Drunk or just demented? — 76 y/o Joe Biden Slurs His Way Through First Campaign Speech as Presidential Candidate [Montage]; egomaniacal presidents

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Not only is Biden a total sexual creep, a lecher, toward innocent women and girls, he is also apparently suffering from age-related dementia.

Incredible that he would seek the hardest, most stressful job on earth, the presidency of a superpower.

Eckhart Tolle has written masterfully about the egoic mind, and it sure is on display in this old political hack, who has NO reason, vision or charisma to run for president except his own vain ego. I am sure Trump would love him to get the Demoncrat nomination.


At 76, Joe Biden is one the oldest people to ever mount a presidential campaign, and in his first speech as a presidential candidate Monday, it showed.

The Pennsylvania native and former vice president — who just announced his third attempt at a run for the White House — repeatedly stumbled and slurred his way through his brief, 27-minute remarks in Pittsburgh Monday. His almost every sentence was peppered with verbal stumbles.
He opened: “I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Alleghengy County executive for being here.”
“The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge — heh — and hedge fund managers,” Biden stammered during what was supposed to be a headline moment.
At various points he stumbled over words like “dignity,” “successful,” and “hospitals.” Occasionally words were entirely indecipherable.
“Union workers, the UAW took extredable — cuts in their pensions and their future and the less to get GM working,” Biden said.

…..Vanity of vanities

What makes Trump so dangerous is the same vanity that Biden has, the obsession with becoming, being and then staying president, hearing the band play “Hail to the Chief,” driving around in a big limousine, landing in Air Force One (btw, it was Jacky Kennedy who decided on the big, blue stripe)…


….getting snappy salutes from the Marines…

Trump returning a salute from the Marine guards. Chicken-hawk Ronald Reagan started this nonsense. Civilians do NOT salute the military, It is highly improper, and undermines civilian control of the Pentagon.


….and awing other world and domestic leaders by receiving them in the famed Oval Office. It is one huge ego trip, and it attracts huge egos.

My late dad in there with President Gerald Ford. He spoke often to me of his various visits to seen Nixon, Ford and Reagan, and came back every time all a-tingle.

To be fair, President Trump also has excellent issues (jobs for Americans, border wall with Mexico, pro-gun, etc.) and at least a certain weird, cocky charisma.

He is without a doubt a very watchable, entertaining, ever surprising speaker with true showmanship skills and a pugnacious charm.

The day is coming sooner than most realize for me to address anew “the Donald,” who may well be aware that he is indeed the reincarnation of General George Patton, and that Vladimir Putin used my website to warn him against assassination by the Jews, and Vlad chose the significant date of September 11 in the election year 2016 to do so.

*** skip over this if you have read it. If not, read it all now…unless you chose to remain unaware that the approaching nuclear war will KILL you — unless I can stop the Jew-triggered march to world suicide.

From here:

Especially important blogs

  1. https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence/
  2. https://johndenugent.com/trump-previously-george-patton-is-ready-for-conflict-war-and-death-once-again-in-this-incarnation/
  3. https://johndenugent.com/english/putin-uses-my-site-to-warn-trump-to-avoid-assassination-by-talmudists-alex-jones-russia-1-and-putin-friend-kiselyov-show-my-website-and-article/
  4. https://johndenugent.com/ufos-the-third-reich-after-1945-and-the-pleiadians/
  5. https://johndenugent.com/english/simon-roche-south-africa-the-coming-all-out-race-war-certain-germans-to-the-rescue-trump-wwiii-and-the-visions-of-the-prophet-nicholas-van-rensburg-100-years-ago


But I really doubt that Trump, an atheist, is aware of the Van Rensburg prophecy that in 1917 described Trump to a “t” as a mostly good US president who gets trapped into a policy of anti-Russian belligerency — ever proving to the Deep State (which has threatened, blackmailed or framed him with something, maybe the Jeffrey Epstein scandal) that he is not “colluding” with Russia.

This constant provocation of Russia — including moving massive tank, naval and missile forces right up to the Russian border and the CIA engineering a coup in neighboring Ukraine — finally triggers a war with Russia that involves the muslim Turks first betraying the Russians.

It ends in a massive nuclear catastrophe.

But we can see that with advisors like Mike Pence, the pompous Mike Pompeo,

Pompeo proud that CIA “lied, cheated and stole.”

the literally insane John Bolton, and treacherous muslim maniacs like Erdogan in Turkey, plus an ever more aggravated Putin, who very calmly takes no sh– from anybody — a fundamentally Russian national trait — the stage has been set for exactly this thermonuclear holocaust to actually happen.

And so, just like Woodrow Wilson 100 years ago, the Jews force a president to do their bidding – and it ends up in a world war and a world disaster. But the president in both 1917 and 2017 has such a gigantic ego that he goes along with the jew program, heedless of its horrific consequences.

Beyond the above, the US economy stands on ever shakier ground, and insecure powers, losing their calm, can become very aggressive.

Is the end nearing for the US eagle?

I spoke yesterday with two veterans who want the UP of Michigan to be prepared for anarchy and even a race war.

This area is, of course, ideal in many ways as a white, pro-gun, free speech bastion.

It is 98% white, isolated by woods on the Wisconsin side and a huge bridge toward Lower Michigan, way to0 cold for the blacks and Mexicans (six months of winter!) and chock-full of angry combat veterans. It also landslid in 2016 for Trump.

The recent Assange and Venezuela outrages prove that the nuclear war between the US and Russia IS coming.

May God grant me the skill and wisdom to prevent it, and the courage to face the most withering hatred and threats to my life which the jews have ever unleashed.

But… this is a time for heroes. Does Trump really want to go down in history, not as a great president who made America great again, but as the jews’ servile lackey who ended up starting a WWIII that killed six billion innocent people — including, btw, 95% of the Jews in New York, L.A., London, Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tel Aviv?

but if so, then all the sins of the Jews toward both the whites and the Arabs….


…will be visited upon this wicked generation.


Little Jews, get ready for a REAL holocaust in WWIII.


My appearance on Iranian Press TV



I will ask for this great man’s blessing. We all die, but most just exist before death. This man truly lived.


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