Draft-dodger Romney blasts Trump (who had endorsed him for US Senate and helped him win…)

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Romney is mega-evil. I literally thanked God on my knees when Obama beat him in 2012. Better an outrageous leftist than a sneaky neo-con who pretends to be a traditional conservative.


Franz Himmler, Benjamin Saenz and 8 others


Dan Cunningham If George Romney was still alive Mitt would change his mind on abortion!

John de Nugent That reminds me how this family has nomadically moved around, from (yes) Mexico, to Michigan, to Massachusetts, to Utah!

John de Nugent While the peons were fighting in Vietnam, Mittens was a Mormon missionary in Paris, France.

John de Nugent This was his “barracks” (Mormon French headquarters) where he toughed it out in the 16th Arrondissement of Paree

Five big, strapping sons — and not one served in the American uniform!

Aww, so sweet, Romney and his black granddaughter

His assignment in 2012 was the same as John McCain’s in 2008 – lose to Barack Obama. It was important symbolism for a handsome white male to lose.

Robert Farrar
Bain Equity ruined a perfectly viable business – Toys r Us – and saddled it with 5 billion in debt from a LBO. Romney IS pure evil.

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