Can demons reincarnate as human beings? Are jews like any other people?

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“Ritual Murder of Little Simon of Trent” (in Italy on March 21, 1475″ — a new painting in 2020 by Giovanni Gasparo exposes a shocking jewish crime

….Expulsion of the Jews from France by King Philippe Auguste on April 17, 1182

On April 17, 1182, in the middle of the Sabbath, the young king of France Philip II Augustus (18 years old) issued an edict by which he seized all Jewish property in the royal domain (this was not his entire kingdom but mainly the region between Paris and Orléans). Only those who agree to convert are spared. The others are doomed to exile. The previous year, he had already arrested the Jews of Paris and then released them in exchange for 15,000 gold marks. Finally, he allows them to return in 1198 in exchange for a new sum of money!

In doing so, the Capetian king was the first Christian sovereign to inaugurate a practice which would become common at the end of the Middle Ages, in connection with the emergence of anti-Judaism: seizing the property of Jews, expelling them then, eventually, authorizing them to return for money.

Philip II Augustus, the “King of the Franks,” ruled AD 1180-1223 and was a strong monarch, blond and handsome, but he too waffled on the JQ.

In 1254, Saint Louis, grandson of Philippe Auguste, in turn banished the Jews from France but they returned a few years later in exchange for a payment of money to the royal treasury. The Jews were re-expelled from France by Philippe IV le Bel on July 22, 1306, recalled by his son Louis X le Hutin, then expelled yet again in 1394 by Charles VI, this time definitively, until the “French” Revolution.

Again and again, goy rulers betray their own people and cut a financial deal with the jews, who return to instantly resume their vast spectrum  of criminal activities against the nation. This man was the one absolutely uncompromising exception:

We all know that the usually gentle Jesus, at the end, finally erupted like a volcano against the jews and shouted:

Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux was a great French aristocrat and author whose books on jewry had a huge influence on the early national-socialist Alfred Rosenberg and, via him, on the young orator Adolf Hitler. His views on jews and demonic entities were very outspoken.

This 1869 book by a major publisher was entitled “The Jew, Judaism and the Judaization of the Christian Peoples.”

Rosenberg, a polyglot who was fluent in French, Russian, as well as in his native German, translated the whole book.

Continuing, I had a weird, gut-wrenching personal experience recently, and I will introduce it like this.

Every years 200 million male chicks are ground up in “macerators.” As I said, I am going somewhere with this. 😉

Male chicks grow up into cocks, that is, roosters, and not only (obviously) do not lay eggs for Farmer Brown,  or Big Agribiz, but also they become a huge nuisance, fighting each other over the females — often to the death.

So 99.9% of them are simply, automatically, exterminated in “macerators.” Down a conveyor belt they go into a machine with a grill. Sharp blades swing out between the slats and slice them to tiny bits, which fall through  the slats of the grill and below into a vat to be ground up into mush.

At least the male chicks are oblivious — having small chicken brains anyway and being just young chicks to boot — until the very last one second of their brief life as to what is about to happen, and then they die in under one second….. Nasty, but, well, it could be worse…..

Male chick maceration at SBA Hatchery, VIC: HD 1080p50 from Aussie Farms on Vimeo.

This is the end result: Next stop Chicken McNuggets 😉 (Joking, I think 😉 )


But suppose now it were something else being thrown down that chute?

Suppose it were white babies — six to twelve pounds, or larger — or two-year-olds, tied up, being put on the conveyor belt as other white children were forced to watch?

It would take a good ten to thirty seconds to tear them to shreds as the other children watched in unspeakable horror.

I have written often of my searing childhood in the Manchurian Candidate program, which is even more fiendish than regular MK-ULTRA.

My personal triumph of the will over the secret, federal MK-ULTRA and Manchurian Candidate programs for the kids of the “elite”

As I have also written, I have been spared memories of most details of what goes on there, which is of course by their design as well. Manchurians are — definitely and by definition — not supposed to know at all they are mind-controlled. 

I ran away at age ten, breaking off the programming.

As I wrote, however, very recently, in

UPDATE Does Kyle Hunt control Bitchute? Screeching by flat-earther, vegan, doxxing wife during a show; chat by Brian Ruhe & me, character-assassination survivors


I have also written how, thank God, I have no specific memories of being in the very, worst, most horrible branch of that torture program, the “Manchurian Candidate” program.

This 2004 movie was excellent.

And it is all a totally real CIA program. (The three “Jason Bourne” movies were based on it, but on the lesser horrors of “mere” MK-ULTRA employed to create a super-soldier, not at all a faggoty, limp-wristed, crushed male prostitute for the “elites” to rape. There are many level of horrors that can be used to create varying human outcomes.)


This vile program is designed to take kids of the social, business, military and educational elite and mind-control them to be puppet leaders: presidents, senators, generals, admirals, police chiefs, newsmedia anchors, movie stars, etc.

The whole point is for the victim to repress everything via experiencing horrors so unspeakable that your brain makes you forget everything, and thus you have no idea whatsoever that you are mind-controlled, nor what sick, outrageous tortures were used to get you that way.

It is essential –think about it —  for the Jews that a puppet president NOT REALIZE …THAT he was tortured, or by WHOM, and to what end.

Because if said president ever he woke up, he could unleash with hate and vengeance in his heart the full fury of the federal government on the Jews.

Anyway,  it seems that Someone On High decided I needed a final jolt of righteous anger…. so that I now actually walk to the end of the high-diving board and dive in.


….as Hitler reincarnate (“the most evil tyrant who ever lived”), denouncing the Jews, saying they actually serve a reptilian race out to genocide us humans, and that reincarnation and aliens are real.

I am guaranteed to reap a firestorm of ridicule, threats, retaliation and violence when I do, one that will escalate as, to the surprise of most,  it take off with quite a few people who are doers.

But I have to do my duty.

Because Jesus was right:

Only the truth, and the intensive, true love of it, as expressed by just one thing, the courage to fight and die for it, can set us free.

….. and especially now I must act, and thus stop the closing-in-for-the-kill NWO Corona hoax.

Well, what triggered a righteous rage in me was this.
I was reading how chicken farmers get rid of male chicks, simply because only females, the hens, lay eggs.

Anyway, it is called “chick culling” — — (and it is disgusting).

This video shows a macerator, which grinds the live chicks up alive. At a massive hatchery operated by Sanderson Farms, which supplies chicken meat to Walmart, Sysco, Arby’s, and other companies, a PETA eyewitness documented newborn chicks left to languish in barren plastic crates, then being ground up alive.


I saw this video and then suddenly I had THAT FEELING.

My legs became rubbery and I had to go sit down fast on the couch as my head spun. It was a feeling of being about to lose consciousness, of being about to faint.
I have no conscious memories of what was done to me in the “Manchurian Candidate” program, but as I sat there on the couch (and Margi’s sweet cat kindly hopped up on my lap and acted very comforting), and I was feeling nauseous, I realized — with an inner certainty that comes from flashbacks, but no other proof — that one of the things I am suppressing is this:
….I was hearing and seeing

shrieking white children,

kids whom I knew and felt for,

being fed into a macerator and ground up alive

as we watched.

This man on the left, Kissinger, founded the program for Rockefeller, on the right:

That is my father on the right. The little girl killed herself as an adult with heroin. In the middle was the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, her father.


I have no proof that this is one of the techniques to blow the circuits in childrens’ brains, but I know that other stimuli which even Wikipedia admits were employed have triggered in me this exact same feeling of being about to lose consciousness.

Seeing anyone be dragged by their feet across a concrete floor is another thing. I see that – even video of a motorcyclist wiping out and sliding on the road —  and the room starts whirling around.

The jew goal is a horror so intense the child instantly dissociates. What is that? Your mind, to prevent suicide, instantly creates a new mental compartment, and SHOVES all the horror into it, then locks it away,  “represses” it (to use the technical word) or buries it, seemingly to be “forgotten.”

Yet it is this mental chamber of horrors which makes the Manchurian Candidate instantly obey any order which is given that uses the correct visual cues and specific wording. The adult “has” to obey instantly to avoid all his childhood mental agony suddenly resurfacing.

Now I saw today an excellent essay on what Jews do to white children.

As you read it, you may ponder with more interest the seemingly way-out theory of Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux about the jewish people being the biological result of demonic beings mating with earthly, semitic women.

And suppose, before you start reading about that, you look at this first — how  those semites that demonic entities mated with were already criminals called Habiru, later Hebrews?

….The Hebrews, as a Jewish author proudly admits, were the “Habiru,” a roaming horde of criminals that terrorized the Middle East

Here is the link:

I am running the whole piece here — it is that good.

Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th Century

A celebrated Italian artist, renowned for his baroque-style paintings filled with Christian imagery, was met with controversy after unveiling his latest painting of the martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento, which is a depiction of Jews ritualistically murdering a Christian child, the Algemeiner reported:

Painter Giovanni Gasparo uploaded a picture of his canvas to his Facebook page on Tuesday. Titled Martirio di San Simonino da Trento (Simone Unverdorben), per omicidio rituale ebraico (The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in accordance with Jewish ritual murder), the painting is very detailed, showing a group of hook-nosed Jews with peyot and yellow, uneven teeth strangling the child and draining his blood. Some of the Jews are also shown wearing kippot and shtreimels, with one in the center wearing a tallit over his head and shoulders. In addition, the child is shown with its arms outstretched, reminiscent of Jesus Christ on the cross as the Jews look on with apparent sadistic joy.

The event depicted in the painting has some historical basis. A two-year-old child in the city of Trento named Simon went missing in March 1475. Historical accounts are divided on where exactly the body was found, but a prevailing rumor at the time was that it was found in the cellar of a Jewish man named Samuel.

Regardless of the circumstance, the people of Trento lashed out brutally at the Jewish community over the Easter holiday, accusing them of the blood libel, the usage of Christian children’s blood in Jewish religious rituals. The Jewish community was made to confess after being subjected to torture, and 15 Jewish men were burnt at the stake. This sparked a wave of antisemitic violence fueled by the blood libel in cities in the region, including the expulsion of Jews.

[The] Vatican recognized [Simon’s] cultus and martyrdom in 1588 under Sixtus V, and he was considered the patron of victims of kidnapping and torture. However, he was never truly canonized by the church. This was made clear in an official letter by Pope Benedict XIV in 1755.

…In 1965, as part of Nostra Aetate [Vatican II] – the efforts to remove many of the antisemitic aspects of Catholicism, such as blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus – Pope John VI even removed Simon’s martyr status.

The Catholic Church has even gone so far as to support museum exhibits to draw attention to the violent history in the legacy of St. Simon. In December 2019, the Museo Diocesano Tridentino [Diocesan Museum of Trent] in Trento launched an exhibition titled “The Invention of the Culprit” in cooperation with the local Catholic and civil authorities to draw attention to and debunk what the museum called a piece of “egregious fake news from the past” and “one of the darkest pages” in the history of antisemitism.

…At only 36 years old, Gasparro’s artwork has been displayed in multiple countries for 20 years, and has been given numerous honors and awards.

[In a letter to the Vatican, the Simon Wiesenthal Center complained], “…The Second Vatican Council acted to forbid the veneration of Simon of Trent, in order to combat antisemitism in the Church. Nostra Aetate also began a long sought healing relationship between Christianity and Judaism,” the letter stated.

“The work of Gasparro is apparently welcomed in Italian churches, but this painting clearly foments scapegoating in a climate of recurrent fake news, thereby undermining Vatican policy, and should receive a forthright public condemnation… We would appreciate Your Eminence’s assistance, as the blood libel is still bleeding!” Samuels’ letter concluded.

As was the case with Saint Hugh, an English child who was ritually murdered by Jews in the 13th century, Jewish denialists and apologists claim that the confessions came under duress and torture, but this is a gross over-simplification of the facts.

In reality, Jews have been caught multiple times in virtually every country in Europe abducting Christian children to murder as part of their occult Passover blood rituals, and many Jews who were caught confessed freely without any torture whatsoever.

***  An Italian who is either a jew or in their pay wrote: “[ritual murder”] incidents, have traditionally been estimated at between 150 and 200 from the Middle Ages to the present, but probably were more numerous, since Daniel Tollet in 2000 reviewed 112 cases for Poland and Lithuania alone between 1407 and 1789.” (


For example, the former Chief Rabbi Neofito of Moldova published a sensational book in the Moldavian language in 1843 about the secret jewish blood mysteries.  In 1883 it was translated into Italian under the title ‘Il sangue cristiano nei riti ebraici della moderna Sinagoga,’ [‘Christian blood in the Jewish rites of the modern Synagogue,’] causing the Jews to become very nervous the world over.

On page 19 of this work the Jew Teofito confesses how he was initiated into the knowledge of ritual murder, and how the Jews for thousands of years have concealed it from the Gentile world.

Teofito writes:

This secret of the blood is not known to all the Jews, but only to the Chakam (doctors) or the rabbis and the scholars, who therefore carry the title Conservators of the mystery of the blood’.

They pass it on by word of mouth to the Jewish fathers. They in turn reveal it to their sons who regard this as a great honor. At the same time they make terrible threats of punishment if any one of them betrays this secret.

“When I was thirteen years old,” recalls Teofito, “my father took me aside, led me into a room, where nobody could listen, and after he described to me the hatred of Christians he taught me that God ordered the Christians to be slaughtered and to collect their blood….‘My son,’ he said (as he kissed me), ‘With this confession I have placed my trust in you.’

With these words, he put a crown on my head and explained to me the Blood Secret, adding that Jehovah had revealed it to the Hebrews and commanded them to practice it...

I was, in the future, the possessor of the most important secret of the Hebrew religion.

“…Thereafter followed the curses and threats of punishment if I should ever reveal this secret to anyone, neither my mother nor my sister nor brothers or future wife; but only to one of my future sons who was the most wise, eager, and most suitable. In this way the secret shall be inherited from father to son until the farthest descendant.”

Here’s a partial list of many other documented cases of Jewish ritual murder:

1160 A.D. — The Jews of Gloucester crucified a child (Mons Germ. hist. Script 520)

1179 A.D. — In Pontoise, on March 25th before Passover, the Jews butchered and drained St. Richard’s body of blood. Due to this, the Jews were expelled from France. (Rob. of Turn., Rig.u.Guillel. Amor.)

1181 A.D. — In London, around Easter, near the church of St. Edmund, the Jews murdered a child by the name of Roertus. (Acta sanct, III March Vol., 591)

1181 A.D. — In Saragossa, the Jews murdered a child named Dominico. (Blanca Hispania illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191 A.D. — The Jews of Braisme crucified a Christian who had accused them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him through the town. Due to this King Philip Augustus, who had personally come to Braisme, burned eighty of them. (rigordus, Hist. Gall.)

1220 A.D. — In Weissenburg, in Alsace, on the 29th of June, the Jews murdered a boy, St. Heinrich. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1225 A.D. — In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child. Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235 A.D. — the Jews committed the same crime on December 1st in Erfut. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1236 A.D. — In Hagenau in Alsace, three Christian boys from the region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of Albert of Strassburg)

1239 A.D. — A general uprising in London because of a murder committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron.)

1240 A.D. — In Norwich the Jews circumcised a Christian child and kept him hidden in the ghetto in order to crucify him later. After a long search, the father found his child and reported it to the Bishop Wilhelm of Rete. (Matthew v. Paris, op. cit. V. 39)

1244 A.D. — In St. Benedict’s churchyard in London, the corpse of a boy was found which bore cuts and scratches and, in several places, Hebrew characters. He had been tortured and killed; and his blood had been drained. Baptized Jews, forced to interpret the Hebrew signs, found the name of the child’s parents and read that the child had been sold to the Jews when it was very young. Distinguished Jews left the city in secret. The Catholic Church venerated the Martyr under the name of St. Paul.

1250 A.D. — The Jews of Saragossa, in then Moorish Spain, adopted the horrible dogma that everyone who delivered a Christian child for sacrifice would be freed from all taxes and debts. In June, 1250, Moses Albay-Huzet (also called Albajucetto) delivered the 7-year-old Dominico del Val to the Jews for crucifixion. (Johan. a Lent, Schedias, Hist. de pseudomes, judæorum, p. 33)

1255 A.D. — At Lincoln, in England, on Peter and Paul’s Day, 8-year-old St. Hugh was stolen by the local Jews, hidden, and later crucified. The Jews beat him with rods for so long that he almost lost all his blood. (Acta santa 6 July 494)

1257 A.D. –So that they could commit their annual sacrifice, the Jews of London butchered a Christian child. (Cluvirius, epitome historiarum, p. 541. col I)

1260 A.D. — The Jews of Weissenburg killed a child (Annal. Colmariens)

1261 A.D. –In Pforzheim a 7-year-old girl who had been delivered to the Jews, was laid on a linen cloth and stabbed on her limbs in order to soak the cloth with blood. Afterwards the corpse was thrown into the river. (Thomas, Cantipratanus, de ratione Vitæ.)

1279 A.D. –The most respectable Jews of London crucified a Christian child on April 2nd. (Florent de Worcester, Chron. 222)

1279 A.D. — The crucifixion of a Christian child at Northampton after unheard-of tortures. (Henri Desportes Le mystere du sang, 67)

1282 A.D. — In Munich the Jews purchased a small boy and stabbed him all over his body. (Rader., Bavar. sancta I. Bd. p. 315)

1283 A.D. — A child was sold by his nurse to the Jews of Mainz , who killed it. (Baroerus ad annum No. 61. Annalen von Colmar)

1286 A.D. — In Munich the Jews martyred two boys. The wooden synagogue was encircled with fire and 180 Jews burnt to death. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1286 A.D. — In April, at Oberwesel on the Rhine, 14-year-old St. Werner was slowly tortured to death by the Jews over a period of three days. (Act. sct. II. Bd. b. Apr. p. 697 bis 740.)

1287 A.D. — The Jews in Bern, Switzerland kidnapped St. Rudolf at the Passover, horribly tortured the child, and finally slit his throat. (Hein, Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1292 A.D. — In Colmar (Alsace, now in France), the Jews killed a boy. (Ann. Colm., II, 30)

1293 A.D. — In Krems, the Jews sacrificed a child. Two of the murderers were punished; the others saved themselves through the power of gold. (Monum. XI, 658)

1294 A.D. –In Bern, the Jews murdered a child again. (Ann Colm., II, 32; Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. 70)

1302 A.D. — In Reneken the same crime. (Ann. Colm. II, 32)

1303 A.D. — At Weissensee in Thuringen the young student Conrad, the son of a soldier, was killed at Easter. His muscles were cut to pieces and his veins were opened in order to drain all his blood.

1305 A.D. — In Prague, around Easter, a Christian, who was forced by poverty to work for the Jews, was nailed to a cross; while naked, he was beaten with rods and spat on in the face. (Tentzel)

1320 A.D. — In Puy, France,  a choirboy of the local church was sacrificed.

1321 A.D. –In Annecy a young priest was killed. The Jews were expelled from the town by a decree of King Philip V. (Denis de Saint-Mart.)

1331 A.D. — At Uberlingen in present-day Baden the Jews threw the son of a citizen named Frey into a well. The incisions found later on the body proved that previous to this his blood had been drained. (Joh. Vitoduran, Chronik.)

1338 A.D. – The Jews butchered a noble from Franconia in Munich. His brother prepared a veritable bloodbath for the Jews. (Henri Desport)

1345 A.D. — In Munich, the Jews opened the veins of a little boy, Heinrich, and stabbed him more than 60 times. The church canonized Heinrich. (Rad. Bav. sct. II p. 333)

1347 A.D. — In Messina, Italy, a child was crucified on Good Friday. (Henri Desport)

1349 A.D. –The Jews wanted to attack and kill Christians assembled in their church at Rothenburg. A Jew’s maidservant exposed the Jewish murder plot, and the Christians stormed out of their church and killed all the Jews. (Ziegler, Schauplatz p. 396 col. 1,2. Eisenmenger, Entdecktes Judentum II, p. 219)

1350 A.D. –The boy Johannes, a student of the monastic school of St. Sigbert in Cologne, drew his last breath after being stabbed by local Jews. (Acta sancta., aus den Kirchenakten v. Koln.)

1380 A.D. — At Hagenbach in Swabia several Jews were surprised while butchering a Christian child. (Martin Crusius, Yearbook of Swabia, Part III, Book V)

1401 A.D. –At Diessenhofen in Switzerland (near Schaffhausen), 4-year-old Conrad Lory was murdered. His blood was said to have been sold by the groom Johann Zahn for 3 florins to the Jew Michael Vitelman. (Acta sancta.)

1407 A.D. –The Jews were expelled from Switzerland because of a similar crime in the same region. (ibid.)

1410 A.D. — In Thuringia the Jews were driven out because of ritual murder that was discovered. (Boll. II, April 838. Baronius 31)

1429 A.D. — At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a Christian boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living among the Jews, was martyred by three Jews amid numerous tortures and sexual violations. This happened during a big Jewish festival (Passover) between Easter and Whitsun. (Baron. 31, Acta sancta. III. Bd. des April p. 978)

1440 A.D. — A Jewish doctor in Pavia, Simon of Ancona, beheaded a four-year-old child which was stolen and brought to him by a degenerate Christian. The crime became notorious when a dog jumped out of a window into the street with the child’s head. The murderer escaped. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III. confid. 7.)

1452 A.D. — In Savona, several Jews killed a 2-year-old Christian child. They pierced his whole body and collected the blood in the vessel they used for the circumcision of their children. the Jews dripped small pieces of sliced fruit into the blood and enjoyed a meal of them. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III, confid. 7.)

1453 A.D. — In Breslau, the Jews stole a child, fattened him and put him in a barrel lined with nails, which they rolled back and forth in order to draw the child’s blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 75)

1454 A.D. — On the estates of Louis of Almanza in Castile, two Jews killed a Christian boy. They tore out his heart and burned it; threw the ashes into wine which they drank with their co-religionists. By spending considerable sums they succeeded in delaying the trial, since two of the three lawyers were of Jewish descent. Thereafter [in 1492, under Queen Isabella] the Jews were banished from Spain. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum)

1462 A.D. — In a birchwood at Rinn near Innsbruck the boy Andreas Oxner was sold to the Jews and sacrificed. The church canonized him. A chapel called “Zum Judenstein” (‘To the Jews’ Rock’) was built. (Acta sancta., III. July Vol I. 472)

1468 A.D. — At Sepulveda, in Old Castile, the Jews crucified a Christian woman on Good Friday upon the order of the Rabbi Solomon Pecho. (Did. de Colm. Gesch. v. Seg.)

1470 A.D. –In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a Christian child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar.)

1475 A.D. — In Trent on March 23rd (Maundy Thursday) before Passover, the Jews sacrificed a 29-month-old baby, St. Simon.

1476 A.D. — The Jews in Regensburg murdered six children. The judge, in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480 A.D. — In Treviso, a crime similar to the one in Trent was committed: the murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (H. Desportes, Le mystere du sang 80)
1480 A.D. — At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a child at Easter. (Acta sancta I. Bd d. April 3)

1485 A.D. — In Vecenza, the Jews butchered St. Laurentius. (Pope Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490 A.D. — At Guardia, near Toledo, the Jews crucified a child. (Acta sancta I. Bd. d. April 3)

1494 A.D. — At Tyrnau in Hungary, 12 Jews seized a Christian boy, opened his veins, and carefully collected his blood. They drank some of it and preserved the rest for their co-religionists. (Banfin Fasti, ungar. br. III. Dec. 5)

1503 A.D. — In Langendenzlingen a father handed his 4-year-old child over to two Jews from Waldkirchen in Baden for 10 florins under the condition that he would be returned alive after a small amount of blood had been drained. However, they drained so much blood from the child that it died. (Acta sancta. II Bd. des April p. 839: Dr. Joh. Eck, Judebbuchlien)

1505 A.D. — A crime, similar to the one in Langendenzlingen in 1503, was attempted at Budweis in Bohemia. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 81)

1509 A.D — Several Jews profaned the host brought from a sanctuary dealer and murdered several Christian children. (Cluverius, Epitome hist. etc. p. 579)

1509 A.D. –The Jews in Bosingen (Hungary) kidnapped the child of a wheelwright, dragged him to the cellar, tortured him horribly, opened all his veins and sucked out the blood with quills. Afterwards they threw his body in a hedge, which the Jews admitted after repeated denials. (Ziegler Schonplatz p. 588, col. 1,2)

1510 A.D. — In Berlin, the Jews Salomon, Jacob, Aaron, Levi Isaac, Rabbi Mosch and the butcher Jacob were accused of buying a three- or four-year-old Christian boy for 10 florins from a stranger, laying him on a table in a cellar, and puncturing him with needles in the large blood-rich veins until he was finally slaughtered by the butcher Jacob.

An enormous trial began, and eventually a hundred Jews were locked in the Berlin prison. They partially admitted to having bought Christian children from strangers, stabbing them, draining their blood, and drinking the blood in case of illness or preserving it with tomatoes, ginger, and honey. No fewer than 41 of the accused Jews were sentenced to death-by-burning after their confession. All the other Jews were banished from the Mark of Brandenburg. (Richard Mun: ‘The Jews in Berlin’)

1520 A.D. — The Jews in Hungary repeated the crime of 1494 by murdering a Christian child in Tyrnau and Biring, and draining its blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1525 A.D. — A ritual murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-Semitic movement among the population. In this year the Jews were expelled from Hungary (Henry Desportes, Le mystere du sang 81)

1540 A.D. — At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4-year-old Michael Pisenharter was kidnapped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting (North of Ingolstadt), where he suffered the most horrible tortures for three days, his veins were opened and his blood drained. The corpse showed signs of a crucifixion. The blood was found in Posingen. (Raderus, Bavaria sancta. III. Bd. 176f)

1547 A.D. — At Rava in Poland 2 Jews stole a tailor’s boy named michael and crucified him. (Acta sancta II. Bd. April p. 839)

1569 A.D. –In Vitov (Poland) Johann, the 2-year-old son of the widow Kozmianina, was savagely murdered by Jacob, a Jew of Leipzig. (Acta sancta ebenda.)

1571 A.D. — M.A. Bradaginus was butchered by the Jews. (Seb. Munster, Cosmographia)

1571 A.D. — Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg, was poisoned by a Jew with whom he had a trusting association. (Scheidanus X. Buch. seiner Hist. pag. 60)

[In the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the emperors were elected by seven high nobles —  kings or dukes — called Electors (“Kurfürsten” in German). This arrangement kept Germany weak for centuries, since the Electors, who had their own realms, did not want a strong emperor over them. So while tiny western-European countries such as Portugal and Holland developed huge colonial empires 1400-1900, and so did England, Spain, and France, and Russia expanded to gigantic size in both Europe and Asia, a decentralized Germany had no navy, few or no colonies, and its language, superb culture, and military power stayed restricted to Europe. This proved disastrous for the Germans in two world wars.]


1573 A.D. — In Berlin a child who had been purchased from a beggar was tortured to death by a Jew. (Sartorious p. 53)

1574 A.D. — At Punia in Latvia, the Jew Joachim Smierlowitz killed a 7-year-old girl called Elizabeth shortly before Passover. An inscription and a painting in the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Wilna proves that the child’s blood was mixed with flour which was used in the preparation of Easter cakes. At about this time a Christian boy in Zglobice was stolen and taken to Tarnow, where another Christian boy was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances: both were freed in time. (Act. sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1575 A.D. –The Jews killed a child, Michael of Jacobi. (Desportes)
1586 A.D. –In a series of cases Christian children were snatched away from their parents and killed; by breaking down these crimes, Rupert traced them back to the Jews. (Brouver Trier’schen Ann. v. J. 1856)

1592 A.D. — At Wilna, a 7-year-old Christian boy, Simon, was horribly tortured to death by the Jews. More than 170 wounds, made by knives and scissors, were found on his body, besides the numerous cuts under his finger- and toe-nails. (Acta sancta III. Bd. des Juli)

1595 A.D. — At Costyn in Posen a child was tortured to death by the Jews. (Acta sancta 389)

1597 A.D. — In Szydlov the blood of a child was used in the consecration of a new synagogue. They eyelids, neck, veins, limbs, and even the sexual organs of the child showed countless punctures. (Acta sancta, II Bd. des April)

1598 A.D. — In the village of Wodznick, in the Polish province of Podolia, the 4-year-old Roman Catholic son of a farmer was stolen by two young Jews and butchered four days before the Jewish Passover by the most horrible tortures in which the most respected Jews of the community took part. (Acta sancta, II Band des April 835)

1650 A.D. — At Kaaden in Steiermark, 5½-year-old Mathias Tillich was butchered by a Jew on March 11th. (Tentzel)

1655 A.D. — At Tunguch in Lower Germany the Jews murdered a Christian child for their Easter celebration. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v. Juli 1693 p. 553)

1665 A.D. –In Vienna the Jews butchered a woman on the 12th of May in the most dreadful way. The corpse was found in a pond in a sack weighted with stones. It was completely covered with wounds, decapitated and the legs were cut off below the knees. (H.A. von Ziegler, Tagl. Schaupl. p. 553)

1669 A.D. — On the way from Metz to Boulay, near the village of Glatigny, on Sept. 22nd, a 3-year-old child was stolen from his mother by the Jew Raphael Levy. He was horribly butchered. His body was found viciously mutilated. The murderer was burned alive on Jan. 17th in 1670. (Abrege du proces fait aux Juifs de Metz, ebd. 1670)

1675 A.D. — At Miess in Bohemia a 4-year-old Christian child was murdered by the Jews on March 12th. (Acta sancta II. Bd. des April)

1684 A.D. — In the village of Grodno, Minsk government in Russia, the Jew Schulka stole the 6-year-old Christian boy Gabriel and carried him to Bialystock where, in the presence of several Jews, he was tortured to death and his blood drained. (Records of the magistrate at Zabludvo)

1753 A.D. — On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev (Russia), the 3½-year-old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnapped by the Jews, hidden in a tavern until the end of the Sabbath, and then monstrously sacrificed with the help of Rabbi Schmaja. The blood was poured into several bottles. (Criminal Register of the City Court of Kiev, Ukraine)

1764 A.D. –The 10-year-old son of Johann Balla, who had disappeared on the 19th of June from Orkul (Hungary), was found in a neighboring wood covered with many wounds. (Tisza-Eslar, von einem ungarischen Ubgeordneten 108)

1791 A.D. — On the 21st of February, the corpse of 13-year-old Andreas Takals, who lived with a Jew named Abraham, was found outside a village near Tasnad (Siebenburgen). The blood had been drained from him by severing his jugular vein. (Ger.-Akt i.d. Archiv. v. Zilah.)

1791 A.D. — At the same time two blood murders were reported at Holleschau (Moravia) and at Woplawicz in the District of Duplin. (Tisza-Eslar, v.e. ungar. Abgeord.)

1791 A.D. — During the reign of Sultan Selim III, the Jews in Pera killed a young Greek by hanging him from a tree by his legs. (Henri Desportes)

1803 A.D. — On March 10th, the 72-year-old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim seized a 2-year-old child between Ullstadt and Lengenfeld in Buchof near Nuremberg. Several days later the Jew denied having been in Buchhof at all on March 10th. The father of the child, who wanted to prove the contrary with witnesses, was rebuffed in court with threats and insults. On the 12th day the child was found dead, his tongue sliced and his mouth full of blood. The Jews besieged the district governor of Newstadt at that time until the matter turned out to their satisfaction. The father was forced under threats to sign a protocol, to which it attested that the child, still warm when he was found, had frozen to death. (Friedr. Oertel, “Was glauben die Juden?” Bamberg, 1823)

1804 A.D. — In Grafenberg near Nuremberg a 2 to 3-year-old boy was kidnapped by an old Jew from Ermreuth by the name of Bausoh. Soldiers hurried to prevent the crime after hearing the child’s scream. (Dr. J. W. Chillany)

1810 A.D. — Among the records of the Damascus trial a letter exists from John Barker, ex-consul of Aleppo, which speaks of a poor Christian who suddenly disappeared from Aleppo. The Hebrew Raphael of Ancona was charged with having butchered her and draining all of her blood. (A. Laurent. Affaires de Syrie)

1812 A.D. –On the island Corfu in October three Jews who had strangled a child were condemned to death. Some time later, the child of a Greek, called Riga, was stolen and killed by the Jews. (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1817 A.D. — The Indictment of the murder committed in this year against the little girl Marianna Adamoviez, was quashed due to a lapse of time.

1823 A.D. — On the 22nd of April, at Velisch in the Russian government of Vitebsk, the 3½- year-old son of the invalid Jemelian Ivanov was stolen, tortured to death, and his blood drained. Despite a great deal of statements by witnesses charging the Jews, the trial was suddenly stopped. (Pavlikovsky, ebenda.)

1824 A.D. — In Beirut the interpreter Fatch-allah-Seyegh was murdered by his Jewish landlord, as the investigation established, for ritual purposes.

1826 A.D. — In Warsaw a murdered 5-year-old boy was found whose body had more than a hundred wounds showing that his blood had been drained. The whole of Warsaw was in a state of insurrection; everywhere the Jews protested their innocence without having been accused. The depositions made to the courts, together with the medical evidence, were removed from the documents. (Pavlikovski, wie oben p. 282)

1827 A.D. — At Vilna in Russia the stabbed corpse of a farmer’s child, Ossib Petrovicz, was found. According to the testimony of the 16-year-old shepherd Zulovski, he was kidnapped by the Jews. (Nach einer Mitteilung des gouvernement Vilna.)

1829 A.D. — In Turin the wife of the merchant Antoine Gervalon was kidnapped from her husband. In the cellar she was prepared for her sacrifice by two rabbis. With her last bit of strength she answered her husband who was going through the Jewish quarter with several soldiers, calling her name aloud. Thus, she was freed. However, the Jews managed to hush up the incident with money. (Auszug aus einem Briefe des Barons von Kalte )

1831 A.D. — Killing of the daughter of a corporal of the Guard in St. Petersburg. Four judges recognized it as a blood murder, while a fifth doubted it. (Desportes)

1834 A.D. — According to the Testimony of Jewess Ben Nound who converted to Christianity, an old Gentile man in Tripoli, Libya was tied up by 4 or 5 Jews and hanged from an orange tree by his toes. At the moment when the old man was close to death the Jews cut his throat with a butcher knife and let the body hang until all the blood had been collected into a bowl. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 91)

1839 A.D. — On the island of Rhodes, an 8-year-old merchant’s boy, who was delivering eggs to some Jews, did not return. Jewish money power took effect, and the court proceedings were delayed and finally suppressed. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 92)

1839 A.D. — In Damascus the customs office discovered a Jew carrying a bottle of blood. The Jew offered 10,000 piastres in order to hush up the affair. (cf. Prozess bei A. Laurent, op. cit. S. 301)

1840 A.D. THE BUTCHERING OF FATHER THOMAS [From Jewish Confessions of Ritual Murder by an anonymous author]


This happened in Damascus at the beginning of February of 1840. The Jews were preparing for the Purim feast which was to take place on
February 5th, 1840. On the afternoon of February 5th the Capuchin priest Thomas [an Italian from Sardinia] was sent for to attend a sick child. The priest was a great healer and physician. He was respected and loved as a saint.

On the way back from the child he was invited by his friend (!!), the rich Jew Davud Arari to come to his home. Father Thomas accepted. When he arrived the Jews immediately attacked, gagged and bound him up. They then dragged him into a secret room, and sent for the Jewish barber Soliman. The Priest was laid on a table and his head was held over a copper bowl. The barber seized the old priest by the beard, the Jew Aaron Arari held his head, and his brother Davud Arari (the priest’s friend!) slit his throat. The blood was collected in the copper bowl and filled into bottles.

Shortly afterwards the Priest’s servant, Ibrahim Amara, appeared in the Jewish ghetto. The Jewish Arari brothers, who were standing in front of the house, said to him: “Come on in, your Master is with us.” Ibrahim Amara was butchered in the same way as his master Father Thomas. The next day the priest was missed and a search was made for him. The barber Soliman was suspect due to papers which were found on him belonging to the priest. The French Consul, Ratti-Menton, under whom the priest had served, and the sheriff, Pascha, led the investigation. Soliman made a full confession and was convicted. Traces of blood were found and pieces of the priest and his servant’s body were found in the sewer. After this all the Jews that took part in the murder were arrested, and three of them confessed to the crime in detail. They were Mourad el Fath’al, the Gentile servant of David Arari, and the Jews Aslam-Farkhi and Monca Abou el Afieh. The latter was a Rabbi.

He confessed that he himself had carried the blood that had been collected in bottles to the grand Rabbi Yakoub el-Antabi. After a thorough investigation the three Jews who confessed were pardoned. Ten others who took part in the murder were sentenced to death. Their names were Davud Arari, Aaron Arari, Isaac Arari, Rabbi Bokhor Youda (called Salonikli), Mechir Farkhi, Mourad Farkhi, Aaron Stambouli, Isaac Picciotto, Tacoub Abou-el-Afieh, and Youcef Menakem Farkhi.

In the meantime the murder and the trial were publicized by the press throughout Europe. Instead of Jewry condemning this savage murder, and demanding a thorough investigation and just punishment, it did the very opposite. Jewry joined with its racial comrades and gave them its complete support. Collections were organized and TWO MILLION FRANCS were raised. The Jew Crémieux, who established the ‘Alliance Universelle Israelite’ and who made the remark “All Israel goes to bail for one another,” led a large retinue to Mehemed Ali, the [Ottoman Turkish]Viceroy of Egypt.

His retinue included the Jews Munck and Moses Montefiore. And, of course, the two million francs. Mehemed Ali let himself be bribed to issue the following order:

“Due to the suggestions of the gentleman Moses Montifiore and Cremieux, who came to us as delegates of all European Jewry [!!-Ed.], we have
recognized that they wish to see the liberation of the Jews who were arrested because of the disappearance of Father Thomas. As it would not
be wise to refuse their request, due to their large population, we order that the Jewish prisoners be set free.”

The Jews were released. All Israel had gone to bail for them. But the remains of Father Thomas were buried in the cemetery at Damascus.
Upon the gravestone, in Arabic and Italian, was inscribed:

“Here lie the remains of Father Thomas of Sardinia, Capuchin
missionary, assasinated by the Jews, February 5th, 1840.”

(The transcripts of this trial are in the Paris Archive. The French Orientalist Achilles Laurent duplicated the transcripts and published them in his book: “Relation historique des affaires de Syrie depuis 1840 jusqu’en 1842.”)

This trial proves that Jewry acknowledges and tolerates ritual murder.

That it conceals ritual murder from the public and protects its criminals.

The Jews, by any method possible, without regard for the consequences, will attempt to set Jew criminals free; despite the fact that they are guilty. The Jews have proven in the case of Father Thomas that they a criminal people.

1843 A.D. — Murders of Christian children by the Jews on Rhodes, Corfu and elsewhere. (Famont L’Egypte sous Mehemet Ali, Paris, 1843)

1875 A.D. — At Zboro, in the county of Saros in Hungary, several Jews attacked the 16-year-old servant girl Anna Zampa in the house of her master, Horowitz. The knife was already raised above her when a coachman accidentally intervened, thus saving her. The court President, Bartholomaus Winkler, who was in debt to the Jews, was afraid to bring the criminals to justice.

1877 A.D. — In the village of Szalaacs, in the country of Bihar (Hungary), Josef Klee’s 6-year-old niece, Theresia Szaabo, and his 9-year-old nephew, Peter Szaabo, were murdered by the Jews. However, a Jewish doctor held the inquest, who declared the children were not murdered, thus ending the affair. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. — In Budapest, before the Purim feast, a young servant girl in the Jewish Quarter was put to sleep with a drink. 24 hours after the feast, she woke up so weak she could hardly walk. On her right forearm, her left thigh, and her body below the navel she discovered red circular wounds like spots of blood, with small openings in the center. Blood had been drained from her. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. — At Kutais in the Caucasus, 4 Jewish image sellers killed a 6-year-old girl. Between her fingers had been cut with a knife; on her legs, a little above the calf, horizontal incisions had been made, and there was not one drop of blood in her veins. With the aid of the powerful Jews of Russia the guilty ones escaped punishment. (Univers.)

1881 A.D. –At Kaschau in Hungary the daughter of a certain Josef Koczis disappeared. Two weeks later the body was found in a well completely emptied of blood. (M. Onody, Tisza-Eszlar)

1881 A.D. — In Steinamanger the 8-year-old granddaughter of a coachman who worked for the Jews disappeared. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1881 A.D. — In Alexandria the Jews again killed a Christian child called Evangelio Fornoraki. The parents of the strangled child, discovered on the sea-shore, allowed a post-mortem examination which lasted several days and was the cause of riots against the Jews. The Baruch family, prime suspects in the murder, were arrested, but later released. (Civita cattolica, von des. 1881)

1881 A.D. — In the Galician town of Lutscha, the Polish maid servant Franziska Muich, who worked for the Jewish tavern-keeper Moses Ritter, and had been raped by him, was murdered by Moses and his wife, Gittel Ritter, according to the testimony of the farmer Mariell Stochlinski. (Otto Glogau, Der Kulturkampf. Heft. 128. 15. Febr. 1886)

1882 A.D. — At Tisza-Eszlar, shortly before the Jewish Passover, the 14-year-old Christian girl Esther Solymosi disappeared. Since the girl was last seen nearby the synagogue, suspicion was directed immediately on the Jews. The two sons of the temple-servant Josef Scharf, 5-year-old Samuel and the 14-year-old Moritz, accused their father and stated that Esther was led into the Temple and butchered there. The corpse of the girl was never found.

1882 A.D. — At Galata, the ghetto of Constantinople, a child was enticed into a Jewish house where more than 20 people saw her go in. On the following day a corpse was found in the Golden Horn causing a great agitation among the Christian and Moslem population.

1882 A.D. — A short time later another very similar case transpired in Galata. Serious, a distinguished lawyer of the Greek community, sent a petition to the representatives of all the Christian European powers at Constantinople so that justice might be done: but the Jews bribed the Turkish police, who allowed certain documents in the case to disappear. Bribed doctors declared the mother of the kidnapped and murdered child to be mentally deranged.

1883 A.D. — Once more a ritual murder occurred in Galata. The police, bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper Der Stamboul, which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was suppressed. This suppression cost the Jews 140,000 francs.

1884 A.D. — At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of 14-year-old Onophrius Cybulla was found one January morning under a bridge. According to the doctor’s opinion, the dismemberments showed great expertise and dexterity in the use of the knife. Although the murdered boy had been strong and plethoric, the dead body was completely bloodless. Immediately suspicion fell on various Jews, and during the investigation some very troublesome facts emerged. These, however, were not considered sufficient and the arrested Jews were released. (Otto Glagau, Der Kulturkampf, Heft 119. 15. Mai 1885)

1885 A.D. — At Mit-Kamar in Egypt a young Copt was butchered for the Easter celebrations.

1888 A.D. — At Breslau in July, a crime was committed by Max Bernstein, a 24-year-old Rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic college, against a 7-year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy’s sex organ. After the judge’s verdict Bernstein confessed: “The Bible and the Talmud teach that the gravest of sins can only be atoned for through innocent blood.” Therefore, he had withdrawn blood from the boy. The Jews recognized the danger and declared Bernstein to be a ‘religious maniac.’

1891 A.D. — Murder of a boy at Xanten, on the Rhine. The 5-year-old robust boy of the Catholic cabinet-maker, Hegemann, was found in the evening at 6 o’clock on June 29th, by the maid Dora Moll, in the cow shed of the town councilor Kuppers, with his legs spread apart, laying on his side with a circular formed ritual cut, carried out by a skilled hand, and bled white. The boy was already missed at 10:30 in the morning. He was seen by three witnesses being pulled into the house of the Jewish butcher Buschoff.

1899 A.D. — On March 26th the single 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes Kurza, was slaughtered by the hand of the Jewish butcher Leopold Hilsner. The corpse was found bloodless. The murderer was sentenced to death by the court of Kuttenberg.

1900 A.D. — At Konitz (West Prussia) on the 11th of March 1900, the 18-year-old college freshman, Ernst Winter, was bestially murdered. Two days later pieces of his dismembered body were fished out of the Monschsee; almost five days later, on April 15th, the first Easter holy day, his head was found by children playing in the bushes. The corpse was completely bloodless. Winter was ritually murdered. The murder was carried out in the cellar of the Jewish Butcher, Moritz Levi, after the victim had been lured there by a young Jewess. On the day of the murder, a large number of foreign Jews were in Konitz who departed the next day without any plausible reason being given for their visit. Among them were the butchers Haller from Tuchel, Hamburger from Schlochau, Eisenstedt from Prechlau and Rosenbaum from Ezersk. The Konitz butcher Heimann disappeared shortly after the murder.

1911 A.D. — The 13-year-old schoolboy, Andrei Youshchinsky was murdered in Kiev on March 12th. After eight days, his corpse was found in a brickyard completely slashed to pieces and bloodless. Suspicion fell on the Jewish manager of the brickyard, Mendel Beiliss. The case did not come to trial until two and a half years later (Sept. 29th to Oct. 28th, 1913). In the intervening period numerous attempts were made to lead the investigating officers on to the wrong track. Meanwhile a large number of incriminating witnesses suffered sudden and unnatural deaths; false accusations and confessions followed one after another due to huge money bribes. Behind the accused lurking in the shadows, was the figure of Faivel Schneerson of the Lubavitchers, leader of the ‘Zadiks’ (‘Saints’) of the Chassidim sect, who was the spiritual director of the murder. The trial ended with the release of Beiliss, but at the same time the court established that the murder had taken place inside the Jewish brickyard, which was the religious center of the Kiev Jews, for the purpose of obtaining blood. Almost all the prosecutors, witnesses, and authorities who had spoken out against Judaism, later fell victim to the Bolshevik Terror. (Ausfuhrliche Darstellungen des Prozeßes enthalten ‘Hammer’ Nr. 271, 273, 274, 275; Oktober bis Dezember 1913)

1926 A.D. — The bodily remains of the children Hans and Erika Fehse were found in a parcel on the public square in Breslau. The children had been butchered. The corpses were bloodless. The genitals were missing. The Jewish butcher was believed the culprit. He disappeared without a trace.

1928 A.D. — The college sophomore Helmut Daube was butchered on the night of the 22nd-23rd of March, 1928. In the morning, the blood-drained corpse lay in front of his parents home. (cf. ‘Der Sturmer’)

1929 A.D. — The murder at Manau. The boy Karl Kessler was found butchered and bloodless on March 17th, 1929, several days before Passover. (cf. ‘Der Sturmer’)

1932 A.D. — Martha Kaspar was butchered and dismembered at Paderhorn on March 18th, 1932. The pieces of the corpse were drained of blood. The Jew, Moritz Meyer, was convicted and received 15 years in prison. (cf. ‘Der Stürmer’)

1955 A.D. — Five White children in Chicago, Illinois were found ritually murdered.


And here is an excellent documentary film on Jewish Ritual Murder:


  1. Speaking of MK-ULTRAs, Matt Heimbach recently become yet another “former WN.”

    Maybe the program “got to him” in prison, just as with Henrik Holappa?

    • Thanks for this info. Wikipedia claims this also:

      In April 2020, Heimbach appeared to recant on [sic] his white nationalist views.

      I am not surprised in the least.

      He is of low racial stock, with a shockingly low forehead like a fruit monkey. And for a German by his genetic heritage, a “Heimbach” (“home brook” in German), he has puzzlingly dark hair and eyes.

      He is, or was. also a Strasserite, a supposed national socialist yet simultaneously a Hitler-basher.

      Oh boy. …. as if NS would ever have even existed without the person of Adolf Hitler.. as if the NS Reich would have risen under this dweeb Strasser to its superpower status and greatness (which even jews and other arch-enemies concede, at least in military, political and economic areas).

      And finally Heimbach has, of course, mocked and bashed me, which, viewed in terms of reincarnation, is of course exactly what one would expect — hated and envied me then; hates and envies me now. Has learned  nothing in multiple lives. 😉

      And now, after disgracing himself by cheating on his wife Brooke with his stepfather’s wife — being caught in flagante delicto — he has renounced our cause entirely.

      After all, this is the perfect time to drop out.

      There is obviously no more race or jewish problem. 😉

      And it is time to be “reasonable” —  to defeatist, craven and submissive to our nice jew masters, who via the Cohenavirus hoax offer us:

      –house arrest,
      –national and individual bankruptcy, utter poverty and then homelessness,
      –gun confiscation
      –losing all our freedoms,
      –being force-vaccinated,
      –being sterilized so we cannot have kids,
      –being biochipped with the vaccine — with a thin, sliverlike chip as tiny as a thin grain of rice,
      –being chemtrailed more than ever,
      –being 5g’ed until we can neither think nor sleep,
      –seeing all our cash, gold and silver taken away and replaced by digital money (which the regime can then turn off with one jew-boy keystroke, just as with our YouTube channels and Facebook accounts),
      –and finally being sent to work camps to be worked to death
      –while also being tortured and raped homosexually at least once a week, especially as known WN activists, by gloating luciferians, negroes and mexicans.

      The number-one form of rape for years now that is verifiable — some women provably invent rape, while it is often tragically true with others — is already this:


      And this is going on right now in South Africa as well, with black cops throwing arrested white male motorists, especially Boer men, into jail cells with 30 blacks for their sadistic rape/humiliation pleasure.)

      Of course this Boer Christian-theology student surrendered, though heavily armed, and of course he got the max in a negro prison. Some revolutionary….

      Yes, a real good “Christian” this Heimbach is, just like Peter, denying his Lord thrice: but as Jesus supposedly said (though His words are misused):

      “Love thy enemy.”

      So be like Jesus (if you take the message literally):

      If you have a sword, don’t use it.

      Submit to arrest, extreme torture, and an agonizing death…..

      Uhh, no thanks.


      I was just today reading the Bhagavad Gita (Himmler’s favorite book),  which I ordered thanks to a comrade who nobly has been donating Amazon gift cards repeatedly to me, even after the Cohenavirus faux crisis began and almost everyone else got all jittery.

      The basic message given by an incarnation of God, Krishna, to a whining white, Aryan soldier on the battlefield who suddenly has decided he hates bloodshed:

      1. You know reincarnation is real, so neither you nor your enemies can really die
      2. You are a trained soldier
      3. You know the enemies are utterly wicked to be attacking our good king
      4. So quit your whining, your fake moralizing and bogus compassion — and go kill them.

      My 2011 music video .

      [video width="640" height="426" mp4=""][/video]


      • I actually believe Heimbach and his former father in law, Matt Parrott, were the reincarnation of the Strasser brothers. So that’s why those guys bashed you in this lifetime. And they were Strasserites, so you know what? They support any socialist regime because they believe in class solidarity first, not racial. I have seen Heimbach apologizing for North Korea.

        • That is a fascinating theory, and it might be possible. The fact is that almost everyone reincarnates, so they are back, somewhere, with a wont to preach a negative class-consciousness which I sought to overcome and did to save the nation from the classic and favorite strategy, divide-and-conquer, of the jews. 😉

          Roehm was of the same mindset.

          Not only was it wrong, but the Reichswehr generals, with their monocles and von-This and Von-That 😉 , would have simply overthrown me had I tolerated such Down-with-the-Junkers, Down-with-the-Rich nonsense any further. And then we would have return to Weimar Republic despair, poverty, impotence and misery.

          As it was, I put up with them for years before I acted, hoping to change their minds and hearts. In their own misguided way, they all were sincere men. And I have made mistakes too.

          Btw, here was a jocular remark from the Third Reich that came to my ear. “Hitler has slashed the number of stock markets in Germany from eleven down to eight.” 😉

          There is nothing wrong with a brilliant entrepreneur — who takes great risks to start a new business or industry — getting rich off his excellent product or service, as long as he treats his workers like human beings, pays them well, and shows respect and concern for their health and safety, and shares his wealth with others.

          Some few of us are called to be the boss, others to be the foremen, and most to be the workers. All deserve honor, and they got that in the folk community which I and our great team created.

  2. E’ stato sorprendente vedere il Fuhrer in questo video..come anello di congiunzione! Molti artisti sinceri stanno cominciando a rivelarsi. E’ una settimana che parlo sul mio stato di whatsapp degli Ebrei.. Sto vuotando il sacco! Ho preso in prestito la tua immagine di Giovanni sua denuncia è incredibile! La gente non mi guarderà più in faccia? Parlo di chi mi conosce. Vedremo..

    • Transl:

      It was amazing to see the Führer in this video, as a link! Many sincere artists are beginning to reveal themselves. I’ve been talking about the jews on my Whatsapp for a week.. I’m letting it all out! I borrowed your image of the painting by Giovanni Gasparro.. His accusation is incredibly powerful!

      Are there people who won’t look me in the face anymore? Yes. I’m talking about even those who know me.

      We shall see..

    • Transl:

      Salvator Mundi (Latin: “Savior of the World”)

      His finger is pointed up to indicate John, the Prophet Elijah, and the matriarchal God. And we see also the dirty, Satanic hands. [Gasparro’s] paintings are denouncing the child-molesters.

    • Eckhart Tolle might be too German for you. But he gave me strength to overcome even seeing the macerator.

      We incarnated here, to this battlefield planet, to grow in love and courage, and master by the necessities of total war our every thought and feeling. We knew, my dear friend, that this would be a trial by fire.

      Love yourself for being so brave. Now the day of our glory is nigh!

  3. Tolle mi ha davvero aiutata a “staccarmi” da ciò che non sentivo mio..a dargli significato.

    Ovviamente non riesco a “controllare” i sentimenti sono giorni che si fanno sentire più intensamente e altri meno.

    Ora sono concentrata su quello che ho sempre pregato che accadesse…la disfatta dei Rettili! Ho un quadro più o meno chiaro di tutto quello che mi è accaduto…e il perché. Come si dice:”Se sono Rose fioriranno”..

    • Transl:

      Tolle really helped me to “break away” from what I didn’t feel was really mine..and to to give it all meaning.

      Obviously I can’t “control” positive feelings. There are days that make themselves felt more intensely and others less.

      Now I’m focused on what I’ve always prayed, that the defeat of the reptiles happens! I also now have a more or less clear picture of everything that happened to me…and why.

      As they say: “If they are roses, they will bloom.” 🙂


      Good. And nice to hear from you again. 🙂

      I pity those who scorn spiritual strength, because they will commit suicide and thus fail at their mission. We incarnated here knowing what challenges awaited us. Why be victims when we can be victors? 🙂

  4. Si…Vincitori!Ho sempre lottato,anche quando mi sentivo persa e sapevo che nessuno poteva davvero aiutarmi perché regnava una confusione nella mia testa.Ora quella confusione non esiste più…devo solo controllare il “FUOCO” infinito!E poi i TEDESCHI non sono Ghiaccioli!!

  5. La Basilicata in confronto alla regione Puglia,Campania ha meno “Umor”..
    Siamo più “vichinghi”;già dal nome che portiamo!”Lucania”=Terra dei Lupi.
    Essere circondati da Comici non è male!Sono fantastici.. “smorzano” la nostra “pesantezza”.
    I migliori “talenti” italiani del Sud.
    Ambientato in “Norvegia”..

    • Transl:

      Basilicata compared to the Puglia region, or Campania. has less “humor”..

      We are more “Vikings” here; which is already seen in the regional name we bear, “Lucania” = Land Of Wolves.

      Being surrounded by comedians is not bad! They’re great.. They “dampen” our ” heaviness.” Here are the best Italian” talents ” of the South.

      Set in Norway:


      Thanks for that– truly very funny, and I needed that. I have been working 20 hours a day.

      Being fluent in English, French and German, I have noticed how I feel and act differently when speaking each language.

      Partly it is also a difference between a language full of consonants — very yang — and one which is full of vowels — very yin.

      I have known so many Italian-Americans who, racially and genetically, are of course Italian and yet, speaking English all their lives, they are serious, hard-working and unemotional like Anglo-Saxons.

      I hope you are well. Soon I will be ready. 🙂

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