This Dutch Waffen-SS man, I suspect, invented or exaggerated several things to say in this interview, shown below, to protect himself from the wrath of his demented fellow Dutch.
The Dutch have been taught to really hate the Germans, though they speak very similar languages and once were brothers in the same Greater Germany.
….and they obsessively triple-hate “the Nazis.”
And so oh my God, Anne Frank….you know, the sweet jewish girl who took a time-machine to write her diary in 1950, composing it miraculously with her futuristic ballpoint pen five years after her death, which death was by disease, btw (not Zyklon-B — I had just gotten the gas bill and cut the jews off 😉 ),…..
….and how the Wehrmacht stole our innocent Dutch bicycles….
…and they attacked us in little Holland, a neutral country…. (Hah! We Germans knew from intercepts that the Judeo-Dutch were arranging for British troops and the RAF to suddenly enter Belgium and Holland by invitation — and then attack Germany and its vital Ruhr industrial area from next-door!)
There has been a huge jew community in Holland since back in 1492, when the Spanish expelled their hook-nosed parasites.
So the “Dutch” jews came somehow to accidentally own the whole media.
(The same was true of the major newspapers in the 1930s up in Scandinavia: jew-controlled, always anti-German — and then foaming-at-the-mouth anti-NS.)
Here the Dutch Waffen-SS video is now… and, to repeat, some details are very questionable. Remember that Jochen Peiper was burned alive by French communists in 1977, and no arrests were made.
The nordic Peiper with a friend and two of his daughters, fathered pre-war:
It is vital to grasp deep inside you after this video that the Reds have not changed one iota.
They will do the exact same kind of atrocities to YOU too, where you will beg them to shoot you.
..just like my loyal SS bodyguard and telephonist 1940-45, Rochus Misch…
He wrote the head of the NKVD, Beria, in 1950, and requested to be shot after four years in the Lubyanka. .
Him too they had kicked the testicles in. He had kids before the war and none after.
Same goes for the handsome Jochen Peiper. Kids before the war, none after.
The US Army jews called “the Ritchie Boys” kicked their balls in.
William Perl
Harry Thon
Two non-jews but neanderthals, who as that and as marxists love torture…
….Whatever the Rittenhouse verdict
It is crystal-clear that the rule of law in the blue states is over.
As is beyond evident by the “murder” trial even happening — ignoring the hardest evidence of clear self-defense against four convicted felons — even and now we see the intimidated jury deliberating forever, the judge and jury are both terrified of the communist mob of Antifa and BKM… but also of bolshevik US Atty Gen’l Merritt Garland, the marxist FBI, the Bill-of-Rights-hating Big Tech and the pedophile-controlled MSM.
Their view is that of CRT, which says that white males are inherently evil and may not defend themselves under any circumstances — not even when:
1) kicked in the head by a negro felon (and Tucker Carlson justvdoxxed him),
2) slugged twice with a skateboard from behind,
3) told “I will kill you” by a maniac advancing with a chain, or
4) when a pistol is pointed at your face by an Antifa.
We are now seeing rightwing whites leaving the blue (leftist) states for red ones.
Note that many blue states contain fiercely red areas, such as my own Upper Michigan, and many other rural, white regions. Importantly, in these economically poor towns, many young white men join the military….and thus they can handle firearms and may even have combat experience.
And here in my isolated town of Ontonagon, pop. 1400, way up on Lake Superior, outsiders with money are buying up homes, long unsellable, for hard cash.
Many are white Chicagoans, military veterans….. and gun owners with dozens of firearms and lots of ammunition.
You do the math.
Either way the jury-pussies and the yellow judge end up deciding, the US will split up further into a pre-civil-war configuration.
Lots of European countries had Waffen-SS detachments. Even two W-SS regiments of Muslims were formed. Apperox. 50% of the Waffen-SS were foreign volunteers against the communists and the jews.
How many millions have these two cancerous movements murdered over the years?