Did Annunaki create us humans?

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No, humans (and other humanoids) live throughout the galaxy. The Nordics, advanced blond humans, are one major part of them. Earth is a “Goldilocks planet,” not too hot, not too cold, but just right, which has attracted war/catastrophe refugees and colonists for tens of thousands of years.

This is why we have different human races here, and also conflict. Most areas (planets) are settled by one race only. Diversity is seen as an unsolvable problem everywhere.

The ancient Chinese and Japanese, for example, are not from the same planet at all, though genetically similar. Their spoken languages are totally, 100% different, and their mindsets are also very distinct. Honor is everything to a Japanese, and money is everything to a Chinaman.

A Japanese house, based on serenity

I do not exclude the idea that the Annunaki, evil aliens who exploited humans when not fighting each other, “played God” and created/bred certain earth humans (semites) as slaves, and even created human-animal hybrids, just as is being done right now. I think David Icke is right about some things.



The various humans and other humanoids live IN planets, not on them, just as we do not live on the roof of our houses, but down inside them. Thus they avoid the effects of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, blistering heat, snowstorms, slippery ice (I fell four times on treacherous sidewalk ice last winter despite taking every precaution), not to mention comets and asteroids which can wipe out 90% of all life on a planet — an ELE, an Extinction Level Event!

The exception to not living on the roof is the Middle East, where during the summertime people commonly sleep on the flat roof for coolness. When Jesus spoke of people shouting from the rooftops, that is what he referred to.

Advanced civilizations grow crops under excellent artificial light inside planets and grow meat in petri dishes. The walls, floors, ceilings and furniture give off indirect light, a glow, and so everything is evenly illuminated with no shadows, and no light bulbs hanging in the center of a room, etc. Only bedrooms do not have this feature.

Most planets in our solar system are inhabited. This is why when benighted and savage earthlings edge closer to a full-scale nuclear war, our neighbors take strong exception to it. It causes damage to them inside their planets.

So, yes, there are Martians, Venusians, Saturnians, etc. When NASA spouts that no one can live on the surface of those planets, with their heat, cold and toxic gases, they are right, and telling the truth — but a half-truth.

The original Vril novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton is fascinating, and most who read it get the really creepy feeling that it is not fiction, and that there perhaps really IS a civilization deep down in the earth which finds us surface earthlings revolting.

I, as a person trying to wake earthlings up to many vital truths, have to agree 😉 , at least as to their attitudes and behavior. On the other hand, one also meets wonderful individuals here, men and women who incarnated on this specific planet, the third rock from the sun, because one can evolve here spiritually 30 times faster than on a nearly perfect, crime-free, beautiful, high-tech world where you just have to conform.


Vril, the coming race (1871)



The Vril race might indeed, if real, come up one day and wipe us out, the way the British wiped out the horrific Thugees in India, because we cause them and the whole solar system constant trouble due to massive, heedless pollution and especially nuclear war. (We had a nuclear war before; green glass around the world and massive deserts were the result. As the atmosphere caught on fire, the air turned to silicon dioxide, sand.)

 Surface earthlings are despised and pitied around the solar system. Our lives are one tragedy after another, because we have no control over our own minds. Those who try to reform humans, such as the Buddha, Zoroaster, Odin, Jesus, Viracocha, and Quetzalcoatl, have minimal good effect, and their unworthy successors create religions which turn outright evil.  Look at the Catholic Church, preaching love but a bastion of pedophiles! (Mohammed, like his fellow semite Moses before him, was a demon-inspired psychopath who made things worse with his religion from the beginning)

SMG team Wein Han and co-pilot Jean-Pierre Garcin compete in Inner Mongolia’s Gobi desert, ending the 13th special stage of the Silkway rally on July 22, 2016.
130 competitors are racing over 10,734 kilometres crossing three countries and two continents from Moscow to Beijing. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICK BAZ

…..See also




….Is earth a kind of hell?

It is both a hell and a heaven. Truly beautiful souls are here, helping others and improving their own spirituality.

The Third Reich showed what humans at their best can do! It took the whole world six years to beat ONE enlightened country! (Actually semi-enlightened, but at least far above the rest.)

Dreadful people are here, too, including white nationalists of incredible arrogance and malice who openly serve Lucifer.

Faceberg malice and chaos goes on; see you on VK!


Lies, betrayal, theft, rape, torture, and murder all can push us stubborn surface earthlings to ask WHY.

And in the end, we are ready for the only true answer.

Animals are not ruled by thoughts. Nor are advanced humans.

We are totally ruled by our thoughts, and they are out of control. Your mind, used to power, does not want to stop ruling you in order to be second fiddle, and become your slave. To be a thing that you can switch off.

Why do we find the Matterhorn so awesome? Because its massive majesty makes us stop thinking, STOP the constant flow of mental garbage, and just be in the moment, just like a lower animal, and simply enjoy. Happiness is to stop thinking and enjoy, relish, savor and deeply drink from this moment.

Same thing when a young man holds his baby in his arms. Happiness is when you stop thinking and just behold!

And each moment of no-mind happiness can train you to deliberately stop thinking. Then you are on your way to a spiritual revolution.

Surface earthlings, sadly, have not evolved to the point where we have thoughts, and these thoughts do not have us.

The coming faith will teach us to control our own mind. Shut off the negative. “Mind, shut up. Stop ruining my life.”

Then we surface earthlings, we surfacers, will join the ranks of the civilized planets, where disease, war and strife in our own families ceases. And we stop hating, slandering, scheming, and, over and over, nuking each other and frying huge chunks of the earth’s surface.

But, according to the Van Rensburg prophecy, tragically, we are heading right now for a devastating repeat.

If it happens, we will reincarnate and start over again, here among the ruins or elsewhere.

Nothing to whine about. This selfish, horrible world we live in now is the product of how WE acted in many previous lives, especially in refusing to face the Jewish problem, even if, in this one life now, we have started to wake up and make baby steps into the right direction.

A good thing about Armageddon is when there are no food stamps, and government handouts, enabling millions of a–holes to survive, only HONOR will keep you alive.  You better keep your word in the NEW Stone Age, and do as you promised, or you will die and not be missed by a soul, because you have no friends and no family.

The post-apocalypse will be a great opportunity to grow also. Like this dad (played by Viggo Mortensen) in “The Road”. He has just two bullets left in his revolver. He better make those bullets count. Focus, dad, and stop thinking. Just FOCUS. And squeeze. If it takes the apocalypse to stop your insane mind, so be it. You have millions of lives to learn. And someday, when you are ready, you will graduate.

So why not get a grip on our minds NOW? And end the insanity?

There WAS a period of 12 years when, in one country, human beings were actually happy. They were so happy, it took the entire rest of the world six years to crush them.



Maybe my book should be entitled The Trauma and Therapy of Nations. 



Me in 1962 in MK-ULTRA. No one knows pain beyond belief like I do. 


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  1. Ho visto la Terra,da lassù..nel pieno della sua origine, dinosauri e altre specie animali.

    Guardavo tutto da un finestrino, qualcosa del genere! ho visto terra Rossa fluttuare davanti al nostro passaggio, Marte? Non ero sola lassù, non sembrava neanche un sogno notturno,eravamo colonizzatori? Non ho più sognato questa cosa da allora, ero così felice..avrei voluto riaddormentarmi! Sembrava fosse un ricordo di qualcosa..che senso di pace in quel Sogno.

    La mia domanda è: “Da dove vengo veramente?”..”Siamo figli delle stelle?” Cosa nasconde la parola HOME..?

    • Transl:

      I saw the Earth, from up there, going back fully to its origin, including dinosaurs and other animal species.

      I was looking at everything from a kind of window, something like that! I have seen a RED “earth” too, floating in front of our passage — maybe Mars? I wasn’t alone up there. It didn’t even seem like a night-time dream. Were we colonizers? I haven’t dreamed about this thing since back then, but I was so happy … I wanted to go back to sleep!

      It seemed to be a memory of something … a sense of peace in that dream.

      My question is “Where do I really come from?” .. “Are we children of the stars?” What hides behind our word “HOME”?

  2. Dear John,

    I don’t know if you are familiar with the books by Zecharia Sitchin, “The Earth Chronicles” that started with the 12th planet and continued onwards.

    I’ve read almost all of his books : he was the author who made the Annunnaki and the planet from which they came famous to the general public; being an academic familiar with the ancient Sumerian language, his writing style is a little dry for many people, but I could follow his train of thought, although I didn’t agree with all his conclusions.

    I found it difficult to understand how a planet that had an orbit that ranged out far beyond the orbit of Pluto could have evolved intelligent life. My theory is that Nibiru is in a different solar system. Now he claims that the Annunaki genetically engineered a human race with a hominoid in Africa hundred of thousands of years ago to create a slave race to mine gold in Africa for their home planet, which needed the gold to repair its planet’s atmosphere.

    I thought robots would have been easier but, mmmm, possibly, being scientists, they could have played around with a homo rhodesiensism. I read a scientific article many years ago that there is archaic hominoid DNA in sub-Saharan Africans not present in Europeans or East Asians.

    Now, regarding the planet Mars, I read John Brandenburg’s book Life and Death on Mars, in which he shows that in the distant past there was a massive nuclear war on that planet, eons ago, that wiped out most surface life. Brandenburg was a reputable scientist who worked for NASA, so he should be taken seriously.

  3. http://www.meteoweb.eu/2012/03/annunaki-il-film-troppo-scomodo-che-non-vedrete-mai-al-cinema/125636/
    Avevo dimenticato di aver letto di questo Film!Eh si,in effetti i Sumeri probabilmente discendono da loro.
    La storia di Enki Samael(lo scienziato più umile e fratello di Enlil Jeowa(che prese con l’inganno Lilith prima moglie di Adamo,la violentò così da creare una razza dannata sulla Terra)e ANU padre di entrambi.
    Di Enki possiamo guardare al CADUCEO,a Mercurio? ODINO?il THOT Egizio?Ci sono importante ricerche qui in Italia,BUONE e scomode in realtà.
    Tutti personaggi esistiti,in carne e ossa!Enki vuol salvare la razza umana dal Diluvio;dice a Noè di portare con sé una colomba che lo avrebbe aiutato a trovare TERRA.Da quello che ho potuto leggere,non ho ancora il libro,Adamo è responsabile di tante malefatte per questioni di TRONO, ucciderà uno dei fratelli di ANU per questo.
    ANU si vendicherà attraverso la storia dell’albero e le mele(tenterà di togliere la sua IMMORTALITÀ)ma Enki arriva in suo aiuto avvisandolo che non deve toccare le mele,Lilith(Serpente)poi si vendicherà a sua volta per averla lasciata per EVA e lo tenta come descritto nella BIBBIA.
    Questi ILLUSTRI personaggi si sono tutti DEIFICATI..ecco perché sono stati banditi,cacciati dall’EDEN.
    ENKI tra tutti, sembra avere a Cuore la razza umana.
    Come può Adamo sposare sua sorella Eva?Ecco che sono più importanti le domande delle Risposte

  4. Incesto,violenza,intrighi di potere e omicidi(..)hanno caratterizzato la vita di tutti questi Dei o uomini,anche in Egitto!
    Adamo è responsabile di un omicidio,di aver sposato sua sorella per mantenere la sua Regalità,di non aver difeso Lilith da Enlil,di aver fatto incazzare ANU e poi ENKI.
    Questa storia sembra così vera,attuale!Ma l’amore dov’è?Mi chiedo.
    Adamo come l’uomo in generale,deve conquistare questo amore,attraverso la Kundalini?ENKI ci ha creati non per poter essere schiavi,a differenza di suo fratello ENLIL,diabolico fin dall’inizio.Cosa spinge ENKI a sorvegliare la razza umana?La sua misericordia è qualcosa che dura da millenni,ci ha istruiti per permetterci di evolvere.Tutte le culture parlano di Enki.
    Si può accostare a Prometeo?Apollo?Il Dio splendente che corre sempre in nostro aiuto per placare l’ira del padre ANU.Cosi’scriveva Leonardo:”La semplicità è la migliore sofisticatezza!”Ridurre tutti questi concetti,questa matematica Giudea,tutte queste culture che per tanto tempo hanno creato solo confusione,nomi e nomi..e miliardi di concetti mentali.
    Semplicità e PACE.

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