Demented Hollywood star and sexual deviant’s granddad, accused of abuse and cannibalism, was Jewish Bolshevik Communist LEADER!

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Celebrity news from a nationalist’s perspective.
by JdN staff reporter.
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Celebrity news from a nationalist’s perspective.
Ah, the apple rarely falls far from the Marxist tree now, does it? When it comes to these “woke” bastards.
Armie Hammer, the Goyish looking Jewish American actor, has been in the news an awful lot of late – although not “nearly” as much as he would have been if his name was let’s say, Trump, Wood (Lin Wood, not Tiger), Rittenhouse, Dobbs or Carlson, or if the story hadn’t FIRST gone “viral” on social media.
So much so in fact, I don’t feel the need to go into this sordid tale too much, apart from pointing out a few convenient facts the media ARE largely ignoring.

Sure, the ruggedly handsome, blue-eyed Armie Hammer looks like the quintessential Hollywood “Nazi.” (My guess is he will retain his career by agreeing to play a trigger-happy SS officer in Spielberg’s “Schindlers List,” parts 2, 3 and 4, as well as perhaps donning a black wig to play a Palestinian terrorist in Munich “The Sequel”.)  He could even pass as being John’s love child  from the right angle – but is he?
Hammer did in fact play BOTH Winklevoss twins (the Harvard prep school boys who founded Facebook) in Aaron Sorkin’s Mark Zuckerberg biopic, “The Social Network”.
Although brilliant German composer Jan Hammer of “Miami Vice” fame  is as Goyish as the surf and turf special at your local steakhouse, ARMIE Hammer is anything but!
….in mentality….and above all, in Hammer’s bizarre sexual appetite and practices.
Variety wrote,

“The new year kicked off with what will likely be the most bizarre celebrity story of 2021: Armie Hammer — the genetically blessed movie star of “Call Me by Your Name” and “The Social Network” fame, and heir to the Hammer family oil fortune — began trending online for being a cannibal.
Hammer is not a cannibal. (Hammer has deeper ties to Cannibalism than President Trump had to Russia.)
And yet, weeks later, questions still swirl about Hammer’s personal life amid social media accusations. And after he dropped out of two high-profile projects – which Variety hears from multiple well-placed sources he was asked to leave – it’s not clear if his career can, or will recover.
Unverified messages have been blasted across social media, reportedly showing Hammer chatting with several women in explicit conversations displaying his fetishes, where he allegedly expresses his sexual appetite to drink blood, cut toes and enslave sex partners.

The messages, allegedly sent by Hammer, describe rape fantasies. One of Hammer’s ex’es told a tabloid the actor wanted to barbecue and eat her rib. Another ex said in a media interview that he carved his initial into her skin on her pelvis, engaging in ‘knife play’ (though Hammer was married at the time) in the bedroom.

Beneath the salacious accusations, which have turned into a media spectacle, the women say Hammer’s sexual proclivities are being used as a smokescreen, and are accusing him of emotional abuse, manipulation and coercion.”

This, as heinous as it all sounds – and again, I don’t really have the desire to go into all the sordid details of what Mr Hammer gets up to in his free time for obvious reasons – is par for the course in Hollywood.
What does trouble me, though, is how Hammer, like the pedo leaders of the Lincoln Project, have all but gotten a free pass from the mainstream media.
Although the Establishment media have put out the odd story about Hammer since being forced to, they’ve largely ignored the extent of the allegations made against him.
While they made mountains from molehills out of anything alleged against Trump, they’ve turned Mount Everest style allegations levied against Hammer into mainstream jokes, light-hearted SNL sketches and late night comedy routines.
1. Both Weaver and Hammer are active members of the political and cultural elite and MOST importantly, vociferously anti-Trump.
2. And in Hammer’s case, his cannabilism and propensity for sexual abuse is deeply rooted in his Jewish identity and Marxist roots. (Weaver who served both John McCain and John Kasich is a Texas gentile).
Let’s travel back in time a few months so I can illustrate my first point.
Hammer like most rat celebrities was as busy as anyone in 2020, promoting cancel culture and trashing President Trump during the run-up to the election.
Saying that you grab women who have ALREADY expressed in an interest in you “by the pussy” was a cardinal sin when it was uttered by President Trump, but sexually abusing women and indulging in cannibalism – or in the case of Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver – MOLESTING LITTLE BOYS seems to be acceptable behavior if you’re anti-Trump.
So the pair who had already been accused of sexual impropriety got a free pass.
Back in October and then all through the autumn Hammer asked fans to boycott Marvel Studios – the good people behind making blacks think that their ancestral homeland in the fictitious “Wakanda” invented math and writing – simply because one of their top board members supported President Trump.
Reuters reported that Armie Hammer was the most vocal proponent of cancelling Marvel Entertainment Chairman Isaac Perlmutter simply because he donates to President Trump.
Just as dozens of the filthy hypocritical celebs who’d called for a boycott of Goya Foods, MyPillow, fitness chains SoulCycle and Equinox because their companies’ respective chairmen supported our President, and in the case of Soul Cycle and Equinox’s chairman, Stephen Ross, because he DARED host a fundraiser for President Trump – Hammer went all-in attacking Perlmutter (who also happens to be Jewish – just conservative and a massive supporter and close personal friend of President Trump).
As per Wikipedia,

“In 2015, Laura Perlmutter donated $2 million to a Super-PAC supporting the presidential candidacy of Sen. Marco Rubio.
In January 2016, according to Donald Trump, Isaac intended to donate $1 million to the presidential candidate’s wounded veterans initiative at Drake University.
On June 30, 2016 Laura Perlmutter donated $449,400 to a PAC supporting Donald Trump, and later was part of Trump’s Inauguration committee.
In 2019, Ike and Laura Perlmutter donated roughly $360,000 to the “Trump Victory Joint Fundraising Committee.”
In April 2017 Perlmutter was categorized by The New York Times as one of the “Clubgoers” among twenty people whom President Trump consults “outside the White House gates”. He “has been informally advising.
In August 2018 non-profit news organization ProPublica reported that Trump had informally authorized three members of his Mar-a-Lago club to direct policy at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and issue instructions to Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Peter O’Rourke. Perlmutter was named among the three, collectively known as the Mar-a-Lago Crowd. The author of the article obtained “hundreds of documents” through the Freedom of Information Act that show the three were in daily contact with the agency, “reviewing all manner of policy and personnel decisions” and that “they prodded the VA to start new programs, and officials travelled to Mar-a-Lago at taxpayer expense to hear their views.”


Regarding Perlmutter, Hammer tweeted

‘Hey, while everyone seems to be on this Equinox thing, it might be a good time to mention that one of Trump’s largest financial contributors is the chairman of Marvel Entertainment (Isaac Perlmutter)….. jussayin.’— Armie Hammer (@armiehammer) August 9, 2019
So, what was Isaac Perlmutter guilty of on this occasion?
The Marvel exec and his wife, who regularly donates to conservative causes, donated approximately $600,000 to Trump’s presidential campaign back in 2019, according to Federal Election Commission records.
But this should not surprise anyone.
The woke brigade is as fake as “eff”, as the kids say.
Hollywood, the industry that spawned the “Me Too” movement, only did so because they were the ones raping young women (and men)!
If they hadn’t been, there’d have been NO need for #MeToo in the first place!!
Hammer is really no different than any other of them. In fact I’d argue that he is really no worse. He just got caught sending texts by some Hollywood hoes looking to make some money.
Whether it’s the likes of Harvey Weinstein masturbating in a tree, pornstar Ron Jeremy (born Ronald Jeremy Hyatt), X-Men director, Brian Singer, molesting young boys and GETTING AWAY WITH IT, or any of the other Hollywood hotshots sexually abusing aspiring stars, this is just how these deviants roll.
This brings me nicely to my second point.
.Just as with dozens of the most vocal proponents of “Cancel Culture”, the dememented Hollywood actor accused of sexal abuse and cannabilism is a proud Leftist. But in Hammer’s case his Leftist roots go deeper than just a few trendy tweets and Saturday afternoon conversations with his Tinsel Town buddies – Armie is the grandson of a Jewish Bolsehvik Communist LEADER!.
The bloodline of people that spawned Hammer….
As per Wikipedia:
“Armand Douglas Hammer was born on August 28, 1986, in Santa Monica, California. His mother, Dru Ann (née Mobley), is a former bank loan officer, and his father, Michael Armand Hammer, owns several businesses, including Knoedler Publishing and Armand Hammer Productions (a film/television production company). He has a younger brother, Viktor.
Hammer has described his background as “half Jewish” (the important bit no doubt). His paternal great-grandfather was oil tycoon and philanthropist Armand Hammer, whose parents were Jewish immigrants to the U.S. from the (then) Russian Empire, and were of Ukrainian Jewish descent; Armand’s father, Julius Hammer, was from Odessa (now in Ukraine, but then in the Russian Empire), and founded the Communist Party in New York.”
So, I think it is fair to say that Hammer is pretty deeply Communist.
I wonder how long it’ll take Wikipedia to delete that element of his entry and just start referring to him as a blonde white supremacist Nazi cannibal with a Trump supporting mamushka. (Hammer’s mother, it turns out, supports President Trump, ( : D )
It took them but a few months to bleach Columbine killer Dylan Klebold’s Wiki entry and internet record of his Jewishness.
Here’s the remainder of the comical Variety story that seems more concerned about how the allegations will impact Hammer’s career and telling us that Hammer is not really a cannibal, than his alleged abuses. The innocent Duke lacrosse goys – I mean boys, sorry – could have done with some of that!
But then again, as Hammer is NO Tom Cruise, as Variety points out, and as Hammer does have an evil mother, perhaps Hollywood will show Hammer the boot after all?
No one will be talking about his Jewish heritage or family’s roots in Marxism though….
The double standards are alive and well in 2021.

“Hammer’s situation is different than other scandals of the #MeToo era, where high-profile men saw their careers end when they were accused of predatory behavior in deeply reported newspaper or magazine stories. But while the full circumstances around the allegations against Hammer still haven’t come completely into focus, his image in the court of public opinion has quickly changed.
And, in an industry where movie stars’ careers are built on their personal brand and public persona, the damage might have already been done. The words “cannibal,” “kitten” and “daddy” will forever be next to Hammer’s name in a quick Google search, and his character has been brought into question, as videos have surfaced of him allegedly snorting drugs, drinking behind the wheel and bragging about passing a drug test that was required for him to see his children in the midst of his divorce. While not all of the social media videos have been verified, Hammer made a statement that confirmed content surfacing on the internet was “stolen from my private Instagram,” indicating that at least some of the footage is real.
“He has never eaten human flesh, he has never drank blood, he has never cut off a toe, he has never locked anybody in a cage, or whatever else is in these crazy messages. These messages definitely shouldn’t be taken literally – even if he did text them,” says a source close to Hammer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, given the personal nature of the wild story. “Anyone can say what they want and solicit craziness on Instagram or TikTok or Clubhouse. People think that kinky sex is weird and taboo, and maybe it is to most people, but clearly there are adults who engage in it and enjoy it.”
Both projects that Hammer departed – Lopez’s “Shotgun Wedding” and Paramount’s “The Offer” – were close to shooting, so the studio and network had to move fast. But looking ahead, Hammer has a slew of completed projects, which will prove to be a headache for Hollywood executives who are closely watching to see how the scandal unfolds.
Hammer’s most high-profile project in the near future is Disney’s “Death on the Nile,” the follow-up to the box office success “Murder on the Orient Express.” The A-list murder mystery in which Hammer stars opposite Gal Gadot and Kenneth Branagh wrapped production in late 2019 – long before the sex scandal – and was originally slated to be released last year. With COVID-19 theater closures, the film was delayed and is now slated for a September 2021 release.
While Disney declined to comment, a source close to the film says Hammer’s situation is very much on the studio’s radar and is an absolute concern, but given that the film’s release is still months away, the situation is not critical – yet. “Death on the Nile” has an ensemble cast, so Disney will have the option of minimizing Hammer in marketing materials, sources say. Depending on what details come to light in the months ahead, it’s possible the actor would not be a major part of the promotional blitz.
Although he posted to his private account, Hammer publishing videos – anywhere – boasting about recreational drug use and lingerie-clad women raises serious concern over his judgement, which is significant when he’s the face of any company or product. As a public figure, the decision to post any potentially damaging material onto a social media platform without thinking he could be caught is perplexing. And, regardless of the allegations, a common thread expressed by numerous industry insiders who spoke anonymously for this story is that the choice to communicate with women across social media platforms with sexually explicit messages when he’s a famous married father of two is foolish, to say the least. And it’s a liability for any network or studio that hires him.
“When talent is retained, it’s more than just the person who can stand up and recite the lines — there is an image and a persona that producers or others want to attach to their idea,” says attorney, Baker, who has never worked with Hammer. “Actions outside of the studio can have a profound impact on the public perception of attaching particular talent to a production.”
Hollywood is an all-too-forgiving business that loves a comeback story, but another industry source believes that Hammer may not recover professionally – because of the current climate, but also because of Hammer’s career track record.
“He’s not Tom Cruise,” a high-powered publicist says. “He keeps getting cast, but it’s never a hit at the box office. Who is going to fight in this day and age for a star who has this complicated of a story surrounding him?”


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