Denial of reality leads to a terrible reality; MLK’s delusions

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Every American football stadium, tennis or hockey arena, and European soccer stadium is dual-use: 1) sports, and 2) internment camp. The Miami (Florida) Dolphins football stadium holds 65,000 (whether fans or prisoners).

A comrade asked me if I felt that David von Braun had stolen money from me. I replied:

Not exactly. I poured money into the house he and I were rehabbing, and then he ended our arrangement, and he himself had then and has now NO money, none to reimburse me and none to finish the rehabbing.

Meanwhile, I have poured thousands uselessly into rent and storage fees.

And now, literally, my stuff in storage is ON THE STREET:

David vB said in a text message he did not want the FBI at the door and, related to this, that he does not believe there is any hard evidence of life after death.

This confirmed a serious discussion which he and I had had once in the dining room at the house I and Margi had owned, the house where he stayed with me for four months, early February through the end of May of 2023.

He says there is “no proof”? This is an extraordinary claim. There is massive evidence from reincarnation studies, OBEs, NDEs, and contacts with deceased loved ones, which so many people do have, that life does go on.

I was stunned that he would assert such a thing.

The entire movie “Miracles from Heaven” is a barely modified retelling of a true, verified case of a Near-Death Experience!  Either the little girl went into total remission or not with 1) a fatal, agonizing disease, and 2) then, sent home to die, she went playing and fell 30 feet onto her head.

In the ER she came to, and she was obviously NOT dead, nor paralyzed, plus scans showed her disease was entirely gone.

And she told her rather classic NDE experience to her parents!

This a very real family in the greater Dallas, Texas area…. Dr. Kevin Beam:

His wife, Christy Beam, a professional writer:

With their three daughters:

And it is not some sugary Jesus movie either. It is more like a “growing-horror” movie as the poor kid goes downhill physically, and the family is devastated emotionally, spiritually and financially. Having seen my wife and best friend of 17 years go down and then die, to bear that is one of the big challenges of life, and mortality shoots up by 70% in widowers in their 60s like me. The grief was terrible.

In this world where white nationalists are hated, ostracized and, in my case disinherited by a multimillionaire, to have a woman by my side who totally supported my work and then lose that person was indescribable.

Yes, in this true story of the Beam family, Anna was sent home to die (after the family had paid huge medical bills to try to save her!) and then the girl falls 30 feet onto her head…..

This is an excellent synopsis of the movie with footage, and I reiterate that this movie is based on proven facts which I spent four hours online verifying. This is indeed a total-remission medical case:

1) sent home to die;

2) falls out of a tree 30 feet onto her head;

3) wakes up in the ER neither dead nor paralyzed, but actually disease-FREE!

Actress Jennifer Garner herself is a mother. (The name “Garner” is from the Norman “Garnier.” In fact, there was a Garnier de Nugent in medieval England, in Rutland.)

and portrays powerfully not only the horror as blow after blow land on them but also her growing atheism — “how can there be a loving God who lets our daughter suffer all this pain and then all the treatments fail to help her despite our prayers?” The mother stops going to church, especially after some parishioners make nasty remarks to her, insinuating that their daughter must be sinful.

I repeat: Either all this happened or it did not. If it did happen, then life after death is real.

And if we must sacrifice our lives to save our race, our souls go on with the  journey, and a temporary heaven exists that is beautiful and where huge spiritual growth can occur.

I think I got von Braun to watch this movie and, as I recall, he was not persuaded and seemed to be just “humoring” me.

I have seen this look before: the eyes glaze over. 😉  But these engineer and science types have their own special ego thing going….  this Mr Spock-like feeling that they are so very logical and thus do not need “fairy tales,” “myths, however comforting,” or “superstitions,” and therefore (this is their little personal secret) are superior to the hoi polloi.

And they confound believing in certain “Christian” or Bible stories with the basics.

The basics are these:

You are an immortal soul.

God exists and is loving, but it may come in the form of tough love.

Angels and also demonic entities exist.

Everything you have ever thought, said and done is recorded and how you affected others.

You will have THOUSANDS of lives. And interlives, periods on the other side when you can grow and change tremendously. Do not assume that Achilles, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Frederick the Great or Napoleon came back to be a conqueror again!

But I saw this subtle superciliousness about “comforting myths that I do not need” in the scientist Dr. William Pierce, though he was a fine WN leader. For that matter, Rockwell was an agnostic, too.


I saw this dismissiveness also in my own father, not a scientist but a Marine officer who had been in lots of combat in two wars, and had a self-image of being “a realist” who rejected “pie in the sky” (one of his favorite phrases). He said to me: “No one has ever come back from the dead.” I was shocked, because even 48 years ago there was a LOT of NDE information, and all of it from licensed medical doctors!!!!

“Thirteen million copies sold”

Hundreds of thousands of patients since the 1970s HAVE been brought back on the operating table from the dead!

Or rather God SENT them back.

UPDATED Don’t feel sorry for “the dead” — the mostly good 75% of people do just fine in their INTERLIFE – John de Nugent

Plus, previously von Braun had expressed pessimism about any white movement ever being able to succeed.

TRUE, in the sense that information has not changed a damn thing about jew power.

Basically, David wants a quiet life, which is understandable, because he is not well physically and he had suffered decades of harassment.

But, I believe, a quiet life will be impossible, and especially for him. He has had a lifetime of serious trouble with the FBI, jews, blacks, Chinese and hispanics in Texas, Tennessee, New Jersey and Vermont— I checked out and verified many of the things he told me — and, if Biden declares martial law, ALL of us will be rounded up.

The FEMA camps as final destinations are built to be enormous, and the Deep State hates von Braun as they hated his father, who had been technically in the NSDAP and the SS.

The SS used enemy prisoners to build the V-rockets which his father engineered during the war, and the jews threatened his father and other German “Paperclip” scientists for decades after they came to America with firing from their NASA career, prosecution, and then expulsion back to Germany for a trial THERE for this supposedly horrible crime, as if making prisoners work were some sort of atrocity. (I guess for jews all manual labor is beneath then.) My late friend Hans Schmidt had related  to me in the mid-1980s the same things DvB would tell me in 2023.

Here in the UP, right in this county full of woods where I reside, German POWs had to work in huge lumber camps.

A typical German POW, Rudolf Velte

Camp Pori (white dot, lower center) was about 25 miles southwest of my location, Ontonagon, on Lake Superior


Here is a good pdf on the Wehrmacht POWs in the UP:


Camp Raco

A WWII guard tower still standing today

Of course, the jews claim the V-2 workers died like flies, and would a jew ever lie? 😉

And why would one train a worker to make such a high-tech thing as a guided missile — and then kill him? Also, if a worker feels doomed anyways, he might just discreetly sabotage the missile.

Also, 12 years ago already DvB told me by phone that the jews felt his father had hidden “Nazi gold,” and they of course wanted it, just as they got greedy for the funds in Swiss bank accounts of “Holocaust victims.”

As for rounding white people who are not libtards up, many American football stadiums — this is a FACT — are dual-use:

1) sports, obviously, for mostly negro teams, and 2) a transit camp to collect dissidents, hold them there, and then send them by bus to a FEMA camp, which might also be a hard-labor and death camp. Stadiums can be easily sealed off, can hold 50,000 to 100,000 people, and have lots of seating, rest rooms, and food preparation areas. And one can erect tents on the football field itself.

It is not so hard to imagine this refunctioned as a prison.


And the warden and his officials would be up in the loges, looking down at the prisoners — all the “vaccine disinformation spreaders,” “gun nuts,” and “Christian nationalists,” not to mention the ultimate in evil, the “white supremacists.” 

My great worry is that the Biden regime will launch a false-flag cyber-attack on the US power grid, COLLAPSE THE ECONOMY, blame the attack on Iran and Russia, declare martial law, and perhaps even declare war formally on those countries.

Then it rounds up any and all rightwingers who are even just gun owners and Biden critics for “sedition,” as happened in WWI and again in WWII. And all German and Italian citizens were arrested en masse and even American citizens of Japanese ancestry, not citizenship. (I talked by phone with an American whose parents were German citizens. He spent most of the war inside a camp in Crystal City, Texas.)

Under war powers, a president can do all sorts of things that take away basic freedoms. In fact, Abraham Lincoln was doing this in 1861! He arrested northern newspaper editors who were “Copperheads” (sympathizers with the Confederacy) and sent troops to Annapolis to surround the Maryland legislature so that state would not/could not vote to secede from the Union, though it was a southern state and had slaves.

Von Braun, IMO, is in denial about how bad things can and will get for rightwing Whites, and especially for him, and so are many other people.




…..Black delusions

The “civil-rights” negro Ralph Abernathy was the right-hand man for years of Martin Luther King —  and his successor in the black movement after the FBI murdered King in 1968.

He reports with some honesty about King and his sex life, including his adulteries and sexmania but definitely not the more outrageous things, which he — as both a loyal friend and a person fearing public outrage —  did not divulge.

These scandals included raping female parishioners [sic!!!], having multiple prostitutes service him at the same time and sometimes beating them as well, apparently for fun.

Yes, this was quite the “man of God,” this psychopath, this “REVEREND DOCTOR Martin Luther King, Junior,” as the jewsmedia and white libtards fawningly called him.

A comrade sent me Abernathy’s book.

In this passage, Abernathy has tried to get King to stop lying to the reporters about a woman in his entourage he was “doing.” He said to MLK that anyone could “pick up on” their affair by the body language and the way they spoke to each other, and this lying harmed his reputation and goodwill toward him.

He pointed out also to MLK that the FBI and especially J. Edgar Hoover, hated him as a sexual degenerate and a religious hypocrite. MLK responded that he did not care…. Abernathy euphemistically called King’s extramarital sex life “this source of strength.”

Abernathy’s book is fairly frank in some places, and one of them was that liberal Whites agreed with Blacks getting certain legal rights (the right to vote, and to accommodations — such as restaurants and hotels), say, up through 1968, but NOT with what came afterward — strident black demands for economic equity.

Basically, MLK was putting out the lie (which, deep-down, Blacks know is a lie) that Blacks are poor “cuz da White man be keepin’ us down.”

(Newest version: Whites enjoy “white privilege”….)

No, Blacks are poor because of an insane 70% rate of illegitimate births (meaning no dad, no disciplinarian, and no male breadwinner in the house) — AND because many (though not all!) Blacks are lazy, have a low IQ, lack self-control, commit crimes, and are just violence-prone in general…

Who can forget the 94th Academy Awards on March 27, 2022, when actor Will Smith walked onstage and slapped comedian Chris Rock across the face during Rock’s presentation of Best Documentary Feature? Who was really surprised it was a Black who did it?

Many Blacks also display a cocky attitude, having explosive levels of “self-esteem.” No employer wants that.

And many Blacks lack advanced education and/or the skills needed to get a high-paying job.

If you have ever lived in a major US city, you can overhear Blacks calling each other very contemptuously by the n-word! I will never forget once accidentally turning the cable-tv channel WB —  “Warner Brothers” —  in around 1995. The channel existed 1995-2006, and catered heavily to a black audience. In one episode, Martin Lawrence (seen here in the foreground, along with Will Smith)  is dropping his black gf off at her house.

He says he come by back at 8 pm to take her out. She points her finger severely at him and says:

“‘Eight o’clock’?

Do you mean 8 pm n-i-g-g-e-r time or 8 pm Japanese time?”

The whole negro civil-rights movement was, of course, based on a blind denial of racial reality. Alabama governor George Wallace was quite right in being a racialist and a segregationist.

I read Wikipedia on Wallace, and it appears he was sincere about race for a long time, though he did cave in as they all do.


Racial attitude
While some may argue that Wallace did not espouse racist views, most sources support the conclusion that he was motivated by racist ideology.

For instance, one source on Wallace’s career as a judge reports: „every black attorney who argued a case in Wallace’s … courtroom was struck by his fairness …. But no one who knew Wallace well ever took seriously his earnest profession – uttered a thousand times after 1963 – that he was a segregationist, not a racist.“[19]

A reporter covering state politics in 1961 observed that, while other Alabama politicians conversed primarily about women and Alabama football, for Wallace „it was race – race, race, race – and every time that I was closeted alone with him, that’s all we talked about.“[20]

Wallace’s preoccupation with race was based on his belief that black Americans comprised a separate and inferior race. In a 1963 letter to a social studies teacher, Wallace stated they were inclined to criminality – especially „atrocious acts … such as rape, assault and murder“ – because of a high incidence of venereal disease.

Desegregation, he wrote, would lead to „intermarriage … and eventually our race will be deteriorated to that of mongrel complexity.“[21]



    • Wow!

      What is so jewy still about her is doing this serious interview about serious harm while flaunting her bosom. The jews have a very carnal, animalistic attitude toward sex, and a love of manipulation: I can sure fascinate these silly men with my breasts.

      This is brazen, undignified, and it detracts from her message. I feel that she is trying to manipulate me as a man.

      And who knows if any of this is real? Jewesses are infamous for having nose jobs, breast augmentations, plus coloring their hair…. Fake, fake, fake….

      The full video:

      • Si, purtroppo come vedi le Donne sono complici dei maschi Ebrei, dei loro anziani.
        Numerose sono le Donne che difendono ancora questa Religione e sono da prendere a schiaffoni!

        • Translated from Italian:

          Yes, unfortunately, as you can see, the jewish women can be accomplices of the Jewish males, and of their elders.

          There are numerous women who still defend this religion and they should be slapped!


          Yes. There was a bestselling book in the 1980s called “Truly Tasteless Jokes” and it was funny but brutally frank ethnic jokes against every race, gender, sexual orientation, and country.

          The jokes about jewish women, probably all thought up by jewish men, or by goyim who had dated them, showed jewish women as cynical, domineering, manipulative, and terrible in bed AFTER the marriage.

  1. “I read Wikipedia on Wallace, and it appears he was sincere about race for a long time, though he did cave in as they all do.”

    Governor George Wallace “caved in” only after they shot him down and he was bedridden and at their mercy.

    G.W.: “Republicans and Democrats, not a dime’s worth of difference”.

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