Dutchman found the non-Illuminati a let-down; looking back on a lifetime here; three bisexuals on Pennsylvania Avenue against one John de Nugent

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A Danish comrade and longtime generous donor watched the two Ronald Bernard videos I ran yesterday…

Dutchman Ronald Bernard, former bankster, on his life and his NDE

….and commented:

Thanks, John. Some interesting parts was he mentions some of the illuminati have „special powers,“ which makes sense as they are Talmudists/Kabbalists, and are aided by evil powers.
Another was how, when he got out of the Illuminati, he found out how hard and difficult the real world is because of the ego in the normies and that it’s almost impossible to count on anybody.

I responded:

Good comment.

I knew the average Joe was “nothing to write home about” in 1978 when I rejoined the NS movement…. but to discover how many white nationalists are that way as well was a huge shock.

Hating Blacks and Jews does not make anyone a better person. Of course people dislike those who harm them! There is nothing idealistic about that. If you poke an amoeba with a needle it will slide away. Big deal! No one gets a medal for merely resenting our enemies.

What do you DO about it?

I could have started my movement six months ago without white nationalists betraying me.

Housing is a very important matter.

Three of the three people I took into my house when they were in truly desperate straits turned on me, people who sat at my table, slept under my roof, and ate my food for months on end. It is shocking.

And this is why aliens usually avoid us…. even the Nordics who feel sympathy for us. If you help an earthling, he will see you as a chump and turn on you. At age 69 I see it all clearly now. This is a bad-karma planet.

As the Turks say, “he who tells the truth should have one foot in the stirrup.” 😉

And yet life could be wonderful. Other humans, on other planets, live beautiful lives, growing and evolving in each life to a higher level. THIS is a big reason why governments lie about aliens — so earthlings do not realize how much different, how much better, their life could be.

The governments of this world want you to shrug your shoulders in resignation and mutter:

“Life’s a bitch and then ya die.”

In fact, this planet is the odd one, the exception.

Notably, in the famous scene with Jesus and the Devil on a high mountaintop, Jesus never denies that the Devil does rule “the kingdoms of this world,” but He still refuses to bow and worship Him.

At the time of Jesus, the Roman Empire had taken over most of the then-known world. It was such a “mixed bag.” One the one hand, Rome offered beautiful temples, artwork, philosophy, law and order, courts where you could sue someone who wronged you instead of picking up a sword — which the bad guy could do too —  cities with fresh water via aqueducts, sewage systems (very important in hot countries), schools, all kinds of shops and foods, and just general progress — for which reason I fought for Rome in several lives.

Amazing beauty….

My late friend Byron Jost was a fine WN videographer but an atheist and a young soul, and in despair he hit the bottle and then committed suicide in Thailand by overdosing. 🙁 🙁 He admired me but was bored by all my “talk” of reincarnation and spirituality, mere fluff for him. 😉 He would needle me, and sent me this — LOL.


But Rome was also mind-bending cruelty, and insane civil wars — Roman legions constantly fighting other Roman legions, which made the “barbarians” lose most of their respect for Rome. A third of all Roman emperors were assassinated by their own soldiers! And add to this sickening greed and oppression.

Rome was founded, according to the story by Romulus and Remus, who father was Mars (Ares to the Greeks), the god of war [a renegade nordic alien] who took an earth woman as his sex object. By the way, Romulus later killed his brother Remus, like the Cain and Abel story.


The Roman economy ran on slavery. If Rome decided to conquer a country and people, it sought some specious “justification,” such as “you threatened our ally.” If the tribe submitted, it meant crushing tax burdens and corrupt Roman governors who lined their own pockets.

If you refused to pay the crushing taxes, the Roman prefect would say, “Fine, then to pay off your tax debt, we will take two of your children as slaves, $500 apiece.”

But if a tribe refused to submit, if and when the tribe lost (but the ancient Germans and Scots, the Picts, fought the Romans off), all survivors could be killed or made into slaves.

Many male survivors went to the galleys (rowing) or the silver, copper, iron or tin mines, and died quickly.

Women went to the brothels if young and attractive. Seniors were either killed or made into field hands, cooks, etc.

Owners could and did rape or kill any slave, who had absolutely NO rights. (Things got better under Christianity.)

If one slave revolted against or killed his master, ALL the slaves could be killed. After the crushing in 71 BC of the slave revolt by Spartacus, six thousand slaves (the survivors of the final battle) were crucified along 120 miles of the Appian Way that led into Rome. It could take days to die this way. After all, no vital organs were damaged; you were just nailed to an object. Eventually, pain, exposure to the cold at night and to daytime heat, and thirst, and despair very gradually killed a man over a two-day period.

Germanic villagers who submitted but then revolted were crucified, then the bodies were hung on a cross in the village until the  corpses had rotted and stunk enough for the sadistic Romans.

UPDATED “Barbarians” — inspiring, disgusting, shocking, fascinating drama of Ancient Germany in revolt against Rome — and its profound lessons

Spartacus and 6,00o of his men along a Roman road 


A UFO expert with an excellent book under his belt told me that white Americans were abducted and taken in the 1960s to an earthlike planet (there are thousands of planets like earth just in our own galaxy). There they are kept at a 1940 level of technology, with no nuclear bombs, computers,l cell phones, or space-travel technology. They are allowed only to farm and do forestry. They are KEPT there and studied —  “this is what humans with bad karma are like.”

This is a very serious thing, and it is daunting to realize that I, like others before me, am trying to straighten out a planet full of bad or iffy people.

As they say in American English, “you are just asking for trouble.” My father said to me: “John, you can’t take on the jews.”

Me. “Dad, if we do not, they will do as they have clearly said — and exterminate us. How can the 2% that are jews possibly beat the other 98% that are white unless we are selfish cowards? Everyone I know is sick and tired of what is going on!!!”

“You’re a dreamer, John. You’re unrealistic. There is no pie in the sky.”

Well, this is the fruit of “realistic” surrender, of “being reasonable,” a ngr knocking a white woman out cold in public in front of her aging, obese white husband. (Notice how he confronts the negro and then scurries away?  How can he live with himself????)

THIS is what bourgeois “realism” got us!

However, just when part of me wants so give up in disgust, along come some wonderful people who really listen and grow.

As the Hindu sages say, you can grow 30 times faster on a planet like this one. On other planets, there is virtually no crime. There is no temptation. On one planet the last murder was 400 years ago. 😉 The worst thing that ever happens is two guys have a fistfight over a girl. 😉 They get counseling. After all, half the planet is women! 😉 Plenty of fish in the sea.

And is an earth woman really the answer to all one’s problems? (or an earth man?)

But HERE on this Wild West planet you can see and feel how horrible the egoic mind is. You can see and experience the effect of lies, of ingratitude, of betrayal, of selfishness and of cowardice.

Dr. William Pierce’s radio address (podcast) on the selfishness of the white middle class was an eye-opener. We always trash the jews, but this is letting us Whites off the hook too easy. There is something really wrong with the Whites here that the 2% of the population that is the jews can rule as tyrants over the 98% that are Whites. This is especially sickening because, as I said in another life, God actually does us the favor of making the jews literally LOOK just as evil as they are!

William Bullitt, whose mother was a (((Horwitz,))) was US ambassador under FDR, and secretly got Poland to savagely oppress its large German minority in order to kindle WWII.


The fact is this: just doing nothing in the face of evil is also a crime. Failing to render aid….

So, as people say under hypnosis about their future lives, we are headed toward either 1) a planet of growing love, dignity, beauty and truth, or to two nightmares, which I will list as 2) or 3).

2) is a post-nuclear-war planet, which has gone back to the Stone Age, to caves, to wearing furs, to bows and arrows and hunting. Huge urban areas remain in ruins. No woman, and no man either, is safe. To make it to 40 is an achievement.

3) is a high-tech police state with total surveillance and an ecologically polluted and mostly uninhabitable world. Many live in underground cities, or in domed cities, surrounded by a dead planet, and cameras and robots are everywhere, keeping an eye on everybody.

Or they live up on a huge spaceship, working away, then watching a screen at night and taking a happy drug.

The French have an expression for this kind of empty existence: “Metro, boulot, dodo” — “subway, work and sleep.”

There are multiple futures that await earthlings. Most of the white people I see today deserve and will go to 2) or 3).

They will reap what they sow.

But so do the noble few! 🙂 They go to 1), a national-socialist future, where people are friendly, curious, cooperative and enjoy helping others.

A little white boy shares a piece of cake….

In fact, our very brains secrete hormones to make us feel happy when we do noble things! There is even a “high” that comes from a sincere apology when we have done wrong and make amends. We feel deep inner peace when we accept growth!

For me, it was in the interlife 1945-54 and accepting the huge error of my anti-Russian policy. Look at Russia today, the ONLY white country left that is not a 100% jew slave plantation!

The solution is not to feel permanent disgust, bitterness and cynical dislike for humanity.

It is to learn again to love yourself, and do the things that make you again respect yourself.

I asked a person in Holland who had made a generous donation back in 2018 via PayPal, which Margi then still had (the jews closed it in 2020, having closed mine permanently in 2011) to chip in again.

He wrote back a hateful email from his keyboard. People who have never done anything but sit at their keyboard expect others to go out and change the world with no funds, no car, no house, and no means, and they ignore what the Deep State does to hinder the work of every serious activist who is considered to be potentially a real threat!

Just what I have been through should tell a spiritually awakened person that the Deep State has taken me very seriously. I can only laugh when misers say “How come you have not changed the world yet?” Umm, maybe because the jews give generously to THEIR activists??????


…… A comrade was puzzled

Your “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” forum topic is still up on www.thephora.net, although you probably already know that.

But the thing I was wondering was why your posts often display missing images. They all link to Photobucket, but with some, the image does not exist. Did something happen to your account there? Banned for ‘anti-semitism’?


I replied:

Good topic.

I had no website at that time, and was getting 5,000 views a day anyway just by posting on libertyforum.org, which the Jews shut down, Stormfront, where I had 264,000 views…..

….on “The Phora” and also on a forum based in Malta.

All my pix back then were indeed hosted on Photobucket, in my paid account, for $15 a month. Other images were posted on Margaret’s Photobucket account, which was not deleted. So those images on her account were/are still extant.

Margi and I (left half) in 2008

Today, all my pix are hosted on my own site, johndenugent.com, which costs me $250 a month to protect using special software and a  professional webmaster in Russia.

With no warning whatsoever, the jew-owned Photobucket simply deleted my PAID account in 2008 and kept my money. I had over 2,000 photos on there, many of them improved (labor-intensively) by me using GIMP, a free version of Photoshop.


Same thing happened with Wikipedia and Facebook — total deletion without the slightest warning, wiping out hundreds of hours of work.

Btw, I had 2,400 friends on FB the first time I was deleted, and 3,400 friends the second and final time, in March of this year, 2020.

My FB page in 2009



I am the only man in this planet with over eight million search results on my name on Google (https://www.google.com/search?q=john+de+nugent) and yet there is no Wikipedia article on a white nationalist who has repeatedly been on tv, and nearly won for US Congress!

The jews deleted the whole Wikipedia article that was up there at the urging of an editor calling himself “Hullabaloo Horowitz.” 😉

Btw, my website, the main way I communicate to the world, is not listed on the first six pages of Google. 😉

Same with my Stormfront thread — deleted without warning, with 264,000 views. I offer this screenshot again, just as I offer visible proof, wherever possible, of all my assertions.


Shephard Smith’s show on FOX interviewed me for 45 minutes in July 2009, in the wake of the July 2009 James von Brunn incident at the Holocaust Museum.s


Then Smith refused to show any of the interview I had spent 45 minutes in downtown Pittsburgh giving FOX, though I (via telephone conversations) had actually KNOWN THE SHOOTER.

The day NBC, FOX, and ABC’s Chris Cuomo interviewed me about James von Brunn and the Holocaust Museum shooting

Turns out Shepard Smith is a gay, a Deep Stater, Trump-hater and Russia-hater — and he quit Fox in 2019 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepard_Smith) because it did not bash Trump and Russia enough for him.


The Discovery Channel interviewed me in January 2010 for four hours on the Solutreans — and then used only 4.5 minutes of it, reduced later to just 2.5 minutes. They had to cut out the dog and the Christmas tree, which made me look too normal. 😉



Kinda makes ya wonder, don’t it? *;) winking



……Two Bushes and Obama against JdN (my travails only through 2017)


When I ran for Congress in 1990 in Tennessee, you, Bush I, and your GOP gang committed heinous vote fraud to deliberately steal my victory in the Republican primary in the Sixth Congressional District, south and east of Nashville, by blatant electronic voting machine fraud because I stood up for White civil rights.


See 9:58 to 19:02


A screen shot of the TV results before the fraud was complete; Nugent at 30% in a three-man race (Cochran at 37% and Embry at 33%) 



1) I was planning to run once again for US Congress in 2007, and my money man, Rick Knox, was meeting with three Mississippi millionaires, ready to finance my race.

(I was sorry to hear he died in July of 2019: https://ballot-access.org/2019/07/21/rick-knox-national-chairman-of-prohibition-party-dies/)

They even paid for polling in five different states, indicating I could win in two of those states on a pro-White platform.

Dubya’s hook-nosed masters then ordered the Mississippi State Police to pull over his car and search it for one hour, terrifying him and his wife.

Later he received death threats, and he abandoned his work for me as an intermediary to those millionaires, cutting off thereafter in fear for his life all further communication “in the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

The Pittsburgh girl Jackie Evancho does a sublime rendering of the National Anthem, ending in those very words about free and brave…... (My dad was from Pittsburgh and we lived there 2008-14.)


2) In November 2007, Dubya’s hook-nosed masters got their secret police agents into my apartment here (photo) 25 Glebe Road, Alexandria, Virginia.



They got past two electronic-lock doors, erasing three vital documents off two different computers, firing an electromagnetic pulse at my hard drives, and spray-painting a big red “SS”‘ on my carpet. Then they left the door wide open to tell me they had brazenly violated my private space.

This was on the afternoon of the very same day where, that evening, I intended to announce for US Congress in a northern Virginia special congressional election, the congresswoman, Jo Ann Davis, having suddenly died. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Ann_Davis)




I would have run campaign ads on the tv stations of Washington DC, creating an uproar over a man demanding civil rights for the oppressed White taxpayers of America.


3) In 2008, when an assistant came to join me from Europe, a slant-eyed Asian who was a Homeland Security official at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York warned him:

“Just remember, BOY,to be back on the plane in 90 days.


4) One of your first acts as puppet president, Mr Non-U.S. Citizen Obongo, was to order the arrest — in my presence, using three squad cars – – of said assistant in March 2009, who then spent 87 days in solitary in a federal detention center.

Comrades after a visit with him, outside the federal dungeon where he was kept in isolation east of Buffalo, New York. On the left is a Boer girl; a fmr Marine Corps major is center; and Margi is on the right.



He contracted also suspicious brain and intestinal troubles in federal custody. Then he was expelled for ten years from the USA. His crime, as my then assistant, was to embarrass your regime by applying for political asylum.

He was facing four years in prison in his unfree, ultraliberal European country, where it is a felony crime to exercise any free speech about minority crime. He had spoken out against the violent, sadistic gang rape of the White girls and women of his country by black muslim immigrants,





The jews push blacks (like this black and maybe-female) into the face of the blond Finns every single day, such as in this gigantic ad for Elovena breakfast porridge. The slogan ORDERS Finns to ” Get used to a new reality.”

And you had a muslim immigrant, Obama, whom you made into a Homeland Security official, a Mohammed Kalias, who does not even speak proper English, carry out the arrest and incarceration operation, seeking to terrify me.

You failed, and here I am today, denouncing you as ever!


5) Your jew masters, Obongo, orchestrated years ago the infiltration of the White nationalist movement.

Today it is pullulating like maggots in a dead cadaver from both 1) paid agent-infiltrators and 2) blackmailed leaders who do as they are told, fearing arrest. To stay out of prison they agree to defame any real leader with the potential to awaken the masses.

I had one of the biggest individual discussion threads in the history of one of those Internet forums, with a whopping 264,000 views, and just one day after my assistant was arrested by Homeland Security, that vast thread was frozen, then shut down, and I was suddenly defamed as being supposedly delusional and mentally ill.




6) My funding for federal college loans to study organizational management was then also cut off, in August 2009.

7) The Hidden Hand then blocked Moneygrams sent to me, telling my friends that they did not know me, and it was for their own protection to prohibit them from sending me large sums.

Once, they called a friend on his cell phone right while he stood in line at Moneygram to threaten him not to accept money meant for me.

8) They closed my Woodforest bank account, located at a Walmart in Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, with no clear explanation whatsoever. I was “high risk,” it seems. Yeah! To the jews! 😉

9) They closed my PayPal account permanently in October 2011, and kept the $228 in it for 18 months.

10) They closed twice, in 2011 and in 2020, the PayPal account even of Margaret, and of a fellow educator online, former major William Bates Fox, a Marine Corps officer for 15 years and a Harvard Business School graduate (shown above also).


Fox towers at 6 foot, 5 inches tall.


11) They hacked two computers using the normally secure Linux operating system in 2011.

12) Google deleted three of my YouTube channels and three of my gmail accounts.

13) They hacked the computer of an 18-year-old in Connecticut who was restoring my video about helping the suffering working class. (I got it done anyway, but the visual quality is poor.  It is one of my best videos.)



14) in South Africa, in 2012, they stopped the Internet connection of the website designer who designed my blog website.

15) They cut off Internet connectivity to my computers in 2012, requiring four hours on the phone and a $40 ee with the Netgear helpdesk to restore service to my router.

16) They snuck a code in 2012 into both the routers which my cable Internet provider and also my DSL phone Internet provider had sent me so that I myself, repeatedly, could not see or access my own blog to update it.

17) They deleted in 2013 dozens more photos out of my 2012 blogs.

18) They “turned” a young man with computer, military and car-related skills whom I had been helping with a place to stay; he embezzled $4,200, and despite my 16-page detailed report to the police, he was not arrested.




I accept these backhanded compliments from the Hidden Hand that is running our society into the ground, because it proves —

—that they fear me just as much as they hate me.

Jesus Christ said 2000 years ago to the Jewish leaders, in the Gospel of Saint John, chapter 8, versus 44:

You are from your father, the Devil. You

Jesus-zeffirelli-portraitseek to do the will of your father, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. If you cannot understand what I say, it is because there is no truth in you.


Gee, OMG, it sounds like Jesus was “full of hate.”

How un-Christian of Christ!

Thank God we today, as libtards and jew-lovers, know better than Jesus about those wonderful jews.;-)

The secret network destroying our nation thinks they are such brilliant masters of propaganda that they will defeat me by ridicule as soon as I launch my movement to liberate our nation. But he who laughs last laughs best.

They imagine they are such GENIUSES and in fact they call themselves “a royal race.”

In their megalomania, they wrote a religious book wherein they describe themselves as “God’s Chosen People.”

And they figure they can successfully ridicule me to death in the media they control.

They imagine in their state of delusion that between character-defaming me, or by seeking to grind me down in poverty, and by hacking every computer I have, and every website I put up, they dream they can make me weary of the struggle to some day find a way and the right time to rescue and elevate our people, and sav e them from the horror of genocide.

I am sure that when I lost my house in October 2011, and briefly even my health, and they caused pessimism and discouragement in my wonderful staff, and I ended up myself in a motel owned by a jew in a rundown neighborhood with screaming drug addicts and drunkards outside my window, that I would quit the cause of civil rights for Whites, for my people, and forever.

The Boathouse, Natrona, Pennsylvania — my $90-a-week “home” for five months in 2011-12

But this is a time for heroes.

No man has the right to run. If all become disloyal, yet I remain still true.

[Addendum: All this was written back in 2012. The jews have done a lot more to me since then!]

Like a threatening phone call directly from the Obama White House!




The Obama White House calls me on 23 November 2015 with a threat



…..The price of not selling my soul

As I wrote once, the fairly attractive Jewess Natalie Portman (Oscar and Golden Globe winner as Best Leading Actress!!!) is committing career suicide in Hebrewwood by her bold remarks on the Palestinians and the Holo. (Two smarmy idiots whom I just blocked — after several clear warnings — had denigrated her courage.)
This woman will lose MILLION$.
Do you faux “FB-post heroes” understand what is it like to give up your whole career — and your life’s dream — for the truth?
I do — I probably would have been a Mairne Corps officer for ten years, then a US senator — or even the President of the US today myself — if I had just toe’d the line, as my dad urged me repeatedly to do!
My father with Ronald Reagan 
With President Ford in the Oval Office
With Henry Kissinger and the Republican mayor of Providence 
His mansion overlooking Narragansett Bay and the Rhode Island Country Club
He and I in front of his house in a gated community, SeaGrove, in Vero Beach, Florida, on the Atlantic (https://realestatescorecard.com/community-reviews/east-coast-middle-florida/seagrove)
Vero Beach

…..My childhood in the MK-ULTRA/Manchurian program

FBI wants to talk to me December 2016:



It has been 45 years now of bitter sacrifice, but I will not stop until we

crush the jewish snake! 



Especially important blogs




  1. In my opinion, humans are a screwed up GMO experiment, half apes, half angels/aliens, with our animal instincts in constant conflict with our angel reason, sense of right and wrong. Life-threatening situations, alcohol, drugs, propaganda, pop culture, etc., mess with our angel side and help our animal side to take over control. Religion can help getting our inner Schweinehund , as the Great One called it, under control.

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