Trump reminds me of what Le Monde said about Dubya during the French-bashing of 2002-03 when the French correctly refused to join the US invasion of Iraq over mythical “weapons of mass destruction.” “It is not true that ALL Americans are ignorant, arrogant, and swagger about, but Bush does represents that segment of American society which is this way.”
Appalling……. I must preface my remarks by saying that Trump has done some GREAT things domestically, and many of his executive orders are wonderful! Among them are total federal support for freedom of speech! (So where did his vow go from five months ago, given to a juish audience, to “crush antisemism”?) He also ordered the CIA and FBI to release all files on the assassination of President John Kennedy. These will prove (unless massively redacted with a black magic marker) that the CIA wickedly and outrageously murdered our elected president.
However, Trump’s view of Russia is catastrophically, dangerously erroneous, and reflects only the brief unipolar moment in the 1993-2008 period when America actually was the only superpower, this being before Russia elected Puitin as president and the vast slavic Motherland recovered its economic and military might… and before China regained its old status as a superpower which it had enjoyed for millennia before the 1500s.
America is a 50% third-world population with aging Whites and incredible obesity and illness, plus truly staggering debts, and a semi-worthless educations system that cranks out PhDs in gender studies while Russia and China mass-produce STEM graduates. (“STEM” means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
The Russian economy is booming; the Russian military is technologically superior to the American in both conventional and nuclear forces, and its troops are battle-hardened and have excellent morale. Trump is being fed juish lies, yes, but given his “We’re-number-one” American-patriotard ego, the man is predictably gobbling it all up! But we are NO LONGER the WHITE superpower or 1940 or 1960!
Russia, having shed its many muslim republics of Soviet times, is whiter than ever!
It is an 80% WHITE nation. And the non-whites are not restive but well-treated and happy. (The longtime defense minister, Shoigu– now the head of the vital National Security Council, seen on the left in this photo, is himself part-East Asian. Russia’s minorities, despite the diabolical attempts by the CIA to interfere and sow trouble, moaning about “Russian domination,” are very happy to be part of Russia.)
Russian NCOs (sergeants):
The Russian people approve of Putin by 80%.
They are far more Aryan in DNA than WE are!
Alexander Mercouris of the Duran (below) looks dejected, as did Scott Ritter on Redacted with Clayton Morris, who said “there is no one in Trump’s inner circle who is knowledgeable about Russia.”
Mercouris explains patiently and convincingly that Trump 1) cannot possibly bring Russia to its knees with any further Western economic sanctions, and 2) Trump is beyond insane to imagine that Saudi Arabia and China will sanction Russia to help him.
Trump wants the Saudis to hurt Russia by massively increasing their own oil export production, but 1) the Saudis get along very well with the Russians; and 2) in 2014 they did DO such a thing, but it only hurt themselves. The Russian economy even then was highly diversified and the fall in oil prices did NOT affect their foreign policy, which was to annex ethnically Russian Crimea and defend the ethnically Russian areas of Eastern Ukraine (Lugansk and Donetsk).
Beyond that, the arch-conservative Saudis massively reject Western atheism, satanism, feminism, LGBTQ, transgenderism and wokism, and see a Russia that once again is guided by the archconservative Russian Orthodox Church as a cultural ally.
As for China, why would it ever think for one second to help Donald Trump, of all people?
In fact, Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi just held a video summit meeting and both leaders, who are also DEEP PERSONAL FRIENDS, were effulgent in their praise for the gigantic Sino-Russian cooperation in all areas.
And so we see Mercouris very dejected. Trump is as insane as Caligula or Nero. He is doing the opposite of Teddy Roosevelt: He is walking loudly and carrying a small stick.
I will NOT allow Trump to blunder his way into WWIII!!!!! Or if he does, it will be AFTER getting my warning — and then he will roast in the fires of hell for causing billions to die! Russia literally wanted to be our FRIEND!
Russian children singing; my great error in Russia — the breadbasket obsession
I will end with this: Wikipedia:
He has also worked on policy to counter violent domestic extremism in the United States.[10]
After decades of Trump eating Big Macs and guzzling Diet Cokes full of toxic aspartame, Trump’s brain seems totally gummed up. Or is he an MK-ULTRA?
Russia’s economy is terrible, this war has destroyed their economy.
What Hitler said about genetics and race mixing is one hundred percent right.
The jew are the corrupters of men.
And only the stupidist most greedy degenerate scumbags will serve the jews. If it wasn’t for the jews this earth would be as close to divinity as possible.
1930’s natipnal socialist Germany was the closest we ever came to that.
I don’t like Putin at all, he is Georgian and he is achristian that thinks jews are gods chosen people.
He’s sacrificing millions of young Russian men in a pointless war that
should never have happened.
Everything you said about Putin is arrant nonsense and the 180-degree opposite of the facts. Whatever your reasons for being on my website — venting? — this must end today. Sorry, but I will no longer post your comments and endless lazy misspellings.
I hear conflicting reports about Russia’s economy. Mostly what I hear is that Russia is doing a fabulous job despite the sanctions. One can only hope the war in Ukraine will be over soon and that both Ukraine and Russia can move forward.
I concur with your opinion of Joshua Geltzer. I do wonder, though, if Trump is playing a certain group of people, or if he simply doesn’t have the intelligence to know what to do. Keep in mind if he tries too hard to gain favor with Russia, they will stop at nothing to discredit him, and he knows this. So he is walking a tightrope of sorts.
I am filming an important video today and addressing it to the little angel that sits on one of Trump’s two big shoulders. 😉 The problem is the little juish devil on his other shoulder. 😉
The man clearly has an understanding of the juish and racial problems, as did my own Republican father, also a businessman, but his understanding is rudimentary, and not an educated and informed position. I will again reach out to him, not as an enemy but as a friend of Making America Great Again.
Putin is the best leader of the world at the moment and Aryan at heart. Is Trump even on our side?
I would repeat what I said here to another commenter:
I am filming an important video today and addressing it to the little angel that sits on one of Trump’s two big shoulders. The problem is the little devil on his other shoulder. 😉
The man clearly has an understanding of the juish and racial problems, as did my own Republican father, also a businessman, but his understanding is rudimentary, and not an educated and informed position. I will again reach out to him, not as an enemy but as a friend of Making America Great Again.
Velhal, Trump is on our side, as much as he can be. His actions to secure the border and evict criminal aliens are laudable. As are his actions to end DEI and the absurd transgender agenda. Simply declaring there are only two sexes, which is obvious, was overdue and very necessary, yet only he has had the courage to do it, in the current climate. He alone has done so much to change the climate back to common sense, which is now a motto of the Republican party. On top of this he is going to be encouraging huge amounts of “drill baby, drill” to get oil prices down, which will also help to lower food costs and housing costs. Consider the alternative, Kamala was going to be a tool of the Marxists, just like Biden was. I can only imagine how bad this country was going to get, if she had won the election. We got a reprieve when Trump won, even if he isn’t perfect. He was the best man for the job by far, and the flurry of positive activity in only 5 days is very impressive.
Mich erinnert Franz-Josef Strauß von seinem Wesen her an Donald Trump.