Gene Rosen, paid participant in the Sandy Hooknose charade
I wrote the brilliant Tom Mysiewicz:
I share your horror at Trump endorsing the Feinsteinian measures of banning all Americans from buying guns whom any fed bureaucrat puts on the almost irrevocable no-fly or terror watch list.
In any case, I was listening to NPR just now, 8 am EDT, and their political reporter said that the US Senate will vote on four gun ban measures, two by Dems and two by Republicans, and that none of them are expected to pass.
I have read all the arguments that this was about crisis actors or a false flag…. but I still tend to see this as the exact opposite, as an incident helping pro-gun and anti-muslim immigration forces, and thus helping Trump, esp. with the fag “community,” many of whom discreetly are leaning his way anyhow due to their accurate fear of Islam and its “homophobia.”
ISIS throws a queer off the roof
Aside from ultra-liberals, queers and their families, I have seen zero public “groundswell” for the 49 murdered hispanic poopdicks. Look at this “guy” with his back to us, crying like a woman. Some redneck is supposed to want his guns taken away over 49 unarmed fags being killed by a muslim?
9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing, which I have covered and exposed in great detail on this blogsite, had lots of blondish white “Middle Americans” as “victims.” THAT to me is a prima facie fed op.
“Sandy Hook is so Jewish a neighborhood it might as well be called ˜Sandy Hooknose ˜ and Newtown, Connecticut (the larger town around it) is so Jewish it should be called ˜Jewtown.'”
Sandy Hooker Gene Rosen, all grieving... 😉 Give this ham actor a very rotten tomato.
Sandy Hook “parent” “Robbie Parker” — WASP-y name, but classic Ashkenazi features
Astoundingly, just hours after his daughter was supposedly killed, he smiles before going on camera to tear up and choke up ¦. Guess he was still in shock ¦. in smile-shock ¦.
Fake tears on dry cheeks of Neil Heslin, Jew, with a framed pic of his not-dead daughter who was NOT shotat Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, as he lies under oath to the US Senate Judiciary Committee on February 23, 2013.
A perfect “op” pic from the fake Boston bombing — white victim (crisis actor) being aided by oh-so-caring non-whites (and he amazingly never faints from massive blood loss due to both legs being blown off…ummmmmm.. not what we were taught in the Marines)
Donald Trump’s suggestion that armed clubgoers could have prevented the worst mass shooting in modern US history “defies common sense,” according to the National …
Carthaginian general Hannibal – Patton openly stated he was the reincarnation of Hannibal and as he fought the Germans he said that as a result he already knew North Africa.
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