Did Monsanto’s Roundup cause their cancer? 80% of Americans have it in their urine!

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As I read the Daily Mail articles below, it hit me how the chemical weedkiller “Roundup” was sold to farmers by the Jew-founded Monsanto as being effective yet so cheap, so inexpensive.

My God, maybe that is true, short-term, but what is the total cost to all of society (not to mention severe pain, suffering, death and bereavement!) over the decades when tens of millions of Americans and Britons die slowly, in agony, and soooooo expensively of cancer or from the toxic chemo and radiation treatments?

Cancer — in Margi’s case it was throat cancer — cost us (and the Mayo Clinic, and local hospitals), huge amounts of money and time 2018-22, almost five long years that we were chained like slaves to this miserable, pointless disease.

After years working with me on the Leo Frank case, Margi was preparing —had the cancer not intervened —  to dramatically expose the truth in the Alfred Dreyfus case in France with the help of an important financial backer.

Margi, with her excellent knowledge of French, had incredible insights to offer into this shocking case.

This jewish officer in the French Army sold  military secrets for massive bribes, which he spent on call girls, champagne and gambling. Yet the jews mobilized to portray HIM as the victim of the bigots!

The French jews even stamped entire newspapers almost overnight out of nothing in order to peddle ther accusations of white guilt, white bigotry, white prejudice and white injustice — “framing a fine and patriotic officer because he was of the Jewish faith” — and with this “Big Lie” about the innocent Dreyfus they launched a devastating and eventually rather successful media attack on the entire conservative Establishment, including the nobility, the French Army leadership and even French Christians !

And the jews also murdered, and then slandered, a popular president of France who saw Dreyfus for the traitor he was, claiming the president was not poisoned by the jews, but that he supposedly died of a heart attack from a call girl giving him a b-job!!

The whole jew-financed French Left then mocked the dead man! (1) murder the victim, and then 2) defame him so no one cares he is gone. This is an old jew formula.

And a jew wrote me that they are doing to defame Margi as soon as I start my movement this month!


Margi’s exposé of the jewish Alfred Dreyfus Affair – French Army captain DID sell France out for call-girls, gambling & champagne — Carolyn Yeager interviews Margi

I drove Margi at least eight times the 460-mile trip to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and certainly 50 times to local doctors and hospitals an hour or two away, plus a good 150 trips to the pharmacy over those five years.

Costs wiped out Margi’s very merited inheritance (she had cared day and night for three years for her parents) and PUSHED BACK ALL MY PLANS BY YEARS.

All the natural ways to fight cancer, including even an expensive dog de-wormer (which has indeed saved some patients in the final stage, Stage IV) were not covered by insurance.

They did partially work, since Margi was given only a 20% chance of survival in 2018 and yet she lived on for four more years– with my constant care, which eventually became around-the-clock care in July-August-September 2022.

(I thank so many wonderful donors for the financial aid which enabled us to purchase them.)

And when my wife died, on 12 September 2022, it led to a financial crisis where I had to sell our paid-off house, and, at 69, engage in endless moving! It has cost me $1,500 just to move my things twice and dispose of others!

…..and all this was emotional torture. It triggered very severe grief, bereavement, and hypertension at lethal levels!


So what is the true and total cost of cancer to each victim, their family, and the whole people?


I wish to also mention a wonderful friend and major donor who had to have his prostate removed due to cancer.  He is married to an attractive and good woman with many similar leanings, and yet …. a vital part of their married life is now gone. It is not a joking matter. 🙁

And their one child, a daughter, was murdered by her scumbag boyfriend the day before she planned to quietly grab everything and move far away!

What a hell jew world is now for us all! 🙁 🙁


…..Did Roundup cause my cancer? Germany has banned it, France and the Netherlands restrict its use – and these sufferers are convinced it is to blame

One day last summer, Nigel Clayson, a 52-year-old farm manager from North Essex, noticed a small lump in his armpit. But it was no bigger than a pea and causing him no pain, so he did nothing about it, hoping it would disappear as suddenly as it had arrived. Unfortunately, it didn’t.

‘After three or four months, it had grown as big as a golf ball, so I went to the doctor,’ says Nigel.

His GP initially suspected an infected lymph node — these are small bean-shaped pieces of tissue that make up part of the immune system, which are found, among other places, under the arms.

But when blood tests showed no obvious sign of infection, Nigel’s GP referred him to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge for more thorough checks.

Nigel had a CT scan (which takes a series of X-rays to create a 3D picture) and a PET scan (where a mildly radio-active drug is injected into the bloodstream to show areas where cells are more active than normal — a potential sign of cancer).

Nigel Clayson, 52, (pictured) is a farm manager who has been treated for the blood cancer non Hodgkin's lymphoma which is associated with the weedkiller glyphosate

Nigel Clayson, 52, (pictured) is a farm manager who has been treated for the blood cancer non Hodgkin’s lymphoma which is associated with the weedkiller glyphosate

Regulations for the use of the weedkiller glyphosate vary around the world

Regulations for the use of the weedkiller glyphosate vary around the world

‘I was shocked rather than scared because I had absolutely no idea there was something so seriously wrong with me — I felt perfectly fit and healthy.’

At this point, Nigel could have been forgiven for cursing his luck and attributing his diagnosis to nothing more than the random nature of cancer. But then he discovered something troubling.

Two other local agricultural workers he knew through farming circles had recently been given exactly the same diagnosis.

One was a farm labourer who was just 23 when he became ill, the other a contractor in his 50s, employed to dispose of empty weedkiller cans used on farms. Both had been treated and, thankfully, were in remission.

But what all three men had in common was regular exposure to glyphosate, a potent weedkiller used in industrial quantities on Britain’s farms, as well as by local councils and highway authorities to kill weeds in parks, playgrounds and roadside verges.

Glyphosate has also been available to amateur gardeners in garden centres across the UK, under the brand name Roundup.

‘I have generally used glyphosate on the farm at least twice a year; first when I’m putting seed in the ground in September time and then again in the spring as a weedkiller,’ says Nigel, who lives with his partner Jane, 57.

‘We don’t have much choice about whether to use glyphosate: anything else that works costs about 15 times more,’ he says.

‘I do now use protective clothing when I’m spraying it, but when I was younger I admit I might not have been as careful.’

Richard Tyler, pictured with his wife Kelly and daughter Mia, is convinced that exposure to glyphosate was the cause of his mantle cell lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer he was diagnosed with 18 months ago

Richard Tyler, pictured with his wife Kelly and daughter Mia, is convinced that exposure to glyphosate was the cause of his mantle cell lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer he was diagnosed with 18 months ago

Of course, there’s no conclusive proof that the weedkiller was to blame for any of the cancer cases. But in 2015, following a review of around 1,000 research studies, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) — which assesses the likely cancer risk of everything from working nights to using mobile phones — declared glyphosate was ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’, with a ‘probable risk’ of causing cancer, particularly blood cancers [such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma] by ‘causing DNA and chromosomal damage in cells’.

Now, a series of new studies have raised further concerns about the weedkiller’s safety.

Last month, researchers at En Chu Kong Hospital in Taiwan published findings in the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research International showing exposure to glyphosate damages red blood cells — causing anaemia, a condition that leads to fatigue, rapid heart rate and dizziness. A separate report, meanwhile, revealed that, once the weedkiller has got into the body, it can cause vascular toxicity — i.e. damage to blood vessels, especially those around the heart.

Experts at East China University of Science and Technology, writing in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, warned: ‘These findings highlight the need for concern about the cardiovascular risk in occupations which are exposed to glyphosate.’

Female fertility may also be at risk, according to animal research by the Community University of Chapeco Region in Brazil.

Scientists studied rats exposed to varying levels of Roundup every day for 28 days and found it disrupted the balance of fertility-related hormones and had a potentially damaging effect on the ovaries, to the point where it could affect the chances of conceiving. But because, as part of the test, the rats had increasingly large doses of glyphosate added to their drinking water, this meant they were exposed to much higher levels than humans would be from using weedkiller.

What the men had in common was regular exposure to glyphosate, a potent weedkiller used in industrial quantities on Britain's farms, as well as by local councils and highway authorities to kill weeds in parks, playgrounds and roadside verges

What the men had in common was regular exposure to glyphosate, a potent weedkiller used in industrial quantities on Britain’s farms, as well as by local councils and highway authorities to kill weeds in parks, playgrounds and roadside verges

The use of glyphosate is, however, now restricted in a wide range of countries — including France, Germany, Portugal and Spain (see box, right) — although it remains on sale in the UK.

A spokeswoman for the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs told Good Health: ‘The approval of glyphosate is subject to regular review and we continue to keep an active watch on the science.

‘Strict regulation only permits the sale and use [of pesticides and herbicides] where scientific assessment shows they will not harm people or pose unacceptable risks to the environment.’ Glyphosate was developed in the 1970s by the U.S. chemical giant Monsanto as a uniquely deadly solution to weeds.

The company then developed genetically modified crops that could resist glyphosate’s capacity to destroy their cell structure.

This meant that fields could be cleared of weeds while crops were left standing.

In 2018, Monsanto sold its glyphosate business to the German chemicals giant Bayer. Such is the demand for ever higher crop yields, the deal was still worthwhile to Bayer, even though in June 2020 it agreed to pay out a record-breaking £8 billion to settle lawsuits from more than 100,000 Americans — mainly amateur gardeners, who believe their non-Hodgkin lymphoma or other forms of blood cancer stem from Roundup use.

Bayer denied any wrongdoing, with the CEO saying the settlement was to ‘bring a long period of uncertainty to an end’. A Bayer spokesman told Good Health: ‘Glyphosate-based products have been used safely and successfully for more than 40 years.’

It is, however, one of the largest single payouts of its kind, with a further 30,000 U.S. claims still going through the legal process.

There are around 60 types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the white blood cells which form a vital part of the immune system.

The cancer leads to excessive production of white blood cells, causing them to clump into lumps. Although around seven out of ten people diagnosed with blood cancers are alive five years later, 16,000 a year in the UK die as a result.

The number of blood cancer cases is rising with around 14,200 new non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases a year, up 38 per cent since the early 1990s, according to Cancer Research UK. It says the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is 26 per cent higher in people who have ever worked as a ‘field crop/vegetable farm worker’ and 19 per cent higher in those who have worked as a general farm worker.

However, the charity also says that using glyphosate at low levels does not increase the risk of cancer: ‘This includes using it as a weedkiller in the garden.’

But not all experts agree. Michael Antoniou, a molecular geneticist at King’s College London, believes glyphosate is dangerous — even at very low levels of exposure.

‘There are many ways by which it causes damage,’ he told Good Health. ‘It disrupts and attacks the functioning of multiple mechanisms and causes DNA damage, which is the major known risk factor for cancer.

‘Studies from around the world have shown that glyphosate can cause adverse effects at very low levels of long-term exposure.

One day last summer, Mr Clayson noticed a small lump in his armpit. His GP initially suspected an infected lymph node

‘If there’s one thing that the world is facing that’s worse than the Covid pandemic, it’s the cancer pandemic. One in two people will develop it sometime during their lives and we ought to be looking at toxins like this.’

He adds: ‘The regulators that claim glyphosate is safe have got it all wrong. They should be taking into account the latest evidence from independent academic groups, such as ours. When they do, they’ll find their recommended safe levels are way out. We don’t even know what a safe level is.’

Gemma Trout, a support nurse at the charity Blood Cancer UK, says that for a number of years there has been concern about a ‘potential link between glyphosate and an increased risk of lymphoma’ — ‘people who want to take a precautionary approach should avoid using it’.

The controversy deepened last month with newly published government figures on increased glyphosate use in Britain, highlighted by the charity Pesticide Action Network. These show that annual use of the product has risen from 2.2 million kilos in 2016 to 2.6 million kilos in 2020. There has also been a 9 per cent increase in the area of UK land treated with glyphosate — from 2,646,836 hectares in 2016 to 2,876,906 hectares in 2020.

Josie Cohen, a spokeswoman for Pesticide Action Network, said around 50 local councils have banned glyphosate use on public land and a further 40 are in the process of cutting down, though many more continue to use it.

‘The links between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma are clear,’ she argues, ‘and yet we continue to use this chemical in ever-increasing amounts in farming as well as in most of our towns and cities, where it not only poses a potential risk to human health but also to water quality and wildlife.

‘It’s time the Government made good on its promises to help farmers and other land managers transition to safer and more sustainable non-chemical alternatives, and introduced a strong package of support for them,’ she says.

Nigel says glyphosate is regularly used to ripen wheat artificially, killing and drying it off so it can be efficiently harvested. ‘I have never done that because I’m happy to wait for the sun to do its work, but I know they do it on huge estates of 12,000 acres where they want to get the contractors in to harvest everything in one go,’ says Nigel, who now manages a 1,200-acre arable farm at Takeley, near Stansted, Essex, but has managed similar farms in East Anglia for more than 20 years.

David Exwood, vice-president of the National Farmers’ Union, defended glyphosate’s use.

He told Good Health glyphosate was ‘an essential product to control weeds before planting’, and a ‘vital component’ of modern crop-growing practices.

‘Farmers and growers will continue to use glyphosate as long as it is legal to do so to ensure environmental sustainability and a secure supply of high-quality and affordable food,’ he says.

Nigel’s partner Jane, who has lived on and around farms all her life and has observed how glyphosate continues to be used liberally, says: ‘They call it sunshine in a can. Farms are meant to wait seven days between spraying with glyphosate and harvesting the wheat but no one checks and lots of farms don’t bother.’

Pesticide Action Network claims glyphosate is found as a residue on ‘many’ of the food products we eat — a 2015 review of studies for the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany concluded that glyphosate has regularly been found in human urine samples and that may be related to people’s diets and their occupations (levels were higher for the latter), but it concluded that levels were of ‘no health concern’.

Here, the Health and Safety Executive says eating foods that have a residue level within the strict limits that it sets for food crops will ‘not cause harm to consumers’. It adds: ‘If a food has a higher level of residue than the maximum, it does not automatically mean it’s not safe to eat.’

Furthermore, last month, the European Food Safety Authority said its investigations had found ‘no critical areas of concern’ for health from the use of glyphosate in agriculture.

Yet glyphosate is being withdrawn from products sold to amateur gardeners throughout the U.S., while Evergreen Garden Care, the UK company that sells it to consumers, promotes a glyphosate-free version of Roundup in garden centres. ‘Most garden centres take both products, but some have opted to only stock glyphosate-free products in a movement towards exiting glyphosate,’ a spokesman told Good Health.

Indeed Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and the Co-op have stopped selling it. Garden centres are following suit. Notcutts, which runs a chain in southern England, told Good Health: ‘We removed all products containing glyphosate at the end of December 2022.’

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), said it ‘is concerned about the potential unintended effects of pesticides and herbicides on humans, animals and plant life.

‘The RHS does not encourage the use of weedkillers, including glyphosate, and recommends that wherever possible alternative control methods are used.’

Richard Tyler, 52, a former actor from Surbiton, Surrey, is convinced that exposure to glyphosate was the cause of his mantle cell lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer he was diagnosed with 18 months ago.

‘Roundup is the only weedkiller I’ve used since I moved to this house with my wife and daughter six years ago,’ he says.

‘I stopped using it when I became unwell — not because I knew at that stage there was a risk attached to it, but because I was too ill to do anything in the garden,’ says Richard, who is currently in remission after a course of chemotherapy.

‘Who knows how much glyphosate I’ve been exposed to, but I definitely think there is a link between it and my cancer.

‘When I was growing up in Buckinghamshire, the biggest enthusiasm in my dad’s life was his garden. If any weed dared to appear he would be out there with his Roundup pump. He was a serious user.’

Richard’s cancer diagnosis followed months of recurrent urinary tract infections, gut issues and bloating. He also had night sweats and lost a lot of weight.

‘I just thought I was at last suddenly getting a perfect body in middle age but it turned out to be this,’ says Richard.

‘We are all exposed to glyphosate at many levels, but we don’t know it. I have only known about the risk for the past 18 months because of living with this rare lymphoma.’

Nigel was told his lymphoma was progressing slowly enough for him to wait until the end of the harvest last summer to start chemotherapy and he had the treatment between November and April.

Now in remission, Nigel is due a check-up next April. He is trying to put it out of his mind: ‘I can’t panic, this is my work,’ he says.

‘I use about 15 different chemicals on the fields. What happens next is completely out of my hands.

‘My cancer specialist said he didn’t think the cancer was linked to glyphosate. There were two 17- and 18-year-old girls with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the waiting room and he said they wouldn’t have been exposed to it at all, though my argument is that if they had come from the middle of London, where all the parks are sprayed with it, then they would definitely have. On farms we have to put signs out if there is a footpath going across the field, saying that the field has been sprayed with a pesticide, but we don’t have to say which one it is.

‘Local authorities don’t have to do that and they’re using glyphosate around every lamp-post and close to where people walk.’

Despite the multi-billion-pound compensation payout in the U.S., Bayer maintains its stance on the safety of its product, telling Good Health: ‘To further reduce future litigation risk in the U.S., we are replacing our glyphosate products in the U.S. residential market with new formulations that have alternative active ingredients.

‘We are taking this action exclusively to help manage litigation risk in the U.S. and not because of any safety concerns. Glyphosate-based products have been used safely and successfully for more than 40 years.

‘Leading health regulators around the world continue to conclude that glyphosate-based products are safe when used as directed.’



……Weedkiller ingredient used in notorious cancer-causing Roundup is found in 80% of US urine samples

  • A cancer causing ingredient was found in more than 80% of urine samples from kids and adults in the U.S., according to a study
  • The chemical glyphosate is commonly used herbicide in the agricultural, garden, and home sectors of the country 
  • ‘Children in the U.S. are regularly exposed to this cancer-causing weedkiller through the food they eat virtually every day’

 A commonly used weedkiller linked to cancer is appearing in more than 80% of urine samples from kids and adults in the U.S., according to a study.

‘Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the country, yet until now we had very little data on exposure,’ Alexis Temkin, toxicologist at the Environmental Working Group, said in a statement. ‘Children in the U.S. are regularly exposed to this cancer-causing weedkiller through the food they eat virtually every day.’

survey of glyphosate – which is a widely used herbicide in the agricultural, garden, and home sectors in the country – was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program.

The survey found glyphosate in 1,885 of 2,310 urine samples from participants that supposedly represented the U.S. population. Participants aged between six to 18 made up a third of the samples.

Temkin cited the CDC study while also acknowledging that glyphosate is an active chemical in the weedkiller, Bayer’s Roundup.

Traces of glyphosate were found in more than 80% of urine samples taken from children and adults in a study conducted by the CDC

Traces of glyphosate were found in more than 80% of urine samples taken from children and adults in a study conducted by the CDC

Between $8.8 billion to $9.6 billion will resolve the current Roundup litigation and $1.25 billion will be paid to resolve future litigation. Pictured: Bayer headquarters in Germany

Between $8.8 billion to $9.6 billion will resolve the current Roundup litigation and $1.25 billion will be paid to resolve future litigation. Pictured: Bayer headquarters in Germany

Bayer was subjected to pay $10.9 billion in 2020 to settle thousands of US lawsuits claiming Roundup causes cancer.

At the time, Bayer had come to terms with about 75 percent of the 125,000 filed and unfiled claims. Under the agreement, the company agreed to pay $8.8 billion to $9.6 billion to resolve the litigation, including an allowance to cover unresolved claims. Bayer’s further agreed to pay $1.25 billion for future litigation.

The litigation was supposed by the main ingredient of Roundup, glyphosate.

The original maker of Roundup, [JdN: (((Monsanto)))], introduced the product in 1974 as a way of killing weeds while ensuring plants and crops flourished. Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2018 in a $63 billion deal.

In March 2015, the World Health Organization found that the herbicide was ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’.

Then, in 2017, California named glyphosate, an ingredient that causes cancer under the state’s Proposition 65, which requires Roundup to carry a warning label if sold in California.

But, in April 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reaffirmed that glyphosate does not cause cancer.

However, several plaintiffs have alleged that Roundup caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that starts in the white blood cells.

Monsanto ordered to pay $289 million in cancer trial in 2018

Multiple plaintiffs including Edwin Hardeman (left) and Dwayne Johnson (right) claim a chemical called glyphosate, which is Roundup’s main ingredient, caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

California resident Edwin Hardeman, of Windsor, sued in federal court in February 2016 and was awarded $80 million, later reduced to $25 million.

Dwayne Johnson, a terminally ill groundkeeper from California, won $289 million in August 2018 after it was determined the weed killer chemical gave him cancer.

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Bayer’s appeal to overturn the thousands of lawsuits in June 2022 alleging Roundup causes cancer, according to CBS News.

To prevent future litigation, Bayers announced in 2021 the company will replace its glyphosate products in the U.S. residential market with a new formula launching in 2023.


Glyphosate is an herbicide first registered for use in the US in 1974.

It is marketed either as a salt or an amber-colored liquid with no smell.

Monsanto markets glyphosate as part of the pesticide Roundup.

Several studies found that high doses administered to laboratory animals  caused cancer, although the evidence is ‘limited’ when it comes to humans.

In March 2015, the World Health Organization ranked glyphosate a Group 2a carcinogen, a substance that probably causes cancer in people.

In 2017, California added glyphosate to its proposition 65 list, which requires Roundup to carry a warning label if sold in California.

Monsanto has vehemently denied that its product causes cancer and says and more than 800 studies that have established its safety.

Yet more than 4,000 plaintiffs have filed lawsuits –  800 over the past year – claiming Monsanto made them or members of their family sick.


……Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, business, marketing, and in entertainment)



……Comments on VK

Mark Calvin

Well poisoners. I worry about it a lot. I work in farming and park groundskeeping. I never use the shit but some companies I work for just have to have it despite my pleas. I won’t use it. I use fryer fat and diesel if I really have to bare an area like around AC units. I don’t put anything but water on my yard.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Mark, this is where an enlightened federal law should come into play. The problem now is
1) the naked greed by individuals (company owners and stockholders) who will always choose the CHEAPEST weedkiller, even if carcinogenic (!), so as to reduce their costs and maximize their profits; and
2) the Big Jews, as proven by the “gain-of-function” Covid virus and by the clot-shot vaccine itself, want 90% of us goyim, and especially the Whites, to literally perish, to literally DIE, and the disease pandemic that is cancer (from Roundup) is a proven, effective way of mass-murdering us, having risen now to be the number-two killer of men and the number-three murderer of women.
So the Big Jews love the cancer-causing Roundup. It kills the white race that they hate.
The good rabbi says here (in a very heavy Israeli-Hebrew accent) with utter contempt that all gentiles are brain-dead idol worshippers with zero culture who deserve to die.
Of course, his Jews never worship an idol like the Golden Calf, do they? Or forced sex with employees and with kids? Or war amongst the goyim?

DE Um dieses Video besser ausnutzen zu können, möchte ich aber wirklich wissen, wie diese “Gottesmänner,” diese fiese Rabbiner, heißen, wo sie wirken, welcher Synagogen sie bevorstehen, oder an welchen Jeschiwas sie unterrichten.
Ehrlich gesagt, so etwas gehört zu den elementaren Beschreibungsdaten gerade eines sehr kontroversiellen Videos — der Beleg eben, wer dieser Schießkerl eigentlich ist.
So könnte kein Jude behaupten, das wären nur Einzelgänger, Wirrköpfe, Verrückte, Geisteskranke, und würden damit kein Beispiel für die normale jüdische Sicht der Nichtjuden liefern.
Nein, diese Typen sind bestimmt angesehene Rabbiner. Aber welche???????
EN In order to be able to make better use of this video, I would really like to know the name of any of  these “men of God,” these nasty rabbis, where they work, which synagogues they preside over, or at which yeshiva they teach.

Honestly, something like this is part of the most basic descriptive data one would expect of of a very controversial video – the proof of who these nuts actually are.
Then no Jew could claim they are just some loners, muddleheaded madmen, mentally ill persons, and would thus not represent the view that normal Jews take of non-Jews.

No, these guys are almost certainly respected rabbis. But which rabbis are they???????

Transcription of their wicked words:


— First rabbi:

“The non-Jews are very stupid. They never think. They only want beer, alcohol, sports, football, and their Fourth of July barbecue… and the beach and the [“Katoos”?]  and the clubs. That is all they have in mind. Nothing in life, no values, no ethics,  no conscience, no calculation about ‘where am I heading?’, no time-outs to evaluate ‘what have I done right or wrong?’

NOTHING, an empty head. Many people have empty heads — nothing.

It’s unbelievable what you see, and today more than ever. Very difficult to find people with a head on their shoulders, very difficult.”

— A teenage jewish girl says this to some gentile audience:

“Excuse me, I’m a jew and I would just like to say that it says in our Bible [the Old Testament] that you’re like, like animals.”

.–  Second rabbi:

“You have six billion idol-worshippers who make God angry every single second of their life. Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Tibet, Nepal, Thailand — so many. India alone is 500 million, China two billion, so many….two billion Christians are idol worshippers.

Between China, India, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians, at least six and a half billion people — idol worshippers that, according to the Torah, do not have the right to live.

For the idol-worshipping goy, it is that penalty. Only jews. Even for a goy who bows down to an idol or who believes in J.C. [=”Jesus Christ”] deserves the death penalty.”

— Another rabbi:

“The difference between a jew and a non-jew, to a goy, and we are talking now of even the most righteous goy, not an idol-worshipper, but a great gentile person, great personality, loving jews, respecting God, and everything is fine with him, but this is a jew compared to him, according to the Book of God, “The jew is like the water that you bring from the lake  in a bucket. And the gentile is the few drops that stick to the side of the bucket when you put it down. This is the comparison by God of a Jew to a non-Jew.

And, again, I’m not making it up. I’m giving you the source: Isaiah chapter 40, verse 15. Go and check in any language you want. It’s the same meaning.


From  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+40%3A15

15 Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like fine dust.
15 The nations are like a drop in a bucket,they count like a grain of dust on the scales. The islands weigh as little as specks of dust.

— New Catholic Bible

15 In his eyes the nations are like a drop in a bucket,   like dust on the scales. To him coasts and islands weigh no more than fine dust.

— King James Version



1 Comment

  1. An interesting, but also disturbing read.

    Yet another reason to stay away from conventionally <produced food, and to go organic.

    I also avoid wheat, as today's wheat is totally overbred, and too full of gluten.

    That it also needs to be maintained with weedkillers and insecticides says it all!

    A while ago I went again for a visit to see my natural healer. She said I have insecticides in my system…oh, my.

    I asked where that might come from, and she replied it might be from non-organic vegetables, and fruits as well.

    The advice would be to wash it in baking soda. Let´s see if that helps.,

    I also got some vitamins to get rid of the stuff. Will be there again in a few days.

    I also purify my water with a Reverse-Osmosis System. It´s a machine I fill up with tap water and it cleans out unwanted stuff. It also replaces the electric kettle.

    If I lived in the US, I would definitely want one, because from what I hear they also put fluoride into the drinking water.

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