Dr. Andrew Wakefield insights on Cohenavirus hoax; Aussie pandemic hoax in 1919 — a trial run for today

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I get the sense that both Adams and Wakefield, brave but just semi-reformers, are hearing the voices of the more radical ones, such as those who totally question the virus theory.  Wakefield, a hero in the fight against autism-causing vaccines, to my surprise was debunking “the great” Louis Pasteur and his germ theory, which is halfway to debunking viruses.

Now read this!

In 1919 the jewsmedia in Australia launched a psychological assault on the Australian population pertaining to the imminent appearance of a “deadly disease” that was headed for our shores, known initially as the “pneumonic influenza” epidemic.

This insanity, this stupidity went on for almost seven years. Seven years of hell for “Oz” (Australia).

The 1919 pandemic was perhaps one of the most tyrannical hoaxes ever thrust upon the good people of Australia. Well, it was, until exactly 100 years later.

There is only one solution to end this madness.

It’s up to you!



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