DM bashes the French, not their jew overlords, for inaction as 25,000 orcs cross Channel

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“Wheah dem white wimmin?” DM readers are to react to the article below with: “I blame those damn Frogs [= Frenchmen] for our migrant crisis.”

I can hear it again now: Perfidious Albion versus the snooty Frogs… ;-)

Sure, get the British whitey to hate his French brother while the jew gloats at the manipulability of the masses in both white nations.

FACT: The French people hate these wogs just as much as any Brit, or more!

The Front National under tough old Jean-Marie Le Pen was for decades by far the biggest anti-immigrant party in Europe, with thousands of elected officials, and it was anti-USrael, too!

I met and interpreted for the man in 1985.

“When we arrive, they will DEPART!”

was by far the biggest antimigrant party in Europe


What divisive hypocrisy of “British authorities” to engage in this age-old diversion of French-bashing when it is really the jews behind gimmegrants in every country!

French jew president Hollande, like his jew predecessor Sarkozy, hated white people.

In 2016 he had a four-star general, Christian Piquemal, the former Commandant of the elite Foreign Legion,

…thrown to the ground, a knee put on his neck (like George Floyd, but Piquemal is just a cracka) and brutally arrested for holding “a prohibited protest” against rapefugee gimmegrants:




Piquemal had to apologize or face the loss of his army pension at 75 after a lifetime of service “under the flags”!

If they do such brutalities to a highly respected general officer, what does the jew regime in Paris do to ordinary Frenchmen?

It shoots their eyes out with rubber-coated steel bullets! It aims at their faces!


And yet the answer to these parasitical boat people is cheap and simple.

Two boxes of machine-gun bullets.

Track these boats by aerial surveillance, then simply set up ONE machine gun with two British soldiers and two boxes of ammo on the beach to await them.

Then sink the fucking invaders in their wogboats until the English Channel turns red!

Then the brownies and blackies will stop coming instantly, and learn to respect and fear the white man again.

I carried this M-60 in 1980, and was Guardsman of the Year in my Virginia National Guard infantry company in Manassas, Virginia. This weapon was an adaptation of the German MG-42, which actually had a much faster rate of fire and was called by GIs “Hitler’s buzzsaw.” 😉


Heard of “bug spray”? Call this ” wog spray”

Westminster Bridge gimmegrant car attack:




But action from Whites will require an Aryan warrior religion.

Talk and posting are pointless …..and coming to an end anyway. by

In a war or economic collapse they trigger, they intend to round us all up.

Every stadium is dual-use : sports and transit camp.



  1. It’s Jewish charities that fund and support the black/ brown gimmigrants, then tax them for life until they die, getting them into debt until they die… but useful-idiot voters for tghe left.

    “Vote for us for more benefits” for you blacks & browns.

    It’s all jew revenge for not getting their Israel sooner. The poor jews were stopped by the European powers from having a homeland, so now they destroy white Christian countries with gimmegrants. Do you EVER hear jews speaking out against it?

    It is all deliberately engineered to trigger racial conflicts for (((their))) benefit, just like the never-ending Gulf wars.



    Muslim gimmegrant terrorists?

    We know the instigators.

    • In France there is an ugly jew who is protesting muslim immigration, Éric Zemmour….

      …right out of a Der Stürmer cartoon, LOL

      BUT he never blames his fellow jews, and he wants the swarthy muslims to assimilate into the white French gene pool, instead of being expelled.

      I agree with Benjamin Franklin: Why bring these brownies in to ruin our European race?

  2. 25,000 gimmegrants? We had 100,000+ gimmegrants crossing illegally at Dover in 2 years, during lock down. It costs £130 each gimmegrant per day ,to keep. That’s over £64 Million pound per week for these black/brown invaders. Not to mention the East Europeans, Spanish , Portuguese, North Africans, Balkans, who hasn’t invited themselves here? Name Frances 6th largest City= London! Because of the number of French people living in London. I think it was the French? who held votes at their embassy in london for elections back in France.By people who dont live in France The Jewish English defense league were anti muslim, pro gay , pro jewish .pro black. I watched 2 jews calling each other a Nazi at an EDL March. Lol .

    • I fully understand, and the Irish, Boers and Germans have many shocking things to say.

      The average Brit, however, has no say whatsoever in what his Norman-jewish-Masonic ruling class has done since 1066.

        • Willingly? A soldier does as he is told or, in time of war, if he refuses a direct order, he is shot by firing squad if not summarily executed with a pistol by his own officer.

          In WWI, when British troops were ordered to attack, a corporal or sergeant with a pistol was there to force men out of the trenches at gunpoint. They never show these fellows in war films, btw, and the poor devils were hated. They too were following orders. And who wants to be shot as a coward and a shirker?

          Not one of these lads wanted to run straight at a machine gun. (I know; I was there, on the other side. My unit lost two-thirds of its men in 1914 in one month.)

          The entire Second Anglo-Boer War and the starvation camps were absolutely scandalous and a huge black mark on the UK. And guess which young Tory got up in the British Parliament and asserted shamelessly that the invasion of Boer Republics, the burning of Boer farms, and the starvation of Boer women and children, were all just normal war tactics?

          Winston Churchill!

          But this is part of general white spiritual darkness.

          How on earth could the Boers ever knowingly turn power over to blacks in 1994? And to COMMUNIST Blacks?

          F.W. de Klerk, General Meiring, the National Party — so many Boers were massively bribed or intimidated into voting for national suicide.

          All Boers.

          The apartheid party abolished apartheid! Boer traitors by the dozens!

          I must say that my grandfather was English, from Goole in Yorkshire, and he was the finest man I ever met with the exceptions of two Frenchmen I have met and known, the Holocaust revisionists Robert Faurisson and Vincent Reynouard, who may now be dead.

          F.W. de Klerk and General Meiring were the very worst.

          And look, also, at all the Germans who, since 2015 have said nothing and clapped to support the Merkel policy of encouraging a muslim mass invasion of their country, which means, in concrete terms, the rapes, beatings, stabbings and murders of German women and girls!

          All Whites are in darkness. And every white nation has done shameful things.

          Look at this native white Russian, a Bolshevik, Valery Blokhin, shooting his fellow white Russians. This white man ran the entire Katyn forest massacre of 23,000 Polish army officers. (Fired after his protector and master, Joseph Stalin, died, he drank himself to death in the 1950s.)

          Btw, this beautful and brilliant Englishwoman, Millicent Fawcett, led a huge campaign to investigate, expose and condemn the death camps of Lord Kitchener:

          On Boer General Jan Smuts, lackey of Jewry:


          General Smuts was formerly chief
          legal adviser to the Zionist Organisation in S. Africa.

          *** General  Jan Smuts

          Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference, London, UK in 1944 (L-R): W.L. Mackenzie King (Canada); General Jan Smuts (South Africa; standing and in his British Empire field marshal uniform); Winston Churchill (United Kingdom); Peter Fraser (New Zealand); and John Curtin (Australia)

          Jan Smuts was an Afrikaner lawyer and Boer military leader in the Second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) down in South Africa, the struggle for supremacy between the quasi-Dutch-speaking Boers and the British Empire. it was won by the British Empire amidst many atrocities that happened during that terrible war to the shock of the  whole world, especially over the tactics used by the British generals,  especially Lord Kitchener. These included starving Boer women and children in basically starvation camps.


          As Boer farms were destroyed by the British under their “Scorched Earth” policy ”including the systematic destruction of crops and slaughtering of livestock, the burning down of homesteads and farms, and the poisoning of wells and salting of fields ”to prevent the Boers from resupplying from a home base many tens of thousands of women and children were forcibly moved into the concentration camps. This was not the first appearance of internment camps. The Spanish had used internment in Cuba in the Ten Years’ War. But the Boer War concentration camp system was the first time that a whole nation had been systematically targeted, and the first in which some whole regions had been depopulated.

          Eventually, there were a total of 45 tented camps built for Boer internees and 64 for black Africans. Of the 28,000 Boer men captured as prisoners of war, 25,630 were sent overseas. The vast majority of Boers remaining in the local camps were women and children.

          Over 26,000 women and children were to perish in these concentration camps.[60]

          Lizzie Van Zyl

          The war cost $200 billion in today’s money and resulted in the British Conservative Party’s landslide defeat in 1906. There was public outrage at the use of scorched earth tactics “ the forced clearance of women and children, the destruction of the countryside, the burning of Boer homesteads and poisoning of wells, for example “ and the horrific conditions and mass deaths in the concentration camps.

          The word ”concentration camp” actually came out of this conflict. It was an institution created by Lord Kitchener to just put women  and children in camps and let them starve to death as a terroristic way to punish them for having husbands, brothers and sons in the Boer army — as if the Boers were some kinds of criminals, traitors and rebels for resisting the British invasion. 

          These death camps shocked the whole world, including the British public after a special commission headed by a British woman,  Millicent Garrett Fawcett [photo], a crusader for British women and children, revealed the true horrors.

          (The merciless Lord Kitchener was killed, btw, in 1916 when his warship was sunk by a German U-boat.)

          For joining the British Empire after defeat, a power which had declared war on, and massacred his Boer people in sheer greed for the gold and diamonds that had been discovered by the Oppenheimer/Rothschild Jews under their land, Jan Smuts was seen as an absolute traitor by the Boers. It is thus no surprise that this lawyer became the attorney for the Zionist Jews of South Africa.

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