UPDATE Don’t blame Baby Boomers for the mess today — in 1958 already they were being blasted with female hormones and Diethylstilbestrol; obesity, asthma, cancer, wimpy behavior

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Sometimes Andrew Anglin and others bash Baby Boomers a bit demagogically as if they were deliberate  wimps who let the Jews and Blacks take over, and thus the loathsome Boomer-Wimps bequeathed to the younger generations the race hell of today.

There is some truth in what they say, but here are points to consider:

  1. The generation of Americans who crushed the South for the poor negroes in the US Civil War, leaving it a wasteland, was just as foolish
  2. The WWI generation which marched off to “save the world for democracy” in a “war to end all wars” (LOL) because the Germans were supposedly raping nuns and cutting off babies’ hands — ditto
  3. The WWII generation, called “the Greatest Generation,” incinerated the noble Germans in WWII and gave half the world to the communists.
  4. Folly is not restricted to any generation but endemic in all human history. Read The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire to see how the Romans were at each other’s throats, legion against legion, while the barbarians were crashing the gates!


To a Boomer Basher who reads too much Anglin: “Sorry, but I am tired of the demagogic Boomer Bashing. I have never seen worse pansies (with even gayish, effeminate voices) than in Millennials. The problem has nothing to do with Boomers or any specific generation. (Or was the generation that crushed the South in the Civil War any better, or the “Greatest Generation” which incinerated Dresden and smashed Germany less deluded?)


The issue is the general human condition of cowardice and folly. Shakespeare wrote in “Julius Caesar” 400 years ago (Act I, Scene i:) “You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!”


But on the Boomer issue, please read this to understand that neurochemicals have been zombyizing whites for over FIFTY YEARS:


MK MacMillan Sometimes Andrew Anglin and others bash Baby Boomers a bit demagogically as if they were deliberate wimps who let the Jews and Blacks take over, and thus the loathsome Boomer-Wimps bequeathed to the younger generations the race hell of today.

Putting it politely ^^
See ‘Backseat Driver’s syndrome.

BTW: Pre-environmental estrogen no ‘LGBTQ’ (?) Parades.
In spite of Andrews Patsy farming,
and ironic ‘Pit bulls are N-dogs’ (who gave them to BLM?)
I admire anyone who has avoided wh166erhood in Ohio.
It nice to imagine a sit down debate
with a scholarly anti-semite.
Why that never happens?
In a debate crazy country?
Think about it…

MK MacMillan Thanks, great post John de Nugent. What’s crazier?
The way the substance effeminizes, or the way it manifests in bravado via cortisol release?
Same as 🍺 beer.
John de Nugent Thanks, MK. As for beer, I have basically given up on it. It radically attacks testosterone (read any article on the Low-T problem). It is high-carb, and makes your face fat and your cheekbones disappear. It makes you depressed, sleepy and cowardly. (It was banned by King Henry VIII of England.)
John de Nugent If I drink, it is whiskey (zero-carb) or dry wine (which Jesus made at the Wedding in Cana as His first miracle  ). Two of the most warlike peoples on earth are the Irish and the Scots, and their drink is whiskey.
John de Nugent John 2:1-11 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
2 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, 
Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”

4 “Woman,[a] why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.[b]7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”

They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”

11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.


MK MacMillan Thanks for adding that CRITICAL distinction.
I’ve said it too. But motions have to be seconded.
Personally, I drink dark red wines,
like Cabernet. The cholesterol ‘lowering’ drugs only make my doctor feel ok. I had to try them to stabilize him. But they all gave me a headache.
I’d like to drink Single Malt Scotch only. But its not always in the budget.
No hangovers. Taste nice.
I was sort of pleased that the Distillery in Waco Tx won a single malt competition.
Theirs is about $60 -750ml.
However much better that could be is not worth the extra $38.
I don’t want to come off like a Scotch snob either
Johhny Walker Red is fine.
$18 a fifth.
Trying to tell all the ppl their beer is F ing with their endocrine system, is like pissing on a Forest fire
Which is really what they are doing
pissing their children’s birth right away.
Silence is complicity.
You , me, and hopefully alot more
not complicit in that.
John de Nugent MK MacMillan Good post –thanks. (Oh, and did I mention beer bellies, too?  )
Nancy O Hahn I’m a Boomer and I don’t blame my parents generation nor my grandparents generation for failure to see through Joo takeover of our country. Millennials are the wimpiest cry babies ever. Must be nice to have grown up where you have all the world’s information at your fingertips when we didn’t have the luxury of the internet for alternative sources for news.
John de Nugent Yes, it was 1) exactly that, no Internet back then; 2) the fact that our parents actually fought the Germans or were killed by them — “Nazis” literally were the enemy in a major war, and Hitler seemed to be “ranting” at the top of his lungs in every speech in a very guttural German, a turn-off, and 3) the fact that America, with all its (pseudo-)-democracy, was still a successful, respected, and rich country back then, unlike now. It was very hard to tell the truth back then.

The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity

Old-Thinker News | August 19, 2010

By Daniel Taylor

Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer [photo] was in many ways a man ahead of his time, and most certainly controversial. He was attacked by the medical establishment for connecting diet with disease and mental health in his 1917 book

Dr. Clymer received his medical degree in 1902 from the College of Medicine and Surgery in Chicago and began practicing Osteopathy. Accusations of fraud surround Dr. Clymer’s career, including this 1923 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, which claims that, “Our records fail to show that this man was ever regularly graduated by any reputable medical college.” What Clymer had to say more than likely had something to do with the denouncement that he received from the medical establishment.

Though Dr. Clymer may be surrounded with controversy, his 1958 book Your Health and Sanity in the Age of Treason exposes toxic food additives and fluoride with documentation “ the majority of which are mainstream scientific studies “ that can be verified many times over.

What makes this book unique is the fact that Dr. Clymer was one of the first to point out that statements by the elite indicated that these toxins were to be deliberately released ” ¦for the mental deterioration and moral debasement of the mass ¦”

Dr. Clymer introduces readers with a stark warning for the future

The book is appropriately subtitled; “Food and Liquids Used as a Medium in Deliberately and Carefully Planned Methods Developed by the Vicious Element of Humanity, for the Mental Deterioration and Moral Debasement of the Mass, as a Means Toward Their Enslavement.”

Dr. Clymer introduces readers with a stark warning for the future, writing,

“Imagine yourself if you can, becoming conscious that you are gradually losing your manhood; that your mind is rapidly deteriorating so that you are no longer capable of thinking clearly; unable to plan your future actions.

Your resistance is becoming so weakened that you are no longer master of yourself. In short, you are rapidly developing into a moron, a robot, a zombie, readily subject to the dictates of others ¦”

Bertrand Russell’s 1953 book The Impact of Science on Society is cited by Clymer as one example of the elite’s desire to dominate the masses.

Russell stated that under scientific tyranny, “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.

Diethylstilbestrol “ Endocrine Disruption

Dr. Clymer identified the synthetic estrogen Diethylstilbestrol “ developed in 1938 “ as a means to achieve the aims of the elite. Clymer explains that some of the toxic additives discussed in the book may not have been employed for the express purpose outlined by the elite, but ” ¦they served their purpose admirably ¦” Dr. Clymer elaborates,

“The employment of Stilbestrol by the laity with absolutely no knowledge of the dangerous agent they are employing, in conditioning chickens and meats, is mass medication without license, with a dangerous toxic drug that may have universal disastrous results on all who eat such adulterated foods. This is especially true as it concerns children, youths, young women and men, resulting as it may, in their sterilization or cancer “ something fervently hoped for by the enemies of mankind.”

[JdN: Hmm, who might they be? 😉 ]

Because Stilbestrol is a synthetic chemical, ” ¦the natural protective activity of the bodily organs are ineffective in prohibiting harmful results. Natural Estrogen, on the other hand, is decomposed, and any of its possible harmful effects may be more or less made ineffective,” writes Dr. Clymer. Stilbestrol was used as a treatment for various types of cancer and menopausal symptoms, but as Dr. Clymer states, “Physicians versed in the use of Endocrines agree generally that Stilbestrol is a dangerous drug in all except experienced hands.”

Dr. E. Malcolm Stokes, in an article published in the Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, September 1948, wrote: “Single large doses of [natural] estrogen substances are quickly excreted ¦ long continued, repeated administration in relatively small doses [as in daily consumption of meats permeated with stilbestrol] may intensify tissue response to the hormone.”

Dr. Clymer warns that such chemicals are to feminize men,

“Every vigilant human being should be concerned with several important factors involved: The methods or means by which it is possible to change man’s characteristics as easily as the animal’s.

Man is a warrior by nature, the protector of his family, and his own rights and privileges; an individual, a free man ¦

A being who has wrought great things and who, if not interfered with, will do even greater things.

This being is to be turned into a lesser female; unable, even unwilling, to defend himself, much less his family or country; becoming a slave ¦”

Dr. Clymer’s concerns over Stilbestrol have been vindicated over time, as the chemical has been phased out of use as a growth hormone in the late 1970’s due to concerns over cancer. Additionally, in 1971 the FDA advised physicians to stop prescribing Stilbestrol to pregnant women due to high cancer risk. The drug is no longer being manufactured as of 1997.

Flash forward “ Bisphenol A

Today there are continuing concerns as substantial levels of Bisphenol A (BPA) have been found in a large percentage of the western world’s population. Like Diethylstilbestrol, BPA is a synthetic estrogen with similar to identical effects on the human body. BPA is perhaps a much larger threat due to the fact that unlike Stilbestrol “ which was primarily consumed in meats “ it is found in many household products, including the food we eat. 

A recent study from the Canadian Health Measures Survey found that over 90% of Canadians have detectable concentrations of BPA in their urine. Studies conducted by the CDC found Bisphenol A in the urine of 95% of adults sampled in 1988 “1994 and in 93% of children and adults tested in 2003 “04. Other studies have shown that Bisphenol A causes feminization of males and reduced sperm count.

As Dr. Frederick vom Saal states in this local Fox News report, levels of BPA below a trillionth of a gram have been found to alter cell function and growth.

Additionally, BPA was found to feed cancer cell growth and impact the reproductive system of rats.


***JdN: Wikipedia on Bisphenol A (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisphenol_A)

BPA is employed to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA-based plastic is clear and tough, and is made into a variety of common consumer goods, such as water bottles, sports equipment, CDs, and DVDs.



Epoxy resins containing BPA are used to line water pipes, as coatings on the inside of many food and beverage cans and in making thermal paper such as that used in sales receipts.[2] In 2015, an estimated 4 million tons of BPA chemical were produced for manufacturing polycarbonate plastic, making it one of the highest volume of chemicals produced worldwide.[3]

BPA is a xenoestrogen, exhibiting estrogen-mimicking, hormone-like properties that raise concern about its suitability in some consumer products and food containers.

[…] Numerous animal studies have demonstrated an association between endocrine disrupting chemicals (including BPA) and obesity.

[…] A 2009 review summarized BPA adverse effects on thyroid hormone action

[…]  increases in leukemia and testicular interstitial cell tumors

[…] Higher susceptibility to breast cancer has been found in many studies […]

[…] Higher BPA exposure has been associated with increased self-reporting of decreased male sexual function

[…] In 2013, research from scientists at the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health also found a link between the compound and an increased risk for asthma. 

Dose (µg/kg*day) Effects (measured in studies of mice or rats,
descriptions (in quotes) are from Environmental Working Group)[95][96]

“Permanent changes to genital tract” 2005[97]
0.025 “Changes in breast tissue that predispose cells to hormones and carcinogens” 2005[98]
1 long-term adverse reproductive and carcinogenic effects 2009[99]
2 “increased prostate weight 30%” 1997[100]
2 “lower bodyweight, increase of anogenital distance in both genders, signs of early puberty and longer estrus.” 2002[101]
2.4 “Decline in testicular testosterone” 2004[102]
2.5 “Breast cells predisposed to cancer” 2007[103]
10 “Prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer” 2006[104]
10 “Decreased maternal behaviors” 2002[105]
30 “Reversed the normal sex differences in brain structure and behavior” 2003[106]
50 Adverse neurological effects occur in non-human primates 2008[107]
50 Disrupts ovarian development


United States [edit]

In 2013, the FDA posted on its web site: “Is BPA safe? Yes.”




Yet another danger to human health and well being identified by Dr. Clymer is Sodium Fluoride. Fluoride, we are told, is placed in the water supply to help protect our teeth from decay. Today some are proposing that fluoride and other forms of mass medication will serve as a means of “Cognitive Enhancement.” In his expose of fluoride, Dr. Clymer quotes Rene M. Vale, a former Communist and party worker in her book Red Court, published in 1952. She writes,

“In regions of the country where resistance was most apt to develop we saw to it that virus diseases struck, and when antibiotics threatened our program, we devised other means of vitiating the populace. Fluoridation of drinking water was found to be about the most successful ¦”

Dr. Charles E. Perkins, with whom Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer was in personal contact, was, ” ¦ sent by the United States Government to help take charge of the I. G. Farben chemical plants in Germany at the end of the second world war. What follows are quotations from a letter which Mr. Perkins wrote to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, dated October 2, 1954.”

Mr. Perkins letter states,

“We are told by the ideologists who are advocating the fluorination of water supplies in this country that their purpose is to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in children, and it is the plausibility of this excuse, plus the prominence of those who are responsible for the present spread of artificial water fluoridation in this country.

“However “ and I want to make this very definite and very positive “ the real reason behind fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty ¦

“I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the NS movement at the time ¦”

Dr. Clymer additionally cites a 1956 letter written by the then New York Water Commissioner Arthur C. Ford (available in full here). In the letter, Ford speaks out openly against fluorides as ” ¦extremely toxic substances ¦” Ford writes,

“We are aware that the fluorides are extremely toxic substances, and evidence exists to show that even at the recommended level of one part per million of fluoride in drinking water, people in fluoridated communities have been harmed.

We know of reputable, independent medical authorities throughout the United States and in the local area who have found evidence of fluoride damage to persons living in fluoridated communities. These medical authorities disagree with the fluoride hypothesis, and they have raised grave questions with respect to the safety of the procedure for an entire population which includes the young, the old, the susceptible and the infirm as well as the healthy.

Fluoride, besides being a toxic substance, is not all excreted when taken into the system, a significant percentage remaining cumulatively. Fluoridation of the drinking water at any level of concentration is a very indiscriminate procedure, since children drink widely varying amounts of water ¦”

Australian television recently reported on fluoride’s harmful impact on human health and efforts to expand water fluoridation on the continent.

As sperm counts continue to fall world-wide and GMO crops escape into the environment, exposure to untold numbers of environmental toxins like BPA is a continuing threat. In the United States, several EPA scientists have denounced fluoridation, calling for a national moratorium on the fluoridation of water supplies. Citizens in Wichita Kansas are becoming active in raising awareness of fluoride, drawing attacks from the local media. Awareness of these issues is essential not just for those living today, but for future generations.

Open admissions of the intent to chemically alter humanity should leave us with nothing but a sense of duty to warn others of the grave threat that we face.



….See also

.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS9NpmU6PHs “It would cost 2.2 cents more per can to use a safe substance….”



…..Why I am founding a new religion


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