Double-standards judge allows lawsuit against Anglin

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The libtard judge ruled:

“Anglin did not use his speech about Gersh to raise awareness for issues consonant with the alt-right agenda,” the judge wrote in his decision. “Rather, construing the allegations in the complaint as true, Anglin exploited the prejudices widely held among his readers to specifically target one individual.”

But the same can be said of the Jewess Gersh, who targeted this Whitefish, Montana gentile woman for a boycott, a financial war to bankrupt her, solely because of her SON’s views!





….leftist doxxes 18-y/o white Canadian WN girl “Evalion,” then living in a black Toronto neighborhood in order to get her threatened, beaten, raped or murdered — no problemo there!


Evalion — heart-rending video of savage attacks by “Rabbi Picklestein,” the fat, fake-tattooed, fake-ex-skinhead “Christian Picciolini”

….Washington Post runs photo of Judge Kavanaugh’s house and identifies closely the neighborhood, says it is in “Chevy Chase, Maryland” — no problemo either! 


Weirdo owner of the Com-Post, Jeff Bezos, who also is the tyrannical, skinflint boss of Amazon

So I guess the authors are trying to say Kavanaugh is an “elites” but Demoncrats who live in Chevy Chase are “accomplished”…….

I wrote Marc Fisher,  Post Senior Editor, as follows:


It is unconscionable and an invitation to violence to doxx the house of Judge Kavanaugh:

Furthermore, the house is not even huge, so how is it germane at all to your “Kavanaugh-is-an-elites” theory?

Suppose someone ran a photo of YOUR house and address? How would YOU like it?

And yes, your paper has done three stories dealing with me, peripherally in 1978, in 2009 (James von Brunn) and 2017 –Leo Frank case.

Washington Com-Post fake news: John de Nugent and cohorts are defaming poor little Leo Frank!

John de Nugent

PS Doxx me all you want. This Marine puts his address and phone number out every day. I’ll doxx your home address and phone right back and give you a taste of your own medicine.






  1. I believe the judge in this case should be doxxed. We must set an example that judges who rule against free speech need to be taught a legal lesson. It’s perfectly legal to protest peacefully outside of his house. After all, is he not a “public servant”?

    Antifa and the left doxx our people on a daily basis — and there are never any legal repercussions, even though they’re guilty of a tort action aka tortious interference.

    Things in this country will only change when we start holding these political reprobates responsible for violating our rights that are guaranteed under the US Constitution.

    Donate a printer to me and I’ll show you what I can legally do.

    • Over in Germany two comrades held up signs NEAR (not in front of) the house of a judge who let a pedophile off, demanding the death penalty for those who rape kids.

      The enraged judge had them jailed for three months for “advocating violence against a minority.” (Yes)

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