Death of the South: Roanoke, Virginia fires social worker (who had been raped) for having a gun P-E-R-M-I-T; Alabama gal murdered by two black consorts; my suspension for 30 days by FB for criticizing (wait for it)…. CHURCHILL

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Social Services Worker Fired, Escorted Out by Cops for Having a Gun Permit—NOT a GUN


…Hope that black cock was worth dying for, Alabama girl.


…..FB declares Churchill a saint

This post was pretty mild by any standards of “hate speech”:

No wonder he had to drink himself silly. He was destroying the vast British Empire that generations of Brits had built up with blood and treasure, and enabling communism to take over half the world! The survival of the USSR meant the end of ALL the white colonial empires (French, Dutch, Belgian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and American/the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba), because the Soviets armed, trained, ideologically brainwashed and financed “freedom fighters” to expel the white man. .

(The Soviets also turned the once patriotic IRA of Michael Collins in Ireland into Marxists, and now they want “open borders” with the Third World despite blithering how they fight for “the Irish people”!)

All this comes from “Winnie’s” selfish, treasonous folly of 1940-41 of refusing dozens of sincere German peace offers so AH could turn East and smash the stalinist nightmare regime.

By the time the old bastard kicked the bucket in 1965, his empire was gone, England was an American colony, poor and struggling while West Germany flourished, the communists were winning in Vietnam, and his own country was under Third World invasion.

(Jesus said once that one thing could not be forgiven, “the sin against the holy spirit.” And then I think of Churchill, the man who knowingly made a pact with human devils.)

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