Dissident Catch-22 (by the Rebel of Oz)

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The Dissident Catch 22

What happens if a ten-year-old know-it-all tells his teachers or parents that what they are saying is not true. If he is lucky, they only ignore him. If he’s not, they retaliate. After a while, even his peers will get annoyed with him and sooner or later bully him, because he seems to think that he is smarter than them.If a respected person says the same thing, it is a different story. Then, people will listen to his arguments and possibly agree. However, if someone considered having little knowledge and experience, then he is only making a fool out of himself.For dissidents, that means that to be listened to and taken seriously, they need to be perceived as experts or scholars in the field they are talking about. That’s why groupings like “architects for 911 truth” or “pilots for 911 truth” are so highly effective. And that’s why the kosher nostra is so hard on their case.If you are an academically qualified World War II historian, people will certainly pay attention to your views. However, if you don’t toe the line and don’t parrot the usual kosher lies, you commit career and social suicide. And it is not like the ruling mobsters are stupid. They will not allow anyone to a position of power and influence, without making sure that they are holding him firmly by his balls.That’s where membership in Freemason lodges and Jewish wives come into play. You can’t reach the top without at least one of the two.

Freemasonic lodge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania





Back left of the US one-dollar bill. Asmon (see the clockwise letters a-s-m-o-n) is a freemasonic, demonic entity. Annuit coeptis in Latin = our plan has born fruit. Novus ordo seclorum = New World order.



In fact, in most Western countries, you can’t even become a newspaper editor, a government minister, university dean, bishop, judge, police chief or general, without joining a lodge. It has been like this for the past 100-120 years.

Making yourself vulnerable is an essential part of the process. While in the olden days, they simply killed someone who no longer took their orders; in some cases, they even wiped out their entire country. Take the example of our beloved Prophet Adolf (PBUH.)


However, in many cases, irreparable damage was already done. That’s why the “elite” wants more power over their “house slaves.” The punishment for disobedience must be worse than death. The kosher nostra wants to have so much dirt on its puppets, that even their parents, siblings and children will no longer talk to them when they find out.

One or two generations ago, the threat of being exposed as a homosexual was still enough to make powerful people toe the line. These days such threat are no longer enough. Our future “leaders” must engage in hideous acts of paedophilia and satanic rituals, for the “elite” to be sure that they won’t go “rogue.”

JdN: This hit video (45,000 views on all platforms) shows Bill Clinton and other VIPs in the US and UK as outright pedophiles.



The catch 22 of dissidents is how to gain the credibility needed to be effective without making themselves vulnerable and compromising themselves. The only way to do so is by gaining credibility and a reputation as an independent expert, preferably outside of the system, and flying under the radar for as long as needed to get established. Unfortunately, there is little, if any money in doing so.

……Please donate

The Rebel of Oz is my fearless and brilliant, blue-eyed German webmaster.

He has also arranged my webhosting on a server in Iceland that believes adamantly in free speech.

He also created www.Sonnenrad.tv (Sonnenrad = “sun wheel” in German), the ONLY WN-controlled video platform on earth now that Mike Delaney’s Trutube.tv has been gone now for over a year!




The Rebel has also resurrected, in tireless weeks of efforts, my jew-hacked Stripe donations, which go as fast and efficiently as PayPal, yet are not jew-blocked.



I owe him $200.

Can you help me pay my bill

to this hero and father of two?


Thank you.

Use Stripe, or Paypal (click the link that follows) or send cash in aluminum foil, money order or check.




What happens if the Jews kill Trump tomorrow? Where are we then if the true WNs, not controlled opposition like Duke and Black, Taylor and Weber, have gone out of business?


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