“Died suddenly” in Russia too — Putin’s view of the Covid vaxx in his country, like that of the deluded Trump, is the myth “there ARE some good jews, too”

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Dead at 35, vaxxed Russian powerlifter Victor Plahuta

There ARE wonderful ex-jews, who publicly renounced their adherence to the criminal jewish gang into which they had been born  and which raised them… the gang which has surreptitiously taken over the entire West, making it anti-Russian, which once genocided millions of Russian people during the bolshevik period and which is behind the lethal Covid vaccine program, which is really about gene modification to cause global depopulation.

But the Russian jew Ginzbzurg who is behind the Russian vaccine program, using the British AstraZeneca biotechnology, and who criminally deceived President Vladimir Putin, thereby killing slavic, white Russians by the tens of thousands, is certainly not one of the good ex-Jews.

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JUNE 12, 2021: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Alexander Gintsburg (L-R front), Head of Gamaleya Research Insitutue of Epidemiology and Microbiology, a winner of the 2020 State Prize in science and technology, shake hands during a ceremony held at the Moscow Kremlin on Russia Day to present state decorations and prizes. Mikhail Klimentyev/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS (Photo by Mikhail KlimentyevTASS via Getty Images)


Some ex-jews become Christians, a huge step forward for any jew.

Why? Whether you, the reader, are a Christian, agnostic, Vedantist, pagan, etc., it is important to understand that for a person raised as a jew to accept Christianity, even in its highly distorted form because of the self-appointed “Apostle” Paul/Saul of Tarsus, means the jews view the ex-jew as a disgusting, dangerous traitor and as an enemy of the jewish people.

With then-Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, this is one of my staunchest and most longtime supporters, now an Eastern Orthodox Christian


The Talmud, the main jewish scripture, does not depict Jesus asa great teacher who was merely mistaken about being the Messiah. No, it condemns Jesus vociferously as a wicked black magician, traitor and blasphemer, being punished down in hell in boiling diarrhea!


Also, the actual teachings of Jesus, such as those in the Sermon on the Mount, glorifying love, humility, peace,  sharing and forgiveness directly contradict the jewish value system, which preaches hate, murder, genocide, arrogance, avarice and vengeance.


One such true EX-jew is the Israeli Mordechai Vanunu, who served almost TWELVE YEARS IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT, whic is literally torture, for exposing IsraHell’s wicked atomic-bomb program at Dimona, where he had worked. An open convert to Christianity, he has been confined for 19 additional years to the territory of Israel, which he wants only to leave.

Note his cross necklace


Vanunu spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 in solitary confinement, though no such restriction is mentioned in Israel’s penal code, nor imposed by his verdict.

Released from prison in 2004, he was further subjected to a broad array of restrictions on his speech and his movement, and arrested several times for violations of his parole terms, giving interviews to foreign journalists and attempting to leave Israel. He claims having suffered “cruel and barbaric treatment” at the hands of prison authorities, and suggests that these would have been different if he had not converted to Christianity.[6]

In 2007, Vanunu was sentenced to six months in prison for violating terms of his parole. The sentence was considered unusually severe even by the prosecution, who expected a suspended sentence. However, in May 2010, Vanunu was arrested again and sentenced to three months in jail on a charge that he had met foreigners, in violation of conditions of his 2004 release from jail. In response, Amnesty International issued a press release in July 2007, stating that “The organisation considers Mordechai Vanunu to be a prisoner of conscience and calls for his immediate and unconditional release.”[7]

Vanunu has been characterized internationally as a whistleblower[8][9] and by Israel as a traitor.[10][11][12][13] Daniel Ellsberg has referred to him as “the preeminent hero of the nuclear era”.[14] In 1987, he was awarded the Right Livelihood Award for “his courage and self-sacrifice in revealing the extent of Israel’s nuclear weapons program”.


I had some extremely brief, positive contact with Vanunu in 2019, telling him how often I had blogged on his moral greatness:


Let us face the facts.

There is no such thing as a good jew, only a good ex-jew, just as there is no such thing as a good pedophile or drug dealer. So what if the pedophile or dope dealer pets his own dog, ready bedtime stories to his own kids, or cuts his own lawn neatly? He is still a MONSTER.

Vladimir Putin has unquestionably been a great Russian leader, and is even called by many millions of Russians “the savior of Russia.”

But on the jews, just as with Donald Trump, he remains deluded, and thus is a victim of his own overly kind, overly “yin” personality.

Putin is not just viewed by the Russian masses as the man who saved Russia but also as a guy who is “too nice, too trusting, too peaceful and too naive.”

The latest glaring example of this was his go-slow, minimal-violence, save-the-children invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.


Unlike now, when Putin has taken the kid gloves off,  there was no bombing of Ukrainian infrastructure…. Everything stayed on or up: water, electricity, tv, internet, roads, bridges and railways, etc. Putie just could not believe that the Ukrainians would not welcome the Russians as the liberators they intended to be for their slavic, Orthodox-Christian brothers.

But no, the CIA jews in Washington, New York and in Brussels (NATO headquarters) have transformed Ukraine since 2014 from a brother country of Russia into one big hate, murder, torture and war machine against the Russian people.



No fake-atrocity lie is too dastardly for the Jewkrainian government. Israeli — JEWISH — soldiers hold a Palestinian teenage girl, which Jewkraine turned into “evil Russians.”


The genius inventor Nikola Tesla said it succinctly to his secretary:

“Never trust a jew!”





  1. Ritual murder is a reality.

    Here, the Jews torture a male child for fifteen minutes by stabbing him with an awl that has been modified so that it has a cutting edge.

    Then they sever an artery with the cutting edge of this special awl and bleed the boy, while collecting his blood.

    Then, just as the boy is about to die from blood loss, they stab him in the heart with this special awl and kill him.

    As for the collected blood, it is made into a paste that is added to the dough of their Passover bread, then baked.

    Yes, this bread that contains the blood of a murdered boy is eaten by Jews!

    • Yes…. thank you for reminding us of the full, unspeakable horror of this crime.

      I remember the fear the jews had when in 2006 Blood Passover came out, by an Israeli professor who was the son of the Grand Rabbi of Italy.

      Of course, nothing did happen. Whites are too obese, cowardly, low-T and chemtrailed now… even more passive than in previous generations.

  2. Sorry, John… but I have to strongly agree with Tesla. “Never trust a jew.” I don’t care if they’re “ex” or not. It is in their DNA to lie and deceive. NEVER trust them.

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