy people etc.
Scary stuff….
So, I ask you, is this being done on purpose?
We all know what the First and Second World War did to Europe — how it decimated the number of healthy European people in the prime of their child-bearing years.
It stole hundreds of thousands of our best and brightest people that by now would have had MILLIONS of descendants.
The cancer incidence rates we are seeing due to Corona, however, would be far lower. There’s no denying this.
Then there’s suicide which largely impacts whites, alcohol-related deaths — not to mention the long-term cancer rates because of the increase in alcohol and cigarette consumption due to stress,  anxiety and depression.
Again, we are talking about MILLIONS of ordinarily healthy people, the vast majority of whom are still in the prime of their lives here.
And for what?
I’m left shaking my head when I try to answer that question.
A better question though would be, is COVID the threat they say it is?
Is it worth risking so much for so little? Is it worth cancer, suicide, resultant inability to pay for food, make the rent or keep up mortgage payments etc.?
Is it worth destroying our lives over?

I don’t personally know anyone infected by Corona, nor have I heard of anyone I know that knows anyone infected.

The people I know who work in healthcare have told me they are about as fearful of contracting it as they are of a bad flu. They tell me that the vast majority of the people who have come down with it have been very old, had severe pre-existing conditions or, without sounding crass or unsympathetic, were already “on their last legs.”
Sure, this disease may have a higher mortality rate than flu, but in people under the age of 45, mortality rates are really no different. Hundreds of thousands of people die of the flu annually across wealthy nations — and yet we don’t destroy the global economy, ruin lives, and get heavy- handed on the flu.
Cancer, AIDS, booze, cigarettes, driving and suicide wipe out far greater numbers of people than Corona.
But I don’t see cigarettes being banned, alcohol being seized. or people with mental-health issues being summarily locked up to protect them from themselves.
Fact is, for the past year now we have endured an unprecedented loss of liberty. Liberties that have been stolen from us by the State to protect us from a virus which no one really can definitively identify.
Then there’s suicide and how it is impacting Japan in particular.


Japan reports suicides faster and more accurately than anywhere else in the world. Unlike most countries, they are compiled in Japan at the end of each month. During the Covid pandemic the numbers revealed a disturbing story.
In 2020, for the first time in 11 years, the suicide rates increased in Japan. Even more surprising, rates among women have jumped by almost 15%.
In one month, in October, the female suicide rate in Japan jumped by more than 70% compared to the same month of the previous year.
So, what is going on? And why does the COVID pandemic seem to hit women much harder than men?
Suicide, which typically disproportionately impacts young men, has had an alarming impact on Japanese women of CHILD-BEARING AGE!!
But Francois, this might also have the same impact on China?. It proves this must be an unintended consequence.
Well, first off as I have posited many times in my articles, China would be the richest nation on Earth BY FAR if their population suddenly dropped by 80% overnight.
Fact is, 10% of that nation’s population produces 90% of their GDP.
Unlike the United States, Japan or Western Europe where the masses work in factories or the agricultural industries that produce the nation’s wealth, China’s rural poor produces next to nothing and are an enormous burden on the State. If China wiped out 80% of the West’s people (and just as importantly, Japan’s), those nations would grind to a halt overnight.
China, on the other hand, would see NO change.
In fact China’s welfare state would immediately see their costs slashed and with it, the nation’s wealth preserved (and in turn spent on more nukes, bombs, guns, tanks and things like COVID).
And this dynamic is as important nowhere more so than in China’s neighbor, Japan, whose ecomomy for all intents and purposes is nearly identical to ours. If 80% of their people were wiped out, they’d be ripe for the picking. And you KNOW China would be first at their door – NOT with their helping hands open, but their guns drawn.
If you look at previous periods of crisis in Japan, such as the banking crisis of 2008 or the collapse of the Japanese stock market and the housing bubble in the early 1990s, the impact was widely felt by middle-aged men. The suicide rate among men increased sharply.
But COVID is different, it affects young people and, in particular, young women. The reasons for this are complex.
Japan once had the highest suicide rate in the developed world. Over the past decade, it has managed to reduce the suicide rate by about one-third.
Professor Michiko Ueda is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University and also one of Japan’s leading suicide experts. She has been vocal on how shocking it has been to witness a sudden reversal of trend in recent months.


“Women in their 40s are the most influenced among all age groups,” says Shimizu. “For this group, the suicide rate has more than doubled during the pandemic.”

Japan has seen a sharp increase in the number of single women living alone, many of whom choose this solution over marriage, which still involves fairly traditional male and female roles. According to Professor Ueda, young women are also much more likely to work in so-called precarious jobs.


Professor Ueda calls the pattern of female suicides “very unusual.”
“A lot of women are no longer married,” she says. “They have to support themselves and have no permanent employment. So when something happens, of course, they are very, very hard hit. The number of job losses among non-permanent staff is so, so great in the last eight months,” she said.
Japan saw a 70% INCREASE from the same rate PRE-COVID. Unlike in the West, in Japan, newspaper headlines have sounded the alarm. Some compared the total number of suicides of men and women in October (2,199) to the total number of coronavirus deaths in Japan to date (2,087).
Something particularly strange was going on.
On September 27 last year, a very famous and popular actress named Yuko Takeuchi was found dead in her home. It was later reported that she had committed suicide and most believed that COVID-related depression was to blame. Yasuyuki Shimizu is a former journalist who now heads a non-profit organization dedicated to combating the problem of suicide in Japan.
“From the day the news of a celebrity suicide is reported, the number of suicides increases and remains this way for about 10 days,” he said.
“Based on the data, we can see that the actress’ suicide on September 27 led to 207 additional female suicides in the next 10 days.”
If you look at the suicide data of women about the same age as Yuko Takeuchi, the statistics are even bleaker.

“Women in their 40s are the most influenced among all age groups,” says Shimizu. “For this group, the suicide rate has more than doubled during the pandemic.”

And just as COVID leaves it impossible for loved ones to mourn those who have succumbed to the virus, it makes life much more difficult for the families of suicide victims.
“When I talk to family members, their feeling of not being able to save their loved one is very strong, which often leads them to blame themselves.” Mai Suganuma believes “I, too, blamed myself for not being able to save my father.”
“Now they are told that they must stay at home. I am afraid that the feeling of guilt will intensify. The Japanese don’t talk about death to begin with. We don’t have a culture to talk about suicides.”
Japan is now in a so-called third wave of COVID infections, and the centrist government has ordered a second state of emergency. It is likely to be extended until the end of February. More and more restaurants, hotels and bars are closing their doors. More and more people are losing their jobs and more and more people will kill themselves.
And make no mistake, China is rejoicing.

China is intent on world domination — of that there is no doubt.

[End article]


  1. In Jim Stone’ s website there is an information about 3 Boeing aircraft engines exploding in short succession and he thinks it was a case of stuxnet since these engines are online being remotely monitored 24/7.
    I think maybe pressure on the airlines to force the “covipass” that airlines should demand in order to let their passengers fly.

  2. Things are very bad now here in Australia.

    Alcohol consumption is up by a staggering 27%. One in seven Australians have used cocaine in the last two months or so . a drug that was practically unknown here a few years ago!

    Mental illness has risen sharply. A neighbour was telling me that there was two suicides in the next street in the previous month and the once-lucky country OF Australia is over one trillion dollars in debt due to COVID. Economists have estimated that it will take at least 80 years to pay off and we have a so-called conservative government in power too.
    Oh, and the Chinese military are building a military base right on our doorstep.

  3. Auch wenn es schwer ist. Worte allein vernichten uns nicht, aber Feigheit und Masseneinwanderung tun das schon.
    (((Amalek soll vernichtet werden))) – sagen Rabbis:

    Ob uns der Esausegen helfen kann? Mathilde Ludendorff meint in ihrem Buch: Ja, wenn man ihn einfordert.

    • That is a difficult question.

      In a post-apocalyptic situation, they sadly will not make it, nor the elderly, sick and severely wounded.

      The priority must be on saving healthy young men (under 45) who can fight, and of course doctors, nurses, and those bringing supplies and ammunition.

      We all are going to die anyway, whether in peacetime or wartime.

      Those who lead good lives and fight for what is right have nothing at all to fear from death.

      They go throUgh a tunnel of light, see angels and relatives, and, if they wish, can watch a potentially very moving video of their life, the decisions they made, and then go to a temporary heaven:

      There, if they want, they can grow tremendously and then reincarnate as a much improved person.

      (So an Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar might NOT come back again as a great warrior, seeking more “glory” at the expense of the blood and tears of the innocent. Or they might return as soldiers who fight only for very good and justified causes, not for fame, rape, pillage and their ego.)

      Tens of thousands of people have come back from death since the 1960s after NDEs, and reported all this.

      Death is not a tragedy, no more than childbirth is an illness. It is all part of the circle of life.

      As I pointed out in Table Talk, with a modern firearm you can put yourself out of your misery in one second and painlessly. (There is nothing immoral about this if you are terminally sick or severely wounded, or as a soldier you want to avoid capture and torture by a fiendish, unchivalrous enemy,

      I ended it here on April 30, 1945, gazing at a photo of my dear mother, a saint of a woman who had died of breast cancer forty years before. When we die, we see those loved ones again. 🙂
      Moand dad in that life:

      The Japanese did it all that time. At Iwo Jima (where my father fought), when the battle was lost, they stood in a circle and pulled the pin on grenades clutched to their chest, or they did a final charge. The Clint Eastwood movie “Letters from Iwo Jima” (Japanese, with English subtitles) shows this.

      These young men, born in 1920 or 1925, would be dead now anyway, for othrewise they would be 100 or 95 years old!

      Our goal is not to exist as miserable slaves, but to live, to grow, and create a better self and world!

      The truth about the handicapped?

      If everything collapses, such as during an all-out race war, an all-out civil war, or after a nuclear war – all of which are now very likely — the severely autistic, the advanced Alzheimers patients, and the terminal people in the hospices would die slowly of starvation, the power grid and water going down, and the supply of meds ending. Starvation or deaht by thirst is certainly the nastiest way to go — unless they were mercifully put out of their drawn-out misery in such an apocalyptic situation in an act of compassion.

      In the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” you see an American medic, who ironically was himself shot in the gut, a Private Wade, asking for a second massive dose of morphine.

      With all that blood loss, it will likely be fatal, and the medic himself knows it.

      Being shot in the guts is very, very painful — whereas a head shot, while it looks gross, puts you out of your misery very fast or instantly.

      (So, thankfully, our President John Kennedy, the last one to stand up to the jews, did not suffer at all when he was shot the second time, which was to the head.)

      The morphine both stops the pain and, de facto, kills the dying man…. in an act of genuine, true and practical kindness for a buddy who is already a “goner.”

      In war, people die. That’s why people are firing bullets.

      There is absolutely no reason to linger on in misery on this often hellish planet once you cannot do any more good for yourself and others.

      So be decisive, live bravely and then die bravely as well!

      You will have many, many more lives ahead, and there will be new adventures, new loves, new triumphs, and seeing old friends again in new bodies. But this reward is only for the brave and good, whose nobility and every kindness was seen and cherished by a forgiving, understanding, Almighty God, a being who truly knows and cares about what we go through and all we endure here!

      I feel bad for those who skip over my teachings on this website, because, like a junkie, they crave to read yet more content on what the jews and blacks are doing lately. 😉

      Guess what, brother and sisters?
      They are doing exactly what they always do. 😉
      Getting more bad karma for themselves. 😉

      How about you?

      Someday you will need to have the inner strength to wade through blood and horrors and not “crack up.” Why? So that we keep on fighting and eventually win, even if it takes 25 generations of glorious, bitter, and tenacious struggle.

      You will be glad you read and pondered with your heart what I am saying now.

      I have lived and died many times, and know it is pointless to fear death when, for the good people who truly try, it is a release from suffering.

      It is an exit from a visibly insane world, and a returning home to a God-ruled world of order and happiness, a world without jews like this POS.

      It is likewise a world without sniveling white cowards and vile white traitors who have betrayed not just their race and country, but their own souls — and learnt nothing from an entire incarnation.

      Blame not only the jew, but the goy who does his bidding.

      A nauseating coward is shot during WWI. Only a atheist would so focus on his own suffering and be so fearful of an eternal death that does not exist that he forgets his duty to his brothers, who also suffer but have NOT given up. Every man who gives up worsens the odds of survival for his brothers!

      Gloriously brave, skilful British and German soldiers go at it in the 1944 Battle of Caen, Normandy (which I visited in 2004):

      Know we are immortal.You are immortal. Then the motto of Québec may become meaninful to you. It has always stirred me:

      “Je me souviens”

      “I remember.”

      Remember that you are an ancient spiritual being, free to choose, and having yet another human journey.

      Join those who “get” that and have inner peace, not perpetual mental turmoil which, I assure you now, will only get worse, unbearably worse for the spiritually weak.

      The utimate madness? Millions of unspiritual whites, egoic-mind slaves, will idiotically kill THEMSELVES instead of their wicked, vile, monstrous enemy.

      I saw it all before, in 1932 in Germany, a national wave of suicides in Year Three of the jew-caused Great Depression.

      On the verge of us coming to power (January 1933!!!), and of a new dawn of hope, they believed all the jewspaper propaganda, felt totally hopeless, then flung themselves off bridges into the river (sometimes with an innocent child in each hand!). They stepped in front of subway or trolley cars. They swallowed pills (especially women), or, if men, they shot themselves.

      (Women are relatively neat and dainty to the end, even in their manner of suicide. Men typically have no problem leaving behind brains and gore to be cleaned up. 😉 )

      Those Germans who murdered themselves chose to believe allthe jewspaper lies that I was Dr. Evil. 😉 We had refuted every slander, but they refused to even read it.

      So they m-u-r-d-e-r-e-d themselves. Good going….

      As Eckhart Tolle would say, their own egoic mind became obsessed with the idea of “Woe is me! How I am suffering!” and sooyur own out-of-copntorl mind torments you until your own mind literally kills you.

      What a pitiful waste. What a wasted life…. gobbling up the most ludicrous and obvious lies of the jews to the very end.

      A failed incarnation.

      How the jews gloats over each goy whom he has made so deliciously miserable that the goy kills himself!

      And that is the entire jew plan — get us to kill ourselves or each other — for them. 😉

      So are you a wretched slave flunking his incarnation — or a man who knows he agreed to incarnate here at this time in history — to fight for the victory of the light??

      The death of John Kennedy, murdered by Israel because he would not let the jews get The Bomb:

      “Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord,” Father Huber said.

      “And let perpetual light shine upon him,” Jacqueline Kennedy answered.

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