UPDATE: Media silence after Creepy Joe is accused of serious finger rape by his own staffer

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……Big-Media silence still on the story below

The Jew York Times ran NOTHING on this.
Gatewaypundit had a good piece, and comments from readers:

Embarrassingly for Biden, he has argued that such questioning [men questioning the veracity of women who claim some powerful male raped them]  is per se inappropriate:

What should happen is the woman should be given the benefit of the doubt and not be, you know, abused again by the system. I hope that they understand what courage it takes for someone to come forward and relive what they believe happened to them and let them state it, but treat her with respect.

If this is what “should happen,” why don’t Democrats practice it — and why doesn’t Biden himself step aside in order to live by the standards he championed only two years ago?

We know why. [end]

I just listened to the most horrifying audio of Biden’s quasi-rape (groping and vaginal finger-rape) against a marble wall in the Russell House Office Building of one of his own female staffers, Tara Reade, half his age.
I must say that this Biden character is the most despicable, vile POS of all the disgraceful human filth that I have seen in US politics in my 65 weary years of life in Uncle Shlomoland.
Margi listened to it, as did I, and this Tara sounds authentic.
Add that to the whole pattern of Creepy Joe Biden’s life as a nonstop lecher, and I think her horror story is likely true.
If the Demoncrats do nominate him for president, they are clinically insane and ready for the strait jacket.
Listen to it and, if a man, have your female friends listen to it, and tell me if she sounds for real.
Geeze, Louise, even Bolshie Bernie would do better against Donald Trump! Orange Man will stomp Biden’s guts out in November — unless they assassinate him, or he starts WWIII for Israel!
Joe Biden's accuser finally tells her full story
Joe Biden’s accuser finally tells her full story
Hear the full interview


  1. I agree with you, John. No way that lady is lying. She and her mother were brave to stand up to the creep. She’s an example of a hardcore Democrat for life, though, LOL. She said despite getting sexually assaulted and fingered by creepy Joe, she still proudly voted for Obama (of course with Joe as Vice), and thought he did a phenomenal job. Her hopeful career in politics was ruined because of not “playing ball” and willingly having sex with horny Joe.

    My feeling has been that the reason this Corona hoax was launched at this time was partly a desperate play to bring the horrendous Democrats back into possible contention, because without it, they were heading to an embarrassing landslide — simply because creepy Joe is so bad and can’t even fake it well anymore. It was looking bad for Trump for a little bit, but I think the tide is turning, and he is starting to turn it around on them again.

  2. I can’t wait to hear Trump tear into him at the debates. “Creepy Joe”, “hair sniffer”, “fingering the candidate”, etc. As I said before though, I don’t think the (((DNC))) is going to let Joe get that far.

    A replacement is being groomed.

    • I agree, and possibly it would be Andrew Cuomo, the ugly, nasty, two-term and current governor of New Yawk — very tied in to the Clintons. Like Biden, he would do as told, but without groping or blanking out every sentence. 😉


      During his governorship, Cuomo oversaw the passage of a law legalizing same-sex marriage in New York; creation of the United States Climate Alliance, a group of states committed to fighting climate change by following the terms of the Paris Climate Accords; passage of the strictest gun control law in the U.S…..


    • Thanks — first I heard of this. I always dismissed Biden as a lightweight, and never delved much into him.

      The article raises a good question: “Why has the media basically stayed mum about this lie?”

      My hunch is this guy is a total satanist who would do anything he is asked to do, and relish it.

      And, with all the dirt on this jerk, they control him that way too. Margi just told me of a Secret Service agent who nearly decked Biden, then VP, after he groped his wife on the breast! Another agent rushed over and restrained him, and he was docked a week’s pay. On another occasion, a Christmas party for SS agents and wives was canceled because Biden was groping every woman he could, and they did not want a repeat of the fondling incident, with some agent decking the Vice President of the United States…..

      “End times”? It needs to be.

  3. Look at the expressions on the faces of these women and children being Joe-handled. It’s obvious they’ve been briefed about Creepy Joe (like the retarded kid in the room) and are just trying to make it through the function without causing a scene.

    Just Creepy Joe Biden

    • Nightmare… a real Bohemian-Grove, luciferian type.

      This guy, IMO, cannot possibly be nominated, however. Rudy Giuliani (no choir boy himself) lays it out additionally on just the 1) dementia and 2) graft issues, not the groping:

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