Delusional ignoramus Trump THREATENS Putin

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My 2018 video:

This is directly fulfilling the 1917 Van Rensburg prophesy of three world wars, the last being a DEVASTATING, FULL NUCLEAR WAR caused by America: Ignoramus Trump threatening Putin.

The Russian economy is NOT in tatters, Trump — it is BOOMING (partly because the US, thanks to the hostile actions by Obama, Trump and Biden, has now pushed Russia into an alliance with the gigantic, flourishing economy of China ….an alliance which Russia, however, had never sought in all its history!!!). The Russian military is also not in shambles; it has never been stronger or more combat-tested, and its weapons are often far ahead of ours.
The non-book-reader Trump is listening to his moronic Nat’l Security guy, Kellogg….. America — listen, Donald — is no longer the 90% white, masculine country it was way back under Teddy Roosevelt. But even HE warned: “Walk softly and carry a big stick.”
Trump is walking LOUDLY and carrying a SMALL stick! — America is now 50% black and mexican!!!!!
Yes, America is NOW over 50% minority!!!!!! Just get out of the lily-white UP and face reality. Even Green Bay, Wisconsin is now 50% minority! I am not exaggerating. This multiracial train wreck that used to be OUR country is going to take on both a nearly homogenous Russia and a racially unified, highly disciplined China????
And half the Whites in America are over sixty — and many of the other half are entitled, drug-addled, porn-addicted narcissists and incels! (I just today heard a local horror story about an unreliable worker leaving his employer in the lurch. How can any boss run any small business these days?)
The 1917 Van Rensburg prophesy now approaches fulfillment — it specifically foretells both Obama and Trump — but it CAN be avoided!

Trump’s victory — a glorious but very brief respite; the astonishing 1917 prophecies of Nicholas van Rensburg

….. My Internet was just down for lack of funds, so I ran my computer off my smartphone by “tehtering” for the last week until my wi-fi data also was exhausted this morning.

Money is very tight. But now I must make my boldest move ever, and confront Trump before he triggers America’s and the Western world’s Karmageddon!


  1. I think you are underestimating the jews if you think that they dont control Russia, China and Iran to by this stage in history. Jews have been in China for a very long time. The opium war was mainly fought for jewish profit and Britain got Hong Kong and in a later war the imperial summer palace was destroyed. But after the communists won power I would guess they have complete control. If you look at Irans parliament it is a pyramid with 33 windows. OfcourseI i could be wrong.

    Heres some info true or not:

    Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of Communist Red China’s propaganda organ.

    Mao Tse-Tung with Israel Epstein

    Jews dominated Mao Tse Tung’s inner circle, among them Israel Epstein (second from right, in front row) Mao is standing in second row, at far right.

    Israel Epstein and Hu Jin Tao

    Israel Epstein, Mao Tse Tung’s minister of appropriations (Finance), shown here being honored for his service by current Chinese communist leader, Chairman Hu Jin Tao

    • I absolutely, vociferously deny that the juze “control” these countries, and I have shown on this website since 2009 why I believe this.

      And how on God’s green earth can you claim they control IRAN???? My God, man.

      Just because a country which is not a nuclear superpower does not go “full-Hitler” on the juze does not mean the juze control it.

      The Chinese communists endeavored to get along with American juze, but that is not control.

      And having your picture taken with someone is obviously not proof of control.

      China is a very proud and very nationalistic country which has jettisoned marxist economics.

      The Soviet Union overthrew its juish bolsheviks (while USING them, I repeat, while USING them) starting with the late 1920s and purged them in four waves under Stalin. He promoted instead Russian nationalism as a counterweight. The expulsion of the ju Trotsky (Lev Braunshtain) from the CPSU and his exile was the beginning. In the 1930s came the Moscow Show Trials, which purged more juze, then in the 1940s the Cosmopolitian purges, and in the 1950s the Doctor’s Plot purge.

      Stalin also instituted an unspoken policy which continued with all his successors that no ju could head any agency or factory in the Soviet Union, and thus rise at most to be the assistant director of something.

      Are you aware that the Soviet Union heavily armed and trained Israel’s Arab enemies Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria?

      Are you aware that the Soviet Air Force in 1970 waged directly a bloody and successful air war against the Israeli air force?

      Are you aware that Putin has purged all juish oligarchs who refused to withdraw from politics, and threw the ju billionaire Khodorksvsky into prison in Siberia for seven years, and when he complained, his cellmate slashed his face with a razor??

      Are you aware that the entire Ukraine-Russia conflict was designed by American and Ukrainian juze in order to destroy Russia?

      Are you aware that Putin recently complained bitterly and clearly about the juze without using the j-word?




      Here are 36 people on a list involved in corruption,” Lukashenko told the Council of Ministers in Minsk. “Sorry, I don’t consider myself anti-Semitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they can steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges?”

      He added, “All peoples living in Belarus should be equal: Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles.”

      Katz told the Jewish News Syndicate that the head of his ministry’s Eurasia bureau, Yuval Fuchs, had lodged a complaint over the incident with the Belarusian ambassador to Israel.

      Lukashenko appointed Brylo as his presidential aide and inspector for Vitebsk Region in July 2023, transferring him from the Agriculture Ministry. The president removed Brylo from his new post last November, citing “an offense incompatible with the civil service.” A media report suggested that the case was tied to an alleged corruption scheme in the country’s dairy industry.

      Israeli officials have previously accused Lukashenko of anti-Semitic comments, including a 2007 incident in which he told reporters that Jewish people allowed the places they lived to fall into neglect. Referring to the Belarusian city of Bobruisk, he claimed Jewish residents had turned it into a “pigsty.” He added, “This was founded as a Jewish city, and you know how Jews treat the places they live in.”

      West Jerusalem responded by lodging a complaint with the Belarusian ambassador, stopping short of recalling its envoy to Minsk.

      Lukashenko was scolded again by the Israeli government after he said in July 2021 that the whole world had been made to “kneel” to the Jewish people because of the Holocaust.


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