Did the egoic mind doom British naval hero Admiral Horatio Nelson?

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Two hundred years ago many Britons like Nelson still had fair hair. Many wars for Khazaria, which tend to kill off the bravest, and a collapsing birth rate among the educated, have reduced the nordic gene pool in the UK, just as elsewhere in the white world. 

How many American movie stars today have the fair coloring of Steve McQueen, 1960s mega-star, seen here in “The Thomas Crown Affair”?

Did vanity about his jewels doom Admiral Nelson? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5075787/Curse-Nelson-s-diamonds.html

Curse of Nelson’s diamonds: Our sea hero’s obsession with them led to his death – and everyone else owned them met a tragic end, as revealed in fascinating new book

  • Magnificent Chelengk was gifted to Nelson by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
  • The piece was given to him to mark his victory following the Battle of the Nile
  • Even during financial turbulence, the sea hero refused to part with the diamonds 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5075787/Curse-Nelson-s-diamonds.html#ixzz4yQgb0Fx7
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The “chelengk” of 300 diamonds on his hat, which the sultan of Turkey gave him, sure would make him stand out from the other sailors to the French sharpshooter up on the rigging who finally “got” him….



…..What Eckhart Tolle says

The main enemy of our joy, peace, cooperation, relationships and physical and emotional health, for the great German spiritual teacher, Eckkart Tolle, is the ego.

The ego does not mean that you are openly arrogant or selfish, though you might be, and do good things, whether you realize it or not, mostly to boost your self-image and standing with others.

I have summarized here some key remarks about the ego by Tolle from his second bestseller, The New Earth. 


The ego means this: your mind is running your life, and constantly putting thoughts in your head of regretting the past, grieving over some tragedy, or being angry about what someone did or failed to do. And/or you are fearing a lot of the time what could maybe happen in the future, and you end up really never being in the present, where you could focus on effectiveness, excellence, helping others in what you do, and the joy that achieving those can create.

The joy of being is living in the present, just like the animals, who are visibly happy and not plagued every second by thinking about the past or future.

Watch them eat, or play, have sex (in public, even! ;-)), defecate, run around, and how they love to hunt. They are in the moment — and they have joy.  Happiness, as Tolle says, depends on circumstances and good external stuff that might happen. But joy now, serenity, inner peace, that comes from within, from being present in the now.

Joy comes also from acceptance of what is, yes, even rejection, failure, injustice  and heartache (or perhaps working with focus on the now on your practical plan to change it if that is possible).

It means enjoying every beautiful moment. So, yes, stop and smell the roses, as they say, or really savor your cup of coffee.. glory in that gorgeous sunset, or gaze on a beautiful baby… Isn’t it amazing how rosy their skin smells? 🙂

It means enthusiasm about doing every task with excellence! Excellence comes from focus, and focus from being in the NOW.

A giant, straight, slanted cloud shot up from the land on the coast of Lake Superior and extended way out into the lake, the largest on earth. I loved it and took this pic.


p6 The ego is this — being imprisoned in your own personality.

p7 As you awaken from the ego, you will see more and more clearly what is unawakened behavior, and who the really unawakened people are (all bitter and sad), because you see now what constant, unnecessary trouble they cause themselves and others.

p8 Get to know what the ego is so you can recognize it in yourself and others, and just by recognizing it, you gradually reduce it in yourself, and it begins to fade down to zero.

p16 religion is obeying rules, and outer change, and that may be good and needed; but mysticism is realizing yourself and seeking the inner change.

p26 the essential, true self is eternal and keeps reincarnating to hopefully learn and grow, mostly by accepting pain and embracing challenges.

p29 I am not the [your name] to whom X, Y and Z happened in the past. I am not the past. I am not my mind. I am not my body.  I am not my regrets and anger. What people call “I” is just a lie. I am an eternal being watching the world and seeing what my temporary, mortal little body and my temporary, mortal brain are up to. 😉

p22 Evil is complete identification with your physical form in this incarnation, and no sense of how we all are God’s children, all in this physical dimension together, even our enemies and evil people.

Mankind, instead of using thoughts, are used by thoughts. Ideologies such as marxism or radical feminism and libtard-ism are perfect examples. They don’t work and harm everyone. These mental constructs can literally kill those who proclaim and defend them as well as those whom they see as enemies.

The burning of Joan of Arc in the 1400s as a witch — a flagrant lie used to justify killing her, with one British officer muttering, “My God, we have burned a saint!”  — has poisoned French-British relationships ever since. I have been to this spot in Rouen, Normandy where she was roasted alive.

Her dungeon

She refused to say she was a witch, heretic or demon-possessed, which would have merely gotten her sentenced to spend the rest of her life confined to a nunnery as a nun. The invading British wanted this national hero out of the way for good, set up a pseudo-trial, and got a wicked bishop to play along. It was a perfect example of the ego and total self-delusion. The burning of 19-year-old Joan, who said an angel had ordered her to fight for France,  infuriated the people, and they soon threw the British out of France, ending the One Hundred Years War in a very rare British defeat. 

p32 Thinking without consciousness is the root of all evil

p33 Compulsive thinking is unfortunately universal

Everyone is basically insane who rejects the fact that they are a soul that is reincarnating, and imagines they have just one sucky life, this lousy animal existence on a treadmill of anger, emptiness and fear.

p37 using people or even things is not honoring them

p40 Ego consists of thoughts that you do not watch and observe as an objective, outside onlooker


p41 letting stuff go after learning from it is part of true power

Every moment that is happening is what your evolution as a soul demands. You came here to go through stuff, not eat Twinkies! 😉

p46 To be enlightened is to be an awareness, an observer, who feels one with everything, even the bad parts

p52 If you focus on the palms of your hands, you can feel a radiating energy coming out of them. Your body is an energy field. So is every room you enter. You should be able to pick up on the energy of the people, the way dogs and cats can, not by thinking but by feeling it.

p60 Egos only differ on the surface. They consist of emotions, thoughts, and memories,k which all are fleeting, temporary things, so the ego in everyone is fragile and insecure. It is the soul that is permanent, eternal and strong.

You (your soul) is awareness, observation of what your temporary body and brain are up to.

“My brain is full of depressing memories today, rehashing old stuff that stopped happening 15 years ago.”

p73 the underlying dysfunction in all our life as typical, mostly unhappy people is our ego, which is not our true identity. [“Donald Trump,” Napoleon, Jesus, Joe Shmoe — those are just bodies and brains, here today and gone tomorrow.

p74 our common divinity — we all, just like Jesus, are a kind of gods, descending to earth, coming over from the Other Side to do and experience stuff, then return

p78 liberation from the false me is to become aware you are not the thoughts and feelings, impressions and recollections that are coursing unchecked through your brain

p105 to love is to  recognize yourself in the other person, not to help them as something separate, but see that you are them, and they are you,and we are all one big creation, stuck and connected together [yes, even the Jews, pedophiles, serial killers, etc.]

p132 Emotions are when the body’s organs physically react to the thoughts churned out by your mind

p154 the pain body is all the crap you shlep around with you about a past that no longer exists anywhere at all, and a future that does not exist anywhere either — instead of being right in the now

p177 the egoic mind is all clutter and turmoil

p187 If small things bother you, then you are small.

Your mind has you on autopilot. Switch it off. Observe what your brain is doing to you.

p193 The content of your life — the stuff that happens — is not your essence.

p202 When the ego rules you, every single thought is about the shitty past and horrible future. Rahter than enjoy and learn, you worry, grieve and feel angry.

p256 When you become still, quiet inside like the tomb, and stop incessant, compulsive thinking, then you return to who you were before you reincarnated.

Only when you stop thinking are you really you, and not this brain zombie.

You are a soul, choosing to experience things, using a form and looking at your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and fears as an outsider. “This is what [fill in your name] is going through right now.” But that is not you!  He or she may be going through hell at the moment, often self-caused, but you are not!

You are a point of consciousness, observing. 🙂

p265 Folly is saving happiness up for the future; when I get that car, when I drink that beer, when I finish cleaning out the garage, then I can be happy. Right now, it is just grim struggle. Happiness is after Event X.

p276 Thinking disintegrates the universe. Perceiving without thinking unites it. Be the valley of the universe, where all the energy comes together, and you are the stream, the river.



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