Donor sends $50 Amazon gift card number; are both civil war and foreign war ahead? spiritual reading on our ups and downs

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Here you go, John, the number for another $50 Amazon gift card here.

June is here and I want to get some more assistance to you while I can, although I know the impact is not too large. But better something than nothing. The world is changing rapidly.

Pretty terrifying article by Mike Adams yesterday.

Kind of making it sound like 1939, where major war is right on the horizon but without any focused organization. A civil war — then combined with a world war. Total communist revolution and destruction on a never-before-seen level. Crazy stuff especially when I realize it is actually possible and plausible! 😣

Cool version of “Highwayman” here, your fave reincarnation song, but different from the one you sometimes share. It has cool visuals to go with the song as well as the singers themselves.



……Recent donations

–1 June 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from S in Montana

–1 June 2020 Urantia book from K in Massachusetts

This is a pretty amazing-seeming book, supposedly channeled from Nordics, and saying Jesus was, not “God,” but one of them — and a governor of the spiritual development in this part of the galaxy. His teachings were massively distorted EVEN IN HIS LIFETIME, BY HIS JEWISH DISCIPLES, AND ESPECIALLY AFTER HIS DEATH.

All this is exactly what I have felt intuitively for decades.

I am also certain that “Odin” was from the same people — he had to keep eating apples from the goddess Idunn to stay immortal, btw…

…. like the Greek gods, needing their “ambrosia” and “nectar”…..

and also the bearded blond man Quetzalcoatl and the Viracocha who founded civilizations in Central and South America.

Earth keeps getting “missionaries” from higher Aryan worlds — noble souls who are appalled at the needless suffering here, and either come here via some spacecraft as adults, or decide to incarnate here as earthlings, and then are called “starseeds.”

Humans learn and grow a lot more from being taught by a fellow earthling who undergoes all our travails with us, like the guy on the right (who should have kept that mustache, btw, not adopted the Charlie Chaplin one 😉)


Once someone is perceived as a god, he is then worshipped and then begged to do stuff for us which we can and should do for ourselves.

Jesus being made into a god showed exactly this problem:

“Jesus, save us” or “Jesus, take us away to heaven” (while the jews are allowed to do as they want to this wretched planet).

Here is the pdf of this massive, 2,000-page book:


–30 May 2020 $88 check via automatic bank draft from G in Cicero, Illinois

There are those very dark-blue eyes you only see on certain Germans, such as AH. A website claimed this was the color of the Hyperboreans during a lost Golden Age, back when the North Pole and most of earth supposedly was a warm and beautiful place.

–29 May 2020 five wonderful books, a surprise gift from an unknown donor. All deal with Mein Kampf, a book I have in fact perused in the past. 😉 I have no idea whom to thank for this, but thank you!

I added my optional vaccination device to this photo for the sake of my dear Antifa friends. Just in case their deep commitment as good Americans to the First Amendment may start to waver, my Second Amendment device helpfully kicks in to remind them. 😉 Seventeen rounds are missing, part of my weekly close-range target practice on head-shaped targets. Hit the body (a large target), then two to the head.

My vaccine contains lead adjuvants, and might have side effects.


Sorry to be so mean to our dear friends.


A comrade sent this:

Cowardly antifa /BLM mob attacks an older white guy carrying an American flag to one of their protests. He is first sucker-punched by a fat little Jew wearing a black T-shirt with “Fuck Trump” on it. He is then dragged through a water puddle by an asshole with a green backpack, who was one of the primary perps. The asshole with the green backpack then wades into the mob to deliver more sucker punches to the old guy, who is already on the ground, surrounded by cowards. One of the white antifa / BLM protestors (in blue) sees the injustice being done to the old guy, tries to stop the beating, and is then chased and beaten by his own leftist “comrades.” After they punch him from behind, kick him on the ground when he’s already knocked out, and knock his teeth out, Mexican and black antifa / BLM females “help” him and chastise him for “running his mouth.”

If this doesn’t make one angry, I don’t know what would – this is the white America of the future, unless something is done about these communist subversives:

This same type of communist subversion and rioting in 1920s – 1930s Germany is why Hitler had to take on these Jew-funded communist bastards and save Germany from them, bringing it from economic depression to full employment, and ending the communist threat in Germany. Then the Jew-funded All-Lies US, UK, and USSR joined forces to destroy Hitler’s Germany – the last hope for the white race. Now we are reaping the bad karma of Tom Brokaw’s stupid and deluded “Greatest Generation.” More like the “Dumbest Generation.”

I replied:

Excellent comment and research.

Hitler’s storm troopers were a justified reaction to the Reds’ stormtroopers, who were busting skulls, breaking up non-communist meetings, and yelling (then as well as now) “Nazis off our streets” — as if the communists (who, right next door in Soviet Russia, were murdering workers by the tens of millions) somehow owned the streets of Germany’s working-class neighborhoods.

I have often distinguished between genuine liberals, who sincerely ARE for peace, tolerance and love (a dying breed of Americans which I did see in the 1960s, the Kennedys being among them, or Jimmy Carter), and true leftists, who sincerely are for the opposites, seeking only violence, dictatorship and hatred.



…..Spiritual reading

May 31

It is possible that you will find yourself dealing with emotional highs and lows, maybe even the sense that you are freeing, lifting upward, and then that you are impossibly grounded, unable to do more than slog through your daily activities. Highs and lows of many sorts. Keep your eyes open to see if and how this might manifest in your life.

When you swing into this kind of energy, it is important to keep balancing, breathing and bringing your awareness to the earth in order not to topple in one direction or another. These are always good things to do, but perhaps more essential to your ability to navigate the events of a day when things feel topsy-turvy.


I keep this symbol I commissioned from a French painter in 2005 before me always — Mars and Venus, harsh and gentle, war and peace, punishment and forgiveness, man and woman.

Both great energies make up our universe.


The trick, as always, is to stay connected to your higher awareness. To avoid being sucked into any vortices, whether they hold despair or ecstasy. Tastes of each are fine, but don’t lose yourself in them. These strong emotional states can be of great value and you can work with them, live with them and learn from them in many situations — but only when you remain firmly grounded in your own center and mastery.

Nature helps with this, so immerse yourself in the natural world if that is a possibility. Let the stately and impassive pace of the trees and the stones help you slow down if you are moving too fast or going too high.


Let the vibrancy and pulsating life force of the smaller animals and insects remind you of the tremendous joy and lightness of simple being if you are feeling weighed down.


*** This butterfly alit on my hand and stayed with me for five minutes



As we said earlier, breath is of the utmost importance. Connecting yourself to the rest of the physical world, and to the etheric as well, all through your breath. Pay attention particularly. You will be able to observe and learn much, we think.


As Eckhart Tolle says, you literally must stop thinking about anything else once you focus on feeling what your body is feeling, and part of your body action is breathing.

All over the world, when you are overly agitated and freaking out, a friend instinctively will urge you to “breathe —  just take a deep breath.” Both the oxygen from the bottom part of your lungs is good for you and it shuts down the mental chatter, the self-talk, which may be driving you nuts. Focusing on your breathing helps you “get a grip.”


It might easily happen that knowing all this, you still find yourself in the middle of an intense state you did not notice getting lost in. That is okay.

Like any meditation, what you are needing to do is just to return again and again to the truth.

But the illusion can be most intriguing, seductive. So don’t be surprised if you end up having some emotional adventures despite your best efforts. Simply put them in perspective and move on.

If you can find a way to be outdoors, in nature or surrounded by people whose energy suits you, enjoy the experience today.

There is a lot of sweetness around if you can stay in the middle. Look for that, and content yourself with it. For the moment, it is the goal and the ideal.

We send all our love. — E. West

Enjoying the simple things — Margi taught me today how to cook leeks and onions.

The Old Testament book of Exodus tells us the Israelites chucked their god Yahweh for a Golden Calf, then said to Moses they were returning to Egypt for leeks and onions. (I wish the Pharaoh had lured them back with this tasty dish, then drowned the whole ratpack in the Nile. 😉 )


  1. Love this saying Be Kind not rude …

    I run by Al Capone’s philosophy, which describes me to a T.

    “I’m a kind person. I’m kind to everyone, but if you are unkind to me (or my family), then kindness is not what you’ll remember me for.”


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