Demonic face in fetus-killer crowd outside Supreme Court Justice’s house? Carlson on growing atheistic-satanic violence against pro-lifers

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See for yourself. This image appears at exacty 0:15 out of 0:17 in front of the face of some leftard pro-fetus-murder woman.

This is just raw footage — posted by yet another leftard (some guy named “John A. Stoehr,” apparently) on his own Twitter account.It is NOT some CGI cooked up afterward… unless, of course, Mister John A. Stoehr gets off on denigrating his own cause by putting demon faces on his own comrades…… I suppoae anything is “possible.” 😉 …but not everything is likely.

Stoehr writes:

I found a few people down in the comment section in denial about this:


3 hours ago
That’s just a distortion of light and color loss through the camera, Lisa 🤣. The picture quality is very poor too. What happened was that her hair had light-blonde highlights at the front of her head and the angle she turned to look toward the camera made her hair appear to have color hues too close to her skin colors (by trick of light) and so they appeared to merge (making her appear more bald and ghoulish). Some cameras can’t pick up colors very well under certain lighting, in this case soft lighting from the sun going down and only a street light in the background. But… the effect made her look like the Crypt Keeper. I could almost hear the cackling he makes 😂🤣.
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John de Nugent
1 second ago
You are really reaching…. because, I surmise, in your belief system such things cannot be.

Don Clanton
16 hours ago
How in the hell, no pun intended, do you people know what demons look like?


John de Nugent
1 second ago
​ @Don Clanton Who said anything about “know”? That is a straw man. This is simply a bizarre phenomenon that might be significant somehow, and that is all there is to it. Why are you against even discussing this? And why are your fellow citizens “you people”? Do you kinda like the idea of demons, maybe?


….This nails it

…..Tucker Carlson on the increasingly open attack on God (and Christianity)

One does not have to be a Christian to find this alarming, because this is against all belief in a higher world, in the truth that we are immortal souls, and that God sees all the good and evil that we do, and holds us accountable.

Many religions besides Christianity believe in the truth that there are angels and demons, and a war between a good god and devils.

In fact, major ideas which people think are “Christian” are actually core Aryan doctrines which were elucidated by the Persian/Iranian Zoroaster 500 years before Jesus was born.

Jews living under the Persian Empire were exposed to and gradually accepted these ideas — “stole them and took credit for them” is a better word — albeit in a typically distorted, perverted jewish form.

And so it was from Late Judaism that these concepts were passed on to Jesus and then into Saul of Tarsus’ creation, “Christianity.”

What is new and remarkable is the open advocacy of violence by atheists against believers. (Btw, in the SS you had to be a “God believer,” which in German was called “Gottgläubig.”)

Make no mistake:

These people are not liberals, but leftists.  They are bolsheviks, COMMUNISTS, and demonized. Just look at their hateful faces.


Against these demonic people — who revel in the killing of white fetuses — only an angelic new religion can succeed.
This is why I returned! And now my blogging is about to end!
This is a battle between God and the Devil — between Good and Absolute Evil! God will judge all who fail to help, act and fight!


    • Thanks for pointing this out. I fixed it.

      I think Fox sues the individuals who upload Tucker on their own YT channel, which competes with Fox’s own channel. I saw, when I looked, several older Tucker shows uploaded by individuals replaced by this inane pool table.

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