We must not say that the Fox correspondent whom Fox’s own Lou Dobbs calls “dismissive” to his face, David Spunt, is a jew https://www.google.com/search?q=spunt+jewish&oq=spunt+jewish
Or say that Fox-IN-THE-CHICKENHOUSE jew Geraldo Rivera is a jew, or this treacherous habiru, Chris Wallace (grandfather: Wallach)
…or Bloomberg is a jew, or Soros (who gave $122 mio to BLM in July) , or Zuckerberg, or Obama himself via his jewish-ultra-slut mother,
From the porn photo collection of black nationalist and Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s real father
…or crooked jew governors Whitmer of Michigan and Wolfe of Pennsylvania…..
Well, someone has to name the jew. I will do it,
But in such a way that people do not bat it aside.
Henry Ford of Michigan was right 100 years ago this year:
I began to understand that the Great Recession of 2008-2017 was diabolically deliberate when I saw Lou Dobbs, then the business reporter of CNN, interview a businessman named Donald Trump in 2009 or, probably, 2010.
I started doing research, which led to the video below.
(Dobbs, a Harvard graduate from Texas, was also anti-illegal immigrant at CNN, against one-way “free trade” with Red China, and he exposed that Barack Obama was indeed born in Kenya and was not a US citizen. This resulted in repeated clashes with swarthy CNN president and jewish Demoncrat Rick Kaplan.)
Anyway, I recall Trump telling Dobbs, with me paraphrasing Trump after ten years:
“Why, since the Fed gave 800 billion dollars from the TARP bank-bailout fund to the banks to lend to the American people so we can get out of this recession, is it that businesmen come to me and say:
“My business is profitable; it has perfect credit; we’ve paid back every loan on time; and now I want to expand my business and hire more Americans. So WHY can I not get a loan from my bank?”
Lou, where did that bank-bailout money go that was supposed to go ‘from Wall Street to Main Street’?”
Answer: the jews kept it all, because
- jews love to steal
- to deliberately prolong and worsen the Great Recession so they could buy even more of the country up on the cheap in bankruptcy court, at sheriff auctions, and by repossessing cars as the goyim by the millions lost their shirt and ended up in the trailer park.
This 2010 video of mine contains the explosive truth about the Great Depression of 1929-41 and the Great Recession of the Obongo years.
As I say, I still frequent a bit my favorite bar and grill here in Ontonagon (and have a drink or a burger out on the literally freezing back patio, partly heated by a propane heater. A great couple with two kids owns it; there is a great waitstaff, except for one overweight leftist; the food is good and the drink is, as they say, “a good pour.” 😉 . It is a a super-nice place to get together with friends and to see the locals.
For me, since most people know who I am, it is a way to “humanize” myself, getting out among the folks, and you can understand why this is urgent if you remember that I will shortly dare to talk about:
–my previous incarnation, and
–how right we national socialists were about the jews,
–how we brought happiness and liberation to the German people
— and we can do it for America as well — if we get rid of the jews and the selfish, get-rich, me-me-me individualism in our culture, just as we did with the Germans! We created a folk community, the nation as one race and one big family!
Anyway, jew witch-bitch governor Witchmer reimposed her lockdown, closing all bars and restaurants with indoor meals (and in the UP of Michigan, you cannot serve outdoors in November!)
And NOW Witchmer says in vengeful sadism (her state went massively for Trump, even many Blacks) she may even RE-impose a new stay-at-home order!
The male co-owner told me, with sadness in his eyes and voice:
“So what do we do now? Lay off the whole staff?
Do I get a job as a snowplow driver?
Do we go belly-up?
This Covid hoax is insane!”
(Stock photo)
His wife said:
“We need to organize and rise up, all of us at once.
This is communism; this is getting us used to slavery.”
My message to White Americans and the world
Know that there is furious hacking of my website going on right now.
It can take me five minutes to upload one photo for my articles, or those of François, who is staying on with me at 1/2 pay and will be doing anti-hack monitoring and deleting the hackers’ IP addresses.
Often I find I cannot upload things at all, and instead get this for a while:
Or this
I must boost the bandwith — out of my own pocket — with my webhost!
I really need your funds now!
Shekels, goyim, is why the jews are winning and we are losing! 😉
My slight inheritance from my mother, who died in Tennessee in 1994, and which I got only this year after decades of lawyering, is now gone!
Views have also soared as Trumpers find my (or Francois’) articles and share them.
It is vital and wonderful that 1) I am getting new readers and
2) can complete my short Aryan-religion masterpiece, WHICH TAKES TIME, while the JdN-salaried Francois, A FORMER PRINCETON STUDENT with a child also to feed, keeps on writing new blockbusters!
I have newfound respect for Eric Clapton and Van Morrison:
This is also encouraging:
Jake Paul, who rose to fame on YouTube, where he now has more than 20 million subscribers. https://www.thewrap.com/youtube-jake-paul-covid-hoax/
The guy can really fight, too. In this video, where he knocks out a black ex-NBA player named Nate Robinson, Paul looks like a better fighter than most of the pro boxers out there today: