The Czechs’ extreme hostility & their uranium were why Germany HAD to occupy all of Czechoslovakia; the US used force to occupy Scandinavian Iceland

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……A very good Duran video with Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard

Notably, Sachs, a jew, called Israel “a genocidal state.”  He also details how President Kennedy lied to the Soviets about the Bay of Pigs invasion, which led to a justifiably livid letter from Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev to the White House.

Sachs (Harvard PhD) teaching at the Ivy League Columbia University in Manhattan, has actually been right about many things, such as avoiding conflict with Russia and China, and Covid being a US bioweapon. As a jew, he can even say things the two Greeks who form the Duran feel they cannot, such as: “Israel is a genocidal state.”


….Taking all of Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 was an absolute military necessity because it had uranium, because WWII was unavoidable thanks to world jewry, and the Jewmericans were getting ready to build the A-Bomb

Jeffrey Sachs is great on many points but not about Czechoslovakia. Hitler knew that the Rothschildian lobby in France, Britain and the US simply wanted war with Germany by hook or by crook. (It is the same lobby that today spews hatred of Russia and wants to destroy it — infamous for jews such as Nuland, Blinken, Zelensky, and Jake Sullivan’s wife, Margaret Goodlander, etc., etc. — just as the British jews hated Russia way back in 1840 under British PM Palmerston.)

Hitler believed that WWII was absolutely unavoidable for this one huge reason — the jews controlled the West. (Look at the power of the Rothschild lobby, which forces the US to support even an overtly genocidal Israel which bombs embassies and consulates, and assassinates journalists, nurses, doctors and aid workers by the hundreds.)
Hitler ultimately became certain, quite correctly, as history showed in 1945, that atomic weapons would likely be decisive to the next great war.
(Albert Einstein wrote  –or rather signed — a famous letter composed by jew physicist Leo Szilard to Frank Rosenfeld in August 1939, as we all know, urging him to build atomic weapons, in the very same year that Hitler occupied the remainder of Czechoslovakia.)
Czechoslovakia had uranium. And the country which built The Bomb first would probably win the coming  war.
It is really that simple.
[Most of these names are jews.]
Wiki: “Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann reported the discovery of nuclear fission in uranium in the January 6, 1939, issue of ‘Die Naturwissenschaften,’ and Lise Meitner identified it as nuclear fission in the February 11, 1939 issue of Nature. This generated intense interest among physicists. Danish physicist Niels Bohr brought the news to the United States, and the U.S. opened the Fifth Washington Conference on Theoretical Physics with Enrico Fermi on January 26, 1939. The results were quickly corroborated by experimental physicists, most notably Fermi and John R. Dunning at Columbia University.[1]
Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard realized that the neutron-driven fission of heavy atoms could be used to create a nuclear chain reaction which could yield vast amounts of energy for electric power generation or atomic bombs.”
THIS is why Hitler occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia, to get at its uranium.
But the other issue was that the Czechs as an ethnic group were EXTREMELY hostile to Austrians and Germans. They had fiercely oppressed the German minority which the Versailles and Trianon treaties had given to this slavic country in 1919, betraying MILLIONS of Germans, the Sudeten and Moravian Germans, to a hostile enemy. (Remember, Wilson has promsed “self-determination  of all peoples.” Then Germans were given to hostile slavic countries!)
Furthermore, Czechoslovakia had sought military alliances AGAINST the Reich with France and the Soviet Union.
Beyond that, it was shaped like a dagger thrust deep inside the Third Reich, and French generals had said “we can bomb any city in Germany from air bases in Czechoslovakia.”
The hostility of the Czechs toward the Germans came out fully after the war ended. Hundreds of thousands of Sudeten Germans were massacred by the Czechs, and this was BEFORE the communists took over that country.  The atrocities were indescribable, sick, satanic and unforgivable. It is estimated that 100,000 Sudeten Germans committed suicide.
The Czechs in their hatred would have gladly brought in French or Soviet troops to destroy the Reich from the interior if the country had not been occupied.

……Germany had The Bomb first, not the Manhattan Project jews such as Oppenheimer

In his book  Der letzte Zeuge ( = “The Last Witness”]  Misch (book subtitle: “I was Hitler’s switchboard operator, messenger and bodyguard”) wrote regarding the German atomic bomb:


[Original German followed by my translation into English]

Ich erinnere mich beispielsweise an eine Nachricht über den Stand der Atombombenentwicklung. Da hieß es, die Forschungen der Amerikaner wären im Vergleich zu den deutschen mindestens ein Dreivierteljahr im Rückstand.
Hitlers Einstellung zur Atombombe kannte ich: ‚Damit gewinnt man keinen Krieg.‘ Davon war er überzeugt.
Die Westalliierten hatten gedroht, sich im Fall des Einsatzes der Atombombe mit 15.000 Flugzeugen in Nordafrika zu versammeln, um dann ganz Deutschland mit Gas zu verseuchen. Gasangriffe hatte Hitler im Ersten Weltkrieg erlebt, er hatte eine panische Angst davor. Einen solchen Rückschlag werde er niemals verantworten können, betonte er, daher scheide der Einsatz einer Atombombe für ihn völlig aus.[1]


“I remember, for example, reading a message on the state of our atomic bomb development. It said that research by the Americans was three quarters of a year behind our German program. But I knew Hitler’s attitude towards the nuclear bomb:

“With that weapon we will not win the war.”

Of that he was convinced.

The Western Allies had threatened to gather 15,000 aircraft, in case we used the atomic bomb, down in North Africa and from there they would bombard Germany with poison gas.

British Lancaster bomber


American B-17 Flying Fortress


Gas attacks were something that Hitler had experienced in the First World War and they terrified him. For such devastation he emphasized that he could not take responsibility.

And so the use of a [German] atomic bomb [against the Allies] was something that he ruled out completely.”


RAF [Royal Air Force] estimates of destruction of “built up areas” of major German cities (Wiki)
* = population over 500,000
City percent
Berlin* 33
Cologne* 61
Dortmund* 54
Dresden* 59
Düsseldorf* 64
Essen* 50
Frankfurt* 52
Hamburg* 75
Leipzig* 20
Munich* 42
Bochum 83
Bremen 60
Chemnitz 41
Dessau 61
Duisburg 48
Hagen 67
Hannover 60
Kassel 69
Kiel 50
Mainz 80
Magdeburg 41
Mannheim 64
Nuremberg 51
Stettin 53
Stuttgart 46


German woman in Cologne views bodies of children killed in an Allied terror raid that hit a school.


Air shock ripped lungs arteries

  • The Allies had already demonstrated a total willingness to use vicious tactics and to violate the Hague Rules of War which they solemnly had signed. They has already killed one million German civilians by deliberate terror bombing, designed to cause civilian mass misery and terror.

    Wikipedia (

    The purpose of the area bombardment of cities was laid out in a British Air Staff paper, dated 23 September 1941:

    The ultimate aim of an attack on a town area is to break the morale of the population which occupies it. To ensure this, we must achieve two things: first, we must make the town physically uninhabitable and, secondly, we must make the people conscious of constant personal danger. The immediate aim, is therefore, twofold, namely, to produce (i) destruction and (ii) fear of death.

    In October 1943 [Bomber] Harris [the British Air Marshal] urged the government to be honest with the public regarding the purpose of the bombing campaign. To Harris, his complete success at Hamburg [35,000 civilians killed] confirmed the validity and necessity of his methods, and he urged that “the aim of the Combined Bomber Offensive…should be unambiguously stated [as] the destruction of German cities, the killing of German workers, and the disruption of civilized life throughout Germany…. the destruction of houses, public utilities, transport and lives, the creation of a refugee problem on an unprecedented scale, and the breakdown of morale both at home and at the battle fronts by fear of extended and intensified bombing, are accepted and intended aims of our bombing policy.”



That is exactly what this book in German by engineer Peter Brüchmann says, the son of an German wartime engineer who worked on the German A-Bomb.


He says two German A-bombs were captured in Thuringia by General George Patton’s troops, and THEY are what the Americans dropped in August 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki! The first truly US-built A-bomb was in 1947!

However, Otto-Ernst Remer says that Admiral Dönitz ordered a U-boat that had been sent to Japan to instead surrender to the American navy, which it did at a port in Maine. It contained a very heavy pipe coated in gold that, when the lid was unscrewed, revealed  enriched uranium.

He was a war hero and a major commanding the Brandenburg regiment in Berlin (as security against a surprise raid on NS leadership by Allied paratroopers). It was he who thwarted the July 20,1944 assassination attempt by Claus von Stauffenberg et alia.

I met him twice,  in in 1985 in his home in Germany and in 1989 for a speech in California. This was before he had to flee to exile in Spain, where he passed on in 1997.

He received the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves in 1943 from Hitler personally for heroic service on the Eastern Front.


His book: “Conspiracies and Treason surrounding Hitler”

Remer was a very, very strong advocate of German-Russian cooperation, and predicted that the Soviet Union would fall but Russia would re-emerge, just as happened in 1991.

He put out an excellent newsletter, Der Bismarck-Deutsche [ = “The Bismark German”]. The Prussian diplomat and Chancellor had united Germany in 1870, and actively sought and  achieved a solid friendship and alliance with Russia.This lasted until Wilhelm II became the Kaiser, a very bad one; he fired the great Bismarck, and was the final German emperor.  And he had a war with Russia!

  • John D. Nugent One bomb “Made in Germany” was exploded on July 17, 1945 at Alamagordo, New Mexico; another was dropped in August 1945 on Hiroshima, Japan; another a few days later on Nagasaki; and one failed to ignite when dropped on Nagasaki due to a faulty American fuse.
  • John D. Nugent The Jews Fermi, Oppenheimer et co. never succeeded in building a working atomic bomb!
  • John D. Nugent However, the German bomb had too much radioactivity and not enough blast, but it was good for destroying wooden Japanese houses. It did NOT destroy ANY modern, steel-reinforced buildings. Of course, in another year, it probably would have been far more powerful. We kept fighting even after D-Day to buy the Reich more time! (Finally, we had a huge bomb by the time of US Navy admiral Richard Byrd’s Operation Highjump in 1946-47, but this was in the Antarctic.)

    NS Germans after 1945, ETs, Deep States, the Admiral Byrd “Highjump” Expedition and the Exposure of Antarctica’s Hidden Realms

    Hiroshima after the German-uranium bomb: Only wooden Japanese houses with interior walls made literally of paper were destroyed.

    See for yourself –all modern buildings were left standing!
    The Reich got less horrible treatment because Admiral Dönitz offered the Americans  these primitive atomic bombs (= low-blast) to the Americans.
    US President Harry Truman wanted to 1) scare the Soviets (whom he loathed, unlike FDR) with some weapon that seemed extremely powerful, and 2) he wanted to end the war with Japan quickly.
    My father [photo of him as a captain in the 1960s], who was a sergeant with the Marine Corps at Iwo Jima, was poised to go and fight in Japan, and the US expected one MILLION American dead and wounded in vicious house-to-house fighting on the main Japanese island of Honshu against a foe who was determined to fight like a samurai to the death for his emperor.


Top Secret: Amerikas verschwiegener Triumph: Die Erbeutung der deutschen Atombomben 1945. Erinnerungen und Enthüllungen eines Zeitzeugen [ = Top Secret: America’s Triumph Kept Secret: The capture of German Atomic Bombs in 1945. Memories and Revelations of a Witness]

The book also claims that both the German and the American Manhattan Project scientists were fearful for years that an atomic reaction could ignite the earth’s atmosphere and burn up the whole planet in a gigantic fire! It also states the Germans successfully ignited atomic bombs over the Baltic Sea.




……Iceland (legally part of Denmark) did NOT want to be occupied, but the US ignored its wishes; then it insisted that at least NO black US soldiers be stationed there

On the topic of occupying smaller and weaker countries for one’s own military reasons………

(Wiki) “On May 10, 1940, the British invaded Iceland, violating the country’s neutrality, over the formal protest of Iceland’s regent, Sveinn Björnsson. In 1941, the British arranged for the United States to take over occupation of the country so that British troops could be used in other arenas of the war. After pressure from the British, the Icelandic government eventually agreed to US occupation, and on June 7, 1941, five thousand US troops arrived in Iceland.” .

But when the US occupies someone, or enables another to do so, we are always the good guys, right? Ask any Gazan.

But the Icelanders never wanted the Americans there, and especially not the American Blacks.
The US also condoned the openly exclusionary policies of the Icelandic government toward off-base movements of U.S. soldiers and met the Icelandic government’s request that no black soldiers be stationed in Iceland.[28] The ban on the stationing of black soldiers was put to an end in the mid-1960s.[28] As part of the agreement, the Icelanders would not carry any costs of the military base and could unilaterally abrogate the agreement.[29]

Interactions with US soldiers

Interactions between US soldiers and Icelandic women were highly contentious in Iceland. The Icelandic government consequently requested curfews and other limits to US soldiers’ freedom of movement in Iceland.

Many Icelandic businesses refused entry to US soldiers. Icelandic organizations also warned about the purported nefarious influence of US soldiers.

Dozens of Icelandic girls were incarcerated for having relations with US soldiers.[28] 

Reports of rape, prostitution, strip teases, druggings, divorces, children born out of wedlock and other controversial behaviors were prominent in newspapers.[32][33] The Icelandic government imposed a ban on black US soldiers on the US base for the purposes of “protecting” Icelandic women and preserve a homogeneous “national body.”[28]

George Lincoln Rockwell, his Icelandic wife, and their two sons and two daughters

Icelandic homes with sod roofs


An Icelandic clarinettist, Arngunnur Arnadotir


  1. I think our ancestors that comitted this genocide and horrific crimes against the German people whould be despised and seen as ignorant scum who killed millions of innocent people in blind hatred and stupidity.

    I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had done those things to a great, noble race because of believing Jewish lies in the newspapers, tv. and radio. I also think Christianity is a jew-loving group of morons.

    RFK, Junior is a libtard Christian who took all his life to realise the jew-run CIA killed his father and uncle, and it’s stupid Christians who let jews have their secret meetings.
    And retarded christian politicians like RFK. Junior can’t work out that the zionist intelligence agencies — the CIA, FBI, N.S.A, DHS, MI5, MI6, Mossad, and the Jewish Mafia secretly work together and report back to Israel.

    Or that the jew-run F.B.I and C.I.A secretly worked with Israel’s Mossad to do 9/11. The five dancing Israeli Mossad members planted thermite explosives in the basement of the World Trade Centre.

    The low-IQ Saudi hijackers were just used as a diversion. Those towers were built to withstand a kamikaze attack by a jumbo jet with a special steel netting on them.

    Even if four or five 747s were flown in to the tower, they still would not come apart and collapse like that.

    Bin Laden and Zawahiri were used as puppets so the zionists could pin the blame on them. And so the Taliban were temporarily taken out of the picture so the Zionists could establish their usery in Afghanistan.

    Shortly after the fall of the Taliban a Rothschild bank was established in Afghanistan. The Zionists got rid of Gaddafi so they could establish their usury in Libya.

    The Taliban and Gaddafi were anti-zionists; those countries Libya and Afghanistan were free of the debt-enslaving usury of the jewish banking criminal cartel.

    That’s why the zionist had them destroyed and established their Rothchilds bank there.
    The fact that stupid Christian politicians like RFK, Junior can’t work this out shows how stupid and blind most Christians are.

    And RFK, Junior can’t work out that anti-semitic is just a recent word, made up by a subversive jewish writer so you can’t criticise them.

    Or that racism is just a word that’s used to silence the opposition and render debate impossible and it’s jewish cultural marxism.

    Jews are just inbred nomadic Turkic people. But most Christians like RFK Junior think jews are God’s chosen people that cannot be criticised. It shows that most Christians are ignorant and stupid.

    • Thanks, but I had to correct two or three spelling or punctuation errors in every sentence. 🙁 Why is my time not valuable, which is what your actions imply?

      And RFK Junior is anything but a moron. His crusade and his book against Big Pharma vaccines containing thimerosol (which has caused the explosion of the tragedy of altruism) is brilliant.

      RFK Jr may be a values Christian, which is what my dad was. After Korea, he stopped believing in God but he became an elder in his church!

      Ben Franklin was a very important Founding Father of the US, and not a Christian. But he endowed (donated heavily to) many churches.

      Rulers throughout history have supported certain religions because they are “good for society.” Napoleon is a perfect example. In fact, he let the Church run public education (which was also true for generations in French-speaking Quebec). It was the jew-backed socialist Jules Ferry who abolished this a century later.

      I see now this 2015 movie for the first time is FREE on YouTube — FREE! 🙂 🙂 🙂


      You rightly decry Christinsanity, white brother. But you are also in denial. Just like a Christian, a Russia-hating jew, a Putin demonizer, a guy who took all the vaxxes and boosters, or a libtard with TDS, “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” you reject things that are factual and true in order to defend a false belief system.

      One that makes you miserable.

      “There is no God. It’s a fairy tale to comfort the weak.”

      “Life’s a bitch, man, and then you die.”

      This is the egoic mind — your mind out of control — sadistically torturing you with depressing myths.

      It is so important to truly love yourself. And see that while God’s love may be tough love, it is real love that helps us change.

      Watch this movie. I will run further comments only AFTER you see it and write me about this film.

      We do NOT need more rants about the jews. 😉

      WE need to change. WE are mentally ill. We are in denial, lying to ourselves, believing our own lies, and knowing we are lying.

      This planet is two bad things: the spiritually sick and the clueless young souls.

      The jews came here because it is full of the sick and the gullible, and thus easy pickings for them! ..Wolves quickly notice and go after the sick and the young.

      • The reason i don’t like a lot of christians is because all the Christians i’ve met have been ignorant and stupid.
        They think thats jews are these innocent persacuted people.

        And all the ones i spoke to were naive and gullible with low intelligence, they would always go on about jews suffering in the holohoax.

        Without realising that jews are ultra heavily inbred and carriers of scizophrenia,psychosis,psychopathy, schizo active disorder, meglomania, neurotic,hysteria etc.

        And the words holocaust and six million jews are from the Jewish kabullah and those words were mentioned 119 times in jewish newspapers from 1900 till 1944 before the end of ww2.

        Plus they ignore the fact that it’s been recorded throughout history them kidnapping white European goyim children and torturing and draining their adrenaline filled blood out of them while their still alive and drinking it for the adrenachrome.

        And they believe jewish lies and dellusions of persacution, and ignore the fact they’ve destroyed nearly every civilisation in the past 2000 years and caused all the major wars in history.
        And don’t know that Jews hate christians and have killed over 100 million of them, jews killed sixty million Christians in 40 years.

        In mass bolshavik starvation,torture, butcher, mutilation,bloodletting and slaughter.
        I came up with a nickname for most christians, the holocaust cult, mainstream christianity is a cucko cult of jew loving marxist retards.

        You have to expect a lot of racially aware white people to resent most christians for being jew loving marxist retards.
        I don’t have a problem with the small minority of white Christians who are not like this but their only a very small percentage of christians.

        I’ve only met 1 or 2 christians who are not simple minded jew loving marxist retards.
        If i followed any type of believe system it would be Roman pagan spiritualism.

        Plus Europeans were better off when they were worshipping their healthy Euopean gods not a jew on a stick.
        I regard the European pagan gods as being mythology the same as any other religion, but at least it’s part of our culture and from our people.

        Plus it doesn’t take a genius to work out that jews are psychotic liers and masters of deception, subversion and hiding the truth.
        Plus distorting reality with their control of the western,Russian and eastern European media.

        Even during the time of Stalin jews owned the press in Russia and Eastern Europe. And Yandex and RT are owned by zionist jews. Yandex is ownded by a female jew and R.T is owned by a wealthy Russian jewish family.

        Unlike christianity which is a desert religion from jews, to me spiritualism is healthier then any organised religion where you have to submit to a god.
        Organised religion is used as a method of control and to manipulate people.

        And it does not encourage independant thought and critical thinking.

  2. Any chance we can have the page reference number for the Rochus Misch passage concerning Hitler’s atom bomb?

    I can’t locate it in the English translation.

    Accurate reference details are always beneficial to the research procedure.


  3. Meine Großeltern wurden aus Böhmen vertrieben als Sudetendeutsche.
    Es ist erstaunlich, zu welchen Grausamkeiten Tschechen fähig waren.

    • Tja, der große Holo-Revisionist Thies Christophersen (Augenzeuge in Auschwitz, mutiger Verfasser der “Auschwitz-Lüge”), den ich kannte, schrieb mal von “slawischer Grausamkeit”.

      Unfassbares geschah da wirklich:

      — Polen gegen Volksdeutsche (vor und bes. nach dem Kriege),
      — Tschechen gegen Sudetendeutsche,
      — russsische Rotarmisten gegen Wehrmachtsgefangene und deutsche Zivilisten,
      — Titos Armee gegen deutsche Kriegsgefangene (lebendig in einer großen Höhle eingemauert),
      — Titos Staat sperrte Volksdeutsche in furchtbare Hungertodeslager ein
      — Kroaten gegen Serben und umgekehrt.

      Einer meiner größten Gönner und großzügigsten Unterstützer, Fred Liepold, inzw. verstorben, war Sudetendeutscher.

      Aber man darf niemals den Fehler machen, einen ganzen Zweig der weißen Rasse (Slawen) in Grund und Boden zu verdammen, weil Germanen, Kelten und Anno Dazumals die Römer genauso zu Massengräueln fähig waren.

      Martin Luther unterstützte das Abschlachten der deutschen Bauern im Bauernkriege!

      Der hochgebildete Angelsachse Woodrow Wilson verleumdete die Deutschen als Nonnenvergewaltiger und Babyhände-Abschneider, versprach dem deutschen Volke genauso
      verlogen die “Selbstbestimmung aller Völker,” übergab dann in Versailles und Trianon Millionen von Deutschen an Frankreich, Dänemark, Polen und Tschechoslowakei, und verbot den Österreichern den Anschluß ans deutsche Reich, den zweimal und zwar 12 Jahre vor Hitler Osterreich votiert hatte!

      Slawen äscherten Dresden nicht ein, sondern teetrinkende Engländer und “Vorwärts, christliche Soldaten”-singende Amis. Voilà der blonde, blauäugige Luftmarschall der RAF Arthur Harris:

      Blauäugiger Deutschamerikaner und US-Fünf-Sterne-General Eisenhauer (ich schreibe mal seinen Nachnamen absichtlich richtig) beorderte, dass eine Million Deutsche (Blutsverwandte!) auf den Rheinwiesen verhungern.

      Die Grünen in Deutschland wollen offen den Volkstod, das Aussterben, der deutschen Nation!

      Merkel, Söder und Lauterbach sind keine Slawen, wollten aber ganz bewusst das deutsche Volk mit der Covid-Spritze siech machen und töten! Auf satanischen Geheimtreffen schänden sie deutsche Kinder, trinken ihr Blut, und befürworten das Ende Deutschlandes!

      Der ganze Planet ist voller Leute mit bösem Karma. Nur begehen Nichtslawen ihre Gräuel auf die vornehmere Art: nicht primitiv die Augen ausstechen oder die Hoden und Brüste abschneiden, sondern man wirft Bomben aus dreitausend Meter Lufthöhe auf Städte und Dörfer ab. Man verhungert Leute langsam, die hinter Stachldraht in aller Stille vergehen. Und mit der Spritze verpasst man den eigenen Landsleuten Turbo-Tumoren und Herzinfarkte.

      Da ist der Slawe zumindest ehrlicher.

      Slawen sagten 1945: “Deutsche Frau, komm!”

      Aber der barmherzige Slawe Solschenizin, Rotarmistenhauptmann, bekam elf Jahre Gulag, weil er den Mord an ostpreussischen Zivilisten in einem Privatbriefe verurteilte.

      Wir haben alle Dreck am Stecken, der eine mehr, der andere weniger.

  4. There was an English officer named George Pitt-Rivers who went to Czechoslovakia in the 1930s to investigate for himself what was going on there. At the time of the Munich Agreement he tried to tune into German radio to hear what Hitler himself had to say about the situation only to discover that the British government was jamming the transmission. He had to listen to Italian radio to hear his speech. Bear in mind that this was in 1938 — a year before war was officially declared !

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