Did Obama daughters go from embryos straight to little girls? Questions about Michelle….

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These amazing kids went from sperm and egg to tykes without passing through the baby stage. Also, there was no color photography way back in 2003.

Where are Obama’s daughters’ baby pics and birth records?

[source: http://www.dcclothesline.com/2013/11/30/obamas-daughters-baby-pics-birth-records/]

I got an email this morning from FOTM reader Dave McMullen, asking why there aren’t baby pictures of Obama’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

Wikipedia says “Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann, born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as Sasha), born on June 10, 2001.”

So I did a Google Image search for Obama’s daughters. I couldn’t find any baby pics of Malia or Sasha; neither could Dave.

The youngest-looking pic of the girls I found (see below) was in an article extolling Michelle Obama, dated August 20, 2007, on the websiteAfrobella. The pic is undated. If we go by the date of the Afrobella article, Malia would be 9 years old and Sasha would be 6 years old.

Afrobella pic of O family

In contrast, Dave found a website with a pic of Laura Bush, wife of President George W. Bush, holding their two-month-old twins, Jenna and Barbara.

Laura Bush with babies

I have seen pics of Barack and Michelle’s wedding, like this one below, but none of Michelle pregnant with child.


Then I went on the website Ancestry.com, and searched for birth records of Malia Obama, b. 1998, and Natasha Obama, b. 2001. These are the results:

Malia Obama 3

Natasha Obama3

In other words, Ancestry.com has no birth records for Malia or Natasha Obama.

Then I paid $9.95 for a trial membership in GenealogyBank.com so that I can search that website for the Obama girls’ birth records.

Below is a screenshot I took from genealogybank.com of the result of my search for Malia Obama. I’ve circled in red the date and time when I accessed the website. Click the image below to enlarge.

Malia Obama1

As you can see above, the only thing genealogybank.com has in its newspaper archives on Malia Obama is an article by Sen. Obama titled “Progress on campaign finance reform,” in the Chicago newspaper Hyde Park Herald of August 26, 1998, in which Obama (presumably) mentioned Malia. Here’s the newspaper clip (the words are rather blurry):

Malia Obama2

Below is a screenshot I took from genealogybank.com of the result of my search for Natasha Obama. I’ve circled in red the date and time when I accessed the website. Click the image below to enlarge.

Natasha Obama1

The only thing genealogybank.com has on Natasha Obama is an article in Hyde Park Herald of  July 4, 2001, again by Sen. Obama titled “Tallying wins and losses in Springfield Springfield report,” in which he wrote “The newest addition to the Obama family ” Natasha ” was born on June 10th, and Michelle and I have been busy changing diapers.” Click image below to enlarge.

Natasha Obama2

In other words, I couldn’t find any birth records of either Malia Obama or Natasha Obama on either ancestry.com or genealogybank.com.

The same Wikipedia entry I had referenced at the beginning of this post states that Malia and Natasha Obama were both delivered by their parents’ friend Dr. Anita Blanchard at University of Chicago Medical Center.”

Wikipedia’s source of that assertion is an article of Jodi Kantor titled “Obama’s Friends Form Strategy to Stay Close,” in The New York Times of December 13, 2008. The article is about a group of Obama’s closest friends in Chicago, among whom are Valerie Jarrett (now Obama’s senior White House adviser) and a black man named Martin Nesbitt who is now a real estate investory. Nesbitt’s wife is Dr. Anita Blanchard.

O's Chicago friends - Martin Nesbitt, Valerie Jarrett, Dr. Eric Whitakerl to r: Martin Nesbitt, Valerie Jarrett, BHO, Dr. Eric Whitaker

Alas, the NYT article does NOT say that Dr. Blanchard had delivered Obama’s daughters. Instead, what the article says is “Mr. Nesbitt’s wife, Dr. Anita Blanchard, delivered nearly all the children [of Obama and his closest friends in Chicago], and the adults became their godparents.”

If anyone can find baby pictures and birth records of Malia Obama and/or Natasha Obama, please let me know!

H/t FOTM’s Dave McMullen

UPDATE (Nov. 29):

Reader scannersliveinvain found this pic of Barack and Michelle with an infant Malia (Source):

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Malia Obama

Reader Sao Ken found this pic of baby Sasha with her 3-years older sister Malia (source: globalgrind.com):

baby Sasha Obama


Dr. Eowyn is the Editor of Fellowship of the Minds.

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ENGLISH Michelle Obama ” or “Michael”?

¦..TheRebel.org in Australia

Eight years exactly today, Dec. 15, 2013, that TheRebel.org in Australia has been slamming the J-team



This great website has been around since 2007 fighting zionism, it now boasts an average of 8,000 hits a day, and has decided to create a “mirror site” ” which I control here in Pittsburgh in the USA ” in case its truth-telling owner in that once-free and brave country, now saddled with “hate-speech” laws, gets arrested.

The Rebel issued this statement:(http://therebel.org/general-discussion/31799-independent-mirror-site-operational/#31996) “Just in case I get arrested under the medieval heresy laws of Australia, Europe or elsewhere, ˜commit suicide’ or suddenly drop dead, or if Satan’s little helpers decide to cut off my purse strings in an effort to make it impossible for me to continue to run this site, I have asked John de Nugent to set up a mirror site for therebel.org. John has the resources, manpower and organisational skills to keep the Rebel Site going in case something happens to me and/or this site.

John happily agreed, registered the rebelofoz.com and the rebelofoz.com.au domain names and set up a hosting account under his name and at his expense. After a couple of days of fiddling around with the procedures, i now have a system in place where the therebel.org site gets regularly mirrored on John de Nugent’s rebelofoz.com.au site. It’s fully operational and ready to go.

So if the Chosenites or their minions think it’s a good idea to take me out of the equation, I suggest they think twice whether they really want John de Nugent to take over the reigns of the Rebel Site. Now that the continuation of my life work is ensured, I’m happy to get martyred any time.

And just in case you wonder what all the recent changes on the Rebel Site are about, here is what is going on.äWhat I’m trying to do is to transform the Rebel Site into a genuine community for the anti-Jewish resistance.äBeing a political dissident can be very isolating and depressing. Rather than being kind of reader’s digest ofäall the ills for the world, where people go to get depressed, I’m trying to create a virtual home where dissidentsägo to spend time with like minded people and experience a real sense of community. The newly revivivedäRebel Forum is an important part of that and so it the community building/social networking component withäall its extensions such as personal blogs, shopping carts, ticketing and fundraising.

If you like what I’m doing please support me by spreading the word and “ if you are in a position to do so “
contribute financially.

Rebel of Oz


On TheRebel.org I saw this editorial:ähttp://therebel.org/news/editorial/the-fake-tantrum-of-america-s-first-shemale/


The Fake Tantrum of Americaäs First Shemale


The level to which the Matrix is using the alternative media to spread its deceptive messages it truly amazing. The latest example Iäve come across is a series of photos published in an article on the äWhite Information Networkä titledäMichelle makes Obama change seats so he canät talk to Denmarkäs beautiful PM. It describes an incident at the Nelson Mandela memorial where Michelle Obama supposedly got jealous of the attractive Danish Prime Minister and made her husband swap seats to sit inbetween them.


Whatäs wrong with that article? Well, we should all know by now that President Obama is not into women. In case you missed that, Google ägay Obamaä or watch this interview with his former school mate, Mia Marie Pope, according to which Obama was well known to be homosexual and not at all interested in women.

We also know about Michelle Obamaäs masculine body features. Since Barrack Obama is not into women, Michelle is either a male or a shemale pretending to be a female to avoid getting in the way of Barrack becoming U.S. President. It is far less likely that Obama got married to a real female just to appear to be straight. Their body language says otherwise.

So if Barrack Obama is as gay as a pink poodle, and Americaäs first shemale obviously knows about that, why did (s)he get jealous of Denmarkäs attractive female Prime Minister? The answer is pretty obvious to me: it was all staged. They put on a show for the media to counter the fast spreading rumors about Barrack Obamaäs embarrassing sexual credentials.

Donät get me wrong. I donät hold against Obama that he is a homosexual. If anything I feel sorry for him. Nor do I hold against him that he is born outside the United States or that heäs a cocaine-addicted Communist Muslim who used to earn his drug money as a teenage male prostitute sleeping with older white men and as such does everything he can to destroy the country and race he hates most. That’s his choice of life-style. What I hold against him is that he is a mass-murderous psychopath and pathological liar. Time to send HIM to Guantanamo Bay.

Obama is a Good Man

Rebel of Oz is the editor/publisher of the Australia-based dissident website therebel.org.

My comment here and on a thread on TheRebel.org (http://therebel.org/united-states/31631-the-fake-tantrum-of-america-s-first-shemale)


Very interesting material if true.

As blogger John Kaminski pointed out to me:

“Rumor Mill News reported awhile back that Michelle Robinson was once Michael Robinson, a linebacker for Oregon State. Then she transferred to Princeton, had the operation, and the rest, as they say, is history. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=286658äI don’t know if I believe the link it refers to. The picture in there is definitely photoshopped ä it looks like Lionel Ritchie on the left.äBut I was thinking earlier today we shouldn’t be quibbling about Barack’s birth certificate, we should be looking for the birth certificates of his alleged daughters and the names of the parents on them.”

Obviously, if the Stephen Sindoni claims are valid and can be promoted widely, this one shocker would finally end within a week the unspeakable joke that is the Obama presidency ” something which even 1) the long known birth-certificate fraud, 2) the devastating Frank Marshall Davis info, and in recent months 3) the Mia Pope allegations of homosexuality and 4) the ObamaCare website debacle have not succeeded in doing.

(Btw, here was yet another person who knew too much about Obongo and died ” this time in a small-plane crash:ähttp://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/12/12/250461407/hawaiian-official-who-released-obamas-birth-certificate-dies)

I believe I was way ahead of the curve on Obama way back in the summer of 2008 when I was, I think, the first American blogger to run the nudie pix of Barry Soetoro’s whoring, jewish, communist mother and his communist, porn-novelist, biological father, Frank Marshall Davis.

Barry does not even look like his supposed Kenyan father, but instead like his true father, Davis, who, Barry admits in his bio, mentored him in socialism and white-hating.

This and other nudie shots of Obama’s mother were taken around 1961 in Hawaii by Davis.

Davis describes sexual three-somes with what is apparently Stanley Ann Dunham, the äpresident’sä mother, and his white socialite wife, in his infamous and unusually filthy novel äSex Rebel Black.ä

The father of Barry’s mother was the OSS/later CIA Jew Stanley Armour Dunham, who sat out WWII in a cushy slot as a supply sergeant behind the lines, like most Jews.

The whole lot of them are clearly human garbage.

What all these many things do is make Obongo incredibly blackmailable. In the US military, any high-ranking officer could be the target of blackmail or even forced to commit treasonous acts to avoid being accused credibly of adultery or homosexuality. Blackmail is the main concern of the military, not concerns about sexual morality. Any military is, to be perfectly blunt, an organization of professional killers ¦ like the Marine Corps to which I belonged 1977-80. There are few prudes in such cultures, and I have seen married Marines do things on leave that the wife would not approve or want to know about. A young, healthy, macho man separated from his wife for a year and “living” in a stressful combat zone where any day could be your last might indeed “stray.”But blackmail is the concern. Blackmail is how Washington DC runs. If you have dirt on someone and the ability to end their career and/or get them prosecuted and convicted, you can control them.

Now as for the Sindoni assertions:

Margi (my fiancäe) and I watched the video and I searched through Google images afterward for Michelle pictures. Margi remains skeptical, saying the “penis” may just be her pubic bone and pubic hair.äWhat I found is that in many images “Michelle” seems to NOT have the Adam’s apple which would suggest male gender.

However, the photos of äMichelleäs back did startle me. At the very least, this creature is very masculine, even if she does have female organs.

I have been married twice (with two daughters and two granddaughters as a result), I have been in two other long-term relationships as well, and in addition have been with two dozen other women back in the day, and I say this not to brag but to prove that I have seen plenty of women undressed ä and yes, the shot of Michelle’s back did indeed look like the back of a man. It seemed just too filled out, too broad and muscular, and especially too meaty between the shoulder blades, for the woman I have known.

And certainly the photos that Sindoni presents/found do look as if the hands were photoshoped onto äMichelleä’s wrists ¦..

Of course, any truly genuine photos of her while pregnant with the two supposed daughters would be useful.

I saw two funny posts online:

1) äI looked at “O” and the woo key and said to myself: ˜Those kids don’t look like either of them.’ I’m sure they are props.ä

2) äNone of this would surprise me. Throw it on the pile along with no birth cert. for him, no past, etc., etc. Hell, I’d say the entire family are holograms ä except there’s no way the grid could supply enough wattage to render that massive ass.ä
A friend wrote me:

äWe already know he’s a faggot ¦ and a queer would prefer not to live with a straight woman. A queer who is a politician and wants to stay in power for years on end would choose a ˜marriage’ arrangement that involved living with another man that appeared in public to be a woman.ä

Another wrote me:

äMany blacks are AC-DC, and Barry may have been homo before and is now mostly straight to avoid harming is äpresidencyä ¦

In any case, the man is a total fraud. A DNA test of him, her and of the kids would reveal everything, IF done by an honest lab.

I remember a reporter once stole a lock of Ronald Reagan’s hair off the barbershop floor to see if he colored it 😉 (answer: no) (Reagan was our oldest president, entering the White House at almost age 70.)

In summary; I am not sure what to make of Sindoni’s accusation. But one thing is certain: Barry brings this on himself because of all his proven lies about himself. A George Washington would never have been the subject of any such speculation. In fact, during the Revolution even hostile British newspapers showed respect for Washington as a leader and as a man who believed in his cause. Our first black president has ended up as even more disgraceful than Dubya and Clinton ” and that is saying a lot. 😉




  1. Michelle Obama does indeed have some masculine features in her body. However if you go to Google Images and search “Michelle Obama youth photos”, you’ll find pictures of her as a child with definitely a female face. Look at the black and white photo of her at the left of the fourth row from above. She is there 14 years old : definitely a girl. The black and white photo on the right of that one shows her as a girl of about 16 years old doing ballet. She has definitely a female body.

    For an investigative journalist it would have been easy to ask family, friends and former class mates whether Michelle Obama used to be a boy or not. Her body is muscular because she works out a lot.

  2. Have you had sex with her yourself? 😉

    If not, then you should not make such absolute long-distance judgments as ‘she is muscular because she works out.’

    Women do not normally produce enough testosterone for that kind of muscle. She is beyond fit and toned. (I also believe that Serena Williams is getting chemical help to achieve her level of musculature.)

    We know the NWO is extremely gender-bender. Michelle is very wide-shouldered, very flat-chested, and unlike all other prominent American political couples, they have never released any baby pictures. And we KNOW Barack was a flagrant homosexual both in high school and as a state senator in Illinois, with a lifetime membership in the Chicago homosexual club “Man’s Country.” He murdered four people, three black male gays and a white female mother of three, Ashley Tarlton, who could have talked about this.

    Do we have proof of something weird regarding the kids?

    No, but every word out of their mouths and everything about them is dubious.

    I freely admit I do not like the man, who has worked with agent David Duke to defame me. It was Obama who ordered the arrest of my assistant in 2009, his 87-day confinement in solitary and his expulsion from the United States, and it was his White House that called me and two friends on their unlisted cell phone numbers to harass and intimidate me and them in November 2015.

    Barack is a sick, twisted, pschopathic, murdering, white-hating monster. He also is not a US citizen, nor was he born on US soil. He is thus ineligible to even be in the White House, or even to live on US soil, never having applied for, or legally acquired, United States citizenship. I have laid this out with massive proof many times on this website.

    Finally, he directly called his wife “Michael.”


    Now, I have never called Margi “Mark.” 😉 And I am certain I never will. You could pour two gallons of whiskey or ten ounces of LSD or crack into me, and yet no slip of the tongue could ever make me — who has had an intimate relationship with her since 2005 — forget that she is a woman, she looks, acts, speaks, thinks and emotes like a woman (of the finest sort), she has always been female, and she always will be.


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