After debunking of NYT’s fake Hamas baby beheadings, now it’s the Hamas rapes — Times “reporter” was IDF intel officer who had never published an article before in her life; had posted on social media ‘all Palestinians should be killed’; even Israeli police contradict NYT

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Embarrassingly for the Jew York Times, even the Abdush family — depicted in this NYT photo — flatly denies anyone was raped in their family by Hamas…… “No, our daughter was not  raped. We can’t believe the New York Times actually said that!”



All these journalists like Clayton and  Natali Moore have to be just itching to blast the jews, but they dare not, not with the two jewish billionaire boys Brin and Page owning Google, which owns YouTube.


So the lying “reporter” with the slanderous fake-rape story, Anat Schwartz, just happens to be jewish, and her country, Israel, just happens to be jewish, too. 😉

If you have never been slandered, and then see slander-believers looking at you with hatred in their eyes, you just do not understand how serious slander is.

I am no fan of Islam, so I have mixed feelings about Hamas, but one has to admire anyone who resists enemy occupation, and the killers of their people, and I also feel for anyone whom the jews have slandered, as they do me.

You can go way back to Jesus. The Talmud admits Jesus performed miracles, but….


Plus one can assume that ALL the Hamas fighters who entered IsraHell on October 7 died for their cause. As a former  Marine I respect bravery in any man or woman, especially if penetrating deep into enemy Israeli territory. They ain’t  coming back, and they know it.

And what happened to Lee Harvey Oswald at jew hands was also horrible, to be slandered as a lone nut and as the murderer of a beloved US president! And then to be murdered himself! (and by the slimy jew strip-tease-club owner, Jack Rubinstein)!

*** Wikipedia on Ruby

Jack Leon Ruby (born Jacob Leon Rubensteinc.[1][2] March 25, 1911 – January 3, 1967) was an American nightclub owner who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963, two days after Oswald was accused of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Ruby shot and mortally wounded Oswald on live television in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters and was immediately arrested. In a trial, Ruby was found guilty and sentenced to death. The conviction was appealed, and he was to be granted a new trial, but Ruby became ill, was diagnosed with cancer, and died of a pulmonary embolism on January 3, 1967.

In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Ruby acted alone in killing Oswald, that Ruby shot Oswald on impulse and in retaliation for the Kennedy assassination. The commission’s findings are challenged by various critics who hypothesize that Ruby was part of a conspiracy surrounding the Kennedy assassination.

Early life and career[edit]

Ruby was born Jacob Leon Rubenstein[4] on or around March 25, 1911,[2] in the Maxwell Street area of Chicago, the son of Joseph Rubenstein and Fannie Turek Rutkowski (or Rokowsky), both Polish-born Orthodox Jews. Ruby was the fifth of his parents’ 10 surviving children. While he was growing up, his parents were often violent towards each other and frequently separated; Ruby’s mother was eventually committed to a mental hospital.[5] His troubled childhood and adolescence were marked by juvenile delinquency with time being spent in foster homes. At age 11 in 1922, he was arrested for truancy. Ruby eventually skipped school so often that he had to spend time at the Institute for Juvenile Research. Still a young man, he sold horse-racing tip sheets and various novelties, then acted as a business agent for a local refuse collectors union that later became part of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT).[6]: 332 

From his early childhood, Ruby was nicknamed “Sparky” by those who knew him.[7] His sister, Eva Grant, said that he acquired the nickname because he resembled a slow-moving horse named “Spark Plug” or “Sparky” in the contemporary comic strip Barney Google. (“Spark Plug” debuted as a character in the strip in 1922, when Ruby was 11.)[7] Other accounts say that the name was given because of his quick temper.[7] Grant stated that Ruby did not like the nickname, and was quick to fight anyone who called him that.[7]

In the 1940s, Ruby frequented race tracks in Illinois and California. He was drafted in 1943 and served in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II, working as an aircraft mechanic at U.S. bases until 1946. He had an honorable record and was promoted to Private First Class. Upon discharge, in 1946, Ruby returned to Chicago.[5]

In 1947, Ruby moved to Dallas, purportedly because of the failure of merchandise deals in Chicago and to help operate his sister’s nightclub.[7] Soon afterward he and his brothers shortened their surnames from Rubenstein to Ruby. The stated reason for this was that the name “Rubenstein” was too long and that he was “well known” as Jack Ruby.[8] Ruby later went on to manage various nightclubsstrip clubs, and dance halls. He developed close ties to many Dallas Police officers who frequented his nightclubs, where he provided them with free liquor, prostitutes and other favors.[9]

Ruby never married and had no children.[10] At the time of the assassination, Ruby was living with George Senator, who referred to Ruby as “my boyfriend” during the Warren Commission hearing, but denied the two being homosexual lovers. Warren Commission lawyer Burt Griffin later told author Gerald Posner: “I’m not sure if Senator was honest with us about his relationship with Ruby. People did not advertise their homosexuality in 1963”.[11]


The Wiki article totally leaves out what Ruby’s final lawyer, the leftist jew William Kunstler, said. The article does offers much evidence that Ruby was tied into organized crime, which was both jewish (via money man Meyer Lansky and the founder of  modern Las Vegas, Bugsie Siegel) and of course also it was very Sicilian, à la “The Sopranos.”

The jewish mobsters actually hated the Kennedys for being secretly antisemitic and anti-Israel, which quietly they were.

And the Italian gangsters hated the Kennedys for prosecuting them after they had helped the Kennedys win primaries or elections in West Virginia and Illinois.

Kunstler was really hated by white conservatives in the 1960s for flying all over and defending black militants and communists.


While many little jews loved the Kennedys, and not only they, here is Kunstler saying what the Big Jews felt.

Umm, and thy would have prevented IsraHell from getting The Bomb!

On his client, Jack Ruby.



Ruby was actually telling the truth, and so Kunstler was gaslighting us about him….. See, Ruby was  a “lone nut,” just like Oswald was a lone nut.” Always with the lone nuts….never a conspiracy.

The Israeli Mossad was the MAIN backer of all the Kennedy murders.



America loved John Kennedy and his beautiful wife and kids. To accuse the innocent Oswald of killing our president was heinous.

My parents met his wife, Jacqueline, a fellow Rhode Islander from Newport, seen here in Virginia with John-John (whom the jews also killed via his small-plane crash).

Jackie was a good mother, and he a devoted father.

The  jews shot JFK in front of his own wife, which, back then, even the Mafia would not do. And then the new government under Johnson, who hated Kennedy,

…slandered as the assassin and then murdered the totally innocent, patriotic US Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald.

Oswald, like most other Americans, actually revered and loved John Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline. He volunteered for the CIA because he was patriotic, as many white Americans were. He loved novels about secret agents.

Right after John Kennedy was shot in front of his wife, they arrested Lee, framed him for killing both the president and a cop named Tippitt, and beat him.

And the media and government cranked out their slander about how this man was a vicious killer, and then they left him totally unprotected and moved him around, while denying him a phone call.

And Jack Ruby was told to go into action and shoot Lee, and thus silence the man forever before he could prove his total innocence. Ever meet anyone with the last name of “Ruby”? No, me neither. The jewsmedia never say that the real name of this Jack Ruby, an underworld figure who ran a Dallas strip club, was Jack Rubinstein.

And those lies were pedalled by the entire media way back in 1963, and even by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court,Earl Waren,  who was the head of the Warren Commission.

Then came the Vietnam lies, and then the Iraq lies, and how diversity and mass immigration were our strength.. and how black pride was good, and  Indian pride, and gay pride…but that any WHITE pride was terrible.

Some wise men on slander:

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.– Socrates

To speak evil of any one, unless there is unequivocal proofs of their deserving it, is an injury for which there is no adequate reparation. — George Washington

What is slander? A verdict of “guilty” pronounced in the absence of the accused, with closed doors, without defence or appeal, by an interested and prejudiced judge. — Philibert Joseph Roux

The worthiest people are the most injured by slander, as is the best fruit which the birds have been pecking at. — Jonathan Swift

Keep from prying into other people’s affairs, for such prying gives occasion for slander, judgment, and other grievous sins. Why do you need to be concerned about others? Know and examine yourself. — Tikhon of Zadonsk

To vilify a great man is the readiest way in which a little man can himself attain greatness. — Edgar Allan Poe


Did you know that President George Washington was slandered during his second term by a newspaper called “The Aurora,” which was written by the grandson of Benjamin Franklin?


Benjamin Franklin Bache accused Washington of being — drumroll — a BRITISH AGENT!

And many believed it!

Oh, and Bache further claimed that Washington was “a murder, traitor, dolt, failure, and vainglorious tyrant who wants to enslave all nations of the world.”

Fun fact: Biden issued a new quarter-dollar coin with Washington facing AWAY from the motto: “In God We Trust.”



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