Denial is destroying us

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Abducted from a Walmart, raped and strangled. But the Deep State — luciferians and jews — does this every single day on an industrial scale. 

Comment from a Danish comrade after reading this:

A final sign


John, that’s shocking to hear. Do you remember what the girl and boy who were tortured looked like ? Why did your dad hand you over to those demons ? If this is real i will dedicate my own life to end these scum. I would love to be the one to turn on the human sized microwave set to the lowest effect to prolong their agony. Many blessings and healing from the Gods to you and Margi always.

I replied:

Thank you for your blessing. I know I am over it all because I could bear to see it and it had almost no effect except a grim rage.

Both kids had light brown hair. I am sure they were killed after the effect was achieved on the other kids of extreme trauma.

There was a National Public Radio (US) show in the 1990s about a child-rape “ranch” for American luciferians in Mexico. Pedos paid good money to rape attractive children (blonds probably preferred, esp. by jews). so that produced a steady income. But there was also an arrangement for “snuffing” a child who was perhaps too damaged mentally and/or physically. They rented you for $5,000 a movie camera so one could tape oneself raping and simultaneously strangling the child. Supposedly that was the supreme orgasm for the jaded, and one got to keep the video.

In this book

….the author, August Bullock, likely a jew, discussed something called “the horror filter.”

It is when we mentally block out, or, in psychological terms, “repress” something so horrible it is unbearable.

It is still there, in the subconscious.

But you have no conscious memories of it, though later, maybe much later, they can resurface.

As I have written, two thing triggered in me an absymal feeling of hopelessness, grief and doom, though not actual memories.

One was seeing the Robin Williams movie (not a comedy), “One Hour Photo.”

In the very end of this thriller, Williams’ character, a broken man and loner working at a dead-end Walmart-type job at a photo counter, is being interrogated by a policeman. The cop realizes that Williams, who did not actually harm anyone physically in what he had done to get arrested, is suffering himself from some truly scarring childhood trauma.

Suddenly Sy’s faced contorts and he screams that no one should be allowed to harm children.

I left the movie theater (in the Back Bay area of Boston) and went outside into the snow. Huge snowflakes were falling, lit up by the lights outside the mall.

Suddenly my body turned into an oven, and sweat began pouring out of every pore in my body. I will never forget my socks being soaked, and copious sweat even between my toes. I took off my parka and then my sweater — it must have looked very, very strange to any onlooker — but the sweat kept oozing rapidly out of me.

I was not thinking of anything or remembering anything. But deep inside there was some enormous upheaval going on.

Then the Boston Globe had a huge article on Catholic pedophile priests.

Especially tragic was how the Archdiocese of Boston hounded and harassed a family where the boy, an altar boy, had been molested by a priest, one John Geoghan, who by the end had molested an incredible 130 kids with full Church knowledge and support.

This “lifer” in a Massachusetts state prison, Joseph Druce, had the high honor of strangling this piece of human shit to death. I corresponded with him.

The Church invented dirt on the family, branded the parents as frauds and greedy gold-diggers who were defaming a kindly man of God and the Holy Church in order to get rich.

The boy, the victim, seeing the Church now also destroying his family, then hanged himself.


I got up — and went for a long walk on Winthrop beach (lower edge of this aerial photo, with Boston off in the distance and Logan Airport — as in the 9/11 planes — in the midground).

It was a nice day, breezy, the seagulls were flying about, and the waves were rolling in. One could smell the mussels and seaweed. it was a perfect day and setting for clearing my mind, taking a deep breath in the salty ocean air, and shaking it all off.

VERY suddenly, as if my unconscious mind felt that now the time had come to communicate something, to un-bury something, to release something awful that had to come out, or at least begin to, I began sobbing.

It was so strange to be sobbing on a perfect day and not know why. I was very sorry for the kid, but this seemed to be about something more…… PERSONAL?

There was a kind of “black box” inside of me, as in an airliner, of a kind of hardened emotional steel, and it was protecting the details of a disaster, of, not a plane, but a child that crashed and burned.

Then my nightmares became more frequent — a man standing in the doorway.

An old man with boots on, stomping on a nest of little baby birds.

Finally, I called an adult sexual-abuse victim hotline. The gal on the other end, obviously a trained person. was so wonderful, having that soothing, motherly voice that a really good woman can have.

I asked her if it was possible to have nightmares from being abused but not to remember any details.

Yes, she said in a very kind way. Then my whole chest began trembling, and I began to TRY to cry, but it just came out like gasping, like something beyond a scream. Crying would have been trivial. It was something monstrous beyond all possibility of belief.

But the truth is that even after two years of therapy I still could not remember any details.

It was all still repressed with heavy black bands of steel.

Only the feeling of horror was there.

This thing, now, with the girl’s face being ripped off, this was the first time I saw something from that time. It is simply beyond trauma; it is cosmic evil from another dimension.

But the gods wanted me to be spurred by it to action, and to see and myself to prove that ANYTHING, any tragedy, can be overcome.

As for my father, he was a victim as well. I knew him as a good man, a conscientious father, a self-made millionaire, a war hero, and a leader admired by everyone. Thogh old-school, he even learned to say “I love you, John” to me in the 1990, which is not how dads were back then. “No mushy stuff” was the motto of the Great Depression-era dads.😉

This crime against our children goes back generations, actually centuries. There is nothing high-tech or modern about rape and torture. The Wikipedia article on MK-ULTRA way overemphasizes sleep deprivation, drugs and other modern stuff. But harming and killing children in front of other children to fry their brains and establish true mind control does not need any modern technology, or a psychiatrist, or electricity. It can be done by candlelight in a soundproof basement anywhere in America.

My father called me once around 2000, in a very, very unusual call. He was frankly “sloshed” and told me he would ‘tell me about the Philippines.’ Then he thought better of it and said ” — but not tonight.” Then he hung up.

In my opinion, tens of thousands of Americans have been MK-ULTRA’d, and thousands have been put through the even FAR worse Manchurian Candidate program. Its goal is not to create a mind-controlled hit man, like MK, but instead to take an elite kid and then make him into a mind-controlled leader.

I believe I can say in full confidence that seeing a little girl’s face being ripped off is the worst thing you can see, especially when you think how girls want to be a “beautiful princess,” and women love to be beautiful, not hideous beyond all imagination.

Maybe second-worst is another thing I am convinced I saw, because it also made me nearly pass out, a macerator.

But in this case, I surmise, it was white children being fed into a large version of a male-chick macerator while other children had to watch it.

What the egoic mind does is bury the truth.

The horror filter of the egoic mind makes you go into denial.

And that is why earth stays a hell. The egoic mind denies the awful, distateful, disgusting, sickening truth, so the evildoers are not stopped.

One excerpt from Unshackled, the MK-ULTRA survivor account, which is actually about crimes that are less horrible that what Manchurian Candidates go through:

When I was only four years old, Dad started making me kill babies,
his hands forcing mine. Each time he made me kill a precious baby
(really, he killed it), he said that either I would do exactly as he said, or
he would kill the baby himself, after giving it additional pain. Dad never
made an idle threat. When I resisted, he immediately tortured the infant
and laughed, forcing me to watch.

Although the guilt of killing the babies was unbearable, I knew they
were better off with my killing them as quickly and painlessly as possi-
ble, than if my father tortured them first.

I couldn’t possibly live in both my home and ritual worlds with a sin-
gle mind and consciousness. I’m certain I would have either gone insane
or died from the cumulative emotional shock and physical pain.

Since he kept me up late during those rituals-going to bed around
3:00 AM was the norm-I was often sleep-deprived the next day.
Exhausted, I sometimes accidentally slipped into a trance state. When I
did, I had flashbacks of the rituals. The strange words spoken at them
poured out of my mouth. To a psychiatrist unfamiliar with ritual chants,
my words might have sounded like “word salad,” a kind of gobbledygook
spoken by some people who suffer from schizophrenia.

Each time I did this, either Grandpa M. or another relative drove me
in his ear-usually a station wagon-to a flat-roofed, one- story facility
some distance from the city. Mom usually sat in the front, passenger seat
while I lay down on the back seat to keep from throwing up from motion

The driver usually parked just beyond a dull-colored, plain metal door
on the right side of the building, near the back. Each time, I was whisked
through that side entrance, then a short distance down the narrow corri-
dor into the first empty room on the right.

Each time, I was made to lie on my back in that private room on a
single-sized hospital bed, with my wrists and ankles in leather restraints.
Up to my left, in a cement wall, was a white-covered window. The door
to the corridor was across the room. It was also made of dull-colored



metal with a small, criss-crossed, wire-reinforced window that a tall,
putty faced, brown-haired man in a white medical coat occasionally
peered through.

Whenever Grandpa M. brought me there, he talked to me alone in the
room, reminding me that I had to stay there until I stopped “talking.”
After he was gone, the room became my safe place. Alone and undis-
turbed, I was able to remember what I unconsciously repressed at home. 6

In that private room at the facility, I fully remembered the secretive,
occult rituals. I remembered that Dad took me to several different buildings
in the Reading area. I remembered a large, encircled hexagram on the
floor of each ritual room-white if the floor was painted black, and black
if the floor was light colored. I saw the flickering white candles that
were placed carefully on each point of the star, where it touched the
circle. I heard the otherworldly chants of my relatives and other adults
who walked around the circle, clad in long black robes with pointed

I recalled ritualistic activities that my father and other adult cult mem-
bers performed in those buildings. Their “sacrifice” might be a child to
be raped, an animal to be killed, or-on special days-a (pure) infant or a
child to be slaughtered. Afterwards, during the inevitable anticlimatic
orgy, I was ordered to sexually service the adults.

I remembered another night when Dad took me into a large wooded
park near our neighborhood. There, he bound me, naked and inverted, by
my wrists and ankles to a big wooden cross that he’d laid on the ground.
After he restrained me, he inserted a cattle prod into my stretched vagina
and electrically tortured me in a way that quickly broke my mind, creat-
ing an alter-state that compartmentalized a deep and powerful rage.

During some of the indoor rituals, Dad told me that child sacrifice was
sanctioned by God, because He had commanded Abraham to sacrifice
his son. He also said that unholy communion-cannibalism and drinking
victims’ blood-was sanctioned because, after all, Christians professed to
drink Jesus Christ’s blood and eat His flesh during communion.

Dr. Black

Alone in the private room, I remembered more: Dad and Grandpa M.
transported me to private meetings comprised of men who spoke

Early Years


fluent German. All of them boasted about being a Nazi, and bragged
about their special heritage. One Nazi was neatly groomed with an erect
posture. I knew him alternately as Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Black, Joseph, and
Yusef, depending on which adult was talking to him.

The doctor (whom I’ll call Dr. Black) was slim with short, slightly
wavy, shiny black hair and dark, glinting eyes. He was intelligent and
seemed to have a scientific mind. I once saw a narrow, gray metal slat (a
brace?) beside his inside, right ankle. His shoes were shiny and black,
and he usually wore a plain, neatly pressed black business suit.

These Nazis provided Dad much-needed respect and acceptance. He
seemed unusually happy and relaxed in their presence, whereas most
other groups of men made him stiffen.


[Later, she becomes pregnant and her father makes her kill her own baby — ‘do it or I will, after I torture it.’]

[All these black, wavy-haired Nazis were German JEWS! Molesting and killing blond children and telling them all that they were Nazis! It is crystal-clear from further in the book that Dr. Schwartz was Henry Kissinger.]


I will run this again for new readers:

VIP Pedophiles — Kill Them All



  1. Questi sono letteralmente fuori di testa…John.Psicopatici.
    Non sono neanche discendenti di Abramo,non discendono neanche da Noè.
    Non sono Egizi e neanche Sumeri.
    Sono semiti come razza (Neanderthal).
    Quando fanno queste affermazioni mi fanno davvero innervosire.
    Per fortuna Abramo non ha sacrificato suo figlio perché non era neanche suo figlio,ma solo di sua moglie Sara e del Faraone che li prese con se’ nella battaglia di Megiddo.
    Infatti i loro nomi ricordano “Brahma e Saraswati”.
    Ho trovato questo “estratto” che si collega (nuovamente) alle ricerche antropologiche di Alessandro:
    “Abramo sarebbe così un principe della grande dinastia Mitanni, un’aristocrazia proveniente dall’Iran che attorno al 1500 a.C. fondò il suo impero nella Mesopotamia settentrionale regnando sulle popolazioni urrite.

    “I Mitanni sono di etnia aria” dice Barbiero e se la sua ipotesi fosse giusta la discendenza di Abramo e Sara, sua consanguinea, cioè la nazione ebrea, sarebbe di origine ariana.
    Ma resta da capire perché un principe come Abramo lascia il suo regno per stabilirsi come un esule in un territorio dominato dall’Egitto.
    La Bibbia è scritta alcuni secoli dopo gli eventi in base ad antiche tradizioni orali. Ritenendo che tutto sia dovuto al disegno di Dio spiega che fu Lui a chiamare Abramo fuori della terra di suo padre, promettendogli una grande discendenza.
    Barbiero – da laico – avanza un’ipotesi per spiegare i motivi storici di quello strano esilio. La figura dominante di quegli anni è il faraone egiziano (Tutmosi III/Re scorpione, che usava siglare trattati di pace lasciando sul trono i re battuti, ma facendosi consegnare in ostaggio figli e fratelli che potevano poi vivere liberamente nel suo impero. La storia di quegli anni registra una guerra proprio fra Tutmosi III e Saushsha-Tar. A vincere è il faraone ed è ovvio che anche per questo trattato di pace il faraone abbia preteso la consegna di familiari del re Tar.
    Questo spiegherebbe perché a trasferirsi in Palestina non è solo il secondogenito del re, Abramo, ma anche suo nipote Lot e spiega perché i due – una volta arrivati in Canaan – si sono dovuti separare. Spiega pure l’origine del nome “ebreo” che gli studiosi fanno risalire ad “apiru”.
    Gli “apiru” sono una categoria di persone, gli “ostaggi” dati in garanzia della non belligeranza. Con il tempo rimasero nel territorio del faraone solo gli apiru di origine Mitanni e il termine finì per identificarsi con la tribù d’Israele.
    Abramo, personaggio leale e di grande levatura, secondo Barbiero ha rapporti sempre più stretti con il faraone fino a diventare un suo fedele principe nella regione. Sarebbe dunque il faraone a farlo venire in Canaan promettendogli lì terra e protezione per la sua discendenza.
    A Tutmosi III (e poi ai successori) Abramo si sarebbe rivolto con devozione religiosa perché il faraone era considerato una divinità. Gli “incontri” che il testo biblico legge in chiave soprannaturale, secondo Barbiero, sarebbero incontri di Abramo con ambasciatori del faraone o con lui in persona (da qui deriva la diversità di nomi usati per la divinità). Alcuni di questi episodi sarebbero addirittura storicamente verificabili. Un esempio?

    “Per quanto possa sembrare incredibile dagli Annali di Karnak si può stabilire con certezza che nel quarantunesimo anno Tutmosi III si fermò a Ebron, il villaggio di Abramo, e ricevette tributi dai signori della regione. Uno di questi signori è un possidente di bestiame che – fra l’altro – offre al faraone diciotto zanne d’elefante, a quel tempo un regalo da re e certamente proveniente dal territorio di Mitanni. Dati che si attagliano perfettamente ad Abramo”.

    In questa chiave andrebbero letti – per Barbiero – l’episodio del sacrifico di Isacco (una prova di fedeltà voluta dal nuovo faraone), il cambiamento del nome di Abramo e Sara e l’obbligo della circoncisione (entrambi costumi egiziani e dunque prove di sottomissione). Così come la distruzione di Sodoma, rea non di peccati sessuali, ma di essersi ribellata al faraone addirittura tentando un affronto – questo sì sessuale – contro i suoi ambasciatori.
    Nell’ipotesi di Barbiero ci sarebbero anche altri clamorosi riscontri storici.

    “Fra le lettere di Amarna c’è quella che un certo Suwardata scrive al faraone Akhenaton. Egli si qualifica come ‘principe di Ebron’. E’ una notizia stupefacente perché in quell’epoca – secondo i miei calcoli – ‘principe di Ebron’ non può essere che Esaù, il figlio di Isacco e fratello di Giacobbe. In effetti Suwardata, è un nome di chiara origine ariana, si scrive ‘Sw-rdt ed equivale, nella trascrizione ebraica, a Esaù,’Sw, detto “il rosso” (rdt significa “rosso”). Emblematica anche l’espressione che usa: ‘le terre che mi ha dato il dio del re, mio signore “.

    Qui si pone il problema della religione di Abramo e dei suoi eredi. Oggi molti storici ritengono che non si possa parlare ancora di monoteismo in senso moderno. Egli probabilmente restò fedele alle tradizioni della sua famiglia. In particolare sappiamo che era devoto a El, che in seguito, dall’autore biblico, verrà assimilato a Jhwh. Sappiamo che anche i suoi discendenti furono devoti a vari dei. Insomma l’idea di Abramo come padre dei “tre monoteismi” parrebbe impropria.
    Insomma siamo di fronte all’ennesima menzogna!Alessandro identifica questi “Semiti Neanderthal” come pastori di capre e bovini e non avevano nulla di “regale”…e che seguivano i grandi costruttori Kurgan Ariani.Erano dei semplici agricoltori,semplici operai.
    La classe comunista di oggi.

  2. La razza bianca ha dimostrato durante i secoli di essere “debole” di fronte a questa razza di “semiti”.
    Mosè ha dimostrato di essere un egiziano egoico.
    Hai ragione.
    La mente Egoica è il nostro peggior nemico se non può essere controllata.
    Questo è stato il discorso tra Aronne e Mosè:
    “Noi sappiamo quanto sono spietati”.
    Mosè voleva istruirli?si era reso conto che non poteva cambiarli con le leggi sacre!ma solo alla fine dei suoi anni capì di aver sbagliato tutto.
    Ecco cosa fa la Mente Egoica!
    Anche Paolo,da buon romano si pentì di aver ceduto a questi Giudei e alla sua Mente(uso la parola di Dante).
    La razza bianca deve cambiare.
    Deve vincere su se stessa.
    Questi Semiti sono da sempre la nostra prova più grande.
    Ora dobbiamo vincere davvero,non possiamo continuare a farci del male.

  3. The problem is that the public believes that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. They won’t believe it until they have the videos for themselves to see.

    I believe you, John.

  4. Dear John de Nugent,

    Perhaps sometime in the future you could write a short article summarizing in key words the differences between MK-Ultra and MC-Ultra, for this must become common knowledge. Dealing with this sad subject will lead to a deeper more comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the human psyche and thus a comprehensive gain in knowledge for future generations. This is central ruling knowledge.

    It is basic knowledge as well as an aspect of the coming revolution of consciousness, during which mankind will gradually become familiar with the inner world. Abilities will then be unfolded (not “only” telepathy, psychokinesis, telekinesis, teleportation etc. [all also without devices]), which are considered today still as unimaginable. For example, Wolfgang Wiedergut pointed out in one of his lectures that in 10 generations people will be able to change the body structure/frequency/composition in such a way that they can walk through physical walls; today there are said to be already such people among us who have already developed these abilities.

    Regarding your conscious re-experiencing of the tragic events that took place outside of home during your childhood: The inner self (or the inner guardian angel) only reveals as much information as one can cognitively process or cope with, presumably that is why now that you have such a comprehensive knowledge base as well as a strong soul foundation in the meantime, you consciously saw fragments of these events for the first time.

    In the case of “ordinary” (i.e. not MK- or MC-Ultra-based) mistreatment and abuse crimes that happen during the early childhood phase, a similar problematic is partly given: The memories are buried and hidden behind the infantile memory barrier (infantile resp. childhood amnesia [1]), which I think can be located around the age of 5.

    If a crime is experienced at the age of 8, for example, then the victim knows when it happened, what happened, and who committed it, unless, of course, it is a deliberate splitting shattering of the psyche as in MK-Ultra, which is done on the body side as an emergency measure to remain “functional” and is subsequently used for “programming” the victim. In any case, anything before the early childhood stage is inaccessible by default for the time being. This can take on tragicomic features: The perpetrator can stand in front of one without one knowing or being consciously aware of it. And narcissistic monsters of annihilation, as an example, always repress/delete the memory of their misdeeds anyway, always cultivate a flawless self-image of themselves, so that sometimes neither the perpetrators nor the victims consciously remember the catastrophe that happened when they face each other in everyday life.

    The established academic professional life helpers ushered in a huge scientific fraud with their business models. Devastating experiences can very well be relived independently, completely without third parties (however, probability systems would also have to be considered here). However, this is not the decisive point to become powerful to act, this is not necessary for it! Decisive are the beliefs or convictions which arise from the experiences made and which mostly have a devastating effect, especially due to the guilt reversal (guilt suggestion) on the part of the perpetrators.

    Of course every story is unique, after years of reading and several books on MK-Ultra and ritual abuse I can at least guess how scientifically the perpetrators proceed in programming MK or MC-Ultra victims, how complex the programming is so that the victims do not get out of the vicious cycle.

    It is noticeable, however, that the high priests of the 20th century, the psychologists, repeatedly declare themselves indispensable on the subject of independent attainment of the power to act (agency). They deny that affected persons can become independently empowered to act. Beliefs are, of course, first invisible for children, for adolescents and, as a rule, also later for adults. Therein lies the tragedy, that the knowledge about it is not yet general knowledge. It is hell on earth if you do not know why you act the way you do.

    As a rule, a reversal of guilt takes place, in all kinds of abuse (familial and institutional, narcissistic, ritualistic, etc.) and blockages occur. On the one hand, there are the natural impulses to act, which want to push one forward for the development of abilities, and on the other hand, there is the fear of acting, because, for example, with narcissistic monsters of annihilation, one is always guilty, even if one just sits there. Blockades of action arise, among other things, because of contradictory instructions (act and don’t act! [acting is considered dangerous to life, always brings only trouble, no matter what you do!]), which in turn leads to failures and thus confirms the self-doubt (self-doubt cycle). It is comparable to trying to drive a car with the handbrake on.

    The established psychology together with its professional life helpers is grotesque without end. They have catalogued facts very comprehensively in some cases, they have catalogued symptoms, although they have often been completely wrong. However, they were never interested in helping people to help themselves, because that would be damaging to their business.

    Then there are further critical aspects: The professional life helpers usually come from a very privileged environment, they know nothing about the everyday problems of the majority (you, JdN, were kicked out of your privileged environment into the everyday life of normal people in a high arc very early on account of your ideological steadfastness). The training of life support experts usually consists of a psychology or medical degree and one or two years at an analysis institute. At best, their services are limited to symptom descriptions.

    They are distinguished by class conceit and they are characterized by the most extreme academic conceit, they imagine to know fundamentally about the psyche, but they know almost nothing at all, they know nothing at all about the deeper foundations of the psyche! At best, they only touch the top surface. And, the worst aspect of all: they are spawns of the materialistic age. Not that they have ever had any interest in the mediation of self-help, the absolute majority of them never had that at any time. But if one assumes that they would have had an interest in the mediation of agency (the power to act), then it must be said that the intellect often quickly reaches its limits, so that only turning inward (inner reality) would help to get the appropriate information. However, they do not believe in exactly these inner worlds, so that these sources of information, which would be more or less the only ones for them, remain closed to them.

    De facto it is, besides the established orthodox medicine (apart from its two future-proof sub-disciplines [emergency medicine and surgery]) and the organized religion, one of the biggest fraud business models; it was and is always only about symptom treatment, never about the fact that people know how they can independently analyze their beliefs and dissolve blockades. Knowing how to help themselves would be diametrically opposed to their own business model. One is supposed to have the feeling that it has brought something (symptom relief), but one should come again, over and over again (hours for hours).

    There is an excellent critical classic on this complex of topics:[2] “Sigmund Freud – Konsequenzen einer Schwindelwissenschaft” (30.10.2016, 1:19 h), Youtube channel “MV TV”, interview by Michael Voigt with Dr. med. Friedrich Weinberger, in which in particular also the aspect of the power-political abuse is addressed (one reads also the description under the video to it):

    And these girls and boys are supposed to be life-support experts? These spawns of the materialistic age, marked by class conceit and academic conceit? Ridiculous (!), however absolutely characteristic for our present society, which was fixed and trained for a long time on outside world instances. It is absolutely characteristic for the wretchedness of the present science life.

    We are witnessing the end of the materialistic age. Everything is being revised and taken apart, in all disciplines. No stone remains on the other.

    Amen. 🙂


    [1] in English:
    in German:

    [2] Sigmund Freud – Konsequenzen einer Schwindelwissenschaft” (30.10.2016, 1:19 h), Youtube-Kanal “MV TV”,

    [3] This is one of the central websites in the German-speaking world, which repeatedly also deals with the topic of abuse, in all its facets (including MK-Ultra), approx. 1200 broadcasts on various topics:

    Also a central channel on the subject complex:

    For example here, interview: “Kinderpornographie und ritueller Missbrauch – 2 Seiten einer Medaille” (18.01.2021;


    In German:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    vielleicht könnten Sie irgendwann in der Zukunft einen Kurzartikel schreiben, der die Unterschiede zwischen MK-Ultra und MC-Ultra stichwortartig zusammenfaßt, denn das muß Allgemeinwissen werden. Die Auseinandersetzung mit diesem traurigen Thema führt zu einem tieferen umfassenderen Verständnisse der Funktionsweise der menschlichen Psyche und damit zu einem umfassenden Wissensgewinn für zukünftige Generationen. Es handelt sich um zentrales Herrschaftswissen.

    Es ist Grundlagenwissen sowie ein Aspekt der kommenden Bewußtseinsrevolution, während derer sich die Menschheit nach und nach mit der Innenwelt vertraut machen wird. Es werden dann Fähigkeiten entfaltet werden, (nicht “nur” Telepathie, Psychokinese, Telekinese, Teleportation usw. [alles auch ohne Gerätschaften]), die heute noch als unvorstellbar gelten. So wies zum Beispiel Wolfgang Wiedergut in einem seiner Vorträge darauf hin, daß die Menschen in 10 Generationen dazu in der Lage sein werden, die Körperstruktur/-Frequenz/-Beschaffenheit so zu verändern, daß sie durch physische Wände gehen können; heute schon sollen solche Menschen unter uns sein, die diese Fähigkeiten bereits entfaltet haben.

    Zu Ihrem bewußten Wiedererleben der tragischen Ereignisse, die außerhalb von zuhause stattfanden, während Ihrer Kindheit: Das innere Selbst (bzw. der innere Schutzengel) gibt einem nur so viel Informationen preis, wie man erkenntnismäßig verarbeiten bzw. verkraften kann, vermutlich sahen Sie deshalb jetzt, wo Sie mittlerweile eine so umfassende Wissensgrundlage sowie ein starkes seelisches Fundament haben, zum ersten mal bewußt Fragmente dieser Geschehnisse.

    Bei “gewöhnlichen” (d.h. nicht MK- oder MC-Ultra-basierten) Mißhandlungs- und Mißbrauchsverbrechen, die während der frühen Kindheitsphase geschehen, ist teilweise eine ähnliche Problematik gegeben: Die Erinnerungen liegen hinter der kindlichen Erinnerungsschranke (infantile Amnesie [1]) verschüttet und verborgen, die sich glaube ich so um das Alter von 5 Jahren herum verorten läßt.

    Wenn ein Verbrechen beispielsweise im Alter von 8 Jahren erfahren wird, dann weiß das Opfer, wann es geschah, was geschah, und wer es beging, außer natürlich, wenn es sich um eine gezielte Aufspaltungszertrümmerung der Psyche wie bei MK-Ultra handelt, die körperseitig als Notfallmaßnahme erfolgt, um weiterhin “funktionstüchtig” zu bleiben und anschließend für die “Programmierung” der Opfer genutzt wird. Alles vor der frühkindlichen Phase ist jedenfalls standardmäßig erst mal nicht zugänglich. Das kann tragikomische Züge annehmen: Die Täterin bzw. der Täter können vor einem stehen, ohne daß man es weiß bzw. bewußt wahrnimmt. Und narzißtische Vernichtungsmonster, als Beispiel, verdrängen/löschen sowieso stets die Erinnerung an ihre Untaten, pflegen stets ein makelloses Selbstbild von sich, so daß manchmal weder die Täterinnen noch die Opfer sich an die geschehene Katastrophe bewußt erinnern, wenn sie sich im Alltag gegenüberstehen.

    Die etablierten akademischen professionellen Lebenshelfer läuteten mit ihren Geschäftsmodellen einen riesigen Wissenschaftsbetrug ein. Verheerende Erlebnisse können sehr wohl eigenständig, ganz ohne Dritte, wiedererlebt werden (hierbei müßten aber auch Wahrscheinlichkeitssysteme berücksichtigt werden). Das ist jedoch nicht der entscheidende Punkt, um handlungsmächtig zu werden, das bedarf es dafür nicht! Entscheidend sind die Glaubenssätze bzw. Überzeugungen, die aus den gemachten Erfahrungen heraus entstehen und die sich meist verheerend auswirken, insbesondere aufgrund der Schuldumkehr (Schuldsuggestionen) von seiten der Täterinnen.

    Natürlich ist jeder Werdegang einmalig, nach jahrelangem Lesen von sowie mehrerer Bücher zum Thema MK-Ultra und rituellem Mißbrauch kann ich zumindest erahnen, wie wissenschaftlich die Täterinnen und Täter vorgehen bei der Programmierung von MK- bzw. MC-Ultra-Opfern, wie komplex die Programmierungen sind, damit die Opfer nicht herauskommen aus dem Teufelskreislauf.

    Es fällt jedoch auf, daß die Hohepriester des 20. Jahrhunderts, die Psychologen, sich selbst immer wieder für unverzichtbar erklären beim Thema eigenständige Handlungsmachterlangung. Sie verneinen, daß Betroffene eigenständig handlungsmächtig werden können. Glaubenssätze sind natürlich erst einmal unsichtbar für Kinder, für Jugendliche und in der Regel auch später für Erwachsene. Darin liegt ja die Tragik begründet, daß das Wissen darum noch kein Allgemeinwissen ist. Es ist die Hölle auf Erden wenn man nicht weiß, warum man so handelt, wie man handelt.

    In der Regel findet eine Schuldumkehr statt, bei allen Arten von Mißbrauch (familiärer und institutioneller, narzistischer, ritueller usw.) und es kommt zu Blockaden. Da sind einerseits die natürlichen Handlungsimpulse, die einem vorantreiben wollen für die Fähigkeitenentfaltung, und andererseits die Angst vor dem Handeln, denn, beispielsweise bei narzißtischen Vernichtungsmonstern ist man immer schuldig, und wenn man nur so da sitzt. Handlungsblockaden entstehen u.a. aufgrund widersprüchlicher Anweisungen (handle und handle nicht! [Handeln wird als lebensgefährlich erachtet, bringt immer nur Ärger ein, egal was man macht!]), was wiederum zu Mißerfolgen führt und somit die Selbstzweifel bestätigt (Selbstzweifelkreislauf). Es ist vergleichbar mit dem Versuch, bei angezogener Handbremse autozufahren.

    Die etablierte Psychologie mitsamt ihren professionellen Lebenshelfern ist grotesk ohne Ende. Sie haben zwar teilweise sehr umfassend Sachverhalte katalogisiert, eine Symptomkatalogisierung vorgenommen, wiewohl sie oftmals völlig danebenlagen. An Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe waren sie jedoch niemals interessiert, denn das wäre ja geschäftsschädigend.

    Dann kommen weitere kritische Aspekte hinzu: Die professionellen Lebenshelfer kommen meist aus einem sehr privilegierten Umfeld, sie wissen nichts um die Alltagsprobleme der Mehrheit (Sie, JdN, wurden aufgrund ihrer weltanschaulichen Standhaftigkeit schon sehr früh aus ihrem privilegierten Umfeld in hohem Bogen in das Alltagsleben der Normalmenschen befördert, gekickt). Die Ausbildung der Lebenshilfeexperten besteht meist aus einem Psychologie- oder Medizinstudium und ein, zwei Jahren an einem Analyseinstitut. Ihre Leistungen erschöpfen sich im besten Fall auf Symptombeschreibungen.

    Sie zeichnen sich durch Standesdünkel aus und sie sind geprägt von extremsten akademischen Dünkel, sie wähnen sich, grundlegend über die Psyche Bescheid zu wissen, dabei wissen sie so gut wie überhaupt nichts, von den tieferen Fundamenten der Psyche wissen sie rein gar nichts! Sie streifen bestenfalls die oberste Oberfläche. Und, der allerschlimmste Aspekt von allen: sie sind Ausgeburten des materialistischen Zeitalters. Nicht, daß sie jemals Interesse an der Vermittlung von Selbsthilfe gehabt hätten, das hatte die absolute Mehrheit von ihnen zu keinem Zeitpunkt. Aber wenn man zugrunde legt, daß sie ein Interesse an der Vermittlung von Handlungsmacht hätten, dann muß gesagt werden, daß der Intellekt oftmals schnell an seine Grenzen kommt, so daß nur noch das Sich-nach-innen-wenden (innere Wirklichkeit) weiterhelfen würde, um an entsprechende Informationen zu kommen. An genau diese innere Welten glauben sie jedoch nicht, so daß ihnen diese Informationsquellen, welche die für sie mehr oder weniger einzigen wären, verschlossen bleiben.

    De facto handelt es sich, neben der etablierten Schulmedizin (abgesehen von derer zwei zukunftsbeständigen Teildisziplinen [Notfallmedizin und Chirurgie]) und der organisierten Religion, um eines der größten Betrugsgeschäftsmodellet; es ging und geht immer nur um Symptombehandlung, niemals darum, daß Menschen wissen, wie sie eigenständig ihre Glaubenssätze analysieren und Blockaden auflösen können. Das Wissen um Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe würde ja dem eigenen Geschäftsmodell diametral entgegenlaufen. Man soll das Gefühl haben, daß es etwas gebracht hat (Symptomerleichterung), aber man soll wieder kommen, immer und immer wieder (Stunden schinden).

    Es gibt einen ausgezeichneten kritischen Klassiker zu diesem Themenkomplex:[2] “Sigmund Freud – Konsequenzen einer Schwindelwissenschaft” (30.10.2016, 1:19 h), Youtube-Kanal “MV TV”, Interview von Michael Voigt mit Dr. med. Friedrich Weinberger, in dem insbesondere auch der Aspekt des machtpolitischen Mißbrauchs angesprochen wird (man lese auch die Inhaltsbeschreibung unter dem Video dazu):

    Und diese Girlies und Bubis sollen Lebenshilfeexperten sein? Diese Ausgeburten des materialistischen Zeitalters, von Standesdünkel und akademischen Dünkel geprägt? Lächerlich (!), jedoch absolut bezeichnend für unsere gegenwärtige Gesellschaft, die seit langer Zeit auf Außenweltinstanzen fixiert und dressiert wurde. Es ist absolut bezeichnend für die Erbärmlichkeit des gegenwärtigen Wissenschaftsbetriebes.

    Wir erleben den Ausklang des materialistischen Zeitalters. Alles wird einer Revision unterzogen und auseinandergenommen, in allen Disziplinen. Kein Stein bleibt auf dem anderen.

    Amen. 🙂



    [2] Sigmund Freud – Konsequenzen einer Schwindelwissenschaft” (30.10.2016, 1:19 h), Youtube-Kanal “MV TV”,

    [3] Dies ist eine der zentralen Seiten im deutschsprachigen Raum, die sich immer wieder auch mit dem Thema Mißbrauch, in all seinen Facetten, befassen (einschließlich MK-Ultra), ca. 1200 Sendungen zu verschiedenen Themen:

    Ebenfalls ein zentraler Kanal zum Themenkomplex:

    Zum Beispiel hier, Interview: “Kinderpornographie und ritueller Missbrauch – 2 Seiten einer Medaille” (18.01.2021;

    • Vielen Dank, lieber, werter Kamerad. “Embarras de richesse,” meine “Verlegenheit, wegen des Reichtums” Ihrer mir dankenswert mitgeteilten und wohlformulierten Einsichten. 🙂

      Es fiel mir vor Jahren ein, dass Jesus, der genau wie ich ein “nordischer Sternensame” war, durch die furchtbare Auspeitschung, Verhöhnung und dann Kreuzigungm, die Er erlitt, ganz, ganz bewusst auch dem dickköpfigsten Erdenmenschen gerade dadurch mitteilen wollte:


      So ist diese Karikatur zu verstehen, obwohl ich mich hiermit nicht mit Jesus identisch erkläre.

      Ich bezeichne ihn als einen Bruder aus demselben Stamm der Nordischen, die es in einem gemeinnordischen Entsetzen bereut haben, was andere Nordischen, Abtrünnige, früher der primitiven weißen Menschheit hierorts dereinst antaten.

      Das heißt die Kriege der Götter untereinander, die Vergewaltigungen der Erdenfrauen, die Eifersüchteleien, und, unter anderem, die Schrecken des Trojanischen Krieges, der aufs Eindeutigste von renegaten nordischen Göttern und von eitlen Göttinnen (!) verursacht wurde, mit ganz schrecklichen Folgen für die Griechen und für die Trojaner.

      König Agamemnon lässt die eigene Tochter, Iphigenia, mit Gewalt zum Götteraltar hintragen, wo er ihre Kehle durchschneiden wird, damit er endlich wieder günstige Winde für das Segeln der griechischen Kriegsflotte Richtung Troja bekomme. Zehn Jahre Krieg erfolgen, wegen einer einzigen weggelaufenen Spartanerin, der zwar sehr schönen Helena, aber immerhin! Hektare von Toten, Hektoliter von Menschentränen!

      Als Nordischer empfindet man Mitleid mit diesen armen Erdlingen, nicht nur weil die Juden sie so furchtbar foltern, sondern auch, weil ein gut Teil von ihnen sich echt verbessern will und durch Leiden wirklich weiser wird. Ich merke es an Margi, dessen Krebsleiden und gleichzeitig dessen Lektüre spiritueller Inhalte zur geistigen Überwindung ihres langen Schmerzenlebens sie verwandelt hat.

      Statt Streit Liebe, statt Kritik Dankbarkeit, eine neue, schöne, edle Selbstlosigkeit. Eine Germanokeltin mit Sommerprossen überall, die der ehelichen Eintracht und Liebe lebt! 🙂

      Wenn sie mir, obwohl sie selbst nichts Festes essen kann, nur Jogurt und vorher monatelang rein gar nichts, weil der halbe Rachen weg ist, ein Prachtesssen zubereitet, dann entsteigt das der Liebe und auch dem arischen Verlangen nach der Vollkommenheit.

      Liebe geht durch den Magen 🙂

      Und ihre gewaltige Gärtnerei ist ein bewusstes Konzentrieren auf etwas, was sie als Person, als Frau, als Gattin, für sich und auch für mich erreichen und vollbringen kann, während ich als Mann und Aktivist meine Weltveränderungspläne schmiede. 😉

      Die kleine Welt, die der Frau eigen ist, und die große da draußen des Mannes.

      Der Kräutergarten:

      Der Gemüsegarten:

      Tja, wenn die Erdlinge also doch erwachen, dann kann man nicht aufgeben, oder? 😉

      Edel können diese Menschen sein, hilfreich und gut! 🙂

  5. A postscript: I am convinced that you, John de Nugent, will still write down your religious standard work during this incarnation and still have several decades of physical lifetime and creative time before you.

    Apart from that, a general remark: Maybe in a physical incarnation you don’t manage to write down certain works purely because of time reasons, because you have to make a selection.

    There is then the following possibility: One can write the respective books in the hereafter, after the life of the respective physical incarnation (if therefore the made experience values and insights are still immediate), write them down in the hereafter, with illustrations and everything.

    Afterwards, one can incarnate physically again and then physically transcribe one’s own books, which one has previously written in the hereafter. This is an excellent option when there is not enough time for certain projects. The books were written under the impression and influence of the immediacy of the previous incarnation, so that they remain authentic even if in the new incarnation one no longer has the direct connection to the previously made experiences and complexes of themes.

    Developed abilities are naturally taken along or are either already present in the new incarnation or are very quickly developed again. This is the reason why there are people who are musical geniuses, painters of paintings, mathematicians, writers, etc., already in childhood.

    Jane Roberts transcribed an excellent, great work from the afterlife/inner reality, by probably the most famous American philosopher (I feel it is 100% authentic), absolutely worth reading and already available for a few dollars as a used paperback edition:

    “The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher” (The World View of William James, Introduction by Seth), by Jane Roberts, 1978, Prentice-Hall.


    In German:

    Ein Postscriptum: Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß Sie, John de Nugent, noch während dieser Inkarnation Ihr religiöses Standardwerk niederschreiben werden und noch mehrere Jahrzehnte physischer Lebenszeit und Schaffenszeit vor sich haben.

    Davon abgesehen eine generelle Anmerkung: Vielleicht schafft man es in einer physischen Inkarnation rein aus Zeitgründen nicht mehr, bestimmte Werke niederzuschreiben, weil man eine Auswahl treffen muß.

    Es gibt dann die folgende Möglichkeit: Man kann im Jenseits, nach dem Leben der jeweiligen physischen Inkarnation (wenn also die gemachten Erfahrungswerte und Erkenntnisse noch unmittelbar sind), die jeweiligen Bücher schreiben, sie im Jenseits verschriftlichen, mit Illustrationen und allem drum und dran.

    Anschließend kann man erneut physisch inkarnieren und dann seine eigenen Bücher, die man zuvor im Jenseits geschrieben hat, physisch transkribieren. Das ist eine ausgzeichnete Option, wenn die Zeit für bestimmte Projekte nicht mehr ausreicht. Die Bücher wurden ja dann unter dem Eindruck und Einfluß der Unmittelbarkeit der vorherigen Inkarnation geschrieben, so daß sie auch dann authentisch bleiben, wenn man in der neuen Inkarnation nicht mehr den unmittelbaren Bezug zu den vorher gemachten Erfahrungen und Themenkomplexen hat.

    Entfaltete Fähigkeiten werden natürlich mitgenommen bzw. sind in der neuen Inkarnation entweder bereits vorhanden oder sehr schnell wieder entfaltet. Das ist der Grund, warum es Menschen gibt, die schon in der Kindheit Musikgenies, Gemäldemaler, Mathematiker, Schriftsteller usw. sind.

    Jane Roberts transkribierte ein ausgezeichnetes, großartiges Werk aus dem Jenseits/der inneren Wirklichkeit, vom wohl berühmtesten amerikanischen Philosophen (ich fühle, daß es zu 100% authentisch ist), absolut lesenswert und schon für wenige Dollar als gebrauchte Taschenbuchausgabe zu bekommen:

    “The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher” (The World View of William James, Introduction by Seth), by Jane Roberts, 1978, Prentice-Hall.

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