WORTH READING Debating climate change & other leftist follies

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An aerial photo of the mansion and grounds belonging to the poor, oppressed black man Barack Obama on Martha’s Vineyard, an island of the super-rich off the coast of Massachusetts.

Notice there are no sea walls or any sort of protection from the sea anywhere around the property, not even a bloody moat, though supposedly “sea levels will rise due to global warming.”

Some would have you believe that this location is up on a cliff, but obviously they cannot read a contour map….. or just maybe the climate-changers have some sort of hidden agenda?


How I debate climate change madness – any public policy designed to harm us – with Leftists

by JdN chief correspondent

Last week former President Trump was fact-checked for claiming that “sea levels are rising less than 1 cm a year”. He has an interest in the matter, as he built his home, Mar-a-Lago, near sea level in Palm Beach, Florida.

And he is backed by the evidence.

According to a study out of the University of Colorado at Boulder, published less than a decade ago, that is precisely the case.

Sea level is rising at approximately 3.3 mm per year, which is equal to about 13 inches every 100 years.


According to the likes of Al Gore, AOC, and her owners in the Deep State and the globalists at the World Economic Forum, the sea is rising at a rate that is exponentially faster.

So which claim is true?

When looking at the climate debate — like looking at anything that might result in a change in public policy and an increase in taxes — I always advise people to look at how the supposedly rising sea levels that the PTB are predicting will impact the rich, and if they have adjusted their behaviours in any way to deal with them.

Once one does, it’s plain as day that this is one enormous scam.

Firstly, let’s have a look at something else designed to control our behaviour and harm our finances  — the “plandemic”.

Back in 2020, amidst full Covidmania, in order to evaluate the true virulence of COVID and how it might impact me and mine, I first looked at how the elite reacted to the virus in their personal lives. I also researched how COVID impacted one group of people whom one can easily monitor with little more than a phone and an internet connection…. celebrities.

In order for me to gauge whether COVID was anything with which my family should be concerned, I closely watched how the people telling us how we must live, lived themselved, and if any of them got ill.

It’s easy.

Can you name me one famous person under the age of 40 who died of COVID?

Can you think of even one professional athlete who died from the effects of COVID? In fact, most of the evildoers demanding that we peasants stay home, inject ourselves with poison, and shut our lives down who got ill with COVID…. did so only after being vaccinated.

Some of these same people appear to have died from the vaccine — but not one died of COVID itself.

This told me – a relatively healthy man in my late thirties – that I was going to be just fine… and that my kids — none of whom are obese or unhealthy in any way — were going to be fine as well.

So none of us got vaxxed or adjusted our behaviour in any grand way and were as healthy as Clydesdales for the entire duration of the 2020 lockdown and ever since…..

Then I looked at the elite’s behaviour so I could evaluate how I should act to minimise risk of getting infected.

I am not going to lie. I did wear a mask as I am a hypervigilant person, but beyond that I took no other precautions. I travelled as I pleased and did as I have always done — simply livingbmy life.

I decided to ignore the restrictions as best I could as I saw how the elite conducted themselves.

During the so-called pandemic, while our oppressors shut us down and we were forced to watch as our children and elderly suffered,

we witnessed the elite dining together, dancing together unmasked, jet-setting around the globe, and shedding their masks the moment the cameras were off.

The only masks I then saw were on the people serving their lord- and ladyships….

This told me that it was a total scam, that my behaviour did not need any adjusting, that my mask was most likely useless, thst the “vaxxination” was at best unneeded or, at worst, a weapon, and that their rules for the panicked masses were to be ignored.

And I did just that –ignore it all — for the entire duration of the “plandemic”…..from the moment it started to the moment it ended, coincidentally,  on the very day Ukraine was invaded. 😉

JdN: Were the Ukraine crisis and the Madman Putie thing ever to be solved by negotiations, fear not: Covid in some new “variant” will be back again to panic the masses, as well as dire climate change warnings…..


I use this same approach when evaluating any public policy I feel has been designed to empower, enrich and embolden the government and their cronies in the private sector at my expense.

How do the “elites” act in their own lives during Panic X, Y or Z?????

Another area where this technique works exceedingly well is when evaluating the veracity of man-made climate change — which in my earnest belief is little more than a cynical scam to control us and bleed us dry.

Instead of pouring over scientific studies — most of which are funded by the governments that benefit from their results — I surveyed the behaviours of our oppressors.

If climate change were real, I thought to myself, then the elite would be the very first to batten down the hatches. But if it’s a scam, then they will be living life as they always have.

If climate change is genuinely a threat to our survival, it stands to reason that the globe’s wealthiest people (villains) – who are generally risk-averse – would avoid building anything of value in areas impacted by rising sea levels.

That makes sense, right?

The rich — whether they be the card-carrying members of the paedophilocracy or simply members of the “1 percent” — didn’t get rich by being taking risks that would EVER harm their position of power and their full-to-bursting pocketbooks.

The people who stood most to lose at the hands of “climate change” were the people most invested in property located in coastal areas: the coastal elites and property developers.

So let’s look at some real-world decisions which wealthy property developers make when investing themselves in real estate and building new homes.

When one develops a multi,-million-dollar property, one has to first choose a 1) good and 2) safe location.

Every little kid building a sandcastle knows not to build anywhere on the beach where the tide is going to reach before his day is done. At five I knew this and as such chose to build my sandcastles far enough from the surf that they would be safe.

Developers obviously know this as well. They know that it is against their financial interests to develop property in locations sitting atop radioactive material, or, in this instance, in areas that are going to be underwater soon.

This is why you won’t find a Ukrainian property developer doing any building in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, which is literally a nature reserve less than 60 miles from Ukraine’s capital, Kiev. If land in the area were safe to build upon, then developers would build.

It isn’t — so they don’t.

It is just that simple.

And even if a builder had a death wish or believed profit could be made byvbuilding in locations where there’s a high likelihood of flooding or that the soil is rife with cancer-causing radioactivity, government would typically step in to stop it.

In order to build on the plot — whether it’s being used for a simple single-family dwelling, or a massive high-rise — it has to be deemed safe by the local municipality regulating property development in that area.

If sea levels were really rising as fast as predicted, government wouldn’t sign off on it…just as Kiev has not allowed people to build in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Okay, let’s say a government fails to do its job, having been paid off, etc., and a project that is dangerous is actually approved anyway.

Once local government signs off on a project, then lots of capital has to be raised.

In most cases that means a bank has to sign off on the project. For a single-family dwelling that injection of capital arrives in the form of a mortgage. Banks will rarely finance a home that fails an inspection because of a leaky roof or termites.

Do you really think they will offer a loan on a property that is going to be underwater in less than a decade?

They are even FAR more stringent when lending to developers who are going to be selling off the property immediately after building has been completed.

If there is ANY chance the home or development might be literally underwater during the life of the loan, they just won’t lend the money. Again, it is as simple as that.

Even if, let’s say, a local municipality is in cahoots with one particular developer, and one specific property is entirely privately financed, this could never happen on any global scale.

Remember, the vast majority of the “great unwashed” sheep that serve these rich folks their guacamole bruschetta and macchiatos believe that “climate change” (originally called “global warming”) is real.

The people, though, who are buying, financing, regulating and developing coastal properties, know that it’s NOT.

Then there’s the matter of insurance.

Insurance is needed to procure mortgages, investments, etc. The insurance has to be paid for the life of the loan and in most instances before the money is paid out. Insurance rates/premiums are set by actuaries.

An insurance actuary is a specialist who evaluates financial risks to calculate a suitable premium for policies. Such professionals implement financial statistics and mathematical theories to estimate appropriate premiums in order to minimise the risks for insurance companies.

If there is a 100% risk that a $10 million property is going to be underwater within a decade (and that IS what we have been told) and the home is insured for $10m, how much do you think the insurance company is going to want to be paid as its first payment?

My guess is they are going to want the full $10m plus their profit VERY quickly.

As that is not how insurance works, they simply will not insure if the risk is any higher than a fraction of a percentage point.

That coastal properties continue to be insured and premiums are not all that more costly than for homes built farther inland — derived from the increased risk of storm-related damage and flooding — should tell you that there is ZERO risk ofbclimate-change-related damage occuring to coastal properties.

One need only look at all the incredible development taking place in the Maldives. The nation of Maldives – that the UN tell us will be underwater by 2050 – has seen the largest investment of capital EVER this past decade. American, Arab and Russian investors have pumped billions into the tiny island nation. All of these investments — most of which draw some capital from banks and investment funds — have been insured.

Would they have been invested in if the Maldives were really going underwater anytime soon?

Although the Maldives is constantly begging for money from the UN to help it fight apocalyptic climate-change, there is nary a mention of associated risks on their government’s “Investing in the Maldives” home page.

In fact, the only time they mention the world climate is when they talk about the island nation’s economic climate 🙂

From https://www.maldiveshighcommission.uk/

Why Invest in the Maldives?
Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has always played a crucial role in the economic development of the Maldives. The Government acknowledges the importance of foreign investment and continues to recognize its importance for economic development and employment creation.

The Maldives enjoys a stable and transparent legal system, relative political stability, and a rate of growth that has averaged 7.5 percent over the past 15 years. The Maldives’ liberal trade environment, dynamic private sector, and development-oriented legal structure all contribute to a climate conducive to trade and investment. Foreign investors are offered a simple policy environment in which foreign investment law guarantees the security of foreign and domestic investments. Efforts are continually being made to make the investment environment more predictable and transparent.

The vast, untapped potential in natural marine resources and the young, energetic and dynamic workforce are additional inducements to invest in the Maldives.

Capitalizing on the numerous benefits of investing in the Maldives, many reputed international brand names have established their investments in the country.

Amongst them are world-class resort investments by international hotel chains such as Hilton, Four Seasons, One & Only, Club Med and numerous other regional brands. Other foreign investments in the Maldives are concentrated in the transport and telecoms sectors, water production and distribution, and in the financial sector. Many global brand names, such as Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Ernst and Young (E&Y), Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), KPMG and many reputed insurance providers have established themselves in the Maldives.

The Maldives continues to aim to attract foreign investment, particularly investments which are capital-intensive, enhance the transfer of technology, introduce new skills, while remaining environmentally friendly.

Foreign investors, irrespective of their size, are encouraged to enter and operate in the Maldives. Small investors are encouraged to form joint ventures with Maldivian nationals or companies registered in the Maldives, while investors making investments in excess of $5 million (US) face no ownership restrictions and are free to operate as wholly-owned foreign investments if desired.”

Sure is a FAR cry from this:

(3) Maldives Make Desperate Plea at UN Climate Conference – YouTube

Get a load of this sob story….

But one need not look as far as the Maldives to know we are being conned.

Just glance over at islands such ad places Martha’s Vineyard, which has seen more development in the past ten years than it has in any decade since its founding. In fact, business is so good on the trendy, elitist island that this past decade its population has ballooned by more than 27%, and investment even more so (although there was no room for even 50 illegal Mexicans sent there by Texas governor Greg Abbott) with elitists from across the country moving to a place that climate alarmists say will be underwater by 2050.

One such newcomer is none other than one of the world’s most vociferous climate alarmists – Barack Obama, who literally just built his new estate on the island.

Didn’t he worry about the state of the climate before relocating his family there?

We all know Blacks can’t swim! ;+)

And it’s not like he chose the highest point on the island, or found a cliff to pop his crib on. Obama literally built a 15-million dollar property just 2.4 feet above sea level. (And my sources tell me the property cost more than $60 million to develop.)

Yes, the entirety of Barack Hussein Obama’s property literally sits between 2.4 and 10 feet above sea level.

His estate comes with a secluded beach that can be reached by a path from the house that gradually decreases from 10 feet to 2.5 feet when it reaches the beach.

When I point out these facts to Leftist sheep, I am often met with, “Obama’s not worried, because he has insurance”.

That’s literally the sort of response I get from these deviants.

Even if that were true, why would one choose to live at sea level? Why build a home that will remain in his family, perhaps, for generations if it is at sea level!

Why not build a few hundred feet above sea level? Perhaps somewhere loads of rich people hang out…..like Vail or Aspen? My guess is Jeffrey Epstein and Sam Bankman-Fried — both based out of the Caribbean — didn’t worry all that much about climate change when they set up shop right at sea level either….

Instead, Obama chose to make “the Vineyard” — as the likes of Larry David and Allan Dershowitz refer to it — as his home, house his treasures and invest in his evil family’s fortune and future on simply because he doesn’t for one second believe climate change is real.

Obama, like the banks who bankroll property development and the insurers who make a fortune guaranteeing them, continue to inject the coast with billions of dollars because they know the seas aren’t rising.

Neither Obama nor the elite who develop along on our coasts lose one moment’s sleep over climate change. Climate change, like COVID and pandemic fear-mongering is little more than a cudgel our robber barons employ to beat us into submission and poverty.





  1. I have seen a good meme regarding climate change legislation.

    Namely, “It is like a watermelon. Green on the outside, red on the inside.”

      • The European green founder. Daniel Cohn-Bendit is a self confessed paedo. He wrote a book about this exploits with kindergarten girls. Typical jew . Trying to profit from his perversions. Strange how the polezi never questioned him.
        The green Mayor of Malvern , juliene Roxsham was convicted of possessing child porn . But to write a book for publishing by Daniel Cohn-Bendit and his paedophile actions should be enough to to have him shot.
        What would the Gestapo have done to the likes of Daniel Cohn-Bendit? Who would care if he was shot ?

  2. Dear John de Nugent,

    Besides the Redpill(Hitler)-Bluepill(Nosferatu) meme you presented, here is another motif with Adolf: https://t.me/Q74You/52236?single
    Taken from here (German): https://t.me/Q74You/52231
    Also an informative summary (German): https://t.me/Q74You/15254?single

    A postscript to the disillusioned “Mr. Gender-Studies”[*]: He recognizes the Kalergie plan.
    [*] “Murdoch Murdoch – E34 – They Sleep, We Live” (3 minutes long),


    In German: Ein weiteres Hitler Redpill-Bluepill-Meme

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    neben dem von Ihnen präsentierten Redpill(Hitler)-Bluepill(Nosferatu)-Meme gibt es hier ein weiteres Motiv mit Adolf: https://t.me/Q74You/52236?single
    Hier entnommen: https://t.me/Q74You/52231
    Ebenfalls eine informative Zusammenfassung: https://t.me/Q74You/15254?single

    Ein Nachtrag zum desillusionierten “Mr. Gender-Studies”[*]: Er erkennt den Kalergie-Plan.
    [*] “Murdoch Murdoch – E34 – They Sleep, We Live” (3 Minuten lang),

  3. Hey John – This article is a great point to make. The low consciousness folks, are so concerned with chasing fame and money, and ‘being somebody’ as a future goal, — asking them to look at the celebrities for hints is a wonderful idea. It quickly ends their argument, in a language they can understand. Tho, I swear, People’s opinions can only be won through energy exchanges, and not data and facts. And this is article opens a bridge between those two strategies. Thanks John. Be well.

    Also, I thought you might enjoy this lad’s music – Skinshape.

    And Rome’s Music is great too.

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