Demoncrats want lots more of you to DIE horribly — so their precious party can beat Trump; George Washington DETESTED political parties

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I Survived China Wuhan Virus: A Covid-19 Nightmare & Insider’s Report

Arlington County, Virginia sheriff’s checkpoint for Covid-19 [JdN: Margi and I lived near here for years]

(Photo credit: Dr. Jane Ruby)

The Communist Democrats, NWO freaks, and the media are trying to kill us.

Day 2:  Woke up with a temperature of 102°, sore throat, unimaginable body aches, profound weakness and a blinding headache. As a licensed medical professional, I took steps to manage these symptoms:  anti-pyretics, forced fluids, rest.

Day  4:  I lost all sense of taste and smell.  If you don’t think this is a serious symptom, consider this:  My heat/smoke alarms went off on this morning and I didn’t realize it until later that it was because I had forgotten a pan on the stove and could not smell the early smell of butter burning.  When you lose your sense of taste, you rapidly lose weight because after 2-3 bites, there is no incentive to eat. Another danger related to loss of taste and smell is you are vulnerable to eating spoiled or rotten food and getting other serious illnesses.  Think about how your ability to taste and smell actually protect you.

Days 5-12: Unrelenting fevers of 101-102°, profound weakness, loss of appetite, severe body aches and a cough that would not stop. I called my primary physician office and was given azithromycin, a macrolide antiobiotic (not anti-viral) for community-acquired respiratory infections, took it religiously and had no effect on the persistent fevers and cough.

Day 13:  Call from primary physician (and TEN BUSINESS DAYS) after taking the test, I was informed by the doctor personally that my Covid-19 test came back positive. I was devastated and frightened beyond belief.  How did I contract this? I had not traveled since the first week in March and it was a 24 hour work trip to Orlando Florida. None of my colleagues were even symptomatic.  I only walked in my neighborhood and a few times went to grocery store for provisions, using my own cart and protective gear & wipes. Believe me, as a Nurse Practitioner who has worked in countless isolation units, I know the general tactics for self-protection. No one I knew in DC was ill with the virus. The doctor said it had to be “general community spread.”

…and his response was, “We only give that to certain people on ventilators,” and I asked, why would you wait until it’s hopeless?
What I would soon learn was that his response was from a directive from the Virginia Department of Health and guess who controls that? Yes, the Governor of the state – the grossly, far left, blackface, babykiller, communist Democrat, Ralph Northam.
I felt an icy chill run down my spine, and my fears about what may be about to happen. One of the responders was on the phone with their physician who was “weighing the risk” of whether to transport me! Finally they led me into the ambulance into a fixed wheelchair and strapped me in. We were on our way to the hospital.   We pulled in and I was asked to walk in, in spite of 101 fever and profound weakness. Immediately led to a single room and isolated, I received a call on my cell…it was the ER doctor assigned to do my “intake” and she assessed me remotely. Eventually she entered my room in a complete hazmat style suite with plastic face covering and asked me to maintain the mask I wore into the hospital. I was sent for chest X-ray and blood work was drawn. I was given Tylenol for the fever and waited about 2 hours for the results. My eyes were glued to the pulse oximeter, the finger wire that continuously measured my body’s oxygen saturation, an assessment of how well my lungs were absorbing oxygen and transferring it to the rest of my body – normal oxygen saturations are between 97-100%. I knew that if these dropped – it would be a harbinger of failing lung function.



….Why I banned political parties

I banned all parties but my own in 1933, keeping a public promise to the voters to END parliamentary, MULTI-PARTY democracy.


First, because those parties were all literally controlled by rich jews, just as today. (Elections require a horrendous amount of money. WaPO: “The final price tag for the 2016 election is in: $6.5 billion for the presidential and congressional elections combined.”) 

Second, because earthlings are so spiritually primitive, so ego-driven, so us-versus-them, that if you allow a free-for-all, they instantly start fighting each other and the country be damned.

George Washington wrote the same thing about divisive factions in his Farewell Address in 1797.


….My analysis

There was a very good reason why ancient peoples of every race deliberately opted to have a king system (one-man rule, followed by that man’s first son, and then his, and then his….) instead of a democracy.

King Louis of France, also called Saint Louis (whence the great American city in Missouri on the Mississippi river)…

…ruled France for over sixty years, throwing the Jews out and burning their Talmuds. France was rich, safe, Jew-free and happy under his reign.

Photo: the First Baptist Church of Providence, Rhode Island, which my ancestor via both parents, Thomas Angell, gave orchard land for in the 1600’s. The current church, very much larger, was built in 1775.


FDR — four disastrous terms

In other words, democracy is absolutely perfect — for the Big Jews — to manipulate the masses (both Gentile and Jewish) via jew money, jew media and divide-and-conquer.

Get the slaves hating each other.

…..Aryan, meritocratic democracy

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