The “Demographic change” giving America a wog-majority hits home in Pennsylvania as nasty jew Shapiro, running for governor, confidently refuses debate with MAGA Republican Mastriano

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The fact is that, just as Pat Buchanan other Republicans warned 30 years ago, a racially darkening, gayizing, woking America will be a Demoncrat America. I and Margi lived in Pennsylvania 2008-14, my dad was born and raised there, and it WAS an overwhelmingly white, rightwing state.

But between burgeoning minorities, especially Hispanics in eastern Penn., plus hordes of Stone-Age blacks in Philadelphia, and outright Dominion vote fraud, the evil Shapiro is coasting to victory! This comes after eight years of another vile jew as governor, Tom Wolfe (who swept into power because the white Republican RINO governor at that time had done nothing about the huge pedophilia scandal at Penn State university and Jerry Sandusky).

This is the direct result of not solving the JQ, and not even beginning to even mention or address it!

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General is this Khazar Shapiro, who doesn’t want to investigate the huge election scam in the negroic metropolis of Philadelphia in the south-east of the state. Weeks before election day, he was cheekily, smugly, always smugly, predicting the demented Joe Biden’s election victory (done with his insider knowledge….)

He constantly prosecutes child-molesting Catholic priests, which is good, but not for the right motives. Actually, like all jews, he hates Jesus and anything bearing the title of Christ, such as Roman Catholicism. Why not prosecute also the hordes of child-molesting rabbis, Shapiro?

1 Comment

  1. No more white Christian countries. The big jews use the Blacks and Browns and other gimmegrants to do their dirty work for them. All via promises of benefits and having the whip hand over the whites.
    Little do the gimmegrant wogs know that they are enslaved to work until the day they die. Too stupid to use a calculator! Doh!
    You’re bornm, then from age 0-18 your parents get benefits. 18 – 80 you pay it all back, 4x times more than the benefits you got 0-18.
    People work 18-65; used to retire and die in their 70s.
    Now people are living until their 90s+. People work 40 years, retirement for 30+ years. The economic mathematics don’t add up anymore.
    No, the invading wog gimmegrants have to work until they die.
    Too old to work? You’ll be put in hospital or a care home waiting for you to die.
    They might make you sell your house to pay for your final care. Or most people will live in rented accommodation.
    Then within hours of you dying the property is let out again within 24 hours.
    I’ve seen rented houses of the deceased. Their possesions are thrown in a skip as they have no relatives, or they don’t want the cost of storing them.
    GIMMEGRANTS, you have to work until the last few days of your life. LOL, even your last few hours alive.
    GIMMEGRANTS, why do you think the politicians and businesses welcome you here?
    You are a cash cow to be worked to death. Too thick to see it as you gorgeous yourselves on debt .
    No retirement for you. ARBREIT MACHT FREI !Not for you gimmegrants.

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