“Do Europeans not realize this war could suddenly expand?” Pompous-ass jew interrupts brave French female journalist reporting on Ukraine who asks: “Where is the dialogue? Why do we send only weapons?”

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Anne-Laure Bonnel is an independent French journalist who went on live TV to tell people that the Jewkrainian government is committing genocide on their ethnic-Russian citizens in the east since 2014. Her Twitter account was recently banned.

This was her superb video from 2016 on the effect of shelling and sniper fire on the Donbass people, starting with a shocking speech by the fat jew president then, the billionaire oligarch Poroshenko:

Here she is now, in 2022, (w/English subtitles) protesting the lie that the Ukrainians are not shelling civilian areas. Every inch a Frenchwoman… She is very angry at being called a liar by the whoring MSM in France , and it shows. They say she re-uses old footage, that she is not even in Ukraine….and they want only scoops, not analysis…. “You say the Ukrainians fired shells? How many?” “About three hundred!!!”

Now, here, a pompous jew radio host named Bercoff (with a similar name to the jewish crook Bercow who was the Speaker of the House of Commons in the UK) keeps on interrupting her with his blah-blah-blah, absolutely nothing, after she came all the way from Ukraine to his studio — in France — to make serious points:

— Biden is completely senile and not aware what he is doing

— The supposedly enlightened and peace-loving Western Europe is refusing any dialogue with Russia and only shipping arms and threats to the east

— At any moment this war could explode into a European or world conflagration

1 Comment

  1. ughh i remember voting no on ukraine in the e.u also the soros sponsored commercials wich claimed the ukraine were allies in ww2.(HAHA) and also the fact none in power in brussels are chosen by democratic vote.. but hey those ruskies.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35984821 thank you president putin for not falling into this. i hope one day people reconize what you did for peace.

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