Democrats propose CANCEL hit-lists to ensure “deplorable” Trump supporters are held “accountable”. When the Left REALLY assumes power after January, cancellation will spell LITERAL DEATH

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If you like the following article written by François Arouet, and others John is paying for while he develops his religion, then please write to John at to learn how you can help us.
Op-ed by JdN contributing writer, François Arouet

Something which any sane person on EITHER side of the political divide SHOULD deem extremely dangerous, the Left views as morally justifiable and necessary.
You supported Trump?
You should lose your job!
You once wrote an article stating that perhaps some of Trump’s policies weren’t all that bad for everyday Americans?
You should NEVER be allowed to work in journalism again.
You bought a MAGA hat online?
To the gulag with you!
Although this sounds an awful lot like something the likes of the NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) would have gotten up to during the heyday of the Soviet Union – where priests, writers, poets, philosophers, farmers and just about anyone the State deemed their “enemy” were targeted for elimination – this is in fact happening right now in the good ol’ U S of A, as we speak.
In a Tweet published Sunday afternoon NY Congresswoman, Alexandrrrrria Ocasssssio Corrrrrtez, also known as “AOC,” asked,

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

The unhinged witch continued in her best attempt at English, “Lol at da party of personal responsibility’ being upset at the idea of being responsible for their behavior over last four years.”
Yeah, she’s THAT functionally illiterate.
While one might feel compelled to dismiss the idiot’s words as little more than infantile malarkey spouted off by a glorified avocado-picker, I’d urge people to take her words seriously.
Mark my words —  this vile banshee of a woman WOULD have you and me killed if she could. These people honestly believe they are morally and ethically justified in their deadly hatred of us.
And it doesn’t end with Cortez and her Tweets.
Enter Emily Abrams, a former staff member for former Democrat presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, who took the demented Congresswoman’s words quite seriously – immediately launching the “Trump Accountability Project.”
According to Abrams, the objective of her little “project” is to see that anyone who took a paycheck or earned money helping or promoting Trump “is held responsible for what they did.”
According to her new website,



“We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda…. The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Okay, so will this just be people who wrote speeches for our president or represented him in a court of law, or include men that shined his shoes (and smiled affectionately while doing so), wore a MAGA hat or affixed a Trump/Pence bumper sticker to their car, Ms Abrams?
I can’t help but wonder if the darling Abrams is going to start an Israeli accountability project, listing colonists who’ve literally facilitated the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people of Palestine anytime soon?
Don’t hold your breath….
So, who would qualify to be placed on Ms Abrams gulag “list”?
Apparently, and again according to her dangerous site:
Those who elected him: Individuals who worked (and volunteered) for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020.
Those who staffed his government: Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration.
Those who funded him: Individuals who used their personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.
So, will that mean a housewife who donated five bucks to help the President “Make America Great Again” will find herself on a hit-list or will it just be Trump’s ultra-rich supporters that find themselves hunted down by the likes of serial pedophile and Antifa terrorist, Joseph Rosenbaum?
Thankfully, Kyle Rittenhouse took care of him….
Fact is, unlike Beijing Biden, who received most of his money from Wall Street and Silicon Valley, the lion’s share of President Trump’s campaign contributions came from people just like you and me – people living paycheck to paycheck.


The sort of people this ghastly (both physically and morally) woman WILL no doubt be targeting with her hit-list.
Perhaps when the beastly, albeit cretinous Ms. Abrams procures some real cash for her fledgling endeavor from the likes of George Soros, she’ll expand the scope of her program to include “kulaks” like you and me as well– those who DARE to criticize the people destroying our once great land.
Heck, why not just intern anyone who even thought something positive about President Trump!
That’s where this is headed.
Based on the sort of rhetoric emanating from the “progressive” branch of the Democrat Party, things are going to get pretty bad if we don’t stand up for our rights, and NOW.




  1. Another factual article . As British patriots, myself along with Jack Sen and other nationalists, we know first-hand how the scummy left tries to get you fired from your job by approaching your boss behind your back…. telling your boss how their business will suffer if they employ you.

    Or lefty government officials deem you a Nazi fascist racist for your views [that whites should have some rights in their own country].

    The trade unions pay people to write lies about patriots on the Internet to smear you. Or they will read an article and call the police as they feel offended and hurt after reading the article.

    The remedy is pick a local lefty for targeting, and tell them they’re first up for retaliation.

    Don’t take crap from the fagotty commies.

    • It will come to that.

      Destroying a family man’s livelihood is a very serious matter, as is vile hypocrisy.

      If only they said “we are thugs and here to steal your wallet,” it would be honest and less reprehensible.

      But they crush all human freedom while denouncing “the fascists.”

      • In Britain we had a website called “Red Watch.” It published names and addresses of reds, commie teachers, cops, local government knobs, trade union politicians — aLL that along with their pics.

        The reds repeatedly asked to meet government ministers to remove the Red Watch website, as the faggotty reds feared retaliation.

        Not so brave when it was they who were targeted. Time to set up a new Red Watch site.

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