Italy suspends 726 MDs for refusing the clot-shot; Did the killer “Spanish flu” slay THE VACCINATED? and doctors who lose all when they speak out

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…..726 medical doctors say NO!

Who needs trained medical doctors anyway during a pandemic?,elem


THIS is what we jews need:



……Killer Spanish flu — was the Jew flu!

A comrade wrote me:

The misnamed “Spanish” Flu of 1918, which killed 50 million people worldwide, most of them young and healthy, originated in Fort Riley, Kansas as a result of a mass vaccination program of U.S. soldiers conducted there by the U.S. Army during World War I:

JdN: This article is excellent!

The 1918 “Spanish Flu”: Only The Vaccinated Died


“Seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. Letters were sent to their families that they had been killed in action.”

Eleanor McBean
Minnesota Wellness Directory

WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once.  The doctors called it a new disease and proceeded to suppress the symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines.

Margi’s grandfather Harris, whom she strongly resembles, never recovered from the horrors of WWI — and then came the killer jew flu


JdN: This article is also excellent, even though it is wrongly skeptical as to whether the pandemic was done deliberately. It was a practice, warm-up genocide.

Astonishing excerpt:

The vaccine industry experiments on infants every day. The vaccine schedule has never been tested as it is given.  The results of the experiment are in: 1 in 7 American children is in some form of special education and over 50% have some form of chronic illness. (12)

Big Pharma is the largest campaign donor to politicians and also the largest advertiser in all forms of media, so not much has changed over 100 years. This story will be ignored by mainstream media because their salaries are paid by pharmaceutical advertising.


Here’s the Rothschild-owned Reuters news agency’s attempt to debunk the above information:

Coincidentally, Fort Riley has been reported recently to be nearly deserted, which is strange. Maybe it has something to do with the newly-mandated COVID-19 kill-shots for the U.S. military?:


Thanks very much.

The Spanish flu was a Jew flu!!! Rockefeller? Crypto-jews!

Over a century ago, there was huge resistance by both the people with their common sense (because vaccines deliberately infect people with a disease to, they claim, “create antibodies”) and by many respected medical doctors to vaccines and to the entire germ theory (virus theory) of Pasteur and Koch that was and is underlying it all.

This was an 1892 cartoon.

More and more, I see the Big Jews as having committed literally centuries ago to getting the gullible goyim:


1) used to, and favorable to, vaccines, meaning welcoming a sharp and painful needle that injects some foreign substance into their body,

2) developing an almost worshipful, reverent, and basically infantile trust in the medical doctors and professors whom our jew-controlled universities and medical schools are cranking out


3) These MDs and PhDs are both literally bribed financially to push vaccines (now 72 of them by age five!)


…..and also bullied by the realistic threat of them losing their livelihood, their license or their teaching job, and then

4) being smeared as a literally dangerous anti-vaccine “nut” whose “misinformation” is risking lives.

As if the Jews cared about the life of a mere goy!

As one example there is Samantha Bailey, MD in New Zealand. She was mum on everything about her own life until recently. I myself was wondering how a beautiful, nordic-looking and charming woman like that seemed to be single and have no kids.

Samantha with her superb book Virus Mania, which I was able to read thanks to Amazon gift-card donations. She wrote it with another medical doctors, a PhD and two German investigative science journalists, who wrote, alone, the first, 2007 version. This version with Samantha is the update and goes fully into Covid.  This is her Odyssee channel:  (She does have a heavy Kiwi accent, where all “eh” sounds, as in “bed” or “red” sound like “ee” as in “bead” or “read.”)  

Samantha literally never talked about herself at all as being a married woman in a relationship or as a mother, yet such things, after all, do tend to enhance a doctor’s credibility and connection with the audience, especially if discussing heretical ideas that might seem weird to new listeners.

But it turns out from an interview she gave to a white South African podcaster that she 1) was fired from her medical clinic for questioning the Covid vaccine (and also germ theory, hence all vaccines), and

2) she does have children, two, with a third one in the way, so I presume she is married.

But for a year now she had suppressed this pretty basic information, presumably out of fear of even worse reprisals.

She could yet lose her medical license, as did Andrew Wakefield, MD, of England.

He had proved in an article in the very prestigious medical journal The Lancet that Robert Kennedy, Jr. had been right all along on how vaccines containing mercury have caused an autism explosion!


Not only did the Lancet then cravenly bow to Big Pharma, which advertises heavily in that periodical, and denounce and remove his article, but then Dr. Wakefield also lost his license to practice medicine!

Having looked thoroughly into becoming a doctor myself while at Georgetown, here are the carrot and the stick:

On the one hand,

1) You can make $200,000 or more a year, live in a huge house and drive a Mercedes or Lexus, and be revered by the public (and also be seduced, even if married, by sexy nurses who want a rich doctor hubby…. The divorce rate amongst doctors was 70% even 40 years ago when I did pre-med courses at Georgetown)


…and on the other

2) you can lose your career and lifestyle — and remember

3) you lose it all after going through the ordeal of a truly grueling eight to eleven years of study: pre-med, medical school and then internship and residency. This can involve 100-hour work weeks!!!

So those who speak out go from financial heaven to hell in every sense.

The problem is that never do enough people rebel, always just a handful, and so the Jew stays in power — and he continues murdering the goyim with the greatest of pleasure..

What we see now, comrades is a true Holocaust…. The Big Jew is now fulfilling his savage dream of genociding 90% of the gentiles and then ruling like a pasha over 500 million miserable goy slaves.





  1. Here’s another article about the ever-growing list of conservative anti-vaxxers who have supposedly died of COVID. Since the COVID “epidemic” has been a giant hoax from the beginning, what are the odds of this happening?:

    Now the Jewess Laura Loomer is the latest anti-vaxxer supposedly infected with COVID-19. It seems that COVID-19 is now infecting only anti-vaxxers, which is beyond suspicious. Are these people being deliberately poisoned with it?:

  2. Here’s yet another dubious article about an anti-vaxxer couple who supposedly died of COVID:

    The article mentions a website which lists anti-vaxxers who supposedly died of COVID after making anti-vaxx public statements on social media, and it gloats over each of their alleged deaths:

    As I’ve commented before, either this is a propaganda campaign using fake people or people who have been bribed, or these people have all been targeted by the Jews because of their outspoken anti-vaxx postings on social media, and deliberately poisoned with COVID. Exactly how they would poison them, I don’t know, but since the Jews specialize in assassinations, it probably wouldn’t be that hard for them.

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