I saw another fine video this morning by Alex Christoforou of the “Duran,” who has the entertaining habit of walking around the streets and parks of Nicosia, Cyprus (a Greek-speaking island in the eastern Med) or in downtown Athens, Greece as he discusses important current events.
(Shocking befuddlement of “the president” at news conf.)
But I am worried about the danger in Alex’ walk-and-talks, and wrote him:
Dear Alex,
Like all readers, I love your walk-and-talks, but am nervous they could be used by TPTB to stage an “accident” that might be fatal. … On my site, I talk a lot about the UFO phenomenon and a possible scenario involving (yes) hostile aliens in bed with the US Deep State. No, it is not crazy. John Mack, MD, a truly great man, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was the chief of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and then wrote a book on abductions that alarmed the Establishment.
Mack was a blue-eyed jew with German-Jewish ancestry who had a great career going but became harshly ridiculed 20 long years ago for stating that alien abductions were real
Next thing, Alex, he was hit by a “drunk driver” in London and killed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_E._Mack#Death
Of course, it was maybe just a tragic accident. But the Deep State has many ways to make murders look like accidents, including using MK-ULTRAs such as that Wayne Chapman who shot John Lennon, Sirhan Sirhan (Robert Kennedy) and others, including probably John Hinckley, who shot Reagan, with the bullet missing his heart by a 1/4 inch. “Accidents” are great because then there is no murder and thus no martyr…and if you raise doubts then they paint you as a “conspiracy nut”…….
It is now obvious that the Duran duo, with their great content, winning personalities, and formats, have made the quantum leap from obscurity, where you can say anything and not be targeted, to prominence, where the Duran become a large blip on the radar screens of the Deep State.
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