I remember when Brad Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston and both were so good-looking, Aryan and blue-eyed. (Pitt now dyes his hair dark-brown, a trend I have seen in other actors who curry the semitic-khazarian jews’ favor. Natural-blond is now very “out” in Hollywood.)
Pitt as Achilles in “Troy”
I felt deep inside me that the Jews would be really opposed to them staying together and having kids. Sure enough, Pitt began cheating on her with (IMO) the possibly half-jewish NWO dragon lady, Angelina Jolie, and then adopting Third World kids.
In his “World War Z” movie, he stars as a man who realizes that only the United Nations can save the world (from a pandemic of, yes, zombies. The last movie that Margi and I saw in a movie theater was a decade ago, about fracking, and starring Matt Damon. It was a good movie, but it was preceded by this — TWENTY MINUTES of trailers which were basically inflicted on us that were all featuring either zombies or vampires. How interesting… 😉 )
…..Angelina versus Israel
Well, the meme below, if she said these words, is maybe a redeeming thing. If true, then maybe she truly feels this way AND ALSO senses that her Hollywood career is over anyway. (It might also confirm that she is part-jewish and think she can therefore get away with this.)
OR actually many Hollywood jews do agree with her, being perhaps also against Satanyahu for ethical or practical reasons, or both.
Israelis can act very arrogantly toward American jews, as in „We made aliya [ = literally „ascension,“ meaning we emigrated to the jewish homeland, while you live amongst the goyim] and we are tough guys who fight, not soft lawyers and accountants like you American jews.“
In 2009, Brad Pitt starred in Inglorious Basterds, a sicko Quentin Tarantino film where a Kentucky boy trains Jews to kill Germans. In his 2014 movie “Fury” ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fury_(2014_film) Pitt’s light hair is colored very dark, and he proves his manhood by the war crime of killing unarmed German prisoners, including young German teenagers, and forcing his hesitant men to do so.
(Even pro-Jew periodicals in the US and Europe protested such scenes: http://nypost.com/2014/10/16/brad-pitt-should-be-court-martialed-for-war-porn-world-war-ii-epic-fury/).
Sergeant “Wardaddy” (played by the jew-serving traitor Pitt) cajoles, orders, and actually physically forces Norman to kill a surrendered German soldier. This is both stupid strategically (it is obviously far better when enemies surrender quickly than fight you to the death) and also legally and morally a war crime. The Allies hanged Germans after 1945 for killing captured GI prisoners.
But you can see that any Aryan-looking icon of purity and valor must be corrupted. “Fury” actually glorifies how one American GI is turned into “a fighting, fuckin’, drinking machine.”
(I must say that in both the Marines and the US Army this animalistic mindset was carefully cultivated and promoted, especially via marching with songs about sex, whores and, yes, killing babies. The German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS NEVER, EVER, EVER had the men sing such disgusting lyrics,because I always said “our struggle is noble, and the German soldier actually fights best for something that is noble.”)
The movie “Fury” (whic was shot in England, btw) is both truthful about shocking GI behavior and sadly, for this reason, it shows the real truth about the many thugs in a US uniform of the so-called “Greatest Generation” and it was disgusting and appalling to watch. (Btw, actor Scott Eastwood, son of Clint and strongly resembling him, plays a member of the tank crew.)
One compensation is that an actual, working, and formidable German Tiger I tank from those days is used, this one:
She [Angelina] pulled the plug when he choked their oldest son Maddox on a flight for trying to protect his mother and stepping between them in a fight.
When she filed for divorce, he offered to buy her out of their winery, but made her sign an NDA. Then he refused to buy her part, and because of the NDA she couldn’t tell anyone, so he pretended that she was the one who was behaving like a lunatic, and he told the press that she was refusing to go through with the process, and even sued her for not selling her part to him.
In my opinion, both of them are severely mentally ill and should be given the Wild West treatment which horses with broken legs could hope for. Disgusting Hollywood morons.
There is in fact some overlap between Germanic and Greek religion: The divine twins Apollo and Artemis were said to travel between the Greek islands and the land of the northwind. And in Germanic mythology you have Freyr and Freya, who could represent Apollo and Artemis in the north.
There are more parallels to Greek ideas – the apples of the Hesperides vs. the apples of Iduna, for example. It’s quite likely, that there was a much closer connection between Greece and the north than believed nowadays. Hans Peter Duerr explained this in a book about Greek sailors trading with the continental North Sea coast 3500 years ago. Hans Steuerwald proved, that Odysseus sailed around the British mainland, which would have happened ~ 3800 years ago.
Oh, thanks. I will add this to the article.
Well, that is maybe a redeeming thing. If true, then maybe she truly feels this way AND ALSO senses that her Hollywood career is over anyway.
OR many Hollywood jews agree with her, being perhaps also against Satanyahu for either ethical or practical reasons.
Israelis can act very arrogantly toward American jews, as in “We made aliya [ = literally “ascension,” meaning we emigrated to the jewish homeland] and we are tough guys who fight, not soft lawyers and accountants like you American jews.”
Another scumbag celebrity from Hollywood, when i think of Hollywood the first thing that comes to mind is pedophilia.
It’s run by jewish pedophiles who rape young goyim child actors and are involved in child trafficking,pedophilia rings and child rape and torture.
Plus child sacrifice and mk ultra brainwashing with terrorising and traumatising children by killing another
hold in front of them and using drugs on them that are open to hypnotic suggestions.
It’s pretty obvious now how evil sick and degenerate hollywood is and we would have been much better without that garbage.
We could of made our own movies with our own people and our culture and our heritage and traditions.
And promotion of our race our people and victories over our enemies.
Braindead liberal scumbag celebrities, such as Brad Pitt represent the worst of our people.
Stupid ignorant,selfish,narrcassistic
egotistic and clueless overpaid degenerate horrible people.
Brad Pitt is another vile celebrity that is lower then a prostitute.
Hollywood is a filthy sewer overflowing with shit, it should be destroyed and burnt down or have a nucleor warhead dropped on it.
Purtroppo gli attori di Hollywood sono vittime mk ultra, un circolo terribile dalla quale è difficile uscire.
So che suo padre si è vergognato delle sue dichiarazioni…e le ha chiesto di ritrattare.
Non è stata l’unica attrice contro Israele, per fortuna 🙂
Unfortunately, Hollywood actors are MK-Ultra victims, a terrible circle from which it is difficult to escape.
I know that [Angelina Jolie’s] father [John Voigt] was ashamed of her statements… and asked her to recant.
She wasn’t the only actress against Israel, fortunately,
When humans enter an intimate relationships with another person they give up a fair bit of their freedom. Suddenly they can no longer do certain things and have to explain themselves.
They do so for a reason. It’s not just their instincts making them do what’s necessary to procreate. The relationship between a man and a woman is a trade. They enter that relationship expecting the other person to improve their quality of life / living standard. In different times that meant different things. Today it’s no longer just about cooking, cleaning and sex on demand in return for half of the man’s assets and life earnings.
Yes, it is hopefully in part about true love and genuine attraction, and partly about practicalities.
In American colonial times there many, many blended families — a widower with kids marries a widow down the road who likewise has kids — and many Americans back then had a stepfather or stepmother. One simply had to be practical and find a responsable replacement mate pronto.
Speaking of movies about WW2, did you or your father ever see “Till the End of Time”? It is a 1946 film about returned soldiers, similar in plot to “The Best Years of Our Lives” with Frederic March, only in this case the veterans are Marines. Robert Mitchum is in the cast.
Thanks for mentioning this film. I have never seen it, no. But I may just watch it on Amazon.
My father did not have such a huge adjustment after WWII, though it was a true horror show. Actually, it was Korea that traumatized him more. My father lost his best friend there, a fellow lieutenant named Edward Flanagan, and mourned his death for decades.
And he was bitter that the war had ended merely in a draw, an “armistice,” a cease-fire.
In WWII, the Japanese at least had been soundly beaten and a new, anti-militaristic government had been installed in Tokyo, so the GIs felt they had fought, sweated and bled for something worthwhile (and, of course, this had also saved Australia and New Zealand, both all-white countries then).
It was in a way a white victory over a very formidable East Asian people:
But the same old North Korean psychopaths stayed in power after 1953, and that monstrous family still runs North Korea today.
My dad had to see a Navy psychiatrist for six months due to nightmares which ruined his sleep. I have often thought about how this illustrated the tragedy of the egoic mind. My father was tough as nails, and anything but a coward, or an over-sensitive person. It was just that he could not ban his thoughts and horrible memories from resurfacing.
His mind ruled him –as it does most earthlings — and it tortured him pointlessly with recollections of the horrors he had seen, and so he could not control his mind, especially not when asleep.
Speaking for myself, I had terrible memories of MK-ULTRA. But one of the benefits of this dreadful experience was that it forced me to ask: Am I in control of my mind or does it control me?
I have been reading a book sent to me by a supporter in Indiana called Egregores. It is about the concept that thoughts can become a “thought form,” which in Tibetan Buddhism are called a tulpa, and tulpas can become real things, sometimes dangerous things.
I had nightmares from MK-ULTRA until I was 49. How did these awful memories ever benefit me? Not one bit.
In the movie “To the end of time,” a mother of a Marine urges him to “forget the past.” This is easier said than done, and especially if one has lost both legs!
My salvation was to fully address what happened, look at it, see it, process it, and learn the lesson, which in my case was that the Big Jews are unimaginably evil, satanic and vile. And so my path in this life and in my last one as well was not only fully justified, but I had to innovate radically this time around and find a new kind of path to victory.
For I am not in a racially homogenous, 99.5% white Germany in 1932, but in a multiracial America in 2024 where many Whites are basket cases.
The jews were pretty shook up by the Hitler phenomenon, and learned from it. They resolved to never again allow a Hitler-type person, a fanatic antisemite, to come to power peacefully and legally via the ballot box.
Not only do they blatantly steal elections (as they stole mine in 1990 in Tennessee) but they have also flooded America with 50% non-whites, letting millions of colored people vote who, in most voting districts, can work with white libtards (often white females) to defeat any champion of the rights of white people.
I just saw a new movie, “Civil War,” with Kirsten Dunst as a photojournalist. It is about the madness of a war with American killing other Americans.
As atrocities piled up, the team of photojournalists itself became a target of rebel militiamen, and some of them, quite unarmed, get killed, and the others are deeply traumatized by seeing the deaths of their colleagues and friends.
Actress Kirsten Dunst’s father is from Germany, btw, and her mother was of German ancestry, too. Her husband, actor Jesse Plemon, plays the blond soldier in this trailer who is part of the armed rebellion which is growing in power — and he is very suspicious of the photojournalists, especially since several of them are non-white.
In fact, one of the male photojournalists cracks up from the grief and the horror.
I fear that many white nationalists will be like this guy, and in fact take themselves out instead of taking out some of the enemy!
So the real question is this — why on earth kill YOURSELF and thereby spare those who are genuinely evil, the villains who have made our countries into hell on earth????
How incredibly insane is THAT….the insanity of cowardice and of self-harm. You do nothing to the Big Jews who have tortured you and ruined your life — your health, your finances, and your relationships, all of which the jews have in fact done to me. It hurt a lot to be shunned by my relatives, my daughters, and disinherited by my father.
Yet for lack of a leader and a plan you go out and kill your own self and thus your death is totally meaningless. (I can think of five WNs I knew who killed themselves, and all had real talents.) Sjuicide does not subtract even one person from the enemy army. By killing yourself — think about it — you are murdering someone on OUR side.
We need a new religion to make us sane again, for the white race has never been more insane than it is right now.
And we certainly did not have 1 in 3 Germans on the autism spectrum in 1932, more like 1 in 2000.
But I see White people with this autism disorder in every direction, among both normies and white nationalists.
And my fear is that autism is a kind of chemically induced narcissism — me, me, me.
Feeling alone and not part of the group.
Surely only those strong in mind and heart will survive this without disgrace, those who regain control over how they act and feel.
And in the face of absolute evil, to still do nothing even in this epochal incarnation, when action will be vital for our very survival, is just as bad as the crimes of the jews.
I thank those very few who support my work, and especially on this day of April 20. You will be pleased that you did.
It’s fitting that you should mention Tibetan Buddhism in your reply to my comment, because Brad Pitt starred in “Seven Years in Tibet,” which is based on the autobiography of Heinrich Harrer, who was a member of the SS.
Yes. I saw that movie, and Pitt actually did movies back then which were not sinister.