Deep-down, most believe in nothing except doom

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Why do people, among them most WNs, “look out for Number One” and have few or no true friends, and a sad, empty life? Because regular Christianity provides merely a kind of “hope” and not a rock-solid BELIEF. Most — DEEP DOWN — see themselves as being merely

“a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between birth and death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures, followed always by pain and ultimately, by annihilation.” (Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now, p111)

Is Tolle right that this is how most see themselves and their life? If so, the time is ripe for a spiritual rebirth and an authentic new faith and path. 🙂


Layne Lawless
Layne Lawless I have ALWAYS said that Christianity doesn’t feed the soul.


Kaj Bà¸rgesen
Kaj Bà¸rgesen there are some good in all religions and some bad.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I view Christianity the way Adolf Hitler did, as hijacked by Paul, but still 70% true. I have known many sincere Christians who were fine, fine people and with a great family life. 🙂


Randy Steppen
Randy Steppen some have souls fed by Christianity. I don’t because Abrahamic. Just cannot take more jew. I have had it. But still some do. I talk to them almost everyday online. They just find a connection somehow.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I found anything Middle-Eastern repellent, from the heat and sand to the camels to the alien faces and stories.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent As I have blogged, AH nevertheless was deeply impressed with Jesus.


Randy Steppen
Randy Steppen He seemed to be, yes. At least in the early years. In any event, he never considered attacking Christianity to be strategic.
Stephen East

Stephen East Christians seem to benefit from mixing with other people at their churches and church activities though.

I wonder how seriously they take the belief part, or if it’s something they put up with in order to join those valuable social networks that may score them new friends and a potential husband or wife.

Philosophically what you say makes sense except in my experience non churchgoers seem to be even more self centred and more isolated. Agnostics seem to be less self-righteous and judgemental about differing beliefs though.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I see making friends as 75% why people go to church. Proof? If the church is cold, cliquish, snobby, judgmental and unwelcoming, they stopped coming really fast.
Dion Gibbs
Dion Gibbs Since becoming physically disabled, I lost all those friends but 3 I had in real life, since I became more political again and have developed my own Party and Methodology as opposed to Ideology, well it has took off, now many know of us in the UK, Europe, Arab World and even USA. Since, then there have been people who want to be friends and meet me, this is what happens when you take a stand, but I will be honest, like Hitler and Gaddafi, other than my family I care little for socialising, but even among family, I only really truly care for my pets and yes my mother but prefer my alone time even with her. My pets I will never be separated from.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Thank you for this comment. Sorry to hear about your physical disability. But sometimes such challenges make a person more spiritual.


Dion Gibbs
Walter D. Bialkowski

Walter D. Bialkowski It seems like most of you have no real experience as Christians ~~ if you did, I think you would realize that Christianity is not just a philosophy or moral code, but a relationship ~ a relationship with Jesus Christ, Lord of the universe.

Image may contain: 8 people


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Actually, I did as a Jehovah’s Witness 1970-75, and never allow anyone to bash Jesus even after I left them. I absolutely believe, as AH did, that Jesus was, and is, real, His miracles as well, and that His true teachings are good for our race, nation and civilization.
Daniel De Lorenzo
Daniel De Lorenzo Christianity is partaking in the Divine Energies of Christ. Becoming one with Christ. Theosis, is the term, although mere words cannot fully express it. God became man, so that man may become God. Only holy Orthodoxy seems to be developing this.


Stephen de Nàºmenor
Stephen de Nàºmenor I believe we live in a planet of mostly younger souls, which was previously wholly good but since some times ago have descended slowly into the planes of Hell / quasi Hell. I think we are ascending up back though, which is why you see an explosion of “higher” consciousness.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I can see that viewpoint very well, of people being “fallen.”


Stephen de Nàºmenor
Stephen de Nàºmenor I think the moment of Adam and Eve being cast out of Heaven symbolizes how mankind passed into the Dominion of the Devil


John de Nugent
John de Nugent “Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.” — Alphonse de Lamartine
Steve Boer
Steve Boer Job 1:21 (KJV)
And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 4:17(KJV)See More

A New Heaven and a New Earth – Then I saw “a new ¦


Brian Avran
Brian Avran i have been studying the Essene Way – I highly recommend – there are many teaching of jesus that have been suppressed by the church(es) and only recently coming to light. What little remains in approved canon is just a fragment. so of course there is confusion and opinions about meaning and interpretation, because so much is missing. i am quite sure many philosophers who rejected the church because of its many shortcomings would sing a different tune if they knew the rest of the story. IMHO….


Letty Baldacchino
Letty Baldacchino You should read Jesus before Christianity, by Nolan.


Brian Avran
Brian Avran i’ll have a look thanks


Letty Baldacchino
Letty Baldacchino John, it’s not that we don’t have friends, it’s that we’re – in our vast majority – individualists.

John de Nugent

John de Nugent I understand what you mean.

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