DailyMail (& Alex Jones) claim US itself (NIH) under Obama sent $3.7 mio to fund bat research in Wuhan to create “deadly” Coronavirus; MSM silent as a tomb about story

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Alex Jones ran with it: https://www.infowars.com/china-drops-a-bombshell-on-the-deep-state/

Curiously, the MSM has not touched the story by one of the oldest and biggest newspapers on earth,

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As I say, with the exception of FOX, which just now, four days later, ran this:


This would indicate the MSM either are not sure yet what their official bullshit spin will be on this, or they have simply decided firmly on the silent treatment (which is the kind of thing we saw for over a decade on the Jeffrey Epstein scandal).

Having met the great, late JFK assassination truther Mark Lane and having known well the late Mike Piper, who proved that Israel was the head of the coalition that agreed on killing Kennedy (Jews, CIA, FBI, Lyndon Johnson, the Mafia, defense contractors, and rabid anticommunists — among them rightwing Cubans), I can say from experience watching the “Who-Killed-Kennedy” debate for 50 years now that the Deep State churns out theory after theory until the public gets totally confused and throws its hands up in despair, moaning ” We’ll never really know.”

The primary goal of the Kennedy murder coverup was to persuade the majority of whatever their main lie is (in that case, it was saying “lone-nut Oswald did it”) –accomplished.

Then the secondary goal was to get the would-be truthers so frustrated and burned out they give up pursuing the matter — accomplished.

The tertiary goal was to kill about 32 witnesses — also accomplished over the course of a year.

In point of fact, interestingly and ironically, ALL the conspiracy theories WERE true.

Why? Because they all did hate the Kennedys, all stood to benefit hugely by their murders (PLURAL:killing John, then Bobby in 1968, with Teddy almost successfully killed as well in a 1964 plane crash – his back was broken, and the pilot did die).


And so they all WERE guilty of conspiring and murdering the last true president of  the United States.

The most important question to always ask when a huge crime happens is the one that Emperor Augustus told the Roman police to pose: Cui bono?  The crime was to whose benefit?


So I have four questions:

One, what is China’s motive (and the Daily Mail’s) in releasing this claim?

Two, is this virus just the flu, as Anglin says? (That the NWO/Gates/jewry/Demoncrats are using it to get their police state, crush Trump and the economy is beyond debate.)

Three, what is the truth about viruses? Are they deadly disease-causers? Most say yes, others vehemently say no.

Four, what is the truth about vaccines? Are they all bad, or just bad if they are given in excess and with bad adjuvants (including mercury and even cancer-CAUSING additives)?

My readers know my position about myself and AH. One of the many important reasons for this position, among others, is that I have many specific personality and physical traits in common with him, and also very similar opinions about specific topics (aside from the biggies such as race, democracy, the jews, etc.)

My position, then and now, is a concern and ambivalence about vaccines.

This German website has accurate facts, aside from the usual, slanted and mandatory Nazi-bashing. 😉


What it basically says is this:

–when German became a united country in 1871, they soon introduced a mandatory vaccine (in 1874) against one thing and one thing only, smallpox. The Weimar Republic continued this policy, but added more and more fines for non-compliance.

–the Third Reich had concerns about vaccines, and Julius Streicher was very much against them as a jew plot. They then became largely voluntary, and the percentage of the population getting the smallpox vaccine declines to around 70%.

In Streicher’s Der Stürmer, a blond mom looks worried as a jewish MD innoculates her boy; a caption calls vaccines “poison” [“Gift”]

However, Streicher’s anti-vaxx organization was dissolved in 1935. In 1940 he lost all his positions, and was put under house arrest for corruption until the war ended in 1945, when the Americans arrested him.

In 1939 a new diphtheria vaccine was introduced in Germany and the interviewee says the big pharmaceutical companies in Germany beat the drum successfully for everyone to get it — 95%, he says —  and they made lots of money off it.

He points out that the profit motive — greed — of Big Pharma has been a constant source of vaccine antipathy in the public. He also claims the Wehrmacht was in favor of the smallpox and diphtheria vaccines and that Hitler went along with it.

(Fun fact: pissed-off generals who have millions of armed men at their command can be really bad for your health. 😉 )

Tom Cruise as Colonel von Stauffenberg, key man in the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt

(Interesting side note: After the war, Communist East Germany pushed the narrative that it was far more enlightened and progressive than “heartless, capitalist, backward” West Germany by ordering far, far more vaccinations for its population.)

Berlin Wall — I saw it in 1975, and bullet holes were still visible in East Berlin buildings on the main streets. Food was scarce, there were waiting lines for everything, and the people looked miserable. The border cops confiscated my mother’s Bible.


I note that the fierce vaccine truther Dr. Andrew Wakefield is not against all vaccines, just their “overuse” (a whopping 72 nowadays by age five, and sometimes six on one day!) and bad adjuvants.

In my own experience, we Boomers (the postwar, 1946-64 generation) got maybe four or five vaccines, including polio, in a sugar cube. No one even knew the word “autism” except a few doctors. It was 1 in 2,000 kids back then, but now 1 in 50 — or more. 🙁

I had a big supporter in Canada who is a fierce anti-vaxxer. She told me and Margi that both her kids, when she succumbed to pressure from the principal of the local school to allow them to be vaccinated, became deathly ill right after receiving the innoculations……

I also note that Dr Wakefield ( once a respected author with The Lancet, the top medical journal in England and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons) is viciously targeted by the entire Establishment (media, politicians, science bigshots and judges) and also by Wikipedia.

Indeed, he is almost as bad as Hitler. 😉

This is the 2016 documentary film Vaxxed, which he produced for actor Robert De Niro, who has an autistic son:


Finally, this was a sensible article on RT back on 30 January 2020, saying the real danger was corona paranoia and exaggerating the peril.

What happened ?


…Radical anti-virus, not just anti-vaccine viewpoint

A commenter on YT posted:

The existence of “viruses” has never been scientifically proven. In fact, the concept of a “virus” was invented to market vaccines as a miracle cure and preventative, circumventing the immune system, bypassing the blood-brain barrier and creating a host of chronic diseases to weaken the population and make them dependent on allopathic medicine. A HUGE hoax is being perpetrated on the public right now. There….is…..no…..virus. But you can bet there will be a vaccine. If you wonder what will be in the 2020 “flu” shot, look up ID2020. Then read: “Dismantling the Viral Theory” by Dr. Robert O. Young.



Gosia relays this from the claimed Taygetans, and states frankly that she lacks the medical or scientific background to evaluate what she is passing on here:

A German doctor is also radically against the entire virus theory:

Diseases, viruses, vaccinations: “I am telling the story of how it developed so that you can understand how an error turned into a fraud, a fraud into a crime, and in the industrialization of this crime, this madness has developed which threatens all of us, all of humanity. ” — Dr Stefan Lanka: Pandemic Theater – History of the Infection Theory (Part 1)” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cnlynJZLtM&t=2m57s

“The Corona Facts Check. Does the corona virus test have any significance? The answer, astonishing to many, but easy to understand and verify: The corona virus test has no conclusive value whatsoever! … The doctors and scientists involved have misinterpreted typical cellular components as components of a virus“.” — Dr. Stefan Lanka – “The Corona Facts Check. Does the corona virus test have any significance?” – http://wissenschafftplus.de/newsletter_read_online/9c855ebb7aa4e677/ce4074265d639f68 (use Google translate)

Yes, must watch: “US Doctor: How can you make a vaccine for something never proven to exist? A must-watch” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkPL6VmUqQQ

“How the Pandemic Will End – The U.S. may end up with the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the industrialized world. This is how it’s going to play out.” – https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/how-will-coronavirus-end/608719/

1 Comment

  1. AH was a believer in vaccines, and wanted the German-made vaccines only for Germans, according to his recorded Table Talk comments. Perhaps they were good and proven back then? Perhaps today they can be good and also bad since tainted batches can be used as a weapon to target certain segments of the population?

    It’s a tough subject and a difficult decision for new parents weighing the available data and pros and cons. AH even recommended a “psyop” to persuade the natives of conquered territories that vaccination was really most dangerous! So that they wouldn’t even have the desire to get them.

    According to his Table Talks he was leaning towards it being a great thing, but he did make a comment once saying that some serious scientists were against vaccination.

    So he was cognizant of the potential danger and perhaps even the future possibilities to utilize it as a targeted weapon for control of a certain populace — which seems may be the reality today.

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